
Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

"This twisted world needs to be reset. That's what V2 is for!" ------------------------------------------------------------- Waking up only to find that she's reincarnated into a world very reminiscing of a game that she used to play, Yuki is suddenly thrust into a worldwide conflict. To ensure the longevity of her newfound motherland, Yuki will have no choice but to flip this war upside down. If only to finally has some closure for past life also. So buckle up, strap your helmet tight, and keep your rifle loaded and on safe. This is not your bog-standard story about overpowered characters on a battlefield, no. This is a story about warfare in all its bloodied glory, the leader that calls the shot, the soldiers that execute them, and the nation that's backing them up. And along the way, sprinkle those a healthy dose of beautiful maidens, lily/futa romances, and build a harem. This is not gonna be a quick and decisive run, no. We're in this one for the long haul. Hail, Ironblood! As of now, this story is available on Scribblehub, Patreon, Webnovel, and RoyalRoadl. Do note that I'm the actual author for this one. Send me power stones or better: Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Heartbreak117

Heartbreak01 · Quân đội
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296 Chs

RM Side Story 24: 8492nd (Part 18-1)

Author notes:

Alright! The first part to the finale of the GFL universe is here! And I must admit that I've outdone myself on this one. All those time spent on drafting a mental picture of what's going on in the actual story helped a lot in making a cohesive action sequence. And what do you know? During the one or two days period of me working on the next chap (had to research a fair bit about naval vessels) Private Pheonix Rampant, a long time Patron, has been promoted to the rank of Corporal!

Truly, thank you, my friend! This month has been nothing but trials for my family but it's people like them and your generous comments that keep me going. Salute!!!

With that out of the way, do enjoy the new chapter and the painstaking render pictures of Mobius and our cute Ningyo! Peace! (There are 3 pictures. If you can't see any, please head over to Scribble)


Cutting away a small slice of Black Forest cake, Morgan brings it into her mouth, savoring its texture and taste before giving her honest comment with a delighted expression. "This is marvelous! The texture and taste are truly exquisite! I must have the recipe, Kar98k!"

Sitting across the table, Kar98k sports a proud smile while nursing her coffee cup. She is visibly pleased that her baking skill has earned her a point from Morgan. "Thank you for your kind words, Morgan. And I will share my recipe through your tablet. While I may not be as well-versed in international cuisine as Springfield, I am very proud of my skill in German dishes. I did surprise you, have I not?"

Morgan giggles. "That you have, my fair lady." The pilot then takes another bite of the cake, clearly enjoying the soft, moist chocolate sponge cake layers with homemade whipped cream frosting and a sweet-sour cherry topping. While Morgan is having the time of her life, Kar98k diverts her attention to the side, seeing the parked Arias being serviced by Aria herself, Kalina, and a few T-Dolls led by Papasha.

After Kar98k was fixed up, she immediately borrowed Springfield's cafeteria to whip up her Black Forest cake. Knowing that Morgan and her lover were hard at work in the hangar, Kar98k brought the cake there, sharing it with both the pilots and T-Dolls alike. All of them gave her their sincere compliments and smiles but once their slices were finished, Aria immediately set them back to work. Funnily enough, Morgan was booted out by her lover despite the former's protest. Apparently, Aria didn't take too kindly of Morgan trying to join in doing laborious work. In this case, it's the work of mounting new weapons onto Base 794's air fleet. It's why Kar98k and Morgan are sitting on the sideline right now. Morgan was pouting at first, wanting to help the others, but Kar98k's shared with her the last of the cake, easily pacifying the young pilot.

To be honest, it's a heartwarming sight for Kar98k to see her savior enjoying her baking. It's to such an extent that Morgan even let out a very beautiful smile, one that nearly causes Kar98k's Neural Cloud to freeze up. Of course, Kar98k has saved and stored that particular smile for future reference. Like the soldiers of old and now are still doing, Kar98k will print out a picture with that smile, tucking it in the breast pocket of her uniform. Morgan's smile will be her personal good luck charm on the field. On a side note, Kar98k must admit that the pilot's charm is extremely lethal in close proximity. It's no wonder that the more, promiscuous girls of 794 are in a rut due to her. The sadomasochistic PPK is an extreme example but is a good one nonetheless. Kar98k wonder just how girls like PPK will react if she shows Morgan's smile to them.

Will their Neural Clouds just crash and burn like she almost did?

Thinking that far, Kar98k can't help but let out a soft chuckle, getting a raise of her eyebrow from Morgan. Kar98k shakes her head, reassuring Morgan that there's nothing of note. The rifle-wielding lady can't exactly say her plan out loud now, can't she?

All of a sudden, the base internal broadcast system is activated. Through the speakers installed in the hangar, Gentiane's grave voice can be heard.

"Kalina, Avalon Squadron, and Echelon 4, please report to the command center immediately. We have a situation."

Both Morgan and Kar98k share a look, with Kar98k nodding. "You should go, I will clean this up for you."

Offering an apologetic smile, Morgan stands up. "Thank you for everything, Kar98k! See you later!"

And with that, the pilots and the base's logistical officer vacate the hangar. Kar98k thinks to herself that something big is happening, making Gentiane's voice deadly serious.

"I wish you luck, Avalon Squadron." Kar98k prayed. She herself was not even sure to whom, however.


"Commander, video connection with Echelon 1 is re-established." The first thing that Morgan, Aria, and member of Echelon 4 see is Kalina calling out to Gentiane the moment they arrive at the command center.

"On screen!" Gentiane said, prompting Kalina to pull up a video feed on a large display.

On the large screen, they can see SCAR-L looking back at them with a metallic Sangvis backdrop. "This is Echelon 1 requesting immediate extraction from Sangvis territory! LZ Alpha and Bravo are compromised and are too far away! We've commandeered a train to get us as far away from the Carpathians as possible but we're being pursued by an unknown number of enemy units! Be advised, we have crucial intelligence that necessitates a physical handover. I repeat we need an evac out to secure vital intelligence against a possible WMD!"

Everyone, including Morgan and Aria, are surprised at that revelation. The last thing everyone expected to hear is that Sangvis has access to WMD. Helian, who has now returned to Base 794 after doing her paperwork, immediately interjects with a stern voice. "This is Chief Helianthus, repeat your last, Echelon 1, WMD?"

Suddenly, the train SCAR-L and her team are in is hit by something, causing a metallic groan and explosion to be heard as the team stabilizes themselves due to the subsequent shock. While the others take up a position to secure the integrity of the train and to prevent any boarding party, SCAR-L continues with her report. "We pulled the data package in their main hub, which include simulations and schematics of a weapon. Though to do that, we were forced to trigger Sangvis' alarm, inadvertently painting a target on our backs. Nonetheless, from what we could infer during our grace period, it's a giant installation that is hidden inside a mountain! HiPer theorized that this is probably a reactivated Relic, intending to be used as a weapon installation by Sangvis. Chief, it's unlike any weapon we have ever seen so far, but the devastation it can bring will be enough to bring a city back to the stone age!"

Helian lets out a rare, low curse. "Damn it! That's truly the last thing we need right now... Hang tight, we're extrapolating good extraction LZ for your team."

Morgan, who has been making herself useful while they're talking, instantly highlighted a location. "Judging from the speed they're going and how hot the pursuit is already, I say we pick this clearing just outside a forest due North of their position. In case they have to abandon the train, the route leading to that LZ has enough cover for a fight and retreat maneuver."

"Good choice of an LZ, now to actually send a helo to them..." Helian said, leading Gentiane to add. "That location is still very close to the heart of Sangvis, even with the cover of the night, trying to extract them is no different than suicide for our pilots!"

Morgan interjects in a joking manner though her expression clearly says otherwise. "Then is it a bad idea for me to say that only one Aria is fully loaded with munition? The other is not even armed due to the untimeliness of this situation. Though we can also send the drones to compensate."

Helian pinches the bridge of her nose at that. "Gosh, what I wouldn't give for a normal operation for once. Even if we have everything in the air, there's no telling whether our helos will be safe."

Something else evidentially has stricken SCAR-L's train again, only this time she is almost knocked off her feet. "I sincerely wish that the evac plan can be decided soon because they are bringing out the big guns from the look of it."

"There's not much time for them left. Regardless of the risk, we will have to deploy our birds. We need to learn everything we can on that WMD." Gentiane commented.

Morgan takes another look at the map before saying. "I think we can pull this off, however, I will need two Pave Hawks for this. One piloted by me and another with immaculate control over another. Aria here and her drones will be providing us with overwatch and CAS while we pick up Echelon 1. Echelon 4 will be for ground security. How does that sound?"

"This is your base, Gentiane." Helian deferred the choice to Gentiane with respect to her authority as the base commander.

"On such short notice, that's the best we can do. As for the other pilot, I can transfer BM59 to be under your command Morgan. She is actually the best heli pilot we have despite her field experience."

"Good to know. Aria and I will prep for takeoff while the girls get ready. SCAR-L, good luck." SCAR-L nods as the train is shaken once again. "Same goes for you, Morgan."

Morgan turns and shares a nod with Aria before the pair leaves the command room with haste.

"G36, you and your echelon prep for sortie also. I have a feeling we won't be getting any wink of sleep tonight." Gentiane wryly smiled at G36 who return it before performing a curtsy. The maid then leads her echelon out to grab their combat gears. Turning back to SCAR-L who is turned around to give an order to SCAR-H, Gentiane then says. "SCAR-L, help is on the way so you need to double-time to the new LZ. Disconnect for now and focus on getting you and your team out, alive! If any of you dare to die on me, I will kill you myself the next time you reboot. Capiche?"

Snapping out a salute, SCAR-L replies. "Understood, Commander. Over and out."

The screen then goes dark, showing a flashing video feed terminated font.


With the comms link cut, SCAR-L immediately turns around and snaps a few shots with her namesake rifle out a hole in the train cart's wall, hitting the head of a Dragoon and killing her in the process. The armed walker, having lost its rider, stumbles, and crashes on the ground before SCAR-L loses sight of it. All along the length of the train, many such holes are presented due to incoming fire from Sangvis' forces. Having been alerted that Team FN has stolen classified intelligence, Sangvis will stop at nothing to ensure their destruction.

Running along the length of the train and to the sound of gunfire, SCAR-L regroups with the rest of her team that is manning their makeshift firing ports. Sliding to a hole, melted by Sangvis' energy weapon but large enough for her to rest her rifle on, SCAR-L takes aim and engages another pair of Dragoons. Only this time, the Dragoons expected the retaliation and swiftly maneuver their walkers out of the way. Not just that, they return fire with their plasma machine guns, splashing against what's left of the armored on the cart but enough to cause SCAR-L to pull back.

While the attention of the Dragoons is pulled by SCAR-L, SCAR-H peaks out from another firing port and engages them at a different angle. Scoring squarely in the heads of the Dragoons, exploding their heads and eliminating the source of suppression on SCAR-L.

"Thanks!" SCAR-L turned to her sister who was changing for a fresh magazine. "You alright?" SCAR-L noticed that her elder sister had lost the white cap she tucked beneath her hood, letting her blond hair flow freely.

"Bitches singed my favorite cap." SCAR_H complained while pulling the charging handle on her sniper rifle.

Seeing that her sister is still able to joke about being shot at, SCAR-L breathes out in relief. "Yeah well, your wardrobe has like five other of the same design. It's no big deal losing one."

Instead of replying, SCAR-H rolls her eyes before mounting her rifle on the firing port, unleashing a few suppressed shots at the chasing them. From the look of it, her shots are doing God's work too for SCAR-L can vaguely hear more crashes and burns. Utilizing this chance, SCAR-L searches for the rest of her team.

HiPer is in the same compartment with SCAR-H and her, loading up SCAR-L's expended magazines with new rounds with deft fingers. The others, P90 and SCAR-SC, are probably running all over the train to put out either fires or pursuers. Activating the Zener Network, SCAR-L says. "P90, SCAR-SC, SITREP!"

"This is P90! Sangvis is boarding the rear carts! SCAR-SC and I are working on disconnecting them to hold them off!" P90 hastily responded over her own suppressive fire at a doorway leading to the lead carts.

"SCAR-SC here, magnetic locks are disengaging... Done! The rear carts are disconnected and are falling behind." Her younger sister said excitedly. "Come on, P90! We need to get to a more defensible location!"

"Ammo status, you two?" SCAR-L interjected.

"Not doing so hot on that front." P90 replied. "We're just about going to semi-auto just to conserve our ammo. And that's a nightmarish prospect for us SMGs."

"All members, conserve your ammo." SCAR-L said to everyone. "Command has given us a new exfil with two birds to pick us up. Rejoice, for one of the birds is flown by Morgan while Aria is our CAS. Standby for map update."

SCAR-L then shares the exfiltration vector with the team. Prompting HiPer, who is passing the refilled mags to SCAR-H, speaks aloud. "Isn't that LZ only 10 minutes out from our current position? We will be getting there in no time and there's still a lot of Sangvis chasing us!"

SCAr-H chimes in. "She is right. I've never seen this many Dragoons and Scouts before. If we dismount the train, we risk being run over due to us being on foot while they have walkers and hover drones."

"That's what I am worried about too." SCAR-L sighed before speaking over Zener. "However, I think I have an idea."

The pair sharing her cart raises their eyebrows at SCAR-L. The girl in question just speaks over Zener. "SC, you said that we have a cart full of those Dragoon walkers. Do we still have it?"

What she hears in return is the sound of plasma impacts and suppressed gunfire before SC replies after a few seconds. "A bit busy here sis, but yes! We still have that cart and it's the cart next to you, why?"

"I want us to ride them to get the Hell out of Dodge!" SCAR-L gave her reason, leading SC to shout. "What, are you insane?! Have any of us ever been certified to pilot an armed walker?!"

"It's either that or we risk going on foot and being surrounded! Can you do it or not?" SCAR-L fired back, both words and guns at Scout trying to approach their train.

"NO...! Maybe!? YES!!! I need HiPer to help me though!" SCAR-SC's Digimind ran a thousand miles a minute to formulate that response.

SCAR-L turns to HiPer. "Go help that sister of mine, HiPer! We don't have much time!"

The girl nods before dashing down the metallic hallway. Along the way, a Dragoon decides to jump onto an opening in the wall that was created by plasma fire, finding purchase on an extended piece of railings. Unfortunately for her, HiPer is nearby and she has pulled out one of her pistols and vibroblade. With the blade held in a reverse grip in her left hand, HiPer stabs the blade into the shoulder of the Dragoon, forcing her to drop her plasma pistol. Not finishing just yet, HiPer brings up her pistol in between the dilated optical pupils of the Dragoon, and with an executioner's expression, she pulls the trigger.

As the corpse of the Dragoon is now rolling hard on the ground like a tumbleweed, HiPer has rejoined with SCAR-SC in the cargo cart. There, the pair goes to work on bringing the walkers online. SCAR-SC takes up an operational terminal to disable the software restriction while HiPer starts removing the physical locks on the walkers' legs. While they're trying to break the restrictions as fast as they can, P90 suddenly runs into the cart, hastily closing the metallic door behind her after tossing something behind it. A muffled bang can be heard on the other end.

Though she looks a bit worse for wear, P90 isn't sporting any visible injury from what HiPer can see. "Hi!" The squirrel of the team waved at them before moving to a corner to reload her SMG with another 50-round magazine. "I tried to hold them off but whenever I reload, they kept gaining ground. A few of them have already boarded the train so I sealed off the corridor with EMP and incendiary grenades. It will only buy us a couple of minutes or so, however." Chambering a new bullet for her namesake gun, P90 stands guard while the others are at work.

"This is SCAR-L, we're less than five mikes away from the dismount point. You girls done yet?"

SCAR-SC replies immediately. "HiPer has removed the physical locks. I will be needing another minute to crack the software, however. But now will be a good time to get back here, sisters."

"Copy that, we're moving." Half a minute later, SCAR-H opens the door to the cargo while being covered by SCAR-L. The latter suppresses the Sangvis boarding party until she is tapped on the shoulder by her big sis. Firing the last of her magazine before retreating under the covering fire from SCAR-H, SCAR-L then starts to close the door when they're in the clear, not forgetting to chuck another incendiary at Sangvis for good measure.

With Team FN all accounted for, SCAR-SC seals the entrances into this cart before making the train go way above the safety limit. The sudden speed increase causes the carts to shake and the others to inquisitively look at the SCAR-SC.

The carbine-wielding girl just smirks. "Just something for Sangvis to clean up after us. Now get yourself on a walker, should be like a kid's ride, hopefully." All of them then proceed to pull the hoods of their cloaks up and mount a walker of their own. After making sure that everything is set, SCAR-SC turns to her team. "Once the ramp is lowered, we will be seeing a lot of Sangvis movement so use the walkers' machine guns to clear a path. They're set to aim at wherever you look so just fire away. Ready?"

All of them nod in return so SCAR-SC triggers the ramp mechanism, lowering it and allowing them to see the speeding terrain and a group of Scouts that is inbound on an intercept path. SCAR-L doesn't waste a second and order. "Engage!"

Commanding their walkers, Team FN unleashes a withering hail of plasma projectiles at the Scouts while jumping out of the moving train. True to their concepts, the Scouts are lightly armored so they stand no chance against the heavy armaments aboard the walkers. With their way forward clear, Team FN starts moving away from the train as it's moving too fast to perform that sharp turn that's ahead of it. The echelon watches as the train they were on derailed, crashing and tumbling into a gigantic heap of metals while they were making their way into the forest. SCAR-H even laughs at the sight, swearing that she can see the dumbfounded look on a few Dragoons unlucky enough to be caught in the crash.

The sudden change from a railroad to a crash-and-burn scenic trip seems to have caught Sangvis off-guard as Team FN isn't spotting any pursuer. Utilizing the unexpected breather and the walkers' extreme all-terrain maneuverability, SCAR-L's echelon is quickly approaching the LZ. Possibly even ahead of schedule, SCAR-L thought to herself wistfully.

Suddenly, something explodes right in the middle of Team FN's formation. The last thing SCAR-L remembers is her being knocked off the walker as it's sent flying into the air. After that, everything just fades to black.


It's a weird feeling, to be able to feel that someone is moving you, trying to help you, yet, you aren't really awake. Your consciousness is stuck in a weird sort of limbo that while it's registering external inputs, your mind can't process most of it due to sudden traumas. SCAR-L is experiencing just the same, only that she is also feeling tired and drowsy and is unable to formulate any response to the stimulus. She can't quite put a finger on why she is stuck in this state of fluctuating level of consciousness, but she does know that her body has taken severe damage. It's the only logical explanation for this peculiar state.

Fortunately for SCAR-L, whoever is helping her is doing a good job of bringing back her consciousness from that limbo. And as more and more of her focus is brought back, SCAR-L is slowly regaining control of her body. A gasp escapes her lips as her olfactory module struggles to process the ashen air, polluted with the smell of ozone and leaked coolant fluids. SCAR-L tries to stand up in reflex but immediately falters. She is supported by someone when before hitting the dirt, however. And when her optical sensors, her eyes, have adjusted their focus, SCAR-L realized that the person that has been patching her up is HiPer. Team FN's spotter and medic.

"You need to stay down, SCAR-L! Let me finish patching your wounds first!" HiPer has clearly seen better days. A horrendous scorch mark scarred her face while her left arm, from the elbow down, is burned away and revealing the mechanical body beneath the artificial skin. Fortunately or not, she still retains some semblance of motor capability with the injured hand. SCAR-L's heart bleeds, however, at the sight of one of her sisters being damaged this badly. She struggles a bit but is finally able to form a few words. "W-Where... are the others?" SCAR-L's voice came off as much more synthetic and less natural than before. If she can even trust her hearing to not be messed up in the first place.

Though HiPer can't really form an expression due to the scar that marred her face, her eyes are still able to convey the relief she is feeling. "Aside from the both of us, the others escaped that missile blast with minor injuries. You, however, are the one hit the hardest due to your close proximity to the explosion. As much as it pained me to inform you, you have lost your legs, SCAR-L. I've taken the liberty to disable your pain receptor altogether as it has taken damage too. It's why you aren't feeling any pain when you should have. I was afraid the errors the pain receptor returned would do more harm than good."

Raising her head to look at the stumps that are what's left of her legs, SCAR-L can only lower her head down with an annoyed, mechanical sigh. "And I was liking my cape... Blasted Sangvis scums!"

HiPer chuckles at the notion that SCAR-L is more frustrated about the camouflage cape that Morgan gave her than the fact that she just lost her legs. "I'm glad that you feel the same as I do then. My cape burned up pretty bad but it saved me from most of the blast fragments."

SCAR-L tries to smile. "Can we ask her to make more for us? Say, a daytime and a night-time cape?"

Trying to keep the conversation going while fixing up whatever she can, HiPer replies. "We can submit an order for her..." Going on to reworking SCAR-L's coolant system, HiPer continues. "When we get back alive. There, this is the best I can do."

HiPer appears apologetic for not being able to help SCAR-L much. Nonetheless, the leader of Echelon 1 is still very grateful. Hence, she returns a smile and takes in the intact hand of HiPer, squeezing it reassuringly. HiPer eyes twinkle in glee despite the grim situation they're in. The medic of the team then crouches walks to a corner of their hiding place, an old cabin in the woods, and retrieves something for SCAR-L. The girl is surprised and happy to see that her namesake assault rifle is still intact, minus the blemishes on the paint job.

"I've checked the integrity of your rifle," HiPer said while handing over the gun to SCAR-L's outstretched hands. "She's a bit banged up..."

SCAR-L finishes up the sentence for HiPer. "But she will get the job done." Both girls share a smile before they're rudely interrupted by the door slamming open.

HiPer turns into a swirl and dashes at the intruder with her vibroblade in hand while SCAR-L aims her rifle at the unexpected guest. And as HiPer raises her blade to the neck of the intruder while diverting their weapon away from them, the intruder shouts in a feminine voice with a surrendering gesture. "Friendly! Friendly!"

The air in the cabin seems to still as both HiPer and SCAR-L take a closer look at the new arrival. Now that they focus their attention on the girl, there's an IFF tag that denotes her as SCAR-H. Lowering her rifle with a heavy sigh, SCAR-L can't help but admonish her big sister. "Aren't you taught how to knock before you come in a house, sis?"

SCAR-H pulls down the hood of her cape while rolling her eyes. "Well excuse me when I don't have the time to knock! We need to relocate, now! SC and P90 are holding them back for now but not for long as they're very low on their primaries. If we linger here any longer than we should, we risk being cut off from the LZ altogether."

HiPer adds. "The LZ is only a kilometer away, we can make it in time for the rendezvous if we move now."

"And of course, we won't be leaving you behind, SCAR-L. So don't even think about it!" SCAR-H cut off the words that SCAR-L was just about to say. Smiling wryly, SCAR-L can only helplessly shrugs. "One of you will have to either drag me or carry me out then."

Surprisingly, it's HiPer that answers. "Considering that you're half of the girl you used to be right now, I have fashioned a strap that allows me to carry you on my back!" Having said that, HiPer shows them the strap she made from the materials laying around while SCAR-H fails to muffle her giggle at that side jab HiPer made.

"Haha... Very funny you two." The pair just laugh at SCAR-L's expense before SCAR-H helps situate her sister on HiPer's back. The strap is made so that SCAR-L is looking in the opposite way of HiPer, allowing her to use her rifle to engage hostiles coming at them from behind. They finish fixing SCAR-L in place not a moment too soon as SCAR-SC and P90 bust into the cabin.

"Come on, girls! We don't have all day!" P90 said while discarding her namesake SMG for her sidearm, an FN 5.7. Coincidentally, Team FN's sidearms are either the FN 5.7 or the FN HiPer for bullet and magazine compatibility. SCAR-SC seems to have a magazine or two left for her namesake carbine so she hasn't switched out yet.

The team shares a nod before both SCAR-H and SCAR-SC toss out smoke grenades on the way to the LZ. When the smoke cloud grows large enough, the team dashes out of the cabin in a triangle formation with HiPer and SCAR-L in the center with SCAR-H taking point and P90 and SCAR-SC shoring up the rear. The moment they run out of the cabin, however, it's lit up by multiple plasma bolts, decimating and setting the whole place on fire. It's only when a few Prowlers spot Team FN coming out of the smoke cloud and alert the rest of Sangvis that they stop firing at the log cabin.

SCAR-H curses when she notices that some Prowlers and Scouts are moving to cut off their retreat. It's impertinent that they must be stopped so she raises her namesake rifle and engages the ground drones while running. Despite the suppressive fire from the machine guns of the Prowlers, SCAR-H is still able to engage the drones with deadly accuracy, shutting down either their central processing unit or the gun itself. Behind her, SCAR-L, SCAR-SC, and P90 are busied with removing the T-Dolls pursuers. Rippers and Vespids chase them with restless abandon and it takes the combined firepower of an assault rifle, a carbine, a pistol, and a few grenades of different types, just to hold them back, barely.

HiPer, being the only one who hasn't engaged yet, reports. "100 meters to the LZ!"

Despite the good news, the team is just too occupied to formulate a response. Suddenly, SCAR-L detects a hazard and is quick to warn the rest. "Nemeum!"

Just a single word is quick to force the team to immediately jump and disperse in every direction. Unfortunately, HiPer, with SCAR-L on her back, is a tad too slow to fully escape the shockwave of the biped railgun's attack. The pair is launched forward into the air as the strap HiPer fabricated is broken, sending both HiPer and SCAR-L in different directions. SCAR-H, who has recovered from her ducking movement, lies on her back and opens fire at the Nemeum. Her armor-piercing rounds make short work of the major threat before she stands up, providing covering fire for the others to regroup.

"Quickly! Pick them up!" Accentuated by the suppressed return fires from SCAR-H, P90, and SCAR-SC hurriedly move to help HiPer get back up on her feet. P90 then moves off to hold SCAR-L up, dragging her back with one hand while the other is used to shoot at Sangvis scums with her pistol. HiPer and SCAR-SC assume a defensive posture with SCAR-SC moving to tap SCAR-H's shoulder, thus exchanging their position. SCAR-H goes to reload her rifle while SCAR-SC takes the rear, using her last magazine to accurately engage the Rippers that are rushing at them.

HiPer supports her team by using two of her namesake pistols and conservatively engaging the nearest enemy, always going for the heads or the more obvious weapons they're holding. If she can't kill them, then it's best to disable their means of attack.

SCAR-L fares the worse in her team though. That railgun round did a number on her left arm, making it unserviceable. Thus, the team leader is engaging the fast-moving Sangvis with nothing but one hand, holding up a full-sized assault rifle. And trust SCAR-L when she says that it's a pain to reload her rifle with nothing but one hand while she's injured. When she used up her last mag, SCAR-L discards her namesake and pulls out a HiPer pistol instead, immediately donking a Ripper that breaks past their line of fire in the head. SCAR-L is not the only one forced to discard her primary for SCAR-SC is also out, bringing out an FN 5.7 instead.

With only SCAR-H as the only viable rifle wielder to still have ammo, the five-girl echelon now has a remarkedly reduction in firepower. A matter that Sangvis is quick to capitalize on and their ferocious assault is intensified. By the time they make it to the clearing outside the forest which is their LZ, Sangvis is just about to run them over when rockets rain down from the sky, exploding in the middle of the enemy formations. Limbs and heads get sent sky high as Team FN can't help but look up to see an armed Pave Hawk flying overhead after completing its rocket run, the door gunners on the Pave Hawk use their GAU-21s to lay down suppressive fire while they're flying over the enemy.

Then, from behind them, another two bright streams of .50 caliber tracers blanket the tree line. It's another Pave Hawk that is going down for a landing approach. The pilot of said Pave Hawk is none other than BM59, a girl they're familiar with back in Base 794. Knowing that it's their chance, Team FN quickly makes their way to the landed Pave Hawk. Three passengers of the Pave Hawk also dismounted, and led by G36, the group moves to secure both the LZ and the extractees.

While the landed Pave Hawk is securing Team FN, the one that strafed Sangvis earlier is lowering its altitude after circling back, coming in for another attack run. It's a surprise to Echelon 1 when the IFF designated the attack helo as Morgan. It sure brings smiles to their faces when Morgan lights up the forest by unleashing a relentless hail of 30mm HEDP shells from the two outer pylon-mounted M230 Chain Guns. The incessant thumping of autocannon fires and explosions going off is no different than a revitalizing orchestra for Team FN. Very soon, Team FN has boarded their extraction ride and BM59 announces that she is gaining altitude. And together with Morgan's helo, they make for a hasty evac with Aria providing a protective umbrella with her captured UCAVs.

Being secured into a seat by G36, SCAR-L is quick to offer her thanks to the maid, the rest of Echelon 4, and BM59 that have taken up the dangerous task of pulling them out of Sangvis' net. She then connects to Morgan's flight, speaking to the daring mortal pilot that has no doubt volunteered herself to lead this CASEVAC operation.

"Morgan?" SCAR-L asked over the Zener Network. Despite her battle-worn body, she sounds spirited. "I'm not sure that simple thank you will suffice..."

Giggling amidst the sound of rotor blades, Morgan replies. "I'm not picky about my remuneration, SCAR-L. Since we're friends here, just your sincere gratefulness is enough for me."

"Aliana." SCAR-L suddenly said, surprising herself and her teammates.

"Yes?" Morgan asked back, not sure what she meant by that.

"... Aliana. That's my real name." SCAR-L let out a smile.

"... Aliana, huh? Noble. Gracious. Bright. Beautiful... It's a fitting name for you." Morgan said sincerely, making Aliana break into a sunny smile despite everything that happened to her earlier.

"Thank you..." Aliana leans back in her seat. "Sorry that we ruined your capes, Morgan."

The pilot just laugh, not minding the fact that her works were destroyed or damaged. "Don't worry about that. They've served their purpose and getting you all out, alive. That's what matters here. Now get some rest, all of you. You have been through a lot so the last thing we need at debrief is for someone to shut down due to battle fatigue.

Aliana giggles but ultimately complies and closes her eyes. The others of the team seem to be doing the same while Echelon 4 maintain a close eye on their surrounding.

The flight home is uneventful, much to the relief of everyone involved.

As usual, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! Please, leave a like, a comment, or a review if you have the time to motivate me further!

You can also come and check out my other fanfic which is Random Omniversal Bar!



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