
Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

A new graduate dies, but has a chance to be born back. (very poorly written, I use the help of a translator, I'm still studying English and I'm trying to write better)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Phim ảnh
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29 Chs

Greer give birth to a daughter

POV; Caiera Oldstrong

Fight, fight, fight this is my routine and my life, I wonder why I feel the planet's energy flow over my body forcing me to fight and fight.

Day and night I kill my enemies but it's still not enough, something pushes me to keep fighting, Bi-beast is strong and I can't beat him, even after fighting so much, now I have to massacre 10 newbies, one fight no reason but i still want to fight.

I hope one day I feel something other than just anger.....

I see my 10 enemies, most of them with proud faces, think that beating rubbish in the common arena can do what they want in this arena, they want to face me separately..... rubbish the reason for being 10v1 is to give them some chance but still waste everything on their pride...

I use my halberd and attack the idiot who came running towards me, I won't waste time today, my halberd cut through his shield entering his body cutting through all his flesh and bones, disgusting...

The second is some kind of idiot mage, I use my speed and cut his head off before he can use his magic, the third and fourth were smarter they attacked together, too bad they can't stop my halberd... two more heads fly through the arena and blood spreads...

5 of them decide to attack together... only one idiot boy is looking at him with a smile, I will take his smile off him as soon as I get rid of these 5 garbage.

3 of them attack melee trying to encircle me, while 2 stay from afar attacking... I use my halberd and cut the enemy in front of me and step straight to attack the 2 that were behind, more heads fly and more blood fouls me .....

only two left, it wasn't hard to cut them either, the grandmaster must be furious that I ended this ridiculous show quickly.... only the smiling boy is missing.

I use my halberd and attack him, I think it's all over now I'm going............ WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE... *BOOOOOOOOM*

My halberd collided with the boy's gun and we were in a tie......it looks like this day won't be so


I use 100% of my strength to resist Caiera's blow.... in fact she is strong, it's no wonder I fought the hulk...

I increase my speed to the maximum and attack with my vibranium stick, thanks to my stick I manage to absorb a large part of the caiera force preventing it from reaching my body, unfortunately I only have one arm or I could do even more......

I see Caiera coming towards me using his halberd to attack my point I arrive in my defense, fortunately my fighting experience is high and I manage to dodge the blow...

"boy you are strong, tell me your name so I can remember you after I cut you" Caiera....

"Kinzoku or metal bat as you prefer, beautiful"...

"It's no use trying to seduce me, I won't have pity in the arena, let's keep fighting"

Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, I attack her and she defends herself, she attacks me and I defend myself

We've been fighting for 2 hours and neither of us is tired...


POV; grand master

That's it, that's what I want to see how excited the crowd is, how they scream and cry out for more, finally a fighter that animates this arena

"tell me what this boy's name is"........"boss his name is metal bat, arrived on the planet in just over 3 months, won all his fights in the common arena" butler..

"Well good, regardless of the result of this fight I don't want either of these two fighters to die, stop the fight before I have a winner, let's put them together against Bi-best and it will be the most epic fight in the arena"....

end pov


3 hours of battle, at the beginning I was tied but every minute I feel my body stronger and I started to push Caiera back with each blow, my power increased from 20 to 30 tons in just 3 hours thanks to this woman... ...but it's weird because she also gets stronger in the fight despite not having the raise as big as me....

As far as I remember she uses the energy of the planet sakaar to nourish her body....maybe she is absorbing more every moment of our struggle....

let's keep fighting, I want to fight more and more and more, I don't feel tired, let's go caiera keep fighting me and help me increase my limit...


Planet Earth - New York

"give it a try, let's give it a try, it's almost out"doctor....

in a bed a beautiful woman in tiger skin was giving birth to a child..."my granddaughter is finally being born hahaha" ino... "see husband our son didn't lie and gave us a granddaughter"...

"quiet wife let our daughter-in-law concentrate" kakuzu...

after another 1 hour of childbirth.... finally the beautiful woman has a beautiful newborn girl in her arms... the girl's skin is white and she has black hair but her small eyes are like a feline's.

"Greer as Kinzoku is not here it's up to you to name my granddaughter, what will her name be?" Ino...

"Zenko, she will be called Zenko Batto" Greer.......
