
Reborn in MHA: The White Flame Chronicles

No-harem idk, what else to say.... I guess read it, if you like it (^v^)

Miscellaneous_9987 · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: Death

**Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter**

The city of Yokohama sprawled beneath the twilight sky, its streets illuminated by a myriad of neon lights that flickered like distant stars. Amidst the bustling urban landscape, 21-year-old Yuto wandered alone, a solitary figure lost in the crowd. His footsteps echoed against the pavement, a rhythm of solitude that matched the beat of his own despondent heart.

As he walked, lost in thought, Yuto's attention was drawn to a stray kitten darting across the street. Without hesitation, he rushed forward, intent on rescuing the helpless creature from the path of an oncoming car. But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

With a screech of tires and a sickening thud, Yuto found himself hurled through the air, his body crashing against the unforgiving pavement. Pain lanced through him like a searing fire, every nerve ending screaming in agony as darkness descended.

When Yuto opened his eyes once more, he found himself standing in a realm bathed in ethereal light, a figure cloaked in shimmering robes standing before him.

"Welcome, Yuto," the figure spoke, its voice echoing with a resonance that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality. "You have met an untimely end, my child."

Yuto's brow furrowed in confusion. "An end? But... I was trying to save a kitten. How... How did I die?"

The figure regarded him with a gaze that seemed to penetrate the depths of his soul. "You were struck by a car, a noble gesture that ended in tragedy. But fear not, for your journey has not yet reached its conclusion."

Yuto's mind whirled with disbelief. "My journey? What do you mean?"

The figure extended a hand, a gentle smile playing upon its lips. "I offer you a chance, Yuto—a chance to be reborn, to begin anew in a world of your choosing. Tell me, where would you like to go? What world calls to your heart?"

Yuto's eyes widened in astonishment. "A world of my choosing? But... why me?"

The figure's smile grew warmer, imbued with a sense of infinite compassion. "Because, my dear child, you possess a spark of greatness within you—a spark that yearns to ignite the flames of destiny. Choose wisely, for your decision will shape the path that lies ahead."

Yuto's heart pounded in his chest as he pondered the figure's words. This was his chance—a chance to escape the confines of his former life, to embrace a new beginning in a world of endless possibilities. With a sense of determination burning within him, he spoke softly.

"I choose... the world of My Hero Academia."

*A few hours later*

The harsh fluorescent lights of the hospital for the less fortunate cast a sterile glow over the worn linoleum floors and faded walls. Yuto's arrival into the world was not heralded by the soft melodies of a lullaby, but by the cacophony of pain and struggle that permeated every corner of the dilapidated building.

As he took his first breaths amidst the stale air of the hospital room, Yuto's cries pierced the silence, a poignant reminder of the harsh realities that awaited him. The nurses moved with practiced efficiency, their tired faces betraying the weariness of souls who had seen too much suffering.

Yuto's parents, mere shadows of their former selves, exchanged hollow gazes as they welcomed their newborn son into their world of addiction and despair. They were ill-prepared for the responsibility thrust upon them, their own struggles with substance abuse casting a dark cloud over their hopes for the future.

"Another mouth to feed," Yuto's father muttered, his voice heavy with defeat as he glanced at the tiny bundle in his arms.

Yuto's mother offered a fleeting smile, though her eyes betrayed a sadness that ran deep. "At least we won't be alone in our misery," she whispered, her voice tinged with bitter irony.

Meanwhile, amidst the chaos of his arrival, Yuto blinked up at the world with wide, innocent eyes, his tiny features a stark contrast to the harsh realities of his surroundings. If he had known the circumstances of his birth, perhaps he would have recoiled in horror.

But as he lay cradled in his mother's arms, surrounded by the oppressive atmosphere of the hospital room, Yuto couldn't help but feel a sense of defiance stirring within him. He may have been born into a world of addiction and despair, but he refused to let his circumstances define him.

"I'll make something of myself, you'll see," he whispered to the silent walls of the hospital room, his voice filled with determination.

And so, with a newborn's boundless resilience and a touch of dark humor inherited from his troubled parents, Yuto embarked on his journey into the world, ready to face whatever challenges fate had in store for him, armed with nothing but his wits, his quirks, and a fierce determination to defy the odds stacked against him.

Wrapped snugly in a worn blanket, Yuto was carried out of the hospital and into the harsh reality of the world awaiting him. His parents, their weary faces illuminated by the faint glow of streetlights, exchanged solemn glances as they navigated the bustling streets of the city.

"We'll make it work, won't we?" Yuto's mother murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced down at her sleeping son.

Yuto's father nodded, though his expression remained grim. "We have to," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "For his sake."

As they made their way through the maze of alleys and dilapidated buildings, Yuto's parents shared a silent understanding—a shared burden that weighed heavily upon their shoulders. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with obstacles, but they were determined to do whatever it took to provide for their son, to give him a chance at a better life.

Hours later, they arrived at their cramped apartment, its walls bearing the scars of years of neglect and hardship. Yuto's parents exchanged weary smiles as they stepped inside, the familiar scent of stale cigarette smoke mingling with the musty odor of poverty.

"We'll make do," Yuto's father declared, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance as he gently laid his son down in the makeshift crib they had prepared.

Yuto's mother nodded in agreement, though her eyes betrayed a sadness that threatened to consume her. "We'll do whatever it takes," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the distant sounds of the city outside.

"And we'll never go back to that life," Yuto's father added, his tone firm with conviction as he glanced at his wife. "Not after what happened with Yuto."

Yuto's mother nodded, a flicker of determination shining in her eyes. "You're right," she replied, her voice tinged with regret. "We owe it to him to be better."

And so, as they settled into their new reality, Yuto's parents vowed to leave their past behind, to forge a new path for themselves and their son. It would be a journey fraught with challenges, but they were determined to face them together, united in their love for their child and their shared dream of a brighter future.

How was it?? I tried my best to do this chapter.

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