
Cyrus Walter and the Investigation

Cyrus Walter stared hesitantly at the TV. He could not believe his eyes. How could this happen. A murder has taken place in Acasia Avenue. He watched a video as it showed a huge traffic as people left Acais. Although he was taken aback, he didn't show it. That's what he's like. He was assigned to look into this case a few days ago. He quickly agreed. Not only did he want a murder mystery, it has been so long since his last case. The first victim was Sir Noris Simson, the owner of Acasia Manor or better known as the so called "haunted" mansion. The second was officer Richard Herron. Cyrus has met him before. He was a clodhopping policeman. Cyrus has encountered some dangerous mysteries before, but never quite like this one. Who knew these murders were going to be the beginning of a string of cases that's going to happen at Acasia Avenue...

For some reason, Cyrus felt this was different, and for the first time in his 20 years of his detective career, he felt scared... although he never shows it of course. He was planning to check it out later in the week. His assistant Ellie Idon was bound to be interested in this case. She was fun to be around but when we're talking about a case, she is all serious. Ellie has helped Cyrus in the past through the hard and good times. As Cyrus learns more about the case, he finds out that a policeman has also gone missing. Cyrus sighed "There was only one police station in Acasia" he thought to himself. That is because nothing much ever happens in that town. Until now. Cyrus walked towards the mansion. Ellie right behind him, scribbling something in her notebook. According to the police, only 2 people so far could have entered the mansion at the time.

1.Mrs Matilda Shau

2. Mrs Loren Collin

They were the two maids that were working in the mansion. Well, 3 if you count Officer Herron. Both of them were taken into custody for further investigation. "Well that does some of the work for us" he said to Ellie. "But Cyrus, this just doesn't seem to fit. There was 2 people in the room at the time." Ellie replied. "If it was one of them, the other surely would have known." she queered. "But you have to remember that anyone could have got in without anyone noticing. And anyway, look at the size of that place!" She stared at the yellow and blacked tape enveloping the house filled with bold letters 'POLICE'. They both walked along the pavement leading to the mystery that awaited them. Cyrus opened the door and they began to investigate.

Ellie searched downstairs while Cyrus searched upstairs. When he got there, a pink object caught his eye. Cyrus crouched down to take a closer look. It seems to be... lipstick. Meanwhile, Ellie was searching through the kitchen, she found a letter lying on the floor. She began to read it:

Thursday the Friday 23rd of November 2000,

Francis Banon,

Hello old friend, Today, I had quite a day. 3 people visiting me to purchase my mansion at 8:00 pm. I'm getting old now and I decided to sell this old thing. The first of which was Jane and Dylan Bateby. They were very unusual. They seemed to really want my house. People always said my house was "haunted" but they just say that because they never lived in it. Anyway, I was more than happy to give it to them until Mr Jake Smith arrived. He was offering a lot more money than the other couple. He was a very posh and a very rich man. He kept on raising the money until the Bateby's couldn't afford it. They really didn't like and soon left. I discussed things with Smith and we agreed on 1500.00. And I had a really bad headache as well so I went to bed pretty early.

Your friend, Noris Simson

Hello Noris,

Luis came to visit me today. On the opposite side of my house, my neighbour, Rosie was doing her usual nosing around and she saw Luis come in and watched us upstairs. RHC got cancelled due to bad weather. I was waiting all week to watch it. Eric apparently got into a road accident and he is in hospital, I went to visit him in hospital. Not only did he break his arm, I heard he also fractured his hip. Couldn't stand up at all.

ps-good luck with the sale.

Love, Francis

"How interesting" Ellie thought to herself. She carefully picked it up with a special paper. She turned the page but there was nothing written on it. She immediately called Cyrus who also had an interesting theory with the pink lipstick. Ellie told Cyrus about the two letters. "This means that the murder took place after they left. We do have a motive for the Bateby's now too. They were angry that Noris would not give them the house so they killed him. But does this seem like a good enough motive to kill someone?" It must have happened on Thursday the 23th or Friday the 24th," It usually takes them a good two hours to discuss things so lets say Mr Jake Smith left at about 10pm. "I also found something interesting," said Cyrus. I found lipstick upstairs in one of the rooms so must have been owned by either Mrs Colin, Mrs Bateby or Mrs Matilda Shau meaning one of them went upstairs at some point..." "And the kitchen is the only place that looks like it's in good condition." Ellie pointed out. This was very peculiar. The murder must have taken place downstairs, but the body was found upstairs upstairs. It does show that Noris tried to fight back, but it didn't work... "Either way, we need more information about the suspects. I think we should visit Norman" said Cyrus.