
Reborn In MHA With PSI

A man is reborn in the world of My Hero Academia and forced to bear the burdens of his predecessors. Thankfully he has a solid quirk and an enchanted gift to see him through. Watch as he nukes the world timeline down the shitter and dominates his hero academia. MaybeHarem.MaybeNot.Whoknows. edit, 28 july, 2021 : the fic is completed. though i may rewrite the alst couple of chapters later to make them better. please give this fic a try if you feel like it! :-)

GoldFinger · Tranh châm biếm
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123 Chs


In the period between late february to early april, students generally had nothing to do. It was a sort of limbo-vacation, limbocation if you must, since school would start soon and exams had just ended. A respite in some ways.

It was in this odd bit of time that Deku inherited One for All.

Better than in canon where he shattered his arms and legs trying to use it first time in an unfamiliar situation.

At least now he'd get to train in it's use before the quirk apprehension test.

But even before that came the matter of deciding the costume designs!

That brings us or rather me, here. Musutafu heights. Deku's apartment.

I rang the doorbell and waited, as frantic thumping sounded out from within. Seconds later, Deku stumbled out, swinging the door open.

"Haru-chan! Come in!" He said, grinning ear to ear.

Ugh. Is this your first time bringing home a friend Deku?

On second thought, that sounded about right. With what Bakugo had put him through, it was likely that he hadn't had a friend over in ages.

Still that overenthusiastic grin was getting creepy to look at.

"Deku?" I said, as he turned to look at me.

Instantly, I grabbed his face with both hands, pushing his grin into a more manageable one.

"Fuck. That grin was creeping me out!" I said, satisfied.

Deku suddenly looked downcast.

Oh man! This baby!

"It's nothing on you Deku. I get it. You're happy to have a friend and I like that innocent part of you. It's just that grin was getting creepy. I didn't mean anything by it, really!"

Within moments his grin was back.

Ugh. Why?

I sighed. Fine. Let's get this over with.

"Let's go inside and discuss the designs. You got yours?" I asked.

"Yep! Come and see." He said dragging me into his room, enthusiastically.

His room was...normal. As normal as it could get anyway. There was no more overwhelming amounts of All Might merchandise lining the walls, just a couple of figurines and posters.

Instead the room looked like a steampunk study room, littered with soldering irons, cutters and half finished inventions and prototypes.

The walls were lined with maps, blueprints, charts and graphs.

Looked like a proper budget batcave.

Hehehehe. So obvious where he got that idea. It was almost cute in that.

I sat down on his bed, as he pulled out eight separate blueprints from under the rubble on his desk, some pockmarked with coffee stains and drool.

"I've got the whole thing planned out!" He said.

"Oho! Show me then." I said.

He pulled up one of the blueprints out and pointed.

"You remember the bat helmet? I made some improvements using some free designs available online.

A couple dampeners here. See that bulge. Protects from head injuries.

I also added an amateur version of nightvision. Then there's this bump here." He said, pointing to a poorly painted on portrusion on the front top of the helmet, "That's for a camera to record crime scenes. Makes it easier to review stuff in hindsight. It's also connected to a small back camera, so I have 360 degree field of vision."

"That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of it? Damn, Deku. You're a genius!" I exclaimed.

It was honestly something I hadn't considered. After all, if I can just project eyes everywhere, why would I worry about 360 degree vision. I had 4D vision. When active, my abilities made ambushing me impossible.

At full power, I could see through time itself, much less the back of my head.

"What about the torso?" I asked.

"Oh! Ooh. That's a really good one. I found this old patent about a blow up suit that protected old people from falling. The creator made it public as a donation to charity. So, I added it to the torso armor. Small pockets of inflatable gel. Cushions almost anything a normal person would have to deal with. Maybe more!" He said, as he got lost in explaining the features.

Good. I liked that dedication and purpose. Maybe he was more useful than just a placeholder till I could steal one for all.

Heh! I wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Mostly because I didn't need to. I could just see through it.

Regardless, it was surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

As Deku pulled out the blueprints for the gloves, his mother knocked on the door, before entering with a plate of juice and snacks.

"How are you boys doing? Having fun? Here's something to munch on while you geek out." She said.

"Yes!" Deku answered.

"Yeah. Thanks for the snacks!" I said.

"Your mom seems like a nice lady." I commented munching down on a puff.

"Uhuh!" He mumbled proudly, downing his glass of juice.

"Now the gloves..." he said, continuing the explanation.

Two hours and 11 blueprints later, I prepared to leave, as Deku fell asleep.

"Night-night. Deku." I said, ruffling his hair.

"Uhm!" He moaned happily, already half asleep.

I slipped out with my bag, and made for the door, only to be stopped by the mom.

"Can we talk?" She asked.

"Uh sure. Why not?" I said, following her to the couch.

"So..?" I prodded.

"Did you know he stayed up all night yesterday to make those blueprints?" She asked.

"I figured as much, seeing how he's half asleep at what... 11 in the morning?" I said looking at the clock.

"You know, you're exactly like Izuku describes you. So odd and direct." She commented, chuckling.

"He talks about me?" I aksed. Surprising, considering he never so much as peeped about the bullying from Bakugo.

"Since he met you two years ago, he hasn't stopped talking about you. Not one day goes by when I don't hear about Haru-chan this, Haru-chan that.

He practically worships you, you know?" She said, tearing up.

"Uh..are you okay, miss Midoriya?" I asked, concerned.

"It's nothing. Just ... ever since his father left and we found out he was quirkless, I have never seen him so happy. And it's all thanks to you." She cried, tears now falling freely from her eyes.

Not another crying person! Damnit! Why am I surrounded by these things?

"I just wanted to say... thank you!" Inko Midoriya said, "Thank you for helping him! Thank you for believing in him, even when I didn't! Thank you for saving my boy!" Grabbing my hands, eyes full of gratitude.

"Uh.. it's okay?" I fumbled.

It was odd. Shaking even. The more time I spent with these mobs, I have almost begun to see them as people.

They have their own lives. Their own families. Likes, dislikes. Thoughts and feelings.

But what of me? A voice cried deep within me. What of me?

Something I had hated to consider. The fact that this was their world. That I was the alien imposter visiting, taking advantage of their guillessness, no, their trust.

Like..like an eldritch god.

No ..not a god, but rather....%@^#^^.

A piercing headache shot through my head as my auto defense protocol activated autonomously, preventing a full on existential crisis and possible meltdown from occuring. Just a little trick I had installed way back in my baby days to prevent all sorts of mental problems, mind control, power copying or causal disruptions.

Now for the first time in years it had proven a worthwhile investment.

I made the right decision starting from trance in mastering my powers!

Slowly, and with much prodding, I calmed her down, before taking my leave.

Phew! What a sticky situation. For all my guile and deception, that is one thing I can't handle. Seeing the people I don't bother with crying. Honestly, it was such a waste of time to cry. I personally didn't believe in crying unless there was something to be gained from it.

And while I understood the need, it was never pleasant even when I was the one crying. All it was, was odd. And disturbing.

I shook my head violently. No time for this. I have better things to do.

I boarded the train to Setagaya, pulling out my journal.

It's been a week now. The Rokuro clone should be ready in a couple of hours. And I would be damned if I was going to miss it's birth.

As I arrived at the lab, an alarm rang out, indicating the completion of the project.

I ran over to the pod as it drained of liquid. And there stood a beautiful little boy, night blue of hair, with big, brown eyes.

"Mama?" He asked, looking at me.

"No." I said, "Papa!"

"Papa!" He cutely repeated after me.