
Chapter 61: Wang Fu Ya Make Herself Look Stupid.

The Staff Room door was opened from the outside. Yu Qi was shocked. She was about to open that door. Wang Fu Ya appeared in front of her looking so confident. She never knew why this girl looked so confident when she always lost to her.

Yu Qi stepped aside. Wang Fu Ya entered and approached Madam Tong. Yu Qi was not going outside. She decided to wait and see what Wang Fu Ya planned to do.

"Madam Tong, I have something to tell you." Wang Fu Ya said politely to Madam Tong.

Madam Tong eyed Wang Fu Ya. She began to like this girl because her way to speak with the teacher was very polite. Unlike that girl earlier.

"Madam Tong, actually the answer sheet written by Yu Qi was mine. She forced me to write her name on my answer sheet and she wrote my name on her answer sheet." Wang Fu Ya told the 'truth' to Madam Tong.

Madam Tong and the teachers frowned when she spoke of that. When Wang Fu Ya saw all of them frowning, she thought they were thinking about Yu Qi, and she became happy. She did not know about Yu Qi taking some tests earlier and proving her capability.

Yes, the teachers including Madam Tong thought about Yu Qi. Wondering why this Wang Fu Ya said something like this. If they did not see Yu Qi's capability earlier, they might think like that too. However, after seeing that earlier, they suspected that Wang Fu Ya was lying to slander Yu Qi.

Yu Qi who listened to the lie just smiled. She thought she did not have to deal with Wang Fu Ya this time. The teacher would. She just had to wait and see.

"Madam Tong, I suggest letting Student Wang Fu Ya answer the same question earlier as Yu Qi. But because of limited time, we can ask her to answer only one subject that she chooses from. How about that?" A teacher whispered a suggestion to Madam Tong.

Madam Tong also thought it was a good suggestion. She nodded several times. Wang Fu Ya saw this and thought that Madam Tong would punish Yu Qi, she turned to Yu Qi who stood not far behind her provoking Yu Qi with a smile.

"Wang Fu Ya, can you tell me, what is your favourite subject?" A question from Madam Tong surprised Wang Fu Ya.

"Eh...What?" Wang Fu Ya was dumbfounded

"I ask you, what is the subject that you like and scored the most?" Madam Tong repeated her question.

"Chemistry." Wang Fu Ya answered.

"Okay, prepare the same question as before." Madam Tong ordered.

Wang Fu Ya did not know what happened. So, she just had to wait for Madam Tong to explain to her.

"Wang Fu Ya, please sit here and answer these questions." Madam Tong placed some paper on a table and asked Wang Fu Ya to sit and answer it.

"Madam Tong, can you explain to me what is this all about?" Wang Fu Ya asked, to understand the situation.

"Please answer that first. You are given 20 minutes. We will explain to you later."

So, Wang Fu Ya did not have a choice but to answer those questions. She frowned when she looked at the questions. She thought these questions were pretty difficult. Of course, under the teachers staring at her, it was a lot of pressure to answer those questions. She tried to fill out her answer sheet. She thought the given 20 minutes was not enough to answer all the questions. So, when the given 20 minutes were finished, there were two questions that she was unable to finish.

The teacher collected the answer sheet and marked that. After finishing, he gave that to Madam Tong. Madam Tong frowned seeing the result. She doubted when this student said that Yu Qi forced her to write Yu Qi's name on her answer sheet.

" Wang Fu Ya, tell us the truth. Is it true that Yu Qi was forcing you to write her name on your answer sheet?" Madam Tong verified again.

"Yes..." Wang Fu Ya confidently said yes but was cut by Madam Tong.

"I never thought you would lie to the teachers so openly. Look at this answer sheet." Madam Tong brought out Yu Qi's answer sheet earlier. "These are the same questions given to Yu Qi. She answered it all and got full marks. Not only this subject, Physics, Biology, Math, English, and Language, she got all full marks. Why did she ask you to write her name on your answer when she can perform better than you?"

Wang Fu Ya was flabbergasted. She did not know that Yu Qi also answered this kind of question and also five other subjects. She also scored full marks in all the subjects. She thought Yu Qi has been held by the teacher because she did not admit that she was cheating. Who thought that, at that time she had answered the questions prepared for her to prove the truth?

"Wang Fu Ya, you will be punished for 1 month cleaning the toilet for lying to teachers and also slandering your classmate. The janitor will instruct you starting today. Go and see her after school hours." Madam Tong gave the final verdict to Wang Fu Ya.

Yu Qi felt she had seen enough. She slowly exited the Staff Room going back to the classroom. Feng Yue quickly talked to Yu Qi.

"Are you okay?" Feng Yue held Yu Qi's hand.

"I'm okay. The teachers will not punish me because I'm not guilty." Yu Qi spoke loudly so everyone heard that.

"Yu Qi did you saw Wang Fu Ya? I think she also went to the Staff room an hour ago." A student asked Yu Qi.

"Oh, I did see her. She went to the staff room to tell the teacher an interesting story. You can ask her later." Yu Qi gave an ambiguous smile.

The student who asked Yu Qi felt weird when she saw Yu Qi smiling like that.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko**

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...

Daily Mini Scene

Long Hui: Author-sama, why don't you let meet see my beloved?

Me: Are you sure you can't hold back if I let you meet her?

Long Hui: NO. I will hug her, kiss her, and make love to her.

Me: Woi woi woi, she is just 16 years old. Make love? No No No...I will not allowed that happen.

Long Hui: Are you sure? ( Eyeing me with cold look)

Me: I'm sorry Yu Qi. I can't protect you. (Whispered while silently crying)


ZerahNekocreators' thoughts