

On his deathbed, Rimuru receives Temptest's abilities and his wish is unexpectedly granted. The story of a slime in the multiverse

Daoist9sLu8Q · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Alvida Priate

"Moving feels good," Yogiri entered the hut and spoke happily under the strange looks of a few people.

"Who are you, gentlemen?" Yogiri asked when he saw the curious gazes of a few people.

"Who are you, and more importantly why are you walking around naked?" The thin, blue-haired naked man spoke loudly as the men looked at Yogiri, who was walking comfortably.

"I apologize if I disturb you, gentlemen, but ı need your clothes." Yogiri said with a smile on his face.

"Why did you think we would give you our clothes?" The yellow-haired man couldn't tolerate Yogiri's attitude and asked angrily.

Meanwhile, a large Kanabo was thrown rapidly towards the hut. Yogiri observed the attack with his Observation Haki and calmly took a few steps back. As the attack landed, the hut was shattered, and the pirates inside fainted due to the impact.

Yogiri [Predator] swallowed the clothes and instructed the Great Sage to analyze them and create clothing for him. In a few seconds, the Great Sage completed the clothes, and they appeared on Yogiri.

"These look like the clothes I used to wear. It's always weird to be naked." Yogiri's simple black clothes from before appeared.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" Yogiri asked the small boy with purple hair next to him, knowing him to be Coby, one of the supporting roles in the story. He noticed the blood flowing from his head.

"You better run, Captain Alvida must have noticed you. If she catches you, she'll force you to work as a slave." Coby spoke fearfully.

"Coby, are you betraying me, you traitorous dwarf? Do you really think you can escape from me?" Alvida, holding Kanabo on her shoulder, asked.

"I'll give you a chance to apologize. Who is the most beautiful woman in this world?" Alvida asked, leaning Kanabo on her shoulder.

"I don't know who the most beautiful person in the world is, but you must definitely be the ugliest. At least you're the best at something in the world, gotta look at the positive side of life." Yogiri looked at the woman in front of him with a helpless expression. Indeed, in this world, almost every woman has an above-average appearance. He thought he would have to spend a long time finding someone as ugly as the woman in front of him.

Upon hearing what he said, everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at him in astonishment.

"Do you realize what you're saying?" A yellow-haired man behind Alvida said loudly.

"You're not good, Captain Alvida will definitely be angry. After killing this kid, she'll definitely take her anger out on us." A pirate next to Alvida was almost about to cry.

After hearing Yogiri's words, Alvida became quite angry. She tightly gripped the club in her hand and swung it with all her might towards Yogiri's head.

"This is a quite dangerous attack." Yogiri extended a single finger towards the Kanabo. Thanks to his Observation Haki, he could feel the power and danger of incoming attacks, but he felt no danger from this attack. He didn't know his current power level precisely, but he was sure that with the abilities he gained from eating many sea creatures and Luffy, his strength was more than enough for the East Blue.

"You must be kidding me," one of the pirates behind Alvida said with his mouth wide open.

"It's impossible, how can he stop my attack with just one finger?" He was shocked to see Yogiri stop his attack with just one finger. The man in front of him looked quite weak. Almost his bones seemed to be visible in a certain way. Nevertheless, he stopped the attack with his finger and seemed quite relaxed.

"Enough of this entertainment, I have things to do." Yogiri punched Alvida in the face with all his might. Despite controlling his strength, Alvida flew back a few meters due to the impact.

"Give me a boat." He called towards the stunned pirate group after Alvida was defeated.

"Okay." The sweaty-faced pirate group accepted obediently.

"Coby, are you coming with me? Someone needs to use the boat." Yogiri offered to Coby as he walked towards the prepared boat.

Coby gathered his courage when he saw that the opportunity he had been looking for had arrived and went to Yogiri.