
Family Ties

Family Ties

The next morning I struggle to awake back aching and a body filled of bruises. Gwen fast asleep beside me like an angel. Today ill wear my black shorties and oversized black T-shirt along with my black sports bra incase its too hot during training. My shirt fits like a dress i love roomy tops. Since I'm going to train right after eating i decided to my plane for gwen and my friends and leave her a note. After writing the note i head for breakfast.

{Dearest Gwen,

Thank you for helping me find a peaceful rest. I don't think i would have survived my time here in the palace without you my dearest friend and souls sister. May the gods bring their darkness upon you for knowledge and shine their brightest light for purity and strength. Love you sweetie; sadly i am for training and morning meal, but have arranged a trip for all of you in the city today, a carriage will await you after your morning meals, all expenses will be taken care of. Be sure to have fun and tell me of it later.


Ari <3}

After eating a light bagel and cream cheese i run to the dojo quickly working through the pain. "Good morning, Reina!" Tobias greets as he runs up to me in sweat pant and a black beater? … this my first time seeing him in such clothing its odd. "Today you are against me! I am your challenger" he continued then he has a pain stricken face upon him and i feel remorse. He grabs both my shoulders then ask "before we begin may i speak to Blood Reina?" I somehow understand what he means. He wants The voice to speak and as if I'm intranced i speak aloud " I accept" that very moment my body felt like i granted it an access code from a cheat sheet. Darkness overcomes me and like always I'm somehow happy to except it. Like a thrill, its a little different though i can hear and see everything as before but this time i feel the presence as if it were my own and i can take back the reigns from this autopilot at any time. " my dear Tobias…" oh no, i sense her anger. This isn't good…

" how dare you! You forced me out why, this isn't the way . You know better! It could hurt me terribly!" Shaking yet not scared, Tobias responds " I'm sorry Reina, I simply wanted to inform you, Erik has been sent away along with my mother, she knows only to return when the beacon is lit, i call you no longer" good she's calm now " my dear brave boy you've done well, in thee end be at peace i will protect the Blood." She states while stroking his cheek, then lands a kiss on his head, then I'm back as if the darkness was washed away.



"What am I exactly, to YOU?"

" after you speak to the priest, Reina, i promise to answer anything you inquire then.but for now lets begin" he wastes no time and strikes me at that instant but alert i manage to barely block his attack. We spar non-stop until lunch time.

After rushing the shower i change into my well fitted mermaid style dress made with an army green colored satin paired with tan sandals. My meeting with priest Kato is on the sundial patio on the northern fields. Upon arrival i find him in a white an beige kimono set today.

"Hello, Priest Kato, how are you this evening?"

"Well, and how about you, Reina?"

"Very well now that I have a few moments with you."

An evil smirk sparks upon his face and I'm taken aback suddenly ill at ease "let's cut to the chase Reina! Why am I here?!"

Just smile my little Reina ill take care of it if it gets out of hand. I agree and choose to just smile through this Blanton disrespect and cruel urgency, nothing I haven't welcomed before.

" Priest, I simply want to know who Blood Reina is? How do I learn more?" I ask and he quickly answers "Blood Reina is the first reincarnated goddess created to protect and guide the earth! You are one of her reincarnated lives, you should be able to have some of her experiences and knowledge as well as be able to contact her in a mindset called the Reina state. Once you fully accept Reina you'll be able to understand everything. There is a place you can learn more and perform the right ritual of the Blood Reign at the temple of skull"

"Where is that?"

"Across the dark sea, you can't miss it; the other temple is in Peru: the temple of purity… the birthplace of Blood Reina" suddenly i sense a very dark energy emanating from him, yet I know he isn't lying "thank you ! Priest Kato". A big smirk grew on his face " not a problem mrs.Gregory!" What did he just say? Why am I angry? In the midst of my confusion and my anger, darkness consumes me… I know this feeling all too well " How dare you Priest! Do you forget your place?!" The voice screams out to the priest " you are the last to dictate any of my actions REINA! I do as I please! So you should know not to cross me" that same instant screams grow from the palace.