
The song of Amar

The song of Amar

( Lex is in very elegant and formal wear, his tall figure towering over me as he speaks " Aria Gregory, love of my life, light of my days, knowledge in the darkness, Ruler of my heart and soul, i take thee as my wife, my world; take my blood and my life as thine. With my blood we are one: future, present, and past. Forever as forever can last. Always and forevermore you i will adore. Together we be praised" the dagger he holds is the same as the last dream. Already filled with blood he brings the dagger to slice his hand at the end of vow. Blood falls down and my gaze follows the trail to a bowl with two rings already filled with some blood, wedding rings? My gaze continues down to find myself in a wedding dress… my hair black? Raven colored, my hand bandaged with lace.) i wake instantly screaming so loud i run out of breath. Gwen storms into my room running to me "Ari, are you okay ?" She asks. I don't want to inform her that i had a dream… or a memory?… i- I'm married to lex its hard to believe. I simply nod yes "it's probably just nerves i guess" i finally speak out "don't worry gwen" she doesn't believe me one second her kindness knows no bounds as she takes it upon herself to sing me back to sleep.

"Sleep sweet child, and feel protected, no child of mine, will be neglected. Guardian of day, did come to slay, the greatest darkness, strongest dismay. Sleep sweet child, worry no more, amar the king,awaits your door. sleep sweet child, please do rest, amar is here, to protect our nest"