
Recollection System: Andromeda Saga

So in the end she betrayed him. No, she had planned it from the very beginning. Everything was a lie, an illusion, even her Class wasn't real. [Spirit Mage] my ass, she was an [Eldritch Warlock], similar powers, vastly different means of acquiring. I guess it really doesn't matter now since they are both dead. Now then, where am I? -------------------------------------- RS: AS Follows the story of a girl reincarnated with fragmented memories. Her past will haunt her as she discovers a new world, makes new friends, and encounters many challenges. This novel features a System, Reincarnation, A cast of unique characters as well as possible romantic interests, Slightly strong to very strong MC, and No Adult Content. (Only hinted at) Thank you for checking out my novel. This is the first time I have attempted to write something outside of a D&D Campaign story and I have spent a good amount of time studying and I hope to further improve my writing technique through experience and feedback. I hope you enjoy my novel and I hope we can have fun going on this adventure together! -Khaz

Khazmylar · Kỳ huyễn
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66 Chs

Kenji, The Summoned Hero!?

Amari stood at the doorway to the Sunken Oak Tavern, her and Ai staring at Lia in shock. Meanwhile, Lia stared at Amari in horror.

"Y-y-y-y-you're... The Barbarian Queen!!!" Lia screamed out, as the patrons of the tavern looked over in either agitation at Lia or fear of Amari.

"Oh, hey big sis!" Ai said with a smile and a wave as Lia looked at her in shock.

"B-b-b-big sis!?"

"Oh yeah, Lia, meet Amari, my big sister." Ai said with a smirk.

"I-i-i... wait... what!?"

"'nough about me, the fuck you mean that wanna-be is the guy you wished for!? Dude's an idiot!"

Ai giggled at the situation of shock, although she was still certainly shocked that Kenji was summoned by Lia as her 'man'. Why would Lia do that? She was more than beautiful enough to fetch herself a noble knight, or even just some fancy rich noble for that matter. Although having her sight set on having a hero as a mate was pretty high up there too, she supposed. But Kenji?

Ai burst out in laughter at the thought, she wondered if Lia knew that her hero's ultimate goal was a harem of beautiful women.

"Well, come on, we're bothering the local drunks. Let's take this outside." Amari said, slightly annoyed now.

Lia nodded skittishly as Hoat'l sighed. The three walked out of the tavern, Ai in tow.

"Oi, aren't you that lady with that group of bandits that attacked my little sis?" Amari asked, puffing out her chest, to most, this was probably extremely intimidating, but to Ai, she just looked like she was trying a little too hard.

"N-n-n-not at all m-m-m-miss Amari! We were ambushed!" Lia waved her hands around in a panic.

"She is cool people, sis. Her and the big guy." She pointed at Damian who had just walked out of the tavern with his massive axe strapped to his back. "Yo." He said simply with a wave.

"Yo. Damian, been a while, how ya been?" Amari responded with a similar wave.

"Same ol' bullshit, killin' bandits and monsters for coin." He said with a toothy smile.

"You know her too Damian!? You were acting like she was a threat before!" Lia yelled out, again causing Ai a headache.

"Oi, keep it down woman! You're giving my lil sis a headache!" Amari yelled back. Lia's back straightened and she responded with a quiet "Yes Ma'am!"

Damian chuckled. "Well, Ami's racked up quite a few enemies, Jes' group bein' one of 'em. Didn't know the little one was your sis though, probably woulda sought you out if we knew that. Unfortunately, she had lost her memories at the time so we didn't know, glad to see she got 'em back."

'Ami? Really, big sis?'

Ai smiled awkwardly. "Well, kinda, I'm still getting my memories back, but big sis has been a big help." Amari grinned pridefully. "Although she did almost kill me at that time."


"Y-yeah... S-sorry sis." Amari said as she dropped her head.

Ai simply waved her hands around and said. "Eh, it's in the past, your precious little sis will forgive you if you treat this princess to some sweet cakes."

Amari glared at her. "You've already got Sloth, want Gluttony too, Ass Princess?"

Ai hung her head in defeat as Lia and Damian blinked.

'Ass Princess?' They thought collectively. Ah yes, the immature princess that loves fart jokes.

"Oi, anyways. Two things. First off, the fuck is up with Kenji being your dream man or whatever, and second, know anybody that can do the tattoo's?" Amari brought the conversation back on track, alas, no cakes for Ai.

"Well, luckily I have an answer for both!" Lia said with a smile.

"When I made the wish, Kenji was summoned to this world, but on the other side of the world. Djinn are sneaky, untrustworthy assho- erm, bad men." She looked at Ai and decided not to cuss.

'Oi, I'm not a fucking child, woman.'

"We were blessed with the skill [Lover's Respite], which allows us to gain a percentage boost to our stats the more our love blossoms. I was given the skill [Anti-Infidelity] which allows me to locate him when he, erm, tries to 'talk' to other women, which is how I was able to track him somewhere here."

Ai tried, she really did, to not laugh the moment she mentioned the second skill. But like a tsunami, laughter erupted from her so loud, she was getting odd glances from people clear across town.



Amari smacked Ai across the head, but her own face was bright red, trying to keep the similar tsunami down. "O-oi, s-sis, c-calm yours-self, that's not very-pffffft HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Ai returned the smack with her machinated hand.

"Che! That stings lil sis!" Amari rubbed where she had hit, it hurt a lot more than Amari was expecting.

"Good! You damn hypocrite queen!" Amari dropped her head in shame.

Ai turned back to Lia. "That does make a lot of sense, though. Your boy toy wants his own harem and said something about getting more power with more women. On a side note, do you know anything about his 'Oracle'?"

Lia grew visibly frustrated hearing about Kenji's desire for a harem. "That damn... I'll teach him a lesson about a woman's heart when I meet him. And, ah, no, I can't say that I know anything about an 'oracle'."

Ai shrugged and turned back to Amari. "Do you know where that idiot ran off to?"

Amari nodded, still rubbing her head, a small bump could be seen on top of her head, making a section of silver hair look like a horn was trying to poke it's way out. "Yeah, he went off a short while ago to take down a few gob' dens. He should be back shortly if he ain't already back at the guildhall."

Ai nodded as Lia spoke up again. "As for the second thing, actually, I do know someone here in town with me that can help draw another tattoo, one that I know won't try to sell you off. I can take you to her if you wouldn't mind letting me have a 'talk' with Kenji first."

Ai nodded and smiled. "That's fine, I'm glad we managed to run into you again."

"Likewise Ai! I'm just glad that you are safe after what happened." Lia's eyes suddenly glowed with a soft, light pink color. "He is at the guildhall." She muttered in annoyance.

'That skill could come in handy.'

"Well then." Ai twisted a knob on her mechanical wrist, tightening the mechanism up just a bit, she then did a test chop on her other hand with a clang. "Time to go cock-block an idiot." She said with a slightly creepy smile.

Hoat'l stayed silent the entire time, something told him that this woman was almost, if not as dangerous as the other two. This was definitely the smart move.

Damian felt sorry for the man named Kenji, Lia was a strong woman with a strong heart, and an even stronger temper. Something told him to just walk away, but his curiosity got the better of him as he decided to follow along for the shit show that was about to occur.

Thanks for reading! As always, feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments! Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Khazmylarcreators' thoughts