
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs

Forbidden Topic

'I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry...' Luke mind was only filled with one thought, his mind was dying, and was taking in unimaginable about of pain.

He was skinned alive, his nails were pulled, his fingers broken, and so many other things had happened to him. Yaku and Violet had gone easy to going at it to make Luke at least scream in pain, they felt offended, all Luke needed to say was one wrong, yet he couldn't even speak to them.

'by the looks in his eye, he pretty much is mentally crippled... it has only been 3 hours. 3 hours is not a good note to end it on. let's make it for... no, 5 hours fills better.' Sora calmly blew on the tea, while in deep thought. but in the end, he shrugged and waited for 2 more hours, which went by in the blink of an eye

"Sigh, stop. I can't watch on anymore." Sora said softly, stunning Violet and Yaku who was covered in blood. they looked at Sora unwilling to give up, they wanted to marry him.

"Since you don't want my forgiveness... I shall kill you. a quick and painless death," Sora said while placing his palm on Luke's head, while Yaku and Violet watched on. Sora's fingers rubbed Luke's head, and before Luke's lifeless eyes, time began to slow down. while Sora slowly crushed his head, Luke's head worked at overdrive, trying to fully comprehend a second, all while the pain he was within remained

'Death... where is it.' within Luke's Mind, Luke roared seeking death. everything was frozen, everything was standing still, he was already mad from the pain, and he was already regretting ever crossing Sora, even if he had an infinite number of lives he would stay away from this demon.

Sora crushed his head, causing his brain matter to slash to the ground. Sora looked at his palm for a moment, and with a wave of his palm, the blood splashed to the ground.

"you need not be sad, I will just marry the both of you. so go get dressed... once I reach level 30, we shall get married, I believe I would be worthy of your love" Sora said with a smile...

the next day, Luke was reported missing. many experts did everything in their power to find Sora, but no one could find where he disappeared off to. his guards reported they were following his car, but at some time they were following a man who was paid to simply drive.

everyone looked towards Yaku as Luke was going to meet her, but it was found out that someone hacked her phone, the knowledge caused Yaku to break down... a woman is the best actor, they have the magical ability to summon tears.

Everyone knew Yaku favored Like, so seeing how the news affected her caused many to pity her. but her next action turned to rage, she was going to use all of the Lomi clan money to find her son, forcing her husband to have to hold her back and take away her power over that money. but of course, they still had to look into this, they didn't even know if their son was okay or not.

So, as time passed. Sora's life returns to a peaceful life... if by peace, it meant him working on aiming for his next and final target. but other than that, Sora had to see many important guests from all over the world who were interested in his creations, these were people Sora couldn't so easily ignore. but they came and left, giving Sora time to work.

"I refuse." Sora's mother said coldly, making Sora frown slightly. Sora's mother glared at Diana who simply lowered her head to avoid eye contact,

"You seemed to have forgotten what you are. You are of noble blood, I let it slide with Lindy, but now you go and pick another person off the streets? sit back and focus on yourself, she will not be your guard." Sora's mother said stopping herself before she say something she might regret saying.

Diana gritted her teeth slightly, the way Sora's mother was saying it, she was a pet Sora was taking it. that was pretty much how all with noble blood saw those without it, they were lesser creatures who should be worshipping them.

"... if she doesn't then I will avoid doing anything," Sora said calmly, making His mother's body shake in rage. She looked at Sora, before glaring at Diana with a deep killing intent before she pointed at Sora

"Fine, but just because you have here doesn't mean anything. She can't be trusted, and who knows where she came from? She can be your guard, but that 2 miles limit would remain, do I make myself clear?" She said angrily, leaving Sora frowning but he nodded and left.

"well, that didn't go as planned... but that right there is how nobility sees others," Sora said calmly, Diana nodded slightly, her eyes burning with the will to change such a thing.

"I will train, and not only show them that a woman is no weaker than a man, but a commoner isn't any weaker than those of nobility." She said making Sora smile slightly, this woman... this was Sora type, he was drawn to those with a pure heart.

"then we should return to training, my mom would most likely try and kill you. so, you need to get stronger quickly." Sora said with a smile, as they left.

"Find an opening and assassinate that woman. I don't want the same thing that happened with Lindy to repeat. This woman... is nothing more than trouble," Sora's mother said coldly, Diana was talented, too talented for her own good. with her being able to match talents of noble blood with her commoner background, plus her mindset... she would bring great trouble to Sora.

She knew the look in Sora's eyes, and with Diana, she understood the type of woman Sora was into. Diana and Lindy shared a few things in common, they were both pure, but they showed it in different ways.

Lindy was the type of pure person who saw the best in everything, but Diana was the type who saw the good and the bad and would go out of her way to change the bad. She would one day try and change the statues between the nobles and commoners, and that would get a target put on Sora. something she wanted to avoid

She had no problem with Sora type, she only had a problem with how Sora. Sora becomes a different person around them, all happy and cheerful. Sora was like a moth drawn to the light, but in this case, he was a moth drawn to a kind heart. but that would only get him killed, and broken.

before their relationship could grow, she needed to kill that woman and quickly. but to her disappointment, Diana rarely left Sora's side. this made her worry that they were dating already, but since Sora didn't act the way he acted with Lindy, she guessed they were not dating. but Diana was to focus on her job, always within 5 steps of Sora,

"My lord," One of Sora's guards kneeled before Sora's mother, making her frown as to what they had to report.

"Sora had recently created a youtube channel and is currently uploading videos speaking about the history... his theories might touch upon forbidden secrets." The guard said making Sora's mother's face darken. She took out her phone and quickly found Sora's youtube video which currently had one video, she clicked on it and began watching

"Welcome to learning history with Sora. a close friend of mine always wanted to teach history to the world, so this is my way of helping that dream come true. so, today I will be speaking on the history of Qi, and my theory about it." Sora said with a smile while looking at the camera

"as we all know, Qi entered this world about 9,500 years ago... but what if I were to tell you it has been here millions of years ago. you don't believe me? then let's go back in time.." Sora said before he teleported back in time, where dinosaurs walked the planet.

"as we all know, millions of years ago, these big guys walked the planet. but they were not the only big things around. back then we had huge insects, huge trees, and so on. The air quality was just that good... what if I told you that air was mixed with Qi. what if the dinosaurs were simply dragons that were slowly evolving into lizards, chickens, and so on? without Qi, how could they live on? so they adapted, to the changes." Sora said while walking around, and as he walked, a lizard appeared, slowly transforming into a huge dinosaur that went on to turn into a dragon.

"Now, 10,000 years ago. of course, dinosaurs were nowhere to be found... or were they. back then, sighting of creatures similar to dinosaurs could be found in South America, which is the continent with the most powerful creatures, and currently, most battles are taking parts there. could south America be where these creatures of the past have been hiding? who knows, but just a thought that I have. but let's turn out attention to the continent I'm currently at. Africa." Sora calmly

"where, he has things known as pyramids, although they were destroyed thousands of years ago. it was reported that on the day of Qi's arrival, the pyramids seemed to be infused with heaven and earth energy before they exploded. could people of the past have known something we didn't know? the location of the pyramids, and the way they were built. there is no way normal humans could have built such a thing thousands of years back," Sora said

"take down the video, if he dares talk about this topic, cripple his arms." Sora's mother said as she paused the video. Sora didn't know it, but he was touching upon topics no normal person should know.

indeed, this was not the first appearance of Qi, the pyramids are the main reason the stars that day infused themselves into 12 choice humans. this meant that in a time unknown to them, humans knew the arrival of Qi... or the return of Qi.

dinosaurs indeed were once dragons, but Qi caused everything to grow weaker. Qi caused the lifeforms in this world to grow weaker. thats right, Dragons taste like chickens.

"There goes one hour of my life," Sora said in annoyance seeing how his video was taken down by youtube and was even given a harsh warning from it, even his mother. it's not like he would have known about this topic being forbidden, he did his research and nothing popped up saying to stop looking.

"I guess I will simply stay away from the supernatural," Sora said lazily, he promised Lindy to share knowledge of the past with the commoners, it was her dream to teach so he shall do it on her behalf. as for the past, Sora could careless, so long as it doesn't bother him.

"Let's do a breakdown of the human devil... that would be a good start," Sora said while picking up a book, breaking down the background, mindset, and actions of the human devil. but first, he had to call his mother and make sure this was an okay topic