
Red Lust Quest

[Mature Content-Language /No Rape] ... Naomi, A human, is asked to attend a Vampire Academy by her Father after she graduated from her high school. At first, every new day felt like last to her, until she fell for a Red-Eyed Vampire. They were in love,they had plans until the day she died, she died for love and he played her his love. Years after , she's back for revenge, and Now the fair game has just begun. The passage of yet haven't healed the stab he has given her. Its Love vs Love, but who will win! ? ................ Book cover is from Pinterest, The novel is totally plagiarism free!!!! To connect with me,or to suggest ideas, ping at... Discord: Whisperre

Whisperre · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Enigmatic Leader

Naomi was settled into her seat in the classroom, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the day's lessons. Her gown, a deep shade of burgundy, draped elegantly around her, and the choker adorned with a blood-red gemstone nestled against her throat. She was ready to immerse herself in the academic world.

As the professor began the lecture, she noticed Jacques taking a seat beside her.

"Excuse Me"...asked Jacques in hushed voice ,trying not to get over heard by professor.

His sharp features and piercing gaze made him instantly recognizable. She had not forgotten once the dance they shared that day, A blush crept on her face and Naomi offered a friendly smile, "Oh, Hey" She said acknowledging his presence.

Jacques leaned towards her and spoke in a hushed tone, his voice tinged with curiosity, "Hey, Naomi. Where did you left abruptly thr day before yesterday. Everything was alright?" he slide in the seat behind her which made to turn herself a little around to look at him.

Naomi nodded, her eyes meeting his noticing his features , Jacques looks was how she would describe a handsome guy , he was looking as handsome as the day she saw him at the Ballroom , that Blue Coat pant was making him look elegant ,eye catching . Jacques had a smile on his face as his eyes looked at Naomi's flattered face and as she spoke

"Yes, everything's fine. I just needed a breather, that's all."

"Alright" Jacques smiled at her, not asking any more questions.

Their conversation was interrupted as a group of students entered the classroom, chatting animatedly about the morning's events. They spoke with enthusiasm, some of them were throwing punches in the air trying to do the same action, their voices filled with awe and admiration abut that certain someone.

"I can't believe how incredible Adrian was during the fight this morning!" one student exclaimed.

"Yeah, he's like a force of nature. Those punches were insane ,I've never seen anyone fight like that," another chimed in. they entered the class giving high-fives to their friends.

Naomi heard them and her curiosity got the better of her, and she turned to Jacques, and she remember that he was from Ace House.

she whispered "Jacques, who is Adrian? Everyone seems to be praising him."

Jacques who bent a little forward to hear her ,furrowed his eyebrow and his eyes met her, as she continued to ask again after glancing around if anyone is eavesdropping them,

"What fight they are talking about" she pointed her finger towards those men who were still talking about the same matter. Jacques followed her eyes, he hesitated for a moment, his expression growing somber. "Adrian is undoubtedly skilled , and he's the leader of Ace House, but you shouldn't be asking about him." he leaned back again, copying down professor's written theory from the big black board in front of them.

Naomi furrowed her brow, intrigued by Jacques's cryptic words. "What do you mean? why I shouldn't be talking about him?"

Jacques sighed, choosing his words carefully. "On the first day I arrived at Arca High, there was a fight within Ace House. It wasn't Adrian who hit me, but it was at his order. There's darkness within him, Naomi, something that not many know about. You'd do well to keep your distance."

Naomi's curiosity deepened as she contemplated Jacques's warning.

As the day's lessons continued, she couldn't help but wonder about the true nature of the academy's charismatic leader.


In Ace's House,

Adrian's room in Ace House, though belonging to a vampire, exuded simplicity. The walls were harmonious blend of muted grays and soft blues, creating a serene atmosphere. An elegant queen-sized bed, draped in crisp white linens, took center stage, its pristine appearance contrasting with the room's darker accents. A polished wooden desk sat by the window, bathed in the soft glow of natural light, with a few scattered papers and a single quill pen resting atop it.

On the walls, there were only two frames. One held a photograph of Adrian with his brothers, handsome faces and a handsome bond , a memory from years past. The other frame, intriguingly veiled by a cloth ,covered with webs and dust, hung beside the window, its contents hidden from view. With dark wood furnishings and elegant draperies, served as a stark backdrop to the enigmatic leader's presence. It was a room that exuded power and authority, a reflection of the role he held within Arca High.

As he stood before a full-length mirror,

after coming out from the steam-filled bathroom, droplets of water glistening on his tanned skin, creating an aura around him. His physique was a testament to centuries of life, sculpted with lean muscle and defined contours. As he stood half-naked before the mirror, the soft light from the window fell on the chiseled lines of his chest and abdomen, their smoothness marred only by a few scars, silent witnesses to battles long past.

His shoulders were broad and powerful, showcasing his physical prowess. A dark tattoo, an emblem of his house, adorned one bicep, its intricate design adding to his mystique.

Adrian's hair, still damp from the shower, cascaded over his shoulders, framing his angular face. His jawline was strong, his cheekbones sharp, and his lips held a hint of allure that was impossible to ignore. His eyes, deep pools of intensity, gazed into the mirror with hidden desires.

As he observed his reflection, tracing his hand over his scars, the one which marked him engraved deep into his skin.

changing into the uniform of a house leader—a stark black ensemble that exuded an air of authority.

A knock on the door, followed by a big bang and opening of the door.... interrupted his preparations, and Adrian's sharp gaze shifted towards it. He could sense the aura of Callus as he stormed in to his room followed by Ethan, the elder of the trio from Ace House. Unlike Callus, who had always embraced a carefree and reckless existence, Ethan had a reputation for meticulous planning and a sharp mind that saw through complexities and schemes.

"Adrian," Ethan greeted his brother, his tone tinged with concern.

Adrian acknowledged Ethan with an unreadable expression. "Ethan."

Callus, who had been lounging in a corner of the room, looked up , Ethan's gaze shifted between his brothers, a hint of weariness in his eyes.

"Callus told me you had a fight" Ethan questioned, Adrian who was busy with his cuff links ,paid no attention.

"Of course he won't speak now" Callus said utterly irritated with younger brother's actions he began telling Ethan "You should have seen him today, anger this is happening too much lately"

"Why don't you go back to your room I am sure you're just frustrated to not have a release today" Adrian scoffed and started arguing again,

"See...." Callus complained to Ethan who was silently listening to his brother's banters

"Adrian" Ethan , with a sullen face and said with a voice of an elder brother ,

"yes" Adrian turned around to look at his brother who only said " Come to me if it's too much to handle" Ethan turned on his heel and left the room.

"Ughhh.." Callus said in frustration pulled his hair and left back to his dorm and soon there was a thick scent of sex outside his room. As soon as he left Adrian also went out for his so-called tasks.

"I knew it, no release" murmured Adrian who passed by Callus room, he left , his footsteps echoing down the corridor as he made his way to face the responsibilities.