
Acasia Manor


It happened on November Friday 24th 2000. Acasia Avenue was not the best place to live in England due to one murder that took place that night... followed by many others. Officer Herron shuddered. He already regretted taking this job. The derelict, old mansion stood before him, lifeless and gloomy. "Why on earth would someone choose to live here?" he thought. His fingers were icy cold and trembled not because of cold, but with fear.

He was here to investigate the "death" of Noris Simon who was claimed to be dead but he had to find the body. He strained to look through the opaque window, dripping down with crimson ooze. Herron walked clumsily up the stairs creating an echoing noise follow from behind. He grasped the brown, rusty door nob and turned it. He took a deep breath, and walked into the abyss.

Herron walked through the seemingly never-ending maze, full of twists and turns at each corner. Every 2 minutes, he checks behind him, as if something... or someone was stalking him. He peered through the unusually large window, it was pitch black outside but he could make out distorted trees and crackling bushes which stared back at him. The floor carpeted with composing leaves. He continued along the hallway, seeming like the sombre portraits that were hanging on the mouldy walls were looking down at him in pity. Herron fumbled over stairs and stripped over some broken pieces of shattered glass scrapping his knee. He staggered back up. He swore he heard footsteps behind him. But when he turned around, all there was to see was more darkness...

He turned another corner and a single door waited for him. He hesitated but the thought of staying here any longer frightened him so Herron took a deep breath and reminded him what his job was and swung the door open. What was inside petrified him. In the room there la- At the edge of his vision, a shadow appeared behind him. He felt something hard hit him from behind and he blacked out...