
Reborn in DBZ as a human

A young man was slowly crossing the street. He made sure to look both ways before crossing the street, he had read too many novels where truck-Kun suddenly appeared. Just as it seemed safe he started crossing the street. That's when he heard a loud roaring sound as Mercedes sped around the corner and hit him full force. He flew back 3 feet and when he hit the ground he was already dead. I got out of the car as fast as I could, I was the one driving the Mercedes, and I had just killed this innocent man.

DaoistRo15uY · Tranh châm biếm
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Reborn in DBZ as a human

Raiden couldn't help but laugh at the worried expression on his dad's face.

"Don't worry guys I'm not leaving for a long time. The next tournament is in 5 years so I think I'll just train at home. I think I'll probably leave a year ahead of the tournament to go back to train with master Chappa but other than that I'll be home," Raiden said with a smile on his face.

"Don't laugh you brat," Alice said lightly slapping the back of Raiden's head. "Do you know how worried we were that you would just leave again?" She scolded him.

"Well you don't have to worry anymore, I'm not going anywhere," Raiden said. "Also I'm still growing, I'll show you who the brat is in a few years," he added with a mutter.

The siblings continued arguing for a while until Marie decided she had enough of their squabble and sent them both to bed saying it was already late.

While laying in his bed in the room he shared with his sister Raiden was lost in his thoughts. He had lied to his parents when he said he would be going to train with Chappa a year before the tournament.

While he would leave after around 4 years, it wouldn't be to go train with Chappa. What he actually planned on doing was joining Goku and his friends on their adventure to find the dragon balls.

But even though that was the plan Raiden didn't really know where to start with it. How on Earth would he find Goku's little cottage in the woods, it was basically impossible. He did know where Bulma lived though, west city. It would probably be fairly easy to find the home of the owner of Capsule Corp, but still, he needed an actual reason to talk to her.

After thinking about how exactly he would somehow join Goku and his friends in their adventures and coming up with no answers, Raiden decided to let the matter be. If he had no other option he could simply try to ambush Bulma as Yamcha did and somehow befriend them from there.

What he was actually needed to do was start training. Once the cannon timeline started treats like the red ribbon army, king Picollo, and the Saiyans would start showing up to Earth like Moths to a fire.

Also, the fact that he could currently be beaten by a Saibaman was very motivational to get him to step up his training.

After that Raiden quickly fell asleep having dreams of funny little green men that had somehow managed to defeat Yamcha.

* * * * * *

Raiden floated above the rocky outcrop where he suspected Goku and Vegeta would fight in due time. He lazily stared at the mountain and raised one of his palms. With a flash, one of the 5 orbs that floated behind his back flashed bright white with ki and the mountain exploded from the flash of energy released from the attack.

Raiden grinned as he examined his handiwork. If he was worried about Saibamen 4 years ago, they wouldn't stand a chance against him now.

With a flash of energy, he took off going south to Sasebo city. He still had 30 minutes before lunch but his mother wouldn't be happy with him cutting it close. Not like it would take him the whole thirty minutes.

From the last 4 years of training his ki control had gotten much better so a trip that would have taken him several days of flying, after he came back home from the tournament, now only took 20ish minutes.

It wasn't that he was finally able to utilize his absurdly large ki pool in his body. If only it was that easy. While growing up and gaining almost a foot in height, he now stood at a proud 1.75 meters tall ( 5' 7") which was pretty good for a 15-year-old.

With the height and age increasing so did the amount of ki he could utilize within his body, but still, it wasn't enough. If he didn't use his ki orbs Yajirobe or Chappa would have little to no trouble dealing with him. It was frustrating, all the workouts and training he did, just for his muscles and skin to feel as though they were about to burst when he tried to use just a little bit more of the ki he already had.

But still, it wasn't as if the last 4 years had been without any improvements in his training. When he said that he had improved his ki control he meant it. Raiden would wager his ki control was the best in the whole 7th universe. Well maybe discounting the people of Yardrat.

While he couldn't use the ki in his body the ki outside was a different thing altogether. His favorite thing to do was split apart his hi into tiny particles and pretend it was a bit like the that Gaara controlled in Naruto. Of course with ki that small if it hit or touched something it wouldn't really hurt, it would just be a small spark against your skin.

But still making his childhood fantasies come true brought him much delight.

Of course, if he used his ki balls then Yajirobe and Chappa stood no chance. Each one of those had more energy than both of them combined.

One of his favorite ways to train his ki had been to change try and change the shape of one of the ki balls into a sword then use it to spar Yajirobe while he used his katana. Holding the shape and making his ki sharp was good practice. Especially when he later used those same principles to copy Frieza's Destructo Disk.

After about 20 minutes Raiden managed to fly past the southern continent and shot down to the floor like a meteor about a mile away from his home.

He broke into a jog to get in a small run on the way home and smiled thinking of the scolding he would no doubt get from his mother.

Raiden struggled to breathe as his mother held him in a chokehold she liked to call a hug.

"Remember to shower, change your clothes, and don't hurt yourself," my mom said as she continued to crush Raiden.

"Mom okay I get it. I promise I'll be careful with my training." Raiden croaked trying to catch his breath.

Reluctantly Marie let go of her son reminding him once more to make sure he kept on visiting them and kept in touch.

Raiden quickly hugged his sister and dad goodbye before running out of the house and levitating off the ground. After he was high up in the air he waved them goodbye once more, even though he wasn't sure if they could even see him anymore, and shot off towards West Capitol.

It was even further north than where he normally trained in the rocky plateau so it would probably take him close to an hour to reach there.

As he flew towards West Capitol he was continuously shaping his ki balls into different objects. They turned into all different shapes and sizes. From swords to spears to axes, Raiden had probably practiced turning them into any weapon imaginable. To be honest, it didn't really matter what form the ki took, it would be the same sharpness no matter what weapon it turned into. The range wasn't really an issue either, even if he turned his ki balls into a sword he could extend the blade to make it much longer than an actual sword. Sort of like Orochimaru's sword from Naruto.

The only caveat being that if he wanted to extend the range he needed more ki since it would be covering more area. To fix that problem he could just combine some of the ki balls together. But he usually kept them apart because of how hard it was to control such a massive ball of ki and then to shape it, which was even more difficult.

Raiden finally stopped practicing with his ki when he realized he had almost flown past West Capitol while he was busy training. He quickly looked down and found a fairly small and quiet alley and descended to the floor.

He had seen where the capsule corp building was from the air so he knew the general location, but it was in a pretty crowded area so he had had to land a fair distance away. He could probably ask directions from a cop like Goku had done when he was looking for Bulma, hopefully, they would help him.

he quickly walked out of the alley and into the main street and started looking for someone to help him. After a while of searching, he eventually found a rather old cop leaning against his bike writing something on a pad.

"Excuse me can you tell me where the capsule corp building is?" Asked Raiden after the cop looked up hearing Raiden walk towards him.

The cop stared at Raiden for a second and analyzed the young teen. He had sandy blond hair (think Bakugo from MHA) and a childish face that still had some baby fat on it. Though he looked pretty athletic, enough to be a threat. (Again think Bakugo without the permanent scowl on his face. Also he had brown eyes)

"Why do need to know kid?" Asked the cop. Even if it wasn't really a secret he couldn't just tell anyone that asked the address of the most important person in the city.

"I just wanted to talk to him about a new invention I made. It's an alternative more efficient light source." Raiden replied.

"O yea? Prove it then, show it to me and I might tell you the directions." The officer said with suspicion in his voice.

Raiden smiled and placed his palm in front of him. In a flash, one of the ki orbs he had left hovering over the city shot down like a meteor and floated above him palm emitting a light glow.

The officer jumped back with his eyes wide and mouth open in shock. He hadn't seen how the floating orb had got there, he just saw it appear in the kid's hand.

"I- I guess you weren't lying kid. Here hop on my bike I'll give you a ride. Whatever that was it looked important."

Raiden nodded to show his thanks and jumped on the back of the cop's bike. They rode in front of a large semicircular gate that was behind a giant wall and had plenty of security around it.

"Alright, here you are. I'm pretty sure if you ask the gate security and they'll verify who you are and let you in," said the cop as he drove off.

Raiden walked towards the security and said he was the champion of the world martial arts tournament. He created a tiny ball of ki and used the same excuse he used with the cop, and the guards let him in.

He walked into the compound and wondered if Bulma had already left to look for the dragon balls. If she had it would be a lot harder to find her and Goku, he would have to go flying around the continents looking for them.

He walked for a few minutes until he finally reached the large semicircular building in the middle of the huge compound. He tried to fight off the butterflies in his stomach as he rang the doorbell.

Raiden waited outside the door to the briefs household as he waited for someone to answer. He wondered why he was feeling so nervous about this, he had fought and won against the strongest fighters in the world with hundreds watching. 'Yea no way I can be nervous now' he thought trying to give himself a boost of confidence.

He was still lost in his thoughts when he finally heard the door open. 'But with how large the house was it made sense it would take time to open the door,' He thought.

"Oh hello, I didn't know my husband was meeting with such a handsome young man today," said Panchy with a smile as she greeted Raiden.

Raiden felt his face go slightly red at her words as he said, "Uhh actually Dr.Breifs doesn't know who I am, but I do something important to talk to him about. Is there is any chance he's home?"

"Hmm he should be in his lab right now I could call him if you want. You can come in honey don't be shy," Panchy said pulling Raiden into the house and seating him in the living room.

Raiden couldn't help but fidget around in his seat as he waited for Panchy to come back with Dr.Breifs. Usually, he liked being alone without distractions, but that was outside in nature. Having to sit still like this and wait really wasn't his thing.

After a few minutes of waiting Raiden finally felt someone's ki start approaching though he couldn't tell if it was Panchy again or Dr.Breifs.

His questions were answered a few seconds later when a rather thin man with light blue hair and an impressive mustache walked into the living room.

Raiden quickly stood and gave the man a handshake. Meeting the world's richest person wasn't an everyday thing.

"Uh nice to meet you, I'm Raiden," he said awkwardly. He wasn't really sure how he was supposed to get into the topic of ki and dragon with the man.

Dr.Breifs seemed to notice his hesitance and asked, "So Raiden is there a reason you're here today? The guards said you had something incredible to show me."

"Yea I wanted to talk to you about a new type of energy I've discovered," he replied feeling more at ease.

"Hmm, a new type of energy you say. Is there any chance that you could show me?" Dr.Breifs asked, now interested.

"Well I think it would be best for me to show you," said Raiden once again putting his palm out in front of him.

He quickly formed a ball of Ki in his palm and forced as Dr.Breifs eyes widened in disbelief.

"What is that? Do you have something in your hand making the ball appear," he asked as he reached out to grab Raiden but hesitated when he realized he shouldn't carelessly touch the glowing ball of energy.

"It's not anything like that. It isn't a new type of technology, instead, the energy comes directly from within me. I guess you could say it's kind of like my life force because if it ever runs out I would probably die," Raiden explained.

"And it's not just me that has this energy," Raiden continued. " I can even sense your and your wife's energies, even though it is a lot less than what I have. I can even feel that there is someone else in the house. Maybe one of your children?" Raiden asked as he tried to steer the conversation towards Bulma.

"How intriguing," said Dr.Breifs as he looked to be lost in thought. "So what can this energy be used for? And how did you learn how to use it. You must tell me!" He asked Raiden with a hungry look in his eyes.

Raiden chuckled when he saw how Dr.Breifs reacted. 'So this is how people came up with the idea of a mad scientist' he couldn't help but think.

"Well, the way I learned how to use it wasn't anything related to science or any kind of studying," Raiden started explaining as the doctor paid rapt attention to his words.

"I actually discovered how to use the energy when I was training."


"Have you heard of the world martial arts tournament?" Raiden asked and the doctor gave a small nod.

"Well I was actually the winner of the last tournament," Raiden said with pride. "I discovered how to use the energy when I was training to fight in the tournament. 

"But what does the energy have to do with fighting?" Asked Dr.Breifs.

"Well remember when I said the energy is a type of life force. Well, you would expect those who were fitter and healthier to a stronger life force/energy than other people right?" The doctor nodded in understanding.

"Well as I was training I felt a small warmth inside myself. Like of like a warm feeling that grew as I pushed myself to my limits and got stronger," Raiden said.

"So the only way to harness this energy is to train in martial arts? There is no other way?"

"Well, actually it isn't that simple. Along with just training, you also have to have some degree of talent to use ki. That's what I call it, by the way, ki. My two friends also took part in the world martial arts tournament and out of the hundreds of fighters that participated in the tournament, only the three of us knew how to use ki."

"But if you need talent and training to harness this "ki", why come to me? I have no experience with it."

"Well, the reason I came here wasn't really for help with ki. Well in a way it is, I guess. What I need with my ki specifically. So have you ever heard of the dragon balls?" He asked the Doctor.

"Ahh the dragon balls yes I've heard of them, quite recently I might add. I've heard that they can grant any wish you want, but what does that have to do with your ki?" Asked Dr.Briefs

"Well, I explained what ki was but not really what it can do. Do you happen to have anything in your home or compound that you don't really like? Something that you'd want to be destroyed. It doesn't matter how big it is."

The genius scientist looked at him questioningly but still motioned for Raiden to follow him out as he led him to the large front yard.

"Well there is this one tree that had grown much too big and blocks the sun from coming through my windows in the morning," said Dr.Breifs gesturing towards a rather large tree that was growing by the house.

Raiden gave Dr.Breifs a small smile and lifted his hand out with his palm facing the tree. He quickly called one of his ki orbs down from the sky and had it flatten out to become a shield in front of the house as he prepared his attack.

"You might want to stand behind me for this," said Raiden. The doctor nodded and quickly went behind Raiden as Raiden finished preparing his attack. It took him a few second because he just wanted to get rid of the tree and not cause any further damage so he had to be precise with how much power her used.

Quickly Raiden's raised palms started glowing brightly and with a flash of light, a huge explosion took place in the yard. The shockwave forced Dr.Breifs on his behind as his eyes widened with disbelief.

Raiden also made sure to blast any stray debris that had flown into the air from the blast, before it could it the ground.

"Well that's basically what ki is used for doctor," said Raiden with an innocent smile on his face.

It took a few moments for Dr.Breifs to recover from what he had seen; before he got off the ground, patting the dirt off his pants.

"Well, you could've at least given me a warning before you set off explosives in my front yard," said the scientist accusingly.

"Well your reaction was worth it," said Raiden with a small shrug.

"But still you haven't made your point, what does this ki exactly have to do with the dragon balls," asked Dr.Breifs.

"Well, you know how I said most people don't have the talent or even enough ki to utilize it properly?" The doctor gave him a small nod showing he remembered. " Well I have the opposite problem, I have too much," Raiden explained.

"But why is that a problem exactly? Didn't you say ki was life energy? Surely having more of it would be a good thing," asked Dr.Breifs in confusion.

"Well think of me as a balloon and ki as air or helium in that balloon. If there is too little of it, it doesn't really matter. It's usually even harder to pop. But if there is too much of it..." Raiden trailed off not really wanted to talk in detail bout his ever-growing ki.

"I see, so you need the dragon balls to either lower the amount of ki you have or somehow make your body be able to handle that ki. Well, I think I can help you out with that. My daughter made something called a dragon radar. It helps you find where the dragon balls are, so your problem should be finished as soon as you manage to find them," Dr.Breifs said.

"Thank you so much, can you explain my situation to your daughter? If she wanted the dragon balls she must have had a wish she wanted to be granted," asked Raiden.

"My daughter? Well, you're going to have to explain by yourself. She's a little spoiled, but not to the point of risking your life. As for her wish?" He shot a meaningful look at Raiden, " I'm sure it'll be granted eventually."

Raiden was confused by the Doctor's actions still he asked," Isn't your daughter at home? I'm pretty sure I sensed another ki inside the house."

Dr.Breifs let out a small chuckle as he said, "I think what you sensed was our cat. No, my daughter left almost a month ago to start looking for the dragon balls."

Raiden felt his face go a light shade of red at his amateur mistake at ki sensing. Maybe that was one part of ki control he still needed for practice in.

Raiden waited outside the house as Dr.Breifs went inside to get his spare dragon radar.

"So how will you get to where my daughter is. She left almost a month ago when her school went out for the summer. It will probably take you few weeks to travel across the continent to where she is," asked Dr.Breifs.

"Don't worry doc I got it figured out," Raiden said with a slight smirk on his lips and he slowly levitated off the floor.

"And thanks again for your help," shouted Raiden as he shot off towards where three of the dragon balls had been gathered. It looked like Bulma had already found Goku then.

Raiden's face broke out into a large smile at the thought of finally meeting the main cast. And hopefully, Bulma would get her wish granted eventually as Dr.Briefs said. Raiden didn't really remember what she had wanted, all he remembered from the first wish was that it had been a pair of underwear.

It took Raiden a few hours to fly to where Bulma and Goku were on the other side of the continent.

A few minutes before he reached the position of the 3 dragon balls Raiden had noticed a small shack in the middle of the woods he flew over.

"So that's where Goku lived." Raiden thought as he continued on his journey.

Finally, after a bit of flying, he spotted a small house on the side of the path. "It was starting to get dark so Goku and Bulma probably stopped to rest," he thought as he flew down to the house.

Once again he started to get butterflies in his but quickly knocked on the door before he got even more nervous.

After a moment a rather short kid with slightly damp spiky black hair opened the door.

"Huh another human, wow saw two other than my grandpa on the same day. You are a boy though right?" Asked Goku staring at Raiden.

Finally, Raiden remembered that before Bulma found Raiden in the woods, he had never even seen another person other than his grandpa before.

Feeling a small headache starting emerging in the back of his head Raiden began to think that this might not be as easy as he predicted.

"Yea of course I'm a boy. My name is Raiden nice to meet you," said Raiden trying to be polite.

"O I'm Goku. But how did you find us here? I'm didn't even smell you coming, and I can usually smell everyone," asked Goku.

"Well let's just say I have a different way of travel than usual," said Raiden with a smile as he stepped into the house.

"Also I'm here because Bulma's dad sent me to talk to her about the dragon balls, she's not already asleep is she?"

"Huh, no she's not asleep. She's in that room right over there," said Goku pointing to the room in question.

"Thanks, Goku," Raiden said before walking over to the room and pulling the door open expecting to see Bulma.

Well, he did see Bulma but a lot more than he expected. Bulma was laying down in the bathtub of the room, which Raiden now realized was the bathroom.

* * *

Her light blue hair was let loose and was falling down her back and shoulders and even if she was covered by the floor suds and water Raiden's imagination began to wander immediately.

Bulma turned her head to see if Goku had opened the door again but instead she saw a flash of blond hair before the door was promptly shut.

"Sorry, I didn't know that was the bathroom," said a voice too deep to be Goku's.

Then after a second, she heard the words," Goku you idiot! Why didn't you tell me she was taking a bath," following by a loud thump. Which Bulma could figure out was Goku getting clobbered by the stranger.

Bulma giggled a little hearing the Goku, the little twerp, getting scolded by the stranger. At least someone knew how to react when walking in on a beautiful lady.

* * *

Raiden finished "teaching" Goku some manners, to which the boy had several bumps on his head. But mostly he just looked surprised that Raiden was able to hurt him, when not even the monsters he hunted could.

He took some deep breaths to calm himself and finally the blush that had settled on his face after walking in on Bulma started fading away.

"I haven't felt like this since, well the last time I was 15." Raiden couldn't help but think.

As Goku nagged Raiden about how he was so strong, to which Raiden started explaining the World Martial Arts Tournament, Bulma finally walked out of the Bathroom. She was now wearing long pajamas and drying her hair.

Raiden quickly started to apologize saying," Sorry I didn't realize it was the bathroom. I just asked Goku where you were and he said that room. I'm Raiden by the way."

Bulma looked at him suspiciously but still replied, "I'm Bulma, but how did you I was here?" Bulma asked confused.

"Uh your dad gave me this," said Raiden taking out the dragon radar that he had gotten from Dr.Breifs. Bulma also seemed to relax when Raiden mentioned that he knew her father.

"But why take the effort to find us all the way out here. If my dad it would have taken you a few weeks to get here, even with a hoverjet," Bulma asked confused.

"Don't worry it didn't take me that long to get here," Raiden said with a smirk. "But I do have something important to talk to you about. It's about the dragon balls," Raiden said and shot a glance towards Goku.

Bulma catching his hint quickly walked outside and Raiden followed.

"So when were you going to tell him that when you make your wish his ball will be gone for a year," Raiden asked.

"Well, I was going to tell him eventually," Bulma stammered. "But that's not what you came all this way to talk about was it?"

"No, what I want to ask is if you could let me have this wish with the dragon balls," Raiden asked nervously.

"My wish? That's the only reason I'm out here in the middle of nowhere. Why would I let you have it," Bulma said in anger.

"Wait wait let me explain. Well, pretty much I have this condition that might kill me if I don't fix it with the dragon ball." Raiden said not wanting to explain the whole situation with ki again. "Also, I promise next year I'll help you gather them again for your wish. It shouldn't take that long," Raiden compromised.

"It shouldn't take that long? What do you mean, it could take months to find all the dragon balls. They do get scattered all around the world you know," Bulma asked confused.

"Well let's just say I have a much faster way of getting around," said Raiden with a smile.

"Fine keep acting mysterious I'll find out soon enough anyway," Bulma said annoyed. "Well I guess I could wait one year for my wish, it's not important enough to risk your life for," Bulma relented.

"Thanks, I won't forget this. I promise," Raiden said sincerely.

"Yea yea don't get all sappy with me," Bulma said walking back into the house. "I'm guessing you're going to travel with us?" Bulma asked.

Raiden nodded and followed Bulma back into the house. He noticed Goku sat in front of the tv looking at it with wonder.

"Guys I'm hungry," Goku said walking towards them.

"Good I guess we can eat dinner," Bulma said walking towards a table in the middle of the room.

"Hey is that even food?" Goku asked as he saw what was on the table.

"Yea it's called crunchy roll, it's bread but crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside," Bulma explained.

"Yuck the soup smells bitter, I don't like it," Goku said as his nose scrunched up in disgust.

"Well of course it's bitter, it's coffee. It's supposed to bitter," Raiden explained

"Well you guys can eat it, I'm going to get some more energizing food to eat," Goku said as he sped out of the door.

"Well more for us I guess," Raiden said as he sat down in Goku's seat.

Bulma nodded as they both started digging into the food. It had been a long day for both of them so they didn't waste time talking.

After 10 minutes when they were almost done eating they heard Goku's voice outside of the door.

"Well that was quick," Bulma said as Raiden got up to open the door.

Raiden looked at the malnourished wolf that Goku had on his power pole and decided that he had had enough food for the day.

And he wasn't even going to think about the centipede, even in his training in the jungle he hadn't eaten any bugs. The good thing about having Yajirobe as a teacher was that he ate soo much that they usually had very protein-rich and healthy beasts for their meals.

"I caught a wolf and a centipede, cmon we can roast them," Goku said happily.

"Actually Goku me and Bulma are already quite full so you'll have to enjoy your meal by your self I'm afraid," Raiden said trying not to insult the boy and his unique tastes.

"Awww, well I guess I get to finish it all," Goku said as he started a fire a good distance away from the house.

Raiden and Bulma sat inside the house casually talking and drinking their coffee as Goku had his meal outside the house.

"I'm back," Goku said and he entered the house and let out a loud burp.

'Cmon grandpa Gohan you could have at least taught him some manners while you were with him,' Raiden couldn't help but think.

"Wow this bed is so comfy, and it's been so long since I've slept with anyone," Goku said merrily as he bounced on the one bed in the house.

"Sleep with? You're joking, right? Here I'll give you a blanket, but you have to sleep over there. Especially now that I know you are 14," Bulma lectured him.

'14? No way Goku is 14,' Raiden thought.

"Huh Goku, you're 14? I thought you looked a lot younger than that," Raiden asked.

"Yep, I'm sure I'm 14. I've been keeping track over the years," Goku said.

After a moment to think Raiden replied, "Really if your 14 then can you count to 14 for us really quick, I just want to check something."

Bulma gave him a questioning look, but Raiden just gestured towards Goku who was using his fingers to slowly count.

"7, 8, 9, 10, 14, see I told you I knew how to count," Goku said with a grin on his face.

"Uhh actually Goku what come's after 10 isn't 14, it's 11. Who taught you how to count," Bulma asked gently now that she realized he was just a kid.

"Well my grandpa taught me until 10, but then he left so I just tried to remember what came next and I thought it was 14," Goku explained.

"Well we can teach you tomorrow, let's sleep now we've got a long day ahead of us," Raiden said as he laid down on his futon.

But Goku hadn't heard his as he was already lightly snoring on his own futon.

Raiden smiled and went to close the lights quickly falling asleep after.

Raiden was woken from his slumber rather early in the morning by movement next to him.

Groggily he opened his eyes to see Goku in front of Bulma's bed. She was sleeping rather indecently with her pajamas rolled up displaying her underwear for the world to see. For a second Raiden thought Goku was peeking but quickly got rid of the thought. The kid was 11 and hadn't even known what a woman was before a few days ago, no way he was having those kinds of thoughts.

"Uhh, Goku what are you doing," Raiden said softly knowing Goku would be able to hear his with his keen ears.

But of course, Goku didn't care that it was still 6 in the morning as he said loudly," I just remembered sleeping with my grandpa so I wanted to try out a crotch pillow again, grandpa's was really soft."


He wanted to try what? Raiden took a moment to try and decipher what Goku had said. He used to sleep on his Grandpa's crotch and because of how soft it was he wanted to try and do the same thing with Bulma...

"Uhh, Goku sorry to disappoint you but girls don't have balls," Raiden said roaring with laughter at what Goku had said. "And also don't put your head on other people's crotch area. Got it?" Raiden said lightly knocking Goku on the head.

"WHATTTTT NO BALLLSSSSSS," Goku shouted in shock to which Bulma shot out of bed and started looking around. 

"Huh, what happened?" Bulma said waking up due to the shouting.

"N-n- no balls," said Goku in shock point at Bulma.

Bulma's eyes widened as she shot out of her bed and ran to where she had kept the 2 dragon balls. She sighed in relief when she saw that they were still there. " What are you talking about Goku, both the dragon balls are right here," she said confused.

Goku was about to explain what he was talking about but Raiden quickly spoke up instead, "I think Goku just had a nightmare that he lost his grandpa's dragon ball." He quickly shot Goku a look that even the naive kid could understand, shut up.

"Well now that we're all up might as well get started with the day," said Raiden taking out his toothbrush and some mouthwash from a capsule he had. He brushed his teeth and washed his face and Bulma also went through her morning routine.

Soon Raiden was ready and waiting in the living room with Goku as Bulma finished getting ready.

"Can you hurry it up, if you went any slower than you would turn into a turtle," Goku called out impatient at having to wait.

"Hmph you should treat me with more respect you know, I am 5 years older than you," Bulma called back annoyed.

"Cmon Goku let's go out and get some exercise while we wait," Raiden said trying to appease the energetic 11 year old.

"Let's go!!," Goku said as he ran out of the door and started lifting up large rocks. 

Raiden had only just started his routine when he heard Gokus panicked voice try out.

"S-S She actually turned into a turtle! I told you, you were being too slow," Goku cried out seeing the giant turtle he had tried to lift thinking it was a rock.

Raiden started laughing as Bulma came outside and told Goku he was being an idiot.

"Uhh excuse me could you possibly get me some water? I would be very grateful," asked the giant turtle.

Raiden quickly got a bucket and filled it with water which the turtle drank gratefully. After waiting for the turtle to finish drinking the trio waited to see what he would say.

"Well, the truth is," the turtle started dramatically. "I am a turtle."

"We already knew that you were a turtle," Raiden and Bulma shouted.

"Actually I'm a sea turtle. You see I was near the shore trying to gather some mushrooms but I got lost. It's been almost a year since I've been in the ocean," the turtle said sadly.

"Wow you've sure come a far way for a turtle," Bulma said in surprise. "The oceans in the opposite direction though, I think around 120 kilometers the other way," Bulma said pulling out a map.

"Don't worry turtle we can show you the way there!," Goku said merrily.

"No, we cant Goku! We only have 30 days left until I go back to school. That means only 30 more days to find the dragon balls," Bulma said angrily.

"Actually Bulma I think it's a good idea. Also, I think I saw one of the balls in that direction in the radar," Raiden compromised.

Bulma quickly pulled out her radar and checked Raiden's claim.

"Well, you're right. I guess we could drop of the turtle on our way to the ocean," Bulma relented.

The turtle and Goku beamed happily and quickly took off with the sea turtle on his back.

"Goku wait! Damn it I still need to pack up," Bulma said annoyed.

"Haha don't worry you can take your time, we can catch up to them pretty quick. I guess it was time I told you I can fly," Raiden said with a smirk on his face.

"You can WHAT?!"