
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 7: Ogerath

Ogerath was nervous as she stood in front of the demon prince's throne. She had heard rumors that the baby demon prince, Kazrachhad a quick temper and was prone to throwing tantrums when things didn't go his way. But the opportunity to serve the prince as his personal maid was too good to pass up, so Ogerath had taken a deep breath and presented herself to, was a difficult child to handle, and that his previous maids had been driven away by his constant crying and screaming. But Ogerath was determined to make a good impression and prove her worth.

She bowed before the prince and introduced herself. "I am Ogerath, your highness. I have been assigned to be your personal maid."

Kazrach, who was sitting on the throne, looked down at her with his big, black eyes. He seemed to be studying her, trying to figure out if she would be a suitable maid. Ogerath held her breath, waiting for his response.

But instead of crying or screaming, Kazrach let out a small giggle, which quickly turned into a full-blown laugh. Ogerath couldn't help but smile at the sight of the baby demon prince's happiness.

From that day forward, Ogerath became Kazrach's personal maid, and she quickly learned that taking care of a demon baby was no easy task. Kazrach was demanding, and he required constant attention and care. But Ogerath was determined to do her job well, and she devoted herself to the task at hand.

She was responsible for feeding Kazrach, bathing him, and putting him to sleep. She also had to keep an eye on him at all times, as he was prone to wandering off and getting into mischief.

Despite the challenges, Ogerath grew to love Kazrach like he was her own child. She enjoyed watching him grow and develop, learning new skills and mastering new abilities. She also appreciated the trust that the demon prince had in her, and she knew that her position was important and respected.

As the years went by, Kazrach grew into a powerful demon prince in his own right, and Ogerath continued to serve him as his personal maid. But even as his responsibilities grew, Kazrach never forgot the bond that he had with Ogerath.

In fact, on the day of Ogerath's 319th birthday, he surprised Ogerath by giving her a gift. It was a small, silver locket that contained a picture of the two of them when Kazrach was still a baby. Ogerath was touched and overwhelmed by the gesture, and she knew that her role in Kazrach's life was more than just that of a maid.

She was a trusted friend and ally, someone who had been there for him from the very beginning. And even as Kazrach became one of the most powerful demon princes in the land, he knew that he could always rely on Ogerath, his loyal and devoted maid.

sry 4 grammatical errors

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