
Red Lust Quest

[Mature Content-Language /No Rape] ... Naomi, A human, is asked to attend a Vampire Academy by her Father after she graduated from her high school. At first, every new day felt like last to her, until she fell for a Red-Eyed Vampire. They were in love,they had plans until the day she died, she died for love and he played her his love. Years after , she's back for revenge, and Now the fair game has just begun. The passage of yet haven't healed the stab he has given her. Its Love vs Love, but who will win! ? ................ Book cover is from Pinterest, The novel is totally plagiarism free!!!! To connect with me,or to suggest ideas, ping at... Discord: Whisperre

Whisperre · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Unforeseen Encounters

My heart raced as I hurriedly exited classroom saying bye to Jacques after our conversation. Time had slipped away in the midst of our discussion, and me thinking about that certain someone 'Shit!!! I am late' I thought and I realized I was now running to the class which was already two floors down, Panic surged through me, urging me to quicken my pace. I kept running trying to dodge the people who I might stumble "Sorry..." "Excuse me" I kept saying but I can't be late right, people were annoyed because it was not possible to run well in this gown and I did accidently hurt few like by stepping on their foot.

In my rush, I burst through the door and nearly collided with another student. My heart pounded in my chest as I attempted to regain my balance "No..No..No...I am sorryyyy " I shouted but then suddenly instead of stumbling forward, a certain force pulled me back and I fell backwards on my bottom and it hurt as hell. Annoyed I looked up and my sight fell on three, right now, angry women.

they glared at me with irritation, their cold, silver eyes narrowing. "Watch where you're going, newcomer. You should show more respect to your superiors."

I stammered an apology, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. My desperation to get to class on time had led me to overlook the protocol and decorum expected within the academy.

Before I could make my escape, the leader's iron grip seized my arm, halting my progress. "Hold on there. You're not getting away so easily."

I struggled to free myself from her grasp, but her strength was formidable. As I wrestled with her, a commotion erupted behind us, and I heard voices urging me to break free.

In my frantic attempts to escape, my flailing hand accidentally made contact with someone's face. A sharp gasp filled the corridor, and I blinked in astonishment. It felt like I hit a very hard object and then I turned and looked back hesitantly. "Oh.. myy"..was the only word which cane out my mouth..'This man'....

My breath caught in my throat as I gazed upon him. His features were a his chiseled jawline and captivating eyes leaving me momentarily stunned. The looks were just incredible, like he walked right out of a dream. I couldn't take my eyes off him. His face was like a work of art, perfect in every way. He had these deep, mysterious eyes that seemed to hold all the secrets of the world.It wasn't easy to speak up, my lips felt like they stuck to each other.

But my reverie was short-lived. Man's expression shifted from surprise to anger in the blink of an eye. His brows furrowed, and his lips formed a tight line.

"You!" he growled, his voice laced with anger. "How dare you?"

My heart sank as I realized the gravity of my actions. I had not only collided with this leader already ,but had also hit this man himself. The consequences of my audacity now loomed before me, and I could only hope that my fascination with his handsomeness wouldn't lead to even more trouble.

In that harrowing moment, as I stood before the intimidating presence of Adrian, my fear swirled like a tempest within me. I felt like a mere lamb thrown into the midst of wolves, surrounded by beings of supernatural strength, power, and unfathomable secrets. My heart raced, its frantic beats echoing in my ears, as I found myself trapped in a situation I couldn't have possibly foreseen when I first entered Arca High.

His eyes, those deep, mysterious pools of darkness, bore into mine, and I was momentarily paralyzed by their intensity. There was something in their depths, an enigmatic allure, a promise of secrets that lay just beneath the surface. I couldn't tear my gaze away, and for a moment, I forgot the world around me.

Even the house leader, a figure of authority and respect, seemed to cower in Adrian's presence. Her growl was a feeble attempt to assert control, an acknowledgment of the dominance that he exuded. It was clear that she, too, harbored a certain fear of this enigmatic figure, and it sent shivers down my spine.

When man's hand closed around mine, it felt like an iron vice, unyielding and inescapable. Panic welled up within me as I instinctively began to resist, my pulse quickening with each futile struggle. I was but a fragile mortal in the face of an unrelenting force, and my mind raced with a thousand thoughts.

"I am sorry I didn't see you and then I, by accident hit you" my voice breaking as I try to explain those feral eyed-man who was literally growling at me.

I pleaded with him, my voice quivering, my eyes wide with terror. "Please ,I am sorry" I begged him to release me, to spare me from the uncertainty and the overwhelming presence he represented. In that moment, I felt utterly powerless, a pawn in a game I didn't understand.

"Adrian, Let her go we were just teasing her" leader of the girl group called this man's name, the morning episode started playing in my, what Jacques had warned me about, this was Adrian, The Ace, Fear ran through my veins, 'Stay away from him Naomi' Jacques's words kept replaying in my mind.

"Let her go, Addy" she said as she walked near him placing her hand on his shoulder, now that I look at her she does look beautiful in her Blue Gown, and her Red hair same as Rose's and green eyes.

But, Adrian pushed her hand off his shoulders, her face turned pale, maybe that wasn't something he liked. my eyes were shifting from him to her, and then again from her to him, but despite all these thing happening I don't he plans on leaving my hand anyways.

But ,then

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of torment, Adrian relented. His grip loosened, and with a wordless gesture, he let me go. I stumbled backward, my heart still pounding, my breathing ragged. My hand still numb from his hold, i kept rubbing my hand trying somehow I'll feel good. As he turned away, his attention no longer fixated on me, I watched him go without daring to speak a word.

The enigma that was Adrian left me with more questions than answers, what did my accidental encounter with him portend for my future at Arca High?

As I stood there, trembling in the aftermath of our encounter, I couldn't help but wonder if I was prepared for the mysteries and challenges that awaited me in this extraordinary world of vampires, where even the most formidable figures could evoke both fascination and fear.