
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"You found a lead with the Alexandar kidnapping?" A police offer asked while looking at an officer who was going through a few papers.

"Alexandar and Luke, these two have the same connections. Sora," The officer said making his partner raise an eyebrow,

"he's nothing more than trash," His partner said while looking at the officer with a raised eyebrow, but the officer ignored him and simply spoke.

"In agent times, there were humans known as bodybuilders. such people strengthened their bodies, yet there was a limit. Sora disappeared for 6 months and came out looking completely different. Sora also holds a deep hatred toward these two people, let's not forget he needs not the strength to personally move, but to get others to make the move." His partner said softly while pointing at a papers

"Alexandar guard's family were held hostage and forced to help the kidnappers. this information is top secret, not even Alexandar's family knows of this. But one of the guard's family was tortured, leaving the guards with no choice. Luke was drawn over to said locations, with his mother's phone hacked." The officer said softly leaving his partner shaking his head

"If it is Sora, then wouldn't his next target be the prince of the Leo empire? all this over a pet lion? Plus, Sora doesn't give me that feeling of a snake." His partner said to which the officer looked at him

"thats what scares me about him. no matter what, self-control on the level of Sora is rare. if I were to kill the pet your lover gift you after her death, would you so easily try and play it off as if nothing happened? Sora ignored the topic and acted as if nothing happened, only when the topic was brought up. then we have his talk with Alexandar... to me, it seemed like a show, an act put up to help people turn their eyes elsewhere." The officer said seriously,

"if what you say is true, then Sora is pretty much the human devil of the past, willing to do anything for revenge..." The Partner said jokingly but froze upon realizing what he said.

"look into Sora, don't alert him, and be low-key. I will personally stop by everything under his name and search." The officer said before getting up and walking off, while his partner got to work.

Once they turned their attention towards Sora, they found that they began picking up on more leads following the disappearance of Luke. they were sure if Sora was the one behind this, he would have easily been able to cover his traces, so they looked for things Sora couldn't hide.

the day of Luke's disappearance, reports of a car that looked similar to Luke's car passing this place, this was easy to find as many people remembered being shocked by how cool the car looked. the guards also remembered a similar-looking car was on the road that day, most likely this car was Luke, but someone changed the color of his car.

most likely a color devour was used. color devour was a drop of paint that devoured other pants, turning black. So, when such paint was used, and in high quality, that moment where the guard's field of view was blocked, Luke's color would have changed color.

Luke's car was special, as a young master he of course had a rare car to show off and flex to the car. so when the office took an image of his car and began changing it to match the color of his car which most likely fitted the new look of his car, he was able to help more people remember that day's event, and slowly close into where Luke could have been heading.

Shockingly or not, he found that a run-down store that belonged to Sora was around here, and many people reported seeing Sora entering this place from time to time. but the officer didn't get too close, instead, he turned and left and went on to report such things to someone higher up than him he could trust.

Such information to say the least was shocking, but it was a lead in a good direction, he didn't simply get rewarded with a promotion, but he was given the chance to take the lead in this case, as no officer liked dealing with the nobles.

"Henry... oops, I mean Detective Henry, I got a new lead for you." The Detective partner said with a smile, as he walked in, putting a stack of paper before his partner.

"stop it, if I don't close this case then we would return to being officers," Henry said as he scened through the papers given to him, information he needed jumping out towards him,

"Sora has been going to the Lomi family household at least 2 times a week, all to see one person... could it be he is sleeping with her, to get his hands on her phone? the fact that the Lomi family is supporting Sora so much is something to take note of as well, Yaku is in charge of the family money. so if she was charmed..." Henry said softly, shocking his partner for a moment, Henry closed his eyes and his mind flashed with all types of information.

"At the party, Sora was charming the Yaku and Violet. he spoke to them the longest as well... Sora happened to go to the Lomi family at the moment Luke wasn't there, Violet was ordered to stay away when Sora was near, and Yaku and Sora would remain to talk to each other for hours at a time..." Henry said while his head shook from time to time, going through the information he had collected in the past few days

"This son of bitch is behind this... but I need to find the body, if Luke is alive or if he died." Henry thought for some time before a thought popped into his head.

"the smell of Luke should have disappeared by now, if it was a few days ago we could have used the dogs to smell the sewers... the sewers. Lisa was taken into the sewers, let's go." Henry's eyes brightened as he caught onto a lead, he went to find a few papers which had the sewers of the city mapped, but he paid most of his attention to the ones connected to the store under Sora.

He traced them and found that there was a sewer that linked Sora's place to the location where Lisa disappeared. but during their search, why didn't they find this place? taking a few officers, they went to the sewers where Lisa disappeared, and began following the map,

"a wall? but it says there is a passageway here." Henry's partner, named Lassiter, said with a deep frown while looking at his copy of the map. Henry stepped forward before the wall and his eyes narrowed

"it's new, these sewers have been around for many years, this wall here was made not long ago," Henry said as he felt the wall, and only stopped when he felt a faint amount of air blowing at his palm, there was a gap within the walls, and feeling it closely, the edge of the walls seemed to be able to move,

Henry looked around, and with his sharp eyes, he saw something within the dirty sewer waters, stepping on it, the wall in front of them began to move, slowly opening up for them. everyone's eyes widened seeing this, but they pulled out their guns and stepped forward.

they followed the map and quickly arrived at the parts which connected it to Sora shop, but they found nothing out of the norm. they looked all over far and wide, and in the end found nothing, forcing them to have to leave in disappointment.

But Henry would return later that night, and do his search. where he found another gap in the wall, which lead to the basement within Sora's run-down store. this time there was nothing to open, so he left to go get a warrant, which he got thanks to that auspices wall he found in the middle of sewers.

lucky for him, he only needed a day to get the thing, after which with a group of police officers, they entered the run-door store. since Sora wasn't there, they were allowed to enter by force,

So, a complete search was mean, taking them all the way down to the basement where they found nothing. the base was completely clean without a hint of dust, but Henry guessed this and brought had a dog smell a drop of the Lomi family, the dog after smelling the blood began smelling everything, and to Henry's shock it picked up a smell, but it leads to a wall,

"A sealed door... go and get me Sora," Henry said with sharp eyes, a sealed door was the type of door that showed zero gaps and didn't even allow air to slide through. such doors could only be forcefully opened, or be opened by a key.

'where was I acting Sus?' Sora thought while looking at a hologram of a screen that showed what was happening within his run-down salon. He thought for some time, before shrugging. he waited for a few minutes, and soon a maid knocked on his door and reported that there were police looking for him.

heading out, Sora agreed to help the police in their investigation, and so they headed towards the salon, where they lead Sora to the room they wanted him to open.

"So, what is this room used for?" Henry asked making Sora stretch his head in slight embarrassment,

"It's embarrassing, but I have been trying to look into the DNA, and the secrets behind it," Sora said as the door opened, revealing a room filled with test doors, and packs of blood.

"This was run down, so I was using it for my underground reach for biology and stuff. don't worry, I got my license to do this stuff. the blood is all Yaku, it's the main reason I go there so often. Of course not all of the blood is hers, some are other members. I know it looks weird, but I found it interesting how those of noble bloodlines have such complex genomes, the amount of information makes it so hard to map. which is why I have to make powerful devices to store such things." Sora said with a smile,

"..." Henry's eyes narrowed while looking at the room, and back at Sora, who simply ignored them while looking at the blood with existent for his future finding. Henry took a sample of each blood, and after seeing the dog have no more reactions to anything else, he sighed

"let's go... there is nothing for us to find here." Henry said calmly and left, Sora watched them leave, and once they did his face darkened. Henry had to die,

'I'm sure that room was filled with Luke's blood, he is using Yaku blood to mask the smell which would linger. he is a good actor... and now I caught his interest... think Henry thing, if Luke's body was here, where did it disappear off to? That gap in the sewers, he could have set the body elsewhere. it would have been risky to send it through the front door, that gap lines up with...' Henry stopped walking and pictured himself back within the sewers where the gap get felt was, after getting its locations, he had the dog follow him towards a wall which had no gap,

but he called Sora over, to which Sora nodded with a smile, but with the cold look with clashed with Sora's eyes, he realized he was onto something. there was something cool with a sealed door, they would open almost all the time once the person with the sea knees, meaning Sora couldn't keep a sealed door closed for long.

But Henry's eyes narrowed when Sora covered his mouth as if he was about to sneeze, but for that split moment, he realized Sora gave off no sound. it had so fast, and when Sora arrived near the wall, nothing happened, leaving him stunned.

'I forgot he was a genius. what did he do, did these doors remain closed with his voice... in that case.' Henry's eyes narrowed

"You mind repeating after me?" Henry asked, making Sora's eyebrow raise but he shook his voice, Henry nodded for a moment before pulling out his phone, he tapped a few things, and moments later Sora's voice came from the door

"Open the door." the doors before Henry opened, and Sora smiled remained. Henry smiled slightly at Sora, before entering through the doors, where he found many items which would be needed for a hair salon stored away.

'it's below me,' Henry looked down, the sewers were below him, he pushed the button on his phone while keeping a close eye on Sora. Sora's voice sounded once more, telling the door to open, but nothing happened,

'It's not voice command, thats why he isn't worried. could it be something I have to push here?' Henry pushed the many heads of females, which all snapped up, but returned back to normal without anything off happening to them.

'it's a pin, I have to push them to open the door. but there are 6 heads, thats a total of 279,936 possibilities. I don't even know if the other things in here could lead to one of the passcodes.' Henry thought finding himself back in a corner, he looked at the 6 heads before one of them caught his attention, after which another and another

'pink hair, pink eyes, that smile... if all these 6 heads are put together, then wouldn't they make Lindy's face? but how to go about it.' Henry played with the heads a few times before finding out that parts of their body glowed when pushed. that being the hair, ears, eyes, nose, and mouth.

Slowly, he pushed the hair of the one who had Lindy's hair, then the one with her eyes, ears, mouth, and nose... but nothing happened. he did it once more, and this time he started with the eyes and ended with the hair, and this time the heads glowed, and the ground below him slowly began to sink in.

'really? head shoulders knees and toes?' Henry thought slightly speechless, but he turned his attention to what was down below, after having Sora follow him. along with the police officers.