
Record Of Evolution

============== Mysterious energy called mana has come to the world. Causing the world grown in size and creating big earthquake that destroy a lot of contry in process. Because of it the old law no longer followed, the world became complete chaos But world not the only thing change. After succeed withstand and absorbing mana that flowing in the atmosphere all living being has evolve. Human has become stronger and awakaned ability to gain skill. Animal has become a vicous beast that much more stronger and more intellegent then before. Plant has gain self awarness and become bigger and terrfying. Harold Frandes is a 25 year old normal office worker. The day the world change he was going camping with his 2 litte brother in forest that have a lot animal and plant. Can he and his brother survive in forest full with evolve animal and plant and get out ?. ================ Earth in this novel not the same with the real one. ================ Cover is not mine. If the artist want me to take it out, u can tell me :) ================

ChrisTheSlacker_ · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Chapter 29 : A Terrifying Group Of Boar

"Alex ! Roy lets run away quick." Harold shout to Alex and Roy as he stored all the item that they just got before start running away differnt direction from where the deer running too.

Hearing Harold shouting, Alex and Roy quickly snap back from the shock and immediatly running followed Harold from behind.

After continue running for 5 minute straight, Harold start to look behind him to check what the hell is happening while still continue running.

When he turn his head to look back, he found a pack of boar is chasing the pack of deer furiously. After see around for a few moment, he see something abnormal happening.

"What the actual f*ck ?!" Harold shout as his face changed to a shocked face.

He see a black fur boar with red mark around its body stomping a deer to the ground with its front feet before start to eating the deer flesh while it still alive.

The deer that got its flesh eatin try to break free moving its body violantly but it failed get away from the boar feet even after after using all it strengh.

Even though it realizing it cant get away from the boar feet even it use everything its got, with eyes full of unwilingness and fear the deer keep its useless struggle until it ultimately dye after its organ got eated roughly by the boar.

Its a really gruesome scene for even for Harold who can killed any beast without any problam.

"Damn what kind of terrefiying boar is that ?" Alex said as he looked at what the boar do to the light green deer with shocked face

"Its can easily kill the light gree deer that he hardly can killed like its worth nothing at all" Alex added.

"Not only that. That boar is really vicious and ruthless too, its eating the deer while the deer still alive." Roy added as he looked at the boar that still continue eating the deer flesh and drinking its blood.

"Damn, thankfully we immediatly run in different route from the previous group of deer. If we not, i dont even want to think about what gonna happen." Harold said as he looked at the boar with some sigh of fear on his eyes.

Hearing what he just said, both Alex and Roy cant help but shivering start sweating after thinking about what will happened if they bot run or running the same route with the group of deer.

The might will get eaten alive the same eway just like how the deer that currently been eaten by the black boar.

"Lets go, ee should not stay here for too long or we might get noticed by that bunch of terrifiying black boar." Harold said before start to runing to south direction.

Both Alex and Roy nodded at what he just said before start running to south direction following Harold from behind.

After countinously running in full speed for quite time, Harold decided to stop moving to taking some short break before continue again.

They stop in a rising terrain with a lot of tree and big rock around. Harold walking to a big tree that close to him before start sitting in the ground followed by both his brothers.

Harold quickly taking out some bucket filled with water from his storage box and start drink the water from it before sharing it to his brothers.

"Pwuaah, damn that hit the spot" Roy said as he put the wooden bucket down and start to wipe his own mouth with his right hand.

"Mans that really a scary situation." Roy added.

"Yeah, thankfully we can escape from there safely" Alex said as he start to lean back to the tree.

"I hope we dont cross something like that again before we got stronger" Harold said before start to taking out the item that he just got from the treasure box.

After taking all the item out from the storage box, Harold immediatly start checking out all the item information.

[Item Name : Storage Box

Grade : Rare

Item Type : Spartial Storage Box

Durability : 8.000/8.000

Attribute : None.

Item Discription : A special box that have been created with a material that infused with space and rimw inscription.

Effect : Have an ability to store anything as long its not living being. The box have no time so it can make everything inside it stay fresh just like before its stored no matter how long its stay in there. Its have a size 5 meter square big.

(Its only can be used by the owner or with owner permision)

(Its need ba drop of blood to be regonized as the owner)

Restriction : None ]

[Item Name : Ring of Vitality.

Grade : Very Rare.

Item Type : Magic Ring

Durability : 7.500/7.500.

Attribute : Wood.

Description : A Unique ring that created with a Magic Iron and Rare lower grade life stone give it an healing ability to the wearer.

Effect : Heal most of the wearer wounds except severed arm, destroyed organ or anything on that level when the wearer infuse it with mana (The effect only can be used to under level 40 being). Status increase when used. Vitality +20 Stamina +20.

Use Cost : 10Mana/Heal

Use Limit : 1 Time /12Hours.

Restriction : Level 1 Or Above]

[Item Name : Xir Black Knife

Grade : Rare.

Item Type : Knife/Throwing Knife

Durability : 4.000/4.000.

Attribute : None.

Description : A knife that been created with a black Iron and magic ore, giving it a sharpeness enough to pierce the defense of any Tier 0 being.

Effect : Increase penetration damage to 150% compared with the normal one. Status increase, Agility +20 Dextirity +20.

Restriction : Level 1 Or Above]

[Item Name : Boot Of Shadow.

Grade : Very Rare.

Item Type : Magic Boots.

Durability : 3.000/3.000.

Attribute : None.

Description : A Boots created from the skin of a beast called Zorux a beast that can created and hide in the shadow to hunt its prey when they guard down.

Effect : - Give the wearer an ability to created shadow with stomp one of the leg equipped with the boots to the ground and created a 10 circle of shadow.

Use Cost : 10 Mana/Circle.

Use Limit : 1 time/24.

-Give a wearer an ability to merge and hiding inside the shadow while erasing the wearer pressence when inside the shadow.

Use Cost : 10 Mana/Use.

Restriction : Level 1 Or Above]

After reading all information about the 4 item that he got. Harold cant help looking at the item with an awe.

Just as when he looking at the 4 item in front of him while in awe. An explosion is suddenly happening a bit far from where they currently at.