
Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

"This twisted world needs to be reset. That's what V2 is for!" ------------------------------------------------------------- Waking up only to find that she's reincarnated into a world very reminiscing of a game that she used to play, Yuki is suddenly thrust into a worldwide conflict. To ensure the longevity of her newfound motherland, Yuki will have no choice but to flip this war upside down. If only to finally has some closure for past life also. So buckle up, strap your helmet tight, and keep your rifle loaded and on safe. This is not your bog-standard story about overpowered characters on a battlefield, no. This is a story about warfare in all its bloodied glory, the leader that calls the shot, the soldiers that execute them, and the nation that's backing them up. And along the way, sprinkle those a healthy dose of beautiful maidens, lily/futa romances, and build a harem. This is not gonna be a quick and decisive run, no. We're in this one for the long haul. Hail, Ironblood! As of now, this story is available on Scribblehub, Patreon, Webnovel, and RoyalRoadl. Do note that I'm the actual author for this one. Send me power stones or better: Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Heartbreak117

Heartbreak01 · War
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296 Chs

RM Side Story 24: 8492nd (Part 18-2)

Author notes:

The last part before the Omake! If you find it any bit rush then because it was! The subsequent development shouldn't be show by this fiction, but it's to be continued in R.O.B (If I actually have the time to write that lol) But don't worry, there will be an effect on Yuki's home world, mostly technological stuff but you get the idea.

Aside from that, we hereby welcome our newest Captain of the Reich! Let's give a warm applause to Captain Anders Moegreen Hjortshøj! A thank you to him and to all of you who have supported this story, and subsequently, my family!

Now then, speaking of technical stuff, I don't believe there's a picture of our resident mechanical genius yet, so here, 3 pictures about her lol!


"That so call WMD of yours," Morgan, together with Aria, the officers of G&K, and members of Echelon 1, are gathering next to the repair bay designated for SCAR-L, otherwise known as Aliana. "Is not a true weapon per se. Rather, it's a derelict terraforming device that was haphazardly reactivated and weaponized into a ground-based, planetary bombardment installation of sorts."

After Echelon 1 has been safely extracted back to Base 794, they dropped off the captured data onto Morgan. The pilot has been quick to analyze it and is now disseminating the information to the parties involved in the mission earlier. Even Aliana, whose legs are being worked on by HiPer, tunes in to the briefing.

"Terraforming device?" Helian perked up at that. "As in the hypothetical machine that can help transform planets to be more suited for human beings?"

Morgan then makes a finger gun at Helian. "You got that one half-correct, Helian. The terraforming device is coded for an alien species. Its terraforming process, when finished, will make Earth unhabitable for humankind. Hence it took Sangvis almost no trouble at all to convert it to suit their more sinister needs. From what I can see, however, the origin of this device is unknown. As in it bears no resemblance to the architecture of the Relics of your world. As for what its effects are when deploy..."

Morgan then inputs a command, running the holographic simulation of the installation in action for all to see. She then explains further for the rest. "To put it in layman's terms, the weapon will fire a beam of energy into the atmosphere, thus generating a powerful lightning storm in the targeted area. There is an approximately 12-second delay before the lightning storm cloud is visible. 2 seconds after that, the lightning bolts commence. The duration of the strike is proportional to how much energy has been discharged from the installation. Due to the nature of the highly energetic storm, it's safe to say that all technologies in the affected area will be disabled. You can even make the argument that just a single rain droplet in the storm is enough to short-circuit most handheld devices as it's that volatile. I need not explain how much devastation this will bring upon an army group or a populated city, no?"

The others frown, seeing the holographic projection of a storm cloud striking thunders on a hypothetical city. Helian, on her part, has a grave expression. "Just this alone is enough to cripple a nation. If Sangvis is able to get this thing online, then the war is lost before it even started."

Morgan scratches her cheek with a wry smile at that. Aria, who is the most intimate with Morgan, knows that she isn't done with the news train. "There's more to this, right?"

The others turn to Morgan at the question. Sighing, Morgan helplessly nods. "In a way, a terraforming device is a God's toy. Sangvis is basically holding a gun at humanity's head by retrofitting such a device for a more sinister purpose. And the thing is, it's already completed. The only thing left is for Sangvis to test-fire it a month from now. A timeframe that is no doubt has been moved up ahead of schedule after the shenanigan we pulled last night."

"Well, this is just great." Gentiane sighed, suddenly being confronted with the fact that there was a timer on their heads.

"So... What does this mean to us?" P90 asked with an unsure smile.

HiPer answers while attaching a new leg for Aliana. "It means that we have to destroy it as soon as possible, regardless of the cost."

"Yikes... And we just barely got out of that alive." P90 collapsed onto a spare bed with a thud. It's not just her but also the other members of Team FN who are sporting various degrees of battle fatigues.

Kalina, who is helping HiPer pass her the necessary toolings, asks Helian. "Chief, can't we bring the Army in since this is obviously way above our paycheck."

Helian nods, saying. "I am planning to right after this. However, there's still the matter that Sangvis will be able to detect the Army's response force from miles away. Sending in the Army may just force Sangvis to act even faster now."

"But at least we will be able to get whatever help we can. The government may even be willing to loosen the equipment restriction on our company." Gentiane added. "But then again, it may not amount to much when Sangvis literally has the biggest gun. I am deeply afraid for my girls when they decide to unleash a storm of lightning above their heads."

SCAR-SC chimes in. "If the Army isn't the way then why can't the Soviets use their Air Force? I reckon they can bomb everything if they invest enough."

Morgan shakes her head, pulling out the layout of the installation hosting the weapon. "A bombing mission won't be enough. Sangvis literally hollowed out a mountain to hide the weapon. They also set up defensive AA positions and CIWSs all over the mountain range and I doubt this map you gave me showed the full picture of what to be expected. Short of nuking the area, which I highly doubt they will choose to do due to the fallout, the only option left is to mount a major, combined-arms operation to flush Sangvis out of the Carpathians. The only downside is just like what Helian said, they will see this coming."

Aliana, who is already on a bed, sighs melancholy. "If only we didn't need to spring that alarm to get that data package. Perhaps we would have time to formulate a better response."

SCAR-H, who is leaning by her sister's headrest, pats Aliana on the shoulder in silent comfort. Aliana responds by bringing grasping SCAR-H's hand with her refurbished arm. The members of G&K aren't sure about how to proceed. Seeing them in deep thought like that, Morgan and Aria share a knowing look.

It seems like their time has come.


Despite brainstorming for ideas from early daybreak till late evening, the G&K staff all agree that with the limited options they have available, it's better to warn the government first. As such, Helian has forwarded everything they have to the man-in-charge of G&K, Berezovich Kryuger himself. And using his connection as a retired military officer and former commander of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Neo-Soviet, Kryuger is quick to alert the top brass of the Neo-USSR of the new development. Words fly around that they are appalled and a fire is lit under their seats while they hastily discussed countermeasures to this new threat. A threat that may blow up in their face as it can invoke WW4 and the world as they know it will end.

Kryuger has ordered that all sectors are to be on alert and standby for further directives, Base 794 is also not an exception to this order. As such, it's shocked both Gentiane and Helian, who are resting for the night in their quarters, when Kalina barges into their rooms, screaming the question. "Why is it that the 8492nd Squadron is taking off!? Avalon is not responding to any of my hail and is taxing on the runway right now!"

"WHAT!?" Both Helian and Gentiane hastily put on their coats before dashing for the ATC tower. Something is wrong and they need to know what.


"This is Commander Gentiane to the 8492nd Avalon Squadron! You better give me a damn good reason why the hell you woke me up to an unauthorized take-off procedure! In the middle of the night no less!" Gentiane nearly screamed over the opened comms channel when she saw the Arias performing their vertical takeoff maneuver. Turning to Kalina, Gentiane questions. "You were the last to talk with them. What were they doing then?"

Kalina scratches her head. "Well, Papasha and I were helping them rearm their planes according to their specification. Back then, they didn't seem like they will do something like this!"

Suddenly, a charming laugh is heard from the other end of the comms channel. "Don't blame Kalina or Papasha, Gentiane. It's not our intention to let you girls know about what we will be doing soon. Had you known about our intention, I doubt you would let us sortie."

Gentiane looks outside, seeing the Arias already hovering above the air, leveling their altitude to that of the height of the ATC tower. While Gentiane and Helian can't see the pilots due to the armor plating on the cockpit, they have a feeling that both Morgan and Aria are staring right back at them. "You say you're sortieing, but for what? There's no ongoing mission nor is there any distress call. Unless..."

Helian finishes that sentence. "You want to deal with the weapon, alone."

Morgan chuckles. "Technically not alone as I have Aria with me, mind you. And in case you've forgotten, both of us are here to deal with an anomaly, one that does not belong in this world's destiny. By now, you should have guessed what I mean."

Gentiane frows, replying with clear frustration in her voice. "That terraforming device is the anomaly, isn't it?" She breathes out. "Even so! You two can't just go at this without support! That's no different than suicide!"

It's Aria that answers Gentiane's exclamation. "We are more than enough, Gentiane. If that installation is not of this world, then we just deal with it on our own terms."

"In other terms, fight fire with fire." Morgan added with a patience and kind tone. "I know you're worried, about us. But you must understand that we are tasked with a mission, one that revolves around the fate of your world. We can't just sit on our laurels now that we learned those new information. And if this world is unfit to defend itself, then we will pick up the slack, alone if we have to. I am not gonna let the friends I've made along the way, perish due to some godforsaken reasons." Aria also hums in acknowledgment of the last sentence.

The others in the tower feel their heart sink at the assertion. They also feel elated that the pilots once again confirmed the new bonds they've helped create. Yet, what they're feeling the most right now is none other than frustration. One that's born out of their lacking strength and not being able to support their comrades in defending the world that's not theirs to begin with. And while they're not sure what to say in return to Morgan's assertion, the door to the ATC tower is swung open as familiar faces pour in.

"Morgan!" Aliana shouted while running toward the viewing windows. She is followed by the rest of Team FN and even Kar98k. Kar98k looks at the G&K officers and nods with a wry smile. "Sorry, madams, I tried to advise them but, as you can see..." Kar98k gestures toward Echelon 1, earning knowing nods from the human officers.

"Morgan! Aria! You don't need to do this on your own!" Aliana shouted at the hovering aircraft. "Surely we can work out something together, one that doesn't involve you two flying in the dark!"

A brief silence follows after Aliana's intrusion before a melancholy sigh is heard. "You girls should be in bed right now... But I guess it would be impossible for you to not wake up after this upheaval movement." Morgan jested.

The young pilot then continues. "As I have said, we are here to fulfill our mission, securing a future for this world, for you. And during our short stay here, we have managed to befriend and even fight together with you, the shining beacons in a brave new world." Morgan then stops before chuckling. "We managed to even snag a love interest or two! I am looking at you, Gentiane, and a few others who are being very vague in their feelings. Hence I can speak for both myself and Aria that this world, while not exactly our home, is worth fighting for due to the experiences we have along the way."

Gentiane, though she blushes at being called out, smiles sadly. "But didn't you two say that you will return to your homeworld when you're done here? That will give me-, us no chance at all to confirm our feelings."

Morgan giggles. "I did say that, yes. And it's true that we will need to return almost immediately."

That confirmation pained the heart of Gentiane and Echelon 1 while the others presented can only sigh forlornly. "But I never said anything about not returning, no?" Morgan suddenly asked in a cheeky manner. "Or I did and I forgot about it?"

It takes a whole five seconds for the group to register and react. "No, you surely did not say anything about not returning." Helian said while massaging her temple, already feeling a headache coming.

"Ah, right." Morgan shrugged inside her cockpit. "Then I guess it's a good time as any to clarify that we will be able to return to this world in the future. I can't give you an exact timeframe but I assure you, we will return, and this time with a bit of fanfare. Earth has made a good impression on us, it will be a shame not to revisit, right?"

Aliana jumps at that question. "So you will return! Gosh, you scared me! Scared us into thinking that you will be gone for good!"

Gentiane also chimes in. "I seconded that."

SCAR-H follows. "Me three."

P90 joins in. "Make that four!"

HiPer lays a head on her chest, breathing out in relief. "I am glad that this won't be our last meeting."

Kalina smiles but adds. "Yeah, but it will still be goodbye, no?"

Morgan replies with a grin. "Indeed it is. But I give you my words that we will return, so don't go dying on us when we get back here. Otherwise, Aria and I will make a petition to bring the ones that die back into the land of the living and gives them a scold of a lifetime."

They laugh at the absurdity of what Morgan said, but somehow, they believe that Morgan can and will follow through word by word. Hence Gentiane, on behalf of everyone, promises. "I swear to you two that no matter how dangerous it may be, we will not go and perish in a corner somewhere. We're here to stay and will patiently await your return, and when you do, we will like to hear the tales of your conquest of your world in full."

Morgan laughs cheeringly before answering. "Won't miss out on it. After all, I will have to impress my potential wives, no?"


"So how do you suggest we do this, Morgan?" Aria asked while flying parallel to Morgan. If the Valkyrie is feeling any bit of remorse or regret over the sudden parting with the girls of Base 794, her voice betrayed none of those.

And frankly, even Morgan doesn't show any negative emotion when she speaks. "With the scannings, we have made these past few days, I identified a flight route that will take us into the belly of the beast." She says with a light tone, very familiar with sudden partings to even feel bad about it for a long time. "We will be flying through and beneath a canyon, all the way to the AO. This will keep us off their radars and our stealth and jammers will cover the rest. The fact that it's nighttime and raining where we are going will also help suppress the noise of our engines when we dive low. Once we penetrate into the AO, we will go weapons-free and cause as much damage as we can. Highlighting the HVTs for you now..."

"Fabricators, UCAV factories, munition plans, Doll assembly lines, train station... This place is a logistic base beneath a mountain." Aria commented as she scrolled through the list of targets and its schematics.

"And let's not forget the periphery defenses. SCAR-SC was able to pull out some locations of Sangvis' AA installations, but not all of them. And it's expected that they will have UGVs armed with SAMs, Dolls with MANPADS, and those slumbering biped railguns. Whatever comes next will be a light show and a half." Morgan added. "Prioritize the easier-to-reach logistical buildings and high-risked targets first. As we don't have enough ordnances to blow up the weapon tucked inside a mountain itself, I will deploy on foot when the chaos reaches a certain threshold."

Aria is quick to refute. "That won't be necessary, much less even dangerous for yourself, Morgan. I can just pull on my power and obliterate the weapon and the mountain in one go. There's no need to risk yourself."

Morgan giggles, warming up at the length that Aria will go to ensure she stays unharmed. Nonetheless, Morgan goes on to say. "But then where's the fun in that? Aria, there's no restriction on my power, here, in this world. Before we go home, I want to glimpse at what the future me will be capable of. This is nothing if not a suitable battleground to do that. And besides, if danger befalls me, which I highly doubt there exists such a thing here, are you not my personal Valkyrie? It would be a great chance to save a damsel in distress, don't you think?"

Knowing that she can't stop her lover, Aria sighs, relenting. "Fine, but at the first sight of danger, I am pulling the plug. And trust me, I am perfectly capable of discerning whatever will happen down there so don't push your luck, Morgan. The last thing you need is for Hel to hear of your bad deeds."

"Ehehehe... I won't do anything of the sort. I promise! So let this venture of mine be our little secret, pretty please~!" Morgan cooed, making Aria roll her eyes on the other side.

"You'll be fine if I don't have to bail you out." Aria said before announcing. "We're reaching the canyon."

"Then it's time to skim across the terrain. You reckon we will buzz the heads of a patrol or two?" Morgan asked jokingly as the both of them lowered their altitude to just a few meters above any terrain obstruction.

"Logically speaking, it's possible. But I doubt they will be able to make head and tail of it with us flying at supersonic speed." Aria played along.

"Heh~, you're probably right. I think they only have a second or two to catch a glimpse of us before we're gone." Morgan concluded. And she is correct on that assumption.

When viewed from the ground, the two Arias are nothing but dark shadows that cut across the rainy night atmosphere. Very hard to spot, much less identify. The sound of their howling engines, while can still be heard, is easily mistaken for the blowing of winds and rain going through the canyon. One can even say that Yggdra herself has blessed them with such perfect weather to conduct their sneak attack.

(Picture is courtesy of C_Yukimaru aka Ryxsen1421 on Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/8100087/illustrations)

"Head-up, we're emerging out of the canyon in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... And we're out!" Morgan did a countdown before their aircraft flew out of the canyon, buzzing the metallic installations belonging to Sangvis at low altitude.

As they're both regaining altitude to conduct their attack, Aria reports. "No response from any triple-AA, it appears that they're still in the dark that we're here. I expect anywhere from 30 seconds to two minutes for them to activate."

Morgan smirks at that. "Then let's make good use of that grace period. Avalon Squadron, engage!"

Morgan and Aria split off, with Aria heading out to destroy targets like the UCAV factories and the launcher for the aerial drones themselves. As they're propped up in a perfect line, Aria activates the targeting system for her GB-6 Air-Launched Standoff Submunition Dispenser Precision Guided Weapon, and lock-on to the target area. Her HMD then shows the calculated impact areas of the submunition before she presses the trigger, deploying the submunition from its outer rack. When the GB-6 flies above the designated area, it opens its deployment bay and drop-off 240 submunitions of two different types: bomblets and mines. The numerous amount of HE-ordnances promises a complete mission-kill of the targeted area if not outright destroy it. In this case, Aria is in luck as one or a few submunitions have detonated the power cells and munition storages for the UCAVs, causing a chain of cascading explosions that bring the area to ruin if the bomblets haven't done so already. Seeing the destruction of her own making, Aria cooly swings back, readying for another run on a different set of targets.

And while Aria is breaking havoc on stationary structures, Morgan has taken upon the task of dealing with threats that will threaten both her and Aria's safety. Pulling up her targeting scanner, Morgan places weapon locks onto two Sangvis radar sites. When a good tone is heard across the board, Morgan hits the launch button and sends out two Advanced Antiradiation Guided Missiles, AARGM in short. The missiles burn streaks across the air before impacting and destroying the delicate radar buildings, cutting off the situational awareness of the rogue dolls. Not done yet, Morgan then performed a rocket run on a set of CIWS turrets. On the ground, you can just about see meteor-like projectiles crashing onto the anti-air weaponry, destroying and causing their munitions to cook off.

As the sound of destruction and devastation can be heard over a long distance despite the ongoing rain, Sangvis has finally woken up and is deploying a reactionary to less than noticeable effect. The fact that their radars are destroyed in the opening of the attack doesn't help them in detecting the aircraft. Granted, the lack of radar doesn't keep them from trying to use heat-seeking missiles and hail marys to try and shoot them down. One such instance is a pack of missiles-equipped Jaguars appearing out of a tunnel. They are trying to get a lock on Aria's plane that is bombing their facility when Morgan swoops in, dropping off four Mk. 82 Snake Eye retarded bombs. After the supersonic booming of Morgan's aircraft flying above their heads is dissipated, the Jaguars are obliterated by the 920kg of explosive power.

And while Morgan is egressing to prep for another run, Aria switches to gun and strafe a line of Nemeum railguns and Vespids armed with MANPADS. Aria's 30mm HEDP shells paint a red line in the air, casting numerous detonations and sending the firing line back to the Stone Age. They won't even dare to think about scratching Morgan's paint job while Aria's in the air.

Now that the ground below is well-lit with fire and exploding ammo like it's early Christmas, Morgan knows that they are sure to have gotten the attention of Sangvis Ferri now. With them focusing their attention on the air, Morgan deems that the time is ripe for boots on the ground. "Aria, I am slaving my plane to yours. It's time for me to drop off."

"Roger that, Morgan. Be careful down there." Aria responded, watching as Morgan's plane trailed to her starboard. Morgan's aircraft then invert before the cockpit is opened, and from it, Morgan's figure starts freefalling to the ground.

With her passenger exited, the Aria returns to normal flight mode, awaiting further commands from Aria herself. Not letting Morgan jump into a hot zone, Aria controls both her and Morgan's aircraft to burn a blazing trail for Morgan to follow into the mountainous complex.

Anything that stands in Morgan's way must be destroyed.


There's something liberating about freefalling without any safety net. It just feels... Free. In a way, it's the closest thing a human can have to flying like a bird. Only that, in the end, a human will splatter if they don't pull a chute if they even have one in the first place. On Morgan's part though, she is sorely lacking off a parachute while diving at terminal velocity into the ground. It may have been a bit troubling for someone else but Morgan is anything but normal, now that she doesn't have any magical limitations. So, just before Morgan is a bit redder than Aria would like, she disappears some three meters above the floor. She then materializes into existence right next to an unsuspecting Ripper, her momentum from freefalling allows her to drop kick the Sangvis Doll horizontally and into a wall, cracking it. Morgan then places a hand on the ground, arresting her leftover momentum and spinning herself into a standing position. The young pilot then watch with macabre amusement as the extremely broken Ripper slowly slid down to the floor, leaving behind a humanoid hole in the concrete wall.

Stepping closer to inspect the Doll, which is now jerking nonstop in errors due to the critical damages she suddenly sustained, Morgan places her fingers beneath the Ripper's chin. Pushing the Doll's face up so that she can see her clearly, Morgan is once again surprised by how such a delicate face can be made into a somewhat perfect killing machine. Out of morbid curiosity, Morgan wipes clean of the Ripper's lips before surprisingly interlocking their lips together. An action that seems to clean up the errors of the rogue T-Doll as her purple eyes widen behind her visor. Smirking at the dumbfounded and very much alive expression the Sangvis girl is making, Morgan dances her tongue around the Ripper's own before pulling back. Looking at the stunned Ripper, Morgan chuckles. "You know, I am usually a bit shy about romantic and lewd matters, being the little spoon and all that in my relationships. But somehow," Morgan then boldly presses her palms onto the Ripper's right breast and lady parts. "You girls seem to entice my wilder side."

Morgan then gets her hands underneath the Ripper's purple one-piece armored bikini, checking out a hypothesis for herself. Finding what she is looking for, Morgan smirks. "I must admit, it's a pleasant surprise to know that you have what it's needed to perform sexual activity. Though I doubt you will be able to have a kid though that doesn't matter much in my book." Pushing her fingers inside the Ripper's vagina while fondling her nipple, Morgan comments. "Good elasticity and tightness too, you girls sure know how to tick my checkboxes."

Suddenly, Morgan ceases her activity and stands up, looking down at a breathless Ripper with her face reddish not because of her damage. "But sadly, I must vacate the area, my dear. I have places to see and destructions to be~! If Yggdra will have it, we will be seeing each other again!"

Morgan then walks away with a smile. She makes a few steps before turning around, flicking an object at the shocked Ripper before saying. "Though I have a feeling you will meet my daughter first. For that, you will be needing a little something, a good luck charm."

Leaving behind an anticipating smile, which the Ripper manages to record with her optical scanners, Morgan walks into the shadow of a building and disappears for good. On the Ripper's part, she slowly looks down at the object that Morgan left behind. Despite her logic warning her against it, the Ripper picks up the peculiar object, only to see that it's a mechanical pocket watch, composed of obsidian casing and a golden clock face.

'Just what is the meaning of this...? Of that earlier?' The Ripper wondered, not knowing that she shouldn't have been able to ask those questions in the first place.

Though she doesn't know the answers, if there are any, the Ripper still deposits her pocket watch in a storage compartment. For some reason, she has a feeling that it's best to keep the watch safe and secure by her side.

Now, to wait for a retrieval party.



Truly and utterly confused.

What brings about this change?

What sort of logical developments have occurred?

What kinds of neurotic computer virus has she contracted for her to be serving coffee to an unknown individual?!

Just what the fuck is wrong with her mainframe right now!?

Agent has so many questions!? Questions that she doesn't know whether it's safe to get the answer for!

And why the fuck is Mastermind being fed Red Velvet in the arms of this intruder!!!

And will someone please shoot down those aircraft already!!! Her head is already aching from the absurdity of the sight before her! It doesn't need the constant bombing to serve as the backdrop!

"Come on Elisa, say 'Ah~'"

"Ah~!" Elisa opened her mouth like a good little girl, letting Morgan feed her with the delicious Red Velvet that Agent, somehow, was able to make despite the short notice.

... Agent.exe has stopped working.

Snickering at the cracking poker face of Agent, Morgan then cooed. "Aww~! You're so cute, Elisa! Here, have another slice. Or do you want to taste the coffee that Agent made? I assure you, Agent makes tasty drinks!"

Tilting her head, the white-haired loli replies with an even tone. "I pick coffee... With milk."

Morgan then lightly pinches Elisa's cheek. "An excellent choice! Come now Agent, serves your Mastermind a cup."

Robotically, well, even more robotically than before, Agent pours and presents Elisa with a cup of milk coffee. The maid is acting on full autopilot right now, much to Morgan's amusement. And despite the oddity of the situation, the trio maintains their current... stalemate? Morgan continues to dote on Elisa the Mastermind while the loli herself seems to enjoy the motherly attention. Agent, on the other hand, seems to keep rebooting herself only to fail in keeping a straight face, and ultimately, she crashes over and over.

This laughable circumstance is only broken by the sound of a notification, coming from a large computer behind them. The three turn their heads at the source to see that a program is ready to be executed. Morgan is the first to speak up. "Seems like we will have to cut out fun time short, Elisa. I still have a job to do and you may need to vacate this base soon."

Elisa, on her part, nods, but Agent has woken up and is quick to demand. "What is the meaning of all this?! How could you walk in on us and immediately seized our command status?!"

Morgan just chuckles while patting Elisa's hair, making the Mastermind close her eyes, pleased. Agent nearly has a heart attack at that cute expression but she endures in the end. Morgan explains, but not much. "Well, let's just say that your creator was inspired by someone to make you. And now, you've come to see that inspiration in the flesh. But I assure you, I am here, meaning you no bodily harm. In fact, I will even protect you from what's about to come."

Agent frowns before gesturing to the side. "Protect us, but you did all of this?" Morgan just shrugged at the absolute carnage that she had created before getting here. Drones were completely decimated in the most insane ways Agent had ever seen while the Dolls were incapacitated whenever possible by incomprehensible means! Even Agent herself was incapacitated the moment she tried to raise her four underskirt energy machine guns. Morgan was swift in reversing Agent's gravity, making her fly into the air before disabling her machine guns by encasing them in ice and breaking them.

"Even if I have the command authorization, I still need you to respect my authority. A display of force was needed to ensure that. I apologize if it rattled your mentality for a few moments." Morgan said with a smile. "But it got my point across, no? That if I were serious, we wouldn't be here chatting and enjoying confectionaries."

"... It is as you said." Agent relented, having learned of the difference in power and the apparent lack of resistance from her Mastermind.

Elisa, who has been silenced thus far, chimes in with a singsong voice. "There's no logical reason to resist her. It will be an overwhelming defeat."

"I understand, Master." Agent bowed. "I will not raise the subject again."

"Good, well then... Computer, activates the Balaur cannon at the designated coordinates! Maximum fire rate! Continuous fire until the reactor is overloaded!" Morgan said out loud with a grin, leading Agent to sigh but unable to do anything.

All their work here will soon be gone, encased in flame and rocks.

"Warning! The possibility of friendly fire is detected! The risk of reactor meltdown is detected!"

"Computer, authorization code: Yuki-Victor-0-0-1-1-7." Morgan inputted vocally.

"Authorization code confirmed. Removing safety restrictions of Balaur. The Balaur is firing. Target location, here."

Morgan then picks up Elisa in a princess carry before motioning Agent to follow her. "You may want to have the Dolls evacuate also." Agent sighs but nods and gives out the command through the Sangvis hivemind.

Elisa snuggles into the arms of Morgan, asking. "Where are we going?"

Morgan smiles down at the innocent-looking Elisa, saying. "To see the firework, of course!" She then laughs. "Let's make this first meeting between us more memorable, shall we? And laugh at the world that is ignorantly in upheaval due to what we did."

As usual, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! Please, leave a like, a comment, or a review if you have the time to motivate me further!

You can also come and check out my other fanfic which is Random Omniversal Bar!



Due to the pressing circumstance that I have found myself in, this being the lack of funding to pay our housing bills, food and rations, medical expenses, etc... Every bit of your support counts!

There are currently Five Tiers on my Pa-treon page:


$5 / month

For Reich Marshal: Read three chapters ahead.

For R.O.B: Read three chapters ahead.


$10 / month

For Reich Marshal: Read four chapters ahead.

For R.O.B: Read three chapters ahead.


$15 / month

For Reich Marshal: Read five chapters ahead.

For Reich Marshal: Your name will be featured as a character in the story. (This is determined by the author)

For R.O.B: Read three chapters ahead.


$25 / month

For Reich Marshal: Read six chapters ahead.

For Reich Marshal: Your name will be featured as a character in the story. (This is determined by the author)

For R.O.B: Read three chapters ahead.


$100 / month

For Reich Marshal: Read six chapters ahead.

For Reich Marshal: Create a character of your own to be added into the story, as long as it's not lore breaking.

For Reich Marshal: The previous sentence only applies if you have been a Patron for at least two months. This is to avoid abuse that will waste your hard-earned money and the story we love.

For R.O.B: Read three chapters ahead.

250 USD will be enough for you to ensure a roof for my mother and me, any surplus will be for daily necessities. NONE will go to waste! Come, support the Reich on Pa-treon! The Reich needs you!


Once again, thank you for supporting me and my mom!

Heartbreak01creators' thoughts