
Reborn into Twilight.

I am reborn into twilight with powers.

matther12 · Phim ảnh
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I was floating, which was unexpected. I figured that i would not regain consciousness until well after I had been born. I knew that i world remember, my changes on Dennis's computer made sure of that but to remember this early was a shock. The warm liquid I was floating in and the strong heartbeat of my mother confirmed my location. I could also hear my own and that of my own heartbeat as well as Bellas' beside me.

With nothing else to do and months of time to kill I began playing around with my new powers. The knowledge of how to use them was mostly instinctive. I thought about what I wanted and I just knew how to use my powers to get the best results.

I helped along Bellas' and my own development with biological manipulation. Knowing that the world we were going into was filled with vampires that were practically unstoppable for ordinary people I made some changes. With Captain America as a template I sought to make us as close to that as possible. Most of those changes would not really start to show until puberty but even before then we would be exceptionally strong children.

Knowing Bella already had a gift for mental shields I used ability creation to expand on that. First giving myself the ability to give others abilities I increased her gift to include physical barriers. I gave her a photographic memory and a quick mastery skill. And after a bit of thought telekinesis just because. Why not turn her into a little jedi if I could.

As for myself I got all the physical upgrades I gave to Bella. I gave myself a quick mastery skill as well. I considered instant mastery but seemed like it would make life boring after not very long. I also got mental shields, telekinesis, telepathy, and a bit of precognition, just enough to keep myself safe. I desided to give the precog to Bella too. I would probably give her more as she got older and matured enough to handle it. I would have to train with her in secret already.

Time passed and I was bored. I ended up using my telepathy to watch the outside world through the minds of the people around me. I avoided their memories. I do respect peoples privacy.

Finally the day came and let me tell you it was not pleasant.

Fourteen horrifying hours later and it was over. Alexander and Isabella Swan were born and were sleeping in their mothers arms.