

Reborn ( Edited )

The afternoon was buzzing with crowds as Karma and Nagisa stroll around the mall.They stopped at the antique store to bye things considering they've been bored on weekends.

" Karma-Kun look at this!" Nagisa said as he run to an area with plush keychain accessories.He's holding an octopus keychain." This looks like Koro-Sensei!Hm, I wonder if there's a yellow one. "

Karma almost broke his expression as he snort.' If he see this that smiling octopus would be beaming all over the place.' His smile then turn to a frown." Karma-kun?" Nagisa's voice broke out his thoughts.

He shake his head as he walk to the blue-haired male." Hm? "

Nagisa nervously scratch his cheek." Well, I wanted to ask you, remember that I want you to acompany me?I don't know what to give for my students, for months they've been trying to keep me unguarded since I told them to try surpassing me with assassination skills and tries to suprise them for their hard work. "

Karma blink before bursting out." HAHAHA- oh wow, thank you for trusting on me then!" He place a hand on the confused male." I was suprised that you were not hanging out with your little kids that I'm worried.Besides, not sure that I'm cut out to be the gift person, have you ask Kayano? "

Nagisa tilt his head." I did yesterday but she was busy working on a new movie." The red-head nod but soon stop as he spot something behind Nagisa.With a glint in his eyes he walk to an isle with toy guns.

" K-Karma-kun?What are you doing with that?!" Nagisa felt nervous when Karma lay hands on the toy guns, now it was all on his arms.

" What's wrong in gifting them something that helps on assassinating?" Suddenly a shadow cover his face." This would be great practise, remember the time when Koro-sensei step on a net trap and got stuck above, enough for us to hit him and golly- his face is priceless!!Besides this brand is flawless, getting hit would be fatal!! "

Karma's devilish laugh got Nagisa to sweat all over." Y-Your telling me I have to be caught in that same situation?" He's not like Koro-sensei, not fast to dodge those bullets even when it's just toys.But mabye it could be good practise.

Nagisa then smile nodding." I guess it would be fine to let them have guns like those in recess times and mabye class times too, let me just look for plushies for the girls. "

" I remember he said about ' Sweets or any cooking made by a man can warm a girl's heart '.Try that, but make sure not to be a full of yourself." He chuckled making Nagisa blush.

Before the two of them finalize on their items, Nagisa was about to return the keychain but Karma stop him by grabbing his arm." Now, what are you doing?Don't you want this?" Nagisa stare at him for a moment." Do we have enough money to pay all this adding the keychain, it's not that important. "

Karma shake his head." Allow this to be a gift from me on inviting to go on shopping.It was really unexpected that I wanted to try doing this with you, how long has it been?" Nagisa's eyes went to a daydream state." How long?It's been long huh.I guess I could buy this, thanks Karma-kun, will you pay this though? "

" Any to waste some money for this thing?" He swing the keychain." Of course!Even the littlest of things can bring such big memories." He smiled a bit fondly making Nagisa smile softly." I'm glad, that you still hold the memories to cherish Karma-kun. "

" Glad to see you proud, now why don't we stop at the cafe, your arms might be tired of buying all this later." Nagisa nod." Sure!! "

They both then went to the counter.It was a rather nice feeling Karma has been holding the moment he met Koro-sensei, it teached him that every memories should be cherished, even the bad ones.

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Nagisa was taking it greatly, he was very fond of his teaching more than him and also became a teacher because of that yellow octopus.Karma wondered, there can't be any job fit for Nagisa other than assassinating but he didn't mind, it was his choice.Thinking those past also brings him a past way before those.The time he'd been betrayed by a teacher.

The red head shake his head again.' Welp, it's all in the past isn't it?No other way to bring it back.' He look at Nagisa standing infront of the counter and now returning with plastic bags of toy guns.Karma chuckled at the blue head's difficulty.He lay a hand on Nagisa's hair.

" You still have a hard time with your muscles Nagisa-kun? "

Nagisa pout making Karma laugh even more but soon smiled sighing." Okay, come on help me carry this, it's too heavy!!" " Alright alright~. "

" Hey Karma-kun?" " Hm?" Karma turn his head to Nagisa." Y'know, I was thinking, do you mabye want to visit my class? "

Karma smirked." Oho~.Is that all your asking me or something else?" Nagisa sighed again.

" Well, mabye you can help and guide them properly on training.I'm not really a good teacher on combat." Nagisa scratch his cheek, giving a side glance to the red head who smiled sadistically.Oh no, he awaken the monster.

" Oya~?Never thought you could ask me that?Being a teacher?Thank you Nagisa-kun~ now.. " He bump his fist with a devilish grin." How do you want me to teach them? "

Nagisa sweatdrop even more, he can picture his class screaming in deep sorrow by the hands of that devil.' I pray for you my students. '

' Fufufufufu~. '


The two best friends talk to eachother blissfully as they head to the cafe.But they didn't notice a running thief going to their direction.It was sudden, as Karma and Nagisa was nearing to the glass door at the entrance of the cafe, Karma spot the speed and immedietely take hold on the thief's hand making the man sweat.

" W-What are- get off of me!!" Karma tilt his head, his eyes scroll to the purse the man has been holding, it's obviously from a female by the design and size.He tighten his grip squeezing the thief's hand.Nagisa run to him and turn to the thief.He quickly grab the purse from the man's hold." Who owns this? "

" It's mine!!" The two including the people close to them turn to a woman who's running.As the woman notice them holding their purse she immedietely bow." Arigato!!For bringing back my purse." She glared at the thief.

" You snatcher!!You should be in jail for this!! "

The man scared for his future wiggle around making Karma lose hold of him.The thief then snatch a knife from his pocket and point it on both the boys.

" STAND BACK!!I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE THIS!!" Nagisa began to sweat a bit as he glare at the thief, Karma didn't hesitate to take a step forward making the man even more afraid clearly interested on the outcome.

" Y-You.. I SAY STAND BACK!!OR I WILL KILL YOU!!" He yelled making the boys smirked.Karma scoff." Have you ever killed someone mister? "

The man gulp, his hands shake.But the thief then aim the knife to Karma's direction, Nagisa reacted by running infront holding the knife's handle sturdily.Karma smile at the action and wave it at Nagisa." Arigato Nagisa-chan~ But I can handle it y'know. "

Nagita huffed." Don't be too cocky Karma kun." Karma just stuck out a tongue at the threatened thief.The man smirked letting the two be wary." NOW!! "

Fast footsteps pace towards them, Nagisa turned first then suddenly his eyes go wide." KARMA LOOK OUT!!" Karma flinch and turn but it was too late.

" Ngh-!! "

* STAB!!

Karma's brows furrowed as he grab the handle that has been squeezed even further by another man." A-An accomplice.. what cowardice.. cough!!" The other man pull back the knife hashly as Karma's legs shake.


Nagisa trembled.This can't be happening.Karma grab hold on the floor as he try not to collapse, damn, he stab on the body's weak parts, he's body system will soon shut and he'll die not too long.The police came and grab the two thieves as Nagisa run to Karma.He take off his jacket to cover his wound.

" You'll be okay!!Let's wait for an ambulance, you'll live but be unconscious for a while!! "

He support Karma's body as he flinch.It was too late, why?Karma's head began to spin.He didn't want Nagisa's expression to be the only view for him to see before he close his eyes.He wants to smile.He wants Nagisa to smile.Because of him being the one to stab his favorite teacher, he wants Nagisa to feel great.Karma blew that chance.

" Hey.. don't worry, I won't die so easily.. if I were.. don't be so hard on yourself..not your fault cough!!" He spat out blood to Nagisa's horror." No.. " Luckily the fellow nurse and staff brought some supplies for Karma until the ambulance arrives.

Nagisa didn't want to explain out the obvious, Karma is going to die, really going to die, it was like a dream, a thought that it was too impossible to happen and now it did.Right now, he's witnessing his best friend about to leave this world.It was his fault.It was his fault he wasn't any faster, to warn him properly, now he's going to live the guilt and blame himself for everything.

" Hey.. " Nagisa immdedietely turn to Karma who smiled painfully." Don't frown like that cough, it'll only worry the others, smile.. for your students....for Kayano...for Koro sensei...for me cough!! "

" H-How " He stuttered but Karma just gave him a smile, Nagisa has no choice but to smile back, it's better to grant a wish before he dies, it's only fair.

It's not fair.

Karma wish to go back time for he wish not to die either but then he doesn't because that would be a waste of a lesson for his friend.He needs to move on but he felt hesitant to leave this world.

" Why?To die.. so pathetically.. " His vision began to blur as he slowly close his eyes.Nagisa poured to tears." KARMA-KUNNN!!!!" He held a shaky grip on Karma's blood soaked shirt.He's not ready, he was over on koro-sensei's death, he doesn't want to suffer more.

It's not fair.But life's never fair.

' Go.. teach them..Nagisa, isn't it your plan, don't disegard it now.It's your dream, make them winners, make them feel special.To assassinate and please. '


Silence erupt through Karma's ears, he can feel himself conscious even when he didn't open his eyes.Did he survive?How?Where is Nagisa?Is he safe?He grunted as he slowly open his eyes.White?Is he in the hospital?He sat up, all around him are just plain white?Where is this?Is he dead?Karma stands up with so many questions in his head.

" Ah, your finally here, took you long enough Karma. "

Karma's breath hitch.That voice.. he slowly turn around, behind him.. a man with wavy black hair stood.He wore a small peaceful smile as he stare at Karma's eyes with his big black ones.Karma didn't hesitate to run over and hug the man for he knows who he is.

The man was taken back as he was dragged down on the floor, the red head now clinging unto him.

" Oof!!Damn, kid you've grown too much." The man chuckled.Karma's lips quiver." That's what Nagisa says too.He's already reach his goal, he's become a teacher to teach the Class 3-E. "

" Your happy for him, why are you sad?Is it because you are not alive anymore?" The man ask.The boy above him shake his head.Karma can't mask his face as tears fall from his eyes." No, it's because.. I'm happy to see you again.. Koro-Sensei. "

The man smiled." Don't call me that, I'm not your teacher anymore.Call me Ryushi Korogane." Karma's head plop to his chest shaking his head." No, your Koro-Sensei. "

" Stubborn child. "

The man laugh again as Karma listen at the pleasant sound.He peacefully lie on his chest feeling the man's stomach going up and down.How he miss to hear his sensei's voice." I can feel you, I can feel my own heartbeat too.Am I alive?Are you alive? "

" Try feeling my heartbeat, I'm no longer alive since the day before you kids graduate.You know I'm already dead Karma-kun, Nagisa killed me infront of you." Karma's rise and look at him with a bewildered look.

" T-Then why.. I can feel you." He feel his sensei's soft hand rubbing his head, the man smiled fondly." Glad to see you finally opening up yourself.I don't know why your alive. "

' H-Huh?' Impossible, he's still alive but the soul of his sensei is with him, touching him, fondling him with love.He felt a bit nervous what will happen to him next.

" Don't worry, your not going to hell.You see I was resting here in this white place to wait for you." Seeing Karma's reaction he continued." Someone told me, that I would see you again, I cleary didn't understand what she truly meant but here you are talking to me. "

He then look at Karma." You will live again. "

Karma can only stare at him with pure disbelief." Why..though, I didn't do much when I was alive. "

" But I see your potential." Koro-sensei sat up and pat Karma's head." If I'm given that choice I would probably decline becaue of my past failures, you are still young, not too young but needs something to make you see more than what you see currently. "

It took time for Karma to talk." What do I do?" Silence echoed through the place as Koro-sensei smiled.

" Why are you asking?Beats me. "

' Ugh-!! '

" O-Of course, right, gomen sensei.. " Karma sheepily smiled slightly.He can feel the nostalgia of being a student of this man.If only.. it would go back time.But then it would be a waste.

" Remember, I will be with you, including with the others of course.Don't forget my teachings Karma-kun. "

karma nod silently making the male stand up, with a last glance he walks away.

' I'll live huh.. this brought so many questions, but I promise sensei, I won't waste any opportunity.' He grip his palm.' If he said it's a great chance for me to shine then why not accept it.' " I choose to live again. "

It was bright, cold, warm.So many things to feel to be alive.Karma open his eyes as he stare at the roof.He's in an unfamiliar place.He look around and spot a poitrait beside him on the desk.It was him, alone.But it was also not him.He close his eyes for a large breath.

The memories coming through him with a rush.Yes, that person isn't him but another person.He's name is still Karma Akabane, he's parents still goes abroad.He look to his front to catch his reflection.The face of youth, the face he missed as a student of his assassin teacher.He's now young, he remembered that today is his first day of school.It's all going to fast but he just go with it.

He stands up from his bed and walk slowly to the window to see his new neighborhood.He feels truly different, even at his own reflection, he felt the same but all of his appearance just gives him a new person.As he walks to the shower he remember the encounter of him and God.

" I want to live again." The second the words came out of his mouth a rupple from the ground appear.A shadowy figure stared at him with an expressionless face looking at him as if they seen everything of him.It didn't speak but they hand out their hand.Karma grew speechless, wary to the figure but place his hand to theirs.

" Feel their prayers for you, would you want to live again with your memories or would you want to reborn anew?" The words he was afraid about, Karma gulp, if he was reborn without any memories, it would be a refreshing start, growing without any worries, he smirk, but that's not him.Karma Akabane wants danger, he is willing to reborn again with the feeling he's been taught this past years.

What a waste to forget it all." No, I would like to keep my memories." He couldn't comprehend what wonders he will cross, he knew that his life would still be the same, that needs his talent." When will I be reborn, where will I reborn to?" Those are important questions, you will never know what will await there.

" You'll be in another world.Someone will adress you later and guide you, first you will need a rest.Are you ready?" Karma was waiting for it, he smiled." Hm.But why would I not just die though?Why give me a chance?" The figure just stared." You are not fit yet, not ready to end your life without much experience, you will need to learn more. "

It took him time to figure out what they meant by that, didn't he have much time like his classmates?Karma place his palm on his forehead.Such a cliche and fastforward thing to do, first he was dead then revive to be a new a person in another world he's not familiar about.He do have the memories of the original body though.He was a bit excited to start in a new environment but he was more excited on the school he's about to go.

According to his memories, the school is called Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School.Karma snort inside, it's a long name for a school, it should prove it's importance considering it was the original's dream to go there, so it must be a big deal.Karma walk towards his closet for his uniform.

* Creak

Oh?He pick it from the hanger to take a look of the clothing and design.' This was definitely better than the uniforms from his old school, sure he got a different one but the uniform, it's neatly designed, very fancy and practical.Definitely from an elite high school.He's feeling excited.But he sighed because of so many clothing he should wear from above his body for his uniform.

It was strange, the moment he should forget about the past and move forward.The moment Nagisa mourned for him, he felt almost guilty of it.He destroyed his promise of teaching his students and leave Nagisa there to think of his actions.Moreover it would be a nice development for his friend, it wouldn't stop him from getting worried of the upcomings.

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As he finished readying himself and some packing, he thinks he should keep something a bit extreme for his first day, there might be people he can play with, he wonder if there's a spare wasabi and ghost peppers in the house.After his preparation, he goes downstairs.

The living room, the kitchen, everything in here including the photos of 'him' with his 'parents'.It was familiar but unfamiliar at the same time, feels him with a little bit of warmth.' Now, what should I eat for breakfast?' Should he make his own lunch too?Absolutely, homemade food made by him specifically is his own usual habits, because of his choices of him liking his own cooking best, not that he tends to be narcissistic.

Karma picks up an apron and ties it neatly on him, he grinned widely.' Better to make good preparation.' First impressions is always the best of making people be wary of him.He tends to have his own fun of introductions, whether it's to make people afraid or cautious, it's rather what he aims to specific people.He's excited on what will he be experiencing basically.He will never throw chances like this away to times that he wish he could change.


It took him time to walk to where the bus stop in the specific time, his memories is still jumbled up but once gets the hang of it, it's clear what possible information he can recieve by just a normal school life.Karma looks down to his phone for the time.' Just a few minutes, the bus will arrive.' He look around to see Sakura petals fall over him, he smile a little, to see society still reigns, nothing can destroy pure nature.

He touch a petal that has fallen on him.The soft feeling not that he'd been craving but what he needed.The fact that he should feel to prove that he start again, another chain in life, but what will he do if it's still the same, the system of corruption.There's no one he could trust just yet, until he find a formidable partner, he needs to keep things in low profile.

As he stopped to the bus station he scroll his eyes to the side and smirk.' Just in time.' The bus coming over his direction stopped just in the exact time, the people near him quickly head inside making him feel that the schedule is being controlled to have a tight business.As the residents went in he went in last.The bus door already snap shut.

To the other student's unfortune, he was running towards the bus but was bummed to see it close, Karma almost felt bad for him.The bus start leaving the late student.Karma look towars his side.The seats are already not vacant, he has no choice but to stand.His pupils then move towards the direction of the other students with the same uniform as him.

He can tell their first years by the way of their face and reactions to going to school.He was like that but no one tends to show their own pleased expression when it comes to political system giving them the chance of going to a place of which anyone special attends to go to.But the way how society treats others, there's no doubt that the school of his is going to treat them the same way.

He payed no mind.a school is a school, if theres any consequences why not abide to them.As he look to the window beside him, a drama starts to occur.

" Excuse me.. Could you give up your seat?" A squeaky female voice bloomed beside him.Karma look sideways to see a girl with short beige-colored hair and a rather cute appearance to what Kayano wants to be as.

The scene was shown that she was beside a little old lady.Infront of her was a male sitting down with a jerkish manner, crossing his arms and legs as if to ignore the girl's question.Karma pinned them with interest.Seems like he's not giving up his seat.how will it go?

" That's a priority seat.I think you should let this elderly lady sit there." The girl continued.

The male with long blonde hair and sturdy complexion, he didn't budge nor open his eyes." Oya oya, pretty girl, While it may be a priority seat, I have no obligation to relinquish it. "

Oya oya, what big words, sitting there with a proud smirk he must have lived with pretty much no care in the world.Such troublesome type of people.

" You want me to give up my seat just because I'm young?Ha ha.Nonsense, truly." The male continued making the old lady and girl be attacked with dread." Even if I'm young, standing consumes more stamina than sitting.Why should I do something so destrimental with no benifit to myself? "

The girl proceeded to smile as she sweat." I think you'd be contributing to society.And this lady seems to be having trouble staying upright... "

" I have no interest in contributing to society." The blonde male open his magenta eyes as he trace his bangs." Besides.. What about those sitting on the regular seats?The difference between priority and regular seats seems rather trivial to me. "

The old lady smiled at the girl." Really, I'm fine.Thank you." The girl look unsure as she let out a sighing breath, she look to everyone around in the bus.

" Excuse me!Would any of you be willing to give up your seat?" The people rather looks hesitant.

If Karma would have a seat himself he would give but as you can see, he doesn't have one and then he also wants to see how everything would be played.She is troubled and not give up until the old lady is seated.The people around is just citizens to the society and is not willing to give up their own spot.

It's a different gap between them those who are trusted and those who are not to be trusted.It's like a spot of levels, the people seated are in level B and the old lady is in level C, who would want to give up their own spot, just like who will be the one to stand and let the old lady sit down their seat.

Karma then look away and focus to the window, it's not time yet.He scroll his pupils to the fellow students.They look rather unsure now, the ones who are, are just normal people trying to fit in, now who are the other two infront of his vision.A male and a female, they both look normal but if you look closely, they are fitted to be his own keycards to the school system.

The girl with long luscious black hair and ruby red eyes focus on her own book with no pure , she knows of the rules already.Now the boy looking at the girl.He looks plain, with brown hair and brown eyes, he has those mysterious vibe in him.Karma grit his teeth to contain his curiousity of the two.The cute girl who is beside the lady is also a person he should look out for.Hardly anyone would stand out this easily.

Suddenly, a hand shot out above.A woman break the silence." Um.. You can have mine." The girl beamed at the woman.

" Thank you so much!" Karma puff a hair on his bangs and smiled at the action.The woman looks hesitant but she complies with the old lady's troubles.He really wonder how scary the system is.Was it like his world?

As the bus stops.Karma immedietely look up with a whistle.Right infront of him is his new high school, it is definitely better than Kunugigaoka Magic Academy.It was definitely spacious, the sakura blossoms are making it look welcoming together with the school's design and appearance.The school infront of him he remembered that it was built by the japanese government itself.

It is said to nurture the young people who will support the country in the future.It gives 100% employment and entry rate and gives it's best pursuing the nation's desired future.In short, the government who made this school is sure that they can straighten up students by teaching in this so called system.It's pretty clear this is no ordinary high school.

He can tell that this has it's up and downs and considering the wide area it must have some equipments for us students to conjure.By any means mentally and physically Karma himself is estatic and ready.

" Hey." A girl's voice said near him.It was the black-haired girl, she stand infront of the boy he saw earlier with a serious expression." You were looking at me on the bus.Why's that?" She look down to the brown haired boy.

The boy looked indifferent." Oh.My bad.I thought you didn't seem interested in giving up your seat like me.You hate getting involved in stuff like that too, huh? "

He seem to be the type who didn't care and just go with it, interesting.The girl stare at him." Don't assume we're the same, I didn't give up my seat due to my conviction." She then turn to Karma making the boy tilt his head.

" And you, don't think I didn't notice your roaming eyes even when your facing the window earlier." Karma's grin widen, wow, to think she observe everything while reading a book, he totally met the golden duo.

He let out a heart laugh as he lay his head on his arms." Ah gomen gomen.Must be that I'm interested with the other students who are attending the same school as me, I might have distracted you with your reading. "

The girl close her eyes." You saw me reading which means you stare more at me than to other students, I don't know what piqued your interest but don't think I won't forget your intentions if I've seen one.If that's all, then I'm off." She flip her long hair before walking away.

The boy nod a bit before walking away, Karma smirked before nabbing the boy shoulder with his grasp.The boy looked confused.Karma smiled and hand out his hand.

" Karma Akabane, lovely morning, we'll see eachother from now on hm?" What a way of making friends.The boy go silent before shaking his hand." Kiyotaka Ayanokoji. "

Karma nod before letting go.He then walk away leaving the boy contemplating.' That boy, Karma, like other students, they say see you later or any pleasant things before walking away, what that boy is doing, is a warning, he's on me.But what is it that strike that interest?' Because he's been observing more when he was in class 3-E.Karma's own natural talent.

' Another person to kill, another to crack, what are you Kiyotaka?' Karma's target is acquired.He needs to focus more on other things now since he has found a valuable asset.' He's a guy who seem to be expressionless but I can tell he's hiding something, cracking it, I want to see him on action.' But he'll wait, starting any problems would expose him.He's job as an assassin just started.

" Next, we'll have a few words from the new student council president." Clapping was heard from the crowd as a male walk to the stage." I am the student council president, Manabu Horikita." With black hair and ruby eyes hidden behind his glasses, he looked a bit like the ruby haired miss he met earlier.Is he her older brother perhaps?His form reminds him of Asano Gakushu, the new principal and former leader of the big five in his high school years.

Horikita place both his hands to the table." As the representative of the upper classes, I would like to express my greetings to our newest students.As you might know, our school is highly accomplished in all aspects, and boasts a high employment and college entry rate.This is the pride of our school which achieved through our hard work of both our graduating students and those still attending. "

Some kids are already becoming sleepy and ignored the speech as Karma listen attentively.That male standing infront of all of them is a superior.Clearly he knows much more of the system here and wants the newbies to develop a sick feeling of hell.Clever devil is he Mr. Student Council President.

" We expect the same from the new students.... "

Karma look to his side and beamed, he's the same class as the golden duo.He remembered that being in Class D, clearly this body rather wants a 50/50 on his test and be planted between.He thought he would have a hard time getting between them but here they are.

" ....Is decided by one's proficiency... "

Karma walk through halls, the inside of the school is clearly a mall, who knew that the government spends so much to make this so fancy.He then stop walking by the sign.Class 1-D.This is his classroom.He open the door revealing students chattering cheerily to eachother, mostly the girls, they seem to be oblivious on what's come to them.Karma just shook his head before finding his seat.

" Oh?What genre.. Well... I like romance! "

" Oh really? "

" Stuffs like shoujo manga.. "

" Really?I like mysteries! "

" Mysteries?! "

Karma stop walking as he is now staring at Kiyotaka who was sitting by the window.He let out a low chuckle.' What is he, a main character?' He smiled before sitting infront of him making Kiyotaka face Karma's red hair.Karma look behind him with a smirk.Both the people he'd been talking to are sitting together behind him.What utter luckiness!!

Kiyotaka pondered as he stare at the ruby eyed girl.' So I'm next to her.' He then scroll his eyes to Karma who is lying his legs on the desk with no care.' And him.. ' " What an unpleasant coincidence." The girl said as she keep her eyes on her book.

" The same goes for me." Kiyotaka said.Karma lay his elbow on the chair turning to them." Well we're together, what a nice suprise, ohayo~." He smiled but stopped when a boy let his attention over to him.

" Everyone, may I have your attention, please? "

Both the boys look infront.Everyone gives their attention to the boy with yellow to green hair.He seems to be the confident and easy going type." I was hoping we could all introduce ourselves, to get better acquainted early on the first day.The teacher doesn't seem to be here yet as well." He then look at them." What do you think? "

The girl who reminds Karma of Kayano raise her hand cheerily." I'm in!" Another girl with long yellow hair pulled up into a ponytail chime in." Sounds good for me." Another girl with maroon hair and violet eyes look at them with a suspicious grin." Yeah.I don't even know anyone's names. "

The boy smiled." Thanks.I'll go first, then.I'm Yosuke Hirata.Just call me Yosuke." Yosuke put a hand on his chest as he look at everyone in the room." My hobby is all kinds of sports, and I intend to join the soccer club at this school.Nice to meet you all. "

Several claps erupt the classroom.Introduction huh?Karma focus his gaze at Yosuke.' He seems to be wanting the attention to start off as a good classmate, to get the help and let people think of him as a great ally.This might be a great start.' Karma turn his eyes over as if he's looking at Kiyotaka.

' I wonder how his introduction will go, I bet he will say he's name only and that he's nothing special.Exactly on how I will answer if I were him.The higher ups must be looking for the special ones with true talent. '

" I'll go next!" It was the cheery girl from before, she stands up and place her hand to her chest smiling across the room." My name is Kikyo Kushida.My goal is to become friends with each and every one of you!I wish to make lots of good memories so don't hesitate to invite me anywhere! "

" Looking forward to it!" The boys were the loudest by the looks of her cute figure and combust form.Both boys and girls will quickly shower her with all kinds of kindness.The words she said can make trust from everyone just as quickly.' Either she wants to make friends with all of them.. or have connections with us in another reason.' Karma look to the other student who's going next.

' I bet she'll be popular with both guys and girls.' Kiyotaka look at her indifferently.'She's already giving that " I can be friends with anyone " aura.' He proceed to do the Emo Sasuke pose.

' These introductions will determine everyone's standing in class.Should I try being a joker?Mabye I can do that if I were really energetic... Or mabye I'd just creep everyone out.It's not like I have any hobbies or talents, anyway.I'm just a white bird, flying freely without anything. '

" Next up... you!" Kiyotaka blink as he saw a finger pointed at him.He turn infront." Huh?Me? "

Yosuke smiled with a hm.Kiyotaka stayed silent before slowly standing up.The atmosphere goes quiet.Karma look behind with a smile, now listening completely.' I'd better muster the energy to introduce myself.For the sake of my school life. '

" Uh.. " An awkward feeling rose from Karma's back making him a bit uncomfortable." Um... I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokoji.Uh.. Nice to meet you all." The students stare at him clearly thinking that he's shy or not wanting to introduce himslef from the start." Ah, um.. I'm not good at anything particular, but.. Uh... I'll work hard to get along with everyone." Silence then lurks around the room.

Suddenly slow claps interrupt the silence.Kiyotaka looked expressionless as he conteplate of his awkwardness.' I flopped it.' Yosuke smiled as he clapped." Nice to meet you, Ayanokoji.Let's be a good friend. "

Kiyotaka then sat on his seat.Muffled laughter can be heard infront of him.It was Karma." Hahaha- man.. your so awkward that I feel so bad for you." Karma wipe his imaginary tear as he stopped laughing.The girl who's reading also gave a little laugh but return to her serious expression.

" Okay, next up... "

* BANG!!!

Everyone in the room gasp and turn to look at a guy who slammed his foot on his desk.His fiery red hair with almost a hulk like structure.Seemingly a stuck-up.The male cross his arms." For God's sake, what's with that introduction?!That guy before that red head, what are we?Little kids?Do it with someone who will listen to that shit." He looks like Karma with his red hair and yellow piercing eyes.

" Everyone.. " Huh?Everyone's attention then goes to a woman who step in the classroom.She place the notebooks to her desk, she's a teacher huh.Karma scroll his eyes to observe her.With her serious expression to her big bomb shell, she's like the combination of Mr. Karasuma and B*tch Sensei.

" I'm the homeroom teacher for Class 1-D, Sae Chabashira.There will be no changing of classes in this school.I will be your homeroom teacher for the next three years until you graduate." She then raise up a notebook." First, I'll hand out the school tule book.Take one and pass it back. "

Karma frowned.To have a rulebook instead of saying it directly.Must be a lot of rules in there or it's a choice whether to read it and follow the rules or ignore it.As Karma lay his hand on the book he immedietely pass it to Kiyotaka.' I have to memorize it then.' No questions there, there must be something to have restriction rules in here.He open the book.

" We have special rules at this school.First, you will live in dorms, and while in school, your ability to leave campus and contact the outside world will be limited." Suspicious." But, fear not.This school has a variety of facilities lined up.All your daily needs can be found here, including entertainment.To buy things, you will use points stored in the school's official computer system. "

Miss.Chabashira shows her phone." In this school, you can buy anything using points.Points are allotted on the first day of each month.On point equals one yen." Karma look down his phone to see the system opening his ID showing his face and information." You have already been allotted 100,000 points for this month. "

Oh?" 100,000 points?!" One guy yelled with pure disbelief." For real?! "

' Oh please.' Karma smirked at the info." By the information of confining us in this school isn't already suspicious to you?Their trying to help us manage our savings by letting us spend every dime in this system.I might spend a lot the past years but I'm never giving dime on something trivial like that Teacher.Which means.. I will spend less to buy cheaper ones. '

He turn to Kiyotaka with a playful grin.' Pretty sure, he will find out as well~. '

This school will be like a mall and our points money, to be locked up in the mall and spending for yourself.He needs to live for himself only and throw people aside.mabye it's the reason for the trust thing from the introduction.

' I'm a bit bummed out that the girl hasn't been introduced.' The ruby eyed girl is very difficult to have a conversation with.' So in my analysis, that Student council president Horikita is her older brother and she already knows about the whole system, makes sense if that were true. '

" Are you suprised by the size of the allottment?This school judges students based on their proficiency.You have already recieved significant value just for being admitted here."


* Beep

The phone sounded as the points reduced.Kiyotaka pick up his grocery as the woman in the counter said her thanks." Thank you very much! "

Kiyotaka stare at his phone." It really does work like money." ' Twenty-five students per class and four classes per grade... there's 300 students in total.If each 100,000 yen per month, that's 360 million per year.A bit sketchy, even it's government funded.. '

Kiyotaka turn his side to the ruby-eyes girl who looked at him with as if he's hated." Another unpleasant coincidence, hopefully that red-haired clown isn't with you. "

" You don't have to be that cautious." ' I do wonder why that red-haired guy is unto me and her.Even when I can't see his gaze from behind him, I know he's observing us in the distance. '

" Well, since we sit next to each other we should at least get along.what's your name." The girl didn't answer instead ignored him and stare at the items she's buying." You can at least tell me that, can't you? "

" Would it bother you if I refuse to answer? "

" No, but it doesn't suit me right to not know the name of the person sitting next to me." Kiyotaka tilt his head.

The girl turn to him with a stern look with silence, after a second." I'm Suzune Horikita. "

" Horikita?" Kiyotaka blink." Sounds like the president's... " The girl stayed silent before picking a lotion and place it on her basket.

" Your buying lots of cheap stuff.Since you have a lot of money." Kiyotaka pick up another lotion that costs higher." I think you should buy something more expensive- "

" I don't need it. "

" But-. "

" I said, I do NOT need it. "

Kiyotaka sighed as he bring down the lotion he held." Right. "

" You don't seem very good at interacting with people.Your a bad talker." " That might be true, but you don't seem much better either." He point out.

" Yes.However, I don't sense the necessity to make friends in the first place." Suzune turn to her right, an isle with objects stacked together." Free? "

" I guess it's to help people who over-spend their points?" " Even though there's already 100,000 yen a month?The school is quite indulgent. "

They stare at the free objects until a voice rang from outside.

" Your looking down on me?Huh?! "

The two look to where the voice is.

It was the bulky red haired from their class, infront of him were three boys from another class." Your in Class 1-D aren't you?" One of the boys ask.The red haired guy became irritated raising his fists." And what if I am?! "

" Now, that's no way to talk to your seniors." Another guy teased." SHUT UP! "

" Huh?" Kiyotaka stared through the window as Suzune behind him is retreiving her items." He's from our class, right? "

" My integrity would skydive if I involve myself in that." Suzune said.Kiyotaka felt hesitant.


" Wha-?! "

" Huh?!What's going on?! "

" Hey you!!What are you doing to your senior- "

Both Kiyotaka and Suzune turn to look at the noise.Outside, a red-haired is holding one of the guys to the air by their collar.It's another red-haired, a smaller one.' It's that guy..Karma.' Kiyotaka stared at the grinning boy.

Karma smiled devishly as he hang the guy's collar with his hand." Now now Mr. Senior~ You shouldn't be bullying other first years.Otherwise." He pulled the guy close to Karma's face." I'll be the one dragging you to the headmaster by kicking their door open saying ' Goodmorning.' " He shake the collar harshly making the boy afraid.

" It's you." Suzune cross her arms.Kiyotaka stayed silent but stare at the shivering male on the red-haired's grasp.

Karma turn to them and smiled innocently." Ah, hey you two~!" He wave his hand pleasantly as he drop the frightening male.The other male run away together with Karma's victim.

' He's violent.' Kiyotaka commented inside.The other red-haired seemed pissed off and kick one of the trash bins before leaving.

* Crash!

Karma smiled before sighing." Ahh~ He's going to be the death of humanity." Kiyotaka let out a breath as he walk to the fallen bin to make it stand again.Suzune already walk away leaving the two boys.Karma just smiled and hop off to grab a tissue from his shopping bag.

As Kiyotaka finished returning the used tissues and papers he was suprised to see Karma standing there waiting for him." Your still here. "

Karma let out a small chuckle before letting out his hand.Kiyotaka shake his head." I can go up myself. "

" No you dumb*ss.Give me both your hands.You can't carry your groceries with you being dirty." He wave some tissues from his hand.Kiyotaka blink before sighing, he stands up and is going to grab the tissue until Karma grab his arm.Karma then started wiping both Kiyotaka's palms with a wet tissue.

" Hm~ Your skin is soft." Karma complimented before throwing the wet tissues into the bin." Say, wanna walk with lonely me to return those bags? "

Kiyotaka became hesitant.' There's no harm of walking with a guy who almost beat up a student is there?Mabye I can use Karma as a tool for this school.' He didn't know that Karma also wants to treat Kiyotaka as his tool to survive this h*ll school.

Kiyotaka nod slightly." Sure." Karma beamed before hugging him with his arm around Kiyotaka's shoulders.

As they walk towards the halls Karma turn to Kiyotaka." Say.Have you gotten her name?" Kiyotaka stopped walking." Huh? "

" I mean that girl.Did she tell you her name? "

Kiyotaka nod." Suzune Horikita. "

" Knew it that she's the sister of the student school council president!" Karma chuckled.

" What do you need her for? "

Karma stopped laughing as he stare at Kiyotaka." You've been staying close to us, are you trying to get close to Suzune? "

Karma blink before shrugging." No specifically, I also want to be close to you. "

" Why's that? "

The red haired grinned." Don't act dumb Ayano-kun.Don't you know about this school too?Aren't you suspicious of it?I'm here to learn in this school that has several cards hidden up their sleeves." He slammed his hand to the wall trapping Kiyotaka." Which means I'll be using you and that girl~.Besides there's no doubt you will do the same. "

Karma let go as he smile." We both don't know what the school staff might be thinking which means we have to use eachother's talents to make this through. "

Kiyotaka didn't make any expression but he is wary." What is your goal? "

Karma tilt his head." My goal huh?Oh right!I didn't introduce myself properly huh.Well, the names Karma Akabane, I love cooking for myself, my dream is to be a bureaucrat and my goal.. is to stay here in this school until graduation." Karma already has been a bureaucrat in his past life but he has a reason to inform it.

The boy pondered for a while.' A bureaucrat huh?A person who works from the government to help people's needs.. so, does that mean that he'll also help me by letting me use him? '

Kiyotaka felt something bonk him from his head.Karma grinned before letting go his fist.


It wasn't long before groups began to form withing the class.

" Kikyo, let's grab lunch together!" One girl said.

Kikyo apologetically refuse." Sorry, I've got some things to do. "

A boy showed his phone to his classmate." T'was a mere 80,000 yen!Since we'll be getting 100,000 every month, right! "

" I bought tons of mobile games! "

" I saw this accessory I really liked." One girl said as she trace her hair with her hand.

" Want to stop by after class? "

" I want to buy clothes too. "

Kiyotaka stare at air as he listened to the cheery conversations from his fellow classmates.' I failed at making friends. '

" Your pitiful." Kiyotaka turn to Suzune who was eating her sandwich." Your alone too, though. "

" Yes.Because I like to be alone." Suzune took a bit of her pie.Kiyotaka sighed before standing leaving his desk.

' Time to go to the cafeteria.. '

Karma who saw Kiyotaka leaving glomped him." Ayano-kun~ Let's walk together aight?" Kiyotaka stared indifferent.' Please get off me. '

He sighed before opening the door.

" Um.. Your Ayanokoji, right?" A voice squeaked out.It was Kikyo.Kikyo turn her eys to Karma with her head tilt." Oh I don't think you've introduced yourself since introduction was interrupted by the teacher. "

Karma smiled and let out a hand." Karma Akabane, nice to meet you." Kikyo shake back." Kikyo Kushida!! "

" Your looking for me?Kushida?" Kiyotaka ask.

Kikyo nod her head." Um.. Can we talk? "

Karma blink before patting Kiyotaka's shoulder." We'll meet later- " " You too Akabane-kun.. "

" Hm? "

The three stand near the stairs since students are back to their classroom." Ayanokoji, Akabane, you both seem to be very close with Horikita." Karma perked up.' Really?What does she need with Suzune-chan? '

" No, I wouldn't say that.. " Kiyotaka decline quickly.He doesn't even know what suzune think of him as.

" But you guys are the only one she ever talks to." Kikyo fiddled her arms behind her back shyly as he breasts bounce.Karma's brow twitch.' Kayano will definitely kill this girl.' " So I asked Horikita for her contact information.. She said she doesn't want to be friends with anyone!! "

Karma already became irritated with this girl.' She's basically like B*tch sensei.The way she move forward to look like a harmless girl who just wants to be friends, such bullsh*t!!If Suzune doesn't want to be friends with you then suck it up. '

" Yeah.I think that's just how she is." Kiyotaka scroll his pupils to Karma who was silent.' He's pissed by her actions. '

Kikyo grab Kiyotaka's hands in protest." But I want to be friends with Horikita too!Won't you help me?!" She spoke in a determined tone.

" Help you?Well.. "

" You.. won't?" Kikyo's eyes became glassy, her face filled with hope became like a kicked puppy.Kiyotaka became silent.Karma sighed before grabbing Kiyotaka's hand back.' Gomenasai Kikyo-chan but we must go to class.We'll help you with making friends with Suzune. "

Kikyo became happy and hugged Karma." Arigato Akabane-kun!! "


Class time

" The head of the Yamato government was known as o-kimi.He controlled the powerful families of each region using the uji-kabane system.Uji referred to groups that shared the same bloodline, while Kabane reffered to post and status. "

It was clear that the students didn't listen to what the teacher said.She didn't call any of them when they sleep or chat together.Basically being lenient.Karma himself takes notes.He himself is a bit interested by the information he didn't get to learn from the past.He's habits on being a professional has gotten to his blood.

But he also knows about the reason of why the system is being merciful.Once the students know about the school's intentions they will surely expreience h*ll.The other seniors know about it that's why they give hints like " You'll be in h*ll in no time sooner." or " Enjoy sweet life as you can. "

" That's all for today." Miss Chabashira bowed a little before leaving the class." Please review the material thoroughly. "

" This school really is indulgent." Suzune informed as she pack her bag." Students play around and nap in class but the teacher never calls them out.Is this really an advanced school run by the government? "

Kiyotaka turn to her." Mabye they want to encourage student autonomy, I think. "

" Perhaps." Karma stands from his seat." Or mabye there's another reason.The way Miss Chabashira teaches us, she looks a bit put off by how the kids are acting during her lesson.So we might say that she's forced to act this way.Not calling student's attention or their behavior. "

The other two became silent after this.Kiyotaka turn to Karma then to Suzune." Hey, if your going home would you both come with me? "

Suzune face to Kiyotaka." What are you after? "

" Does an invitation from me suggest an ulterior motive?" Kiyotaka eyed her.Karma laugh." How you two converse is the best thing. "

" If you both be willing to tell me specifically what you want, I'd be willing to hear you out." Suzune said.

" You know that cafe in the mall, right?The one where lots of girls hang out.Will you two go with me, Karma kun? "

" Why ask me?Why not your friend? "

" It would not be fun just to have guys hang out without the girls." Karma said pleasantly." We ask you specifically because it has this ' no boys allowed ' feel there right Ayano-kun? "

Kiyotaka nod.Suzune look away." I suppose not.. "

" That might be a painful truth, but it's a truth anyway." Kiyotaka add.

The end of school, everyone is hanging out, shopping, drinking in cafes, karaoke, watching in cinema.In the cafe there is indeed a lot of girls in there, chatting with eachother cheerfully.Karma sighed.' Certainly a certain someone is also gonna be here. '

The three went inside." It's quite crowded." Suzune said.

" Is this your first time too Karma?" Kiyotaka ask.Karma shake his head." I've been with a couple of friends, but not randomly which means I'm in the same situation as you guys.Oh!That table's free. "

Kiyotaka, Karma and Suzune quickly sat down before anyone did, Kiyotake ask what they will be ordering.Karma sighed." Is there Simmered au lait series? "

Suzune tilt her head." The milk?" Karma let out a nervous laugh.

" I like things sugary, then I'll have some-

The three of them are sitting down with their drinks after.As Karma exit from the washroom he teased." Oya~.You both look like a couple, make sure you haven't done anything innapropriate behind my back." Kiyotaka look away as Suzune huffed.

" Horikita-san!!" Kikyo appeared to Karma's lament.Kikyo walk over to Suzune." What a coincidence!You too, Ayanokoji, Akabane. "

Kikyo then sat with them." Did you three come here often? "

" We just happened to be here today." Kiyotaka answered.

" I see.I'm here alone- "

" I'm leaving. "

" But we just got here~.. " Karma whined as he lean on his palm.

" You two have already Kushida-chan, you don't need me anymore." Suzune informed crossing both her arms.

" B-But I would be the third-wheel again!!" Karma 'nervously' said.

Suzune eyed Kikyo." I don't it anymore, what are you after? "

Kikyo look nervous." C-Come on.. It was just a coincidence.. "

' Kushida, you should have said " What's that supposed to mean?". ' Kiyotaka sighed innerly.

" The girls who were sitting here, and the two at the next table over there, were all students from Class D. " Suzune explained." A coincidence? "

Karma clap enthusiastically." Wow~!!I'm impressed that you recognized them all!! "

" Me as well." Kiyotaka nod." I didn't even notice. "

Suzune didn't look persuaded." We came here right after class ended, which means they could only have been in this cafe for a few minutes.It's too soon for them to be leaving. "

Karma and Kiyotaka turn to Kikyo who looked guilty." Um... "

Kiyotaka sighed." I'm sorry.We did set you up. "

" I thought as much. "

" Horikita!please be my friend!!" Kikyo stands up.

" I want you to leave me alone.I won't cause trouble for the class. "

Kikyo looked attacked." Eh!But you'll be lonely all by yourself.. "

" I have never once felt lonely by myself." Suzune continued." Your wasting your time.Every word coming out of your mouth disgusts me. "

" Hey, are you sure about this?" Kiyotaka ask still looking with that poker face.Karma's brow furrowed if only there's a way to break it." If you won't be friends with anyone, you'll be all alone for the next three years. "

Suzune walk pass Kiyotaka." I've been alone for the last nine years, so I don't mind.Longer if you include kindergarten." She then walk away.

Karma for once didn't blame her, the feeling for living one's expectations then being thrown away as if your useless from the start.The feeling everyone hates to have.Kiyotaka stayed silent as Kikyo look guility at Karma." Sorry, I might have made Horikita hate you guys.. "

Karma stare at the cup that's been beside her by the table.With the designs she wants to give it to Suzune for a thank you." Mabye I can never be her friend.. "

As dawn rises, Karma, Kiyotaka and Kikyo walk together." If I can't even make friends with my own classmates, I guess my goal is still far away. "

' I think Horikita is an exception.To Karma.. ' Kiyotaka stare at Karma who looked indifferent.' He's still considered a threat.But it would not be as bad as I intended to. '

Kikyo look up with a smile." Oh, It's Ichinose!" Both the boys look questionally at the two girls coming to their direction.One has yellow short hair with a flower clip while the other has long pink hair with violet eyes.Karma knows she's talking about the second girl.

" Ichinose Hanami from Class B. " Ichinose notice Kikyo and gave a wave before passing by them." We became friends yesterday. "

" You became friends with students from other classes Kikyo chan?" karma ask as he place his arms behind his head.

" Yeah!There are a lot of nice people in Class B. But, this school is pretty amazing, right? "

Karma almost snorted.

" There are so many stores, and we get 100,000 yen each month.. "

" That amount seems a bit too much for me, though." Kiyotaka said.

" Yeah, you think so too?And calling them points make me spend them without thinking beforehand.It really messes my money management.I want to be really careful not to over-spend.Of course, I'll buy the things I like the most.Daily necessities like soap and detergent.Underwear and stuff.. "

Karma look at his points as he walk with them.Still at 87,900 yen from his phone." Yeah~.Horikita was doing the same thing." Kikyo stopped walking and jump near Karma's face.

" Oh?So you know how Horkita spends her money?" She leans towards him, her breast almost touching Karma's chest." You three are really close, aren't you? "

Karma's smile twitch." It was Ayano-kun that makes her hang with us, neh Ayano-kun?" ' Man..why is she so close..? '

Kiyotaka look away." I just happened to see it. "

Kikyo finally let go." Ahh~." She then walk ahead with dainty steps.

Kiyotaka murmured." It really is true, though.. "

Karma stare at Kiyotaka's face.' He'll probably think of this at his own dorm. '


It was dark and Kiyotaka is now resting on his bed.Looking at his own phone." 100,000 per month, huh? "

' Most students decided to make the most of their school lives, without thinking deeply about anything.Day after day, they blew through their monthly allowance of 100,000 like it was nothing.The teacher was very lenient, so in-class conversations, napping, tardiness and absences became a daily occurence.Extravagance, debauchery, and indolence were rampant. '

He remembered what Karma said to both him and Suzune.

" That they were forced to do this.That they were told to do this kind of thing to us students. "

" That they were forced to do this.That they were told to do this kind of thing to us students. "


May 1st

" Huh?What's going on? "

" How come?" The other students complain to why their points weren't changing at all.Karma look to his side as the classroom atmosphere became dark and gloomy, he smirked inside.' there it came. '

Kiyotaka check his points.Still 82, 235.Karma who took a peek whined." Eeeeh~!!You have more than me!! "

" How many points have you got Karma?" Kiyotaka ask.Karma stopped whining and tilt his head." Ora?Me? "

He raise his phone." 71, 935 yen only." He sighed." If only they won't do this trickery. "

As the students began complaining, the door opened revealing Miss.chabashira.Karma smiled.' She's still just in time with how much they've been true?Guess this is where the real high school starts, I was getting bored. '

" On your seats.Morning homeroom will now begin. "

" Sensei!We didn't get out points!We're supposed to get them on the first day of the month, right?" One student ask raising his hand.

Miss Chabashira cross her arms." No, this month's points have already been allotted. "

" But.. "

" The points have been allotted." The teacher repeated." That is certain.There is no chance that this class has been overlooked either. "

One boy ask." But, we didn't get points at all! "

Other students chime in.

" Yeah! "

It took seconds before Miss Chabashira smirked." What a bunch of idiots, you are. "

The students look taken back.Karma leaned his chair as he lift his hands behind his head." A combined total of 98 cases of tardiness and absences.391 cases of talking and cell phone usages in class.That's a lot of deeds for a mere month.In this school, your grades and performance evaluations, are reflected in the monthly points your given.My assessment of you, has resulted the loss of all 100,000 points you were to be given.

" The points your recieving for this month.. are zero. "

The students were aghast.

" You mean I have to live with no money for this month? "

" W-What the heck? "

" I never heard that.. "

The teacher continued." Did you really think that you, a mere high school student, were to be given 100,000 yen a month to spend without being bound?That's absurd. "

The three, Karma, Kiyotaka and Suzune looked indifferent compared to the other students who wasted no time to spend all their dime.The others who knew also remained silent.

" Use your common sense.If you had your doubts, why didn't you do anything about them?I told you on the first day, didn't I?this school judges students based on their proficiency.Which means, your all worth nothing." She open her eyes to show her piercing yellow pupils." Your garbage. "

After the incident of the points, everyone planned to have a relaxing day in the pool inside the school.Soon the pool has been flooded with students wearing the school trunks and swimsuits.Splashing of water can be heard as laughter sounded the area.As the students played with one another, Karma, Kiyotaka and Suzune was left sitting on the floor staring at the water.

Kikyo can be heard giggling as water splashes her." Hey, stop it. "

" Ah gomen gomen~." One girl apologise playfully.

" Exciting right? "

Kikyo hop." Oh, now you've done it, alright! "

During free time in the swimming class, people would naturally split to groups.Kiyotaka stared at the girls playing.' I see.. I got it.I failed at making friends naturally and made a friend out of of pure interest in my with intention.' He see how Kikyo splash water with her friends, her breast bouncing caught his eye.

Kiyotaka sighed.

" What are you lamenting at?" Suzune ask, both her hands on her hips.

Karma chuckled." He's in a battle with himself, introvert problems. "

Suzune sat beside Karma." How can they be so cheerful after what just happened? "

" Don't you think their trying not to think about?" Kiyotaka ask making Karma think about his past classmates, it does reminds him a lot.

" I guess so.. " Karma said.

" Hey, stop that~!!" Kikyo now flooded their vision.She seems to be having the most fun without any care of the guys ogling her breats.Karma tried to stop himself from gawking.' Kikyo-chan, does having that feel heavy on you..? '


" They seem to be enjoying themselves." Suzune said as she watch the students.

" Classes in the pool started early spring on a short notice.Besides when there's a free period, most high school freshmen would go a little nuts, right?" Kiyotaka murmured.

" Their just like kids." Suzune add." But I can't hate them for it either. "

Karma stayed silent as he stare at the red haired sitting on the edge of the people." In the eyes of the S-system, their the worst kind of defectives." Suzune continued.

Karma turn to the ruby eyed female." But your part of it right? "

Suzune nod." Yes. "

Kiyotaka look down.' The S-system.. '


Miss Chabashira slapped her palm on the board as students take a look at what's written there." Yes, this is the S-system.I assesses the students in real time and assigns their numerical values.Look all of you Class D have proven, wonderfully, that you deserve to be the last in rank.That your the worst kind of defectives. "

' There it is, just like the end class, there is Rank A, B, C then D. We the end class of the system are one of the worst, shows that we ourselves have thrown ourselves to the bin while the higher ups go with it.' Karma scroll his eyes to the other students who looked very troubled.

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' The Rank A gets 940 points, the B gets 650 points, the C gets 490 points, while we, D gets 0 points. '

" Zero..?" Kikyo whispered.

Suzune grit her teeth making both Karma and Kiyotaka look at her.clapping can be sounded from the Teacher." However, I'm actually impressed, somehow.No classes has ever before exhausted all their points in a single month, not even the previous class D. "

Yosuke stands up from his desk." Teacher, at least tell us the criteria for how points are gained and lost. "

" Just like the real world out there, I cannot reveal the details of your performance evaluations." Miss Chabashira said still smirking.

' Oh bullsh*t.' Karma tilt his head at the teacher.

Yosuke and the other students look defeated.The teacher takes out a marker." These are the ' class points ' currently held by each class.For each class point, 100 private points are allotted to each student in the class.When you first enrolled here, each class had 1,000 class points. "

She then face the students." In other words, you have lost all the points. "

Silence occured to the students until Kikyo raise her hands." Um.. Is there a chance to get more points? "

Miss Chabashira nod playfully." Yes, there is.And if you earn more points than Class C as a result, you'll be demoted to D. Your closest opportunity will be the upcoming midterms.Depending on your scores, you might be granted a maximum of 100 class points. "

One student murmured." Only 100? "

Karma leaned on his chair.' Fair enough.Better then staying on my current points.Otherwise I'll go stingy. '

Another student speak up again." Yeah.. but it's better than nothing, right? "

" However." The students stopped whispering when the teacher spoke again." These are the results of the previous quiz.Just look how garbage these are!starting next time, anyone who recieves a failing score on their midterms or finals, will be instantly expelled. "

Karma smirked.' Now that's exciting, expelled isn't all bad, it's just the humiliating glances and gossips that will go round in Japan.Probably. '

The students became nervous.The blonde one who turned down the seat in the first day of school didn't look nervous but still kept the smirk on his face.

End of flashback

" Based on the information we currently have, if we were to get even a few class points, everyone in class will have to change their habits, and try to get high scores on midterms." Kiyotaka said.

Suzune hug her knees." True. "

" So to be specific, in order to achieve the privilege of the outstanding college advancement, and employment rate we all dreamed about coming here.. " Karma's pale golden eyes glow as he smirked." We'll have to beat class C by getting higher scores than them." It reminds him with his past battle between Class 3-E and Class 1-A.

Suzune nod then turned serious." As long as we're in Class D, our hopes of advancement are out of reach. "

Both Karma and Kiyotaka stare at her." Were you imitating Ms. Chabashira? "

Suzune turn to them." No way. "

Kiyotaka turn to Karma." She sounded like her a little. "

Karma laugh." A little?I keep thinking she was Ms. Chabashira's secret love child based on their atmosphere! "

Suzune stayed quiet until she perked up." Ayanokoji, are you into sports? "

" Not in particular, I'm not boasting, but I didn't enter any club back in middle school." Kiyotaka answered.Karma tilt his head.

" Why ask that Suzu-chan? "

" Have about you, have you been to a sport Karma? "

Karma look taken back as if he's not expecting for her to be curious about him either." Not really, I remember beating up some seniors way back in my elementary years. "

Suzune turn to Karma." Right... Both the developments of your forearms and.. "

" Hey, hey!Horikita!" Kikyo carried herself from the water as she beamed at the three." Wanna swim with us? "

" No thank you." Suzune immedietely answered.By the way she talks, she doesn't like Kikyo very much.Karma stares at her, her childhood must have been harsh to let her not trust anyone.

" Horikita, are you not good at swimming?" Kikyo ask.

" I'm neither good nor bad at it. "

But that didn't stop Kikyo from insisting." Back in middle school, I was awful at swimming.But I practiced really hard, and now I can do it just fine. "

Suzune stands up." I see.Good for you." She then walk away leaving the two boys and girl.

" She's totally unapproachable, isn't she?" Kiyotaka ask.

Kikyo worriedly place her hand to her arm as she stares at Suzune's back." I wish we could get along a bit.. "

It has been a nice day where kids just forget all their problems until." Everyone." Yosuke look at everyone as they deivert their attention to his." I want you to focus on me and listen for a minute.We couldn't get any points today.This is a problem that's going to haunt us for the rest of our school career.We can't possibly make it to graduation with zero points. "

The girl with long yellow hair agreed." We can't let that happen! "

Yosuke smiled at her." Of course.That's why we need to make sure we get some points next month. "

The red haired tched." Whatever your doing, suit yourselves." He push Yosuke away as he leaves." Just leave me out of it. "

Yosuke looks at him with a troubled expression.Kikyo, Kiyotaka and Karma together with Suzune stare at the commotion.

The school council president look across the window eyeing the ruby eyed female." Class D..huh." He turn away and push up his glasses." Sakayanagi of Class 1-A... "

A short girl with purple hair fladed to sky blue sat on the sofa smiling.Beside her is a bigger guy with a bald head seemingly standing like her bodyguard." And Katsuragi. "

" Congratulations.Your class recieved 940 points this month.This is something to be proud of." His glasses glint." How much do you know about the S-system? "


In class

" Doc!As your best friend, I have a favor to ask!" One student exclaimed as he hug one student across the shoulder." Would you buy this for me for 20,000 points? "

The blonde girl place her hand on the back of her head to Kikyo." Actually, I spent too many points, and now I'm totally broke.I thought if I could borrow just a couple of points from each girl in class.. We're friends right? "

Karma and Kiyotaka walk pass them going over to Suzune who was seated." Do you have plans for lunch?" She ask to the two of them.They look at Suzune who gripped her phone." Would you mind eating lunch together?Just the three of us? "

Karma spotted her hesitance as a way of her being shy.He wouldn't mind, that's cute.Karma turn to Kiyotaka who look a bit taken back as he was the one who usually ask first.Kiyotaka nod.


At Lunch

As the three were seated with a feast on their table, Kiyotaka spoke first." Well, time to dig in, itadakimasu." He turn to Suzune." Sorry for having you buy us this expensive special lunch set. "

Karma nod." Hm, are you sure your fine with it Suzu-chan? "

" Yes, I did tell you two to get whatever you wanted, after all." Suzune answered.Karma shrug and start eating his tempura while Kiyotaka hesitate.He turn to Suzune who was staring at him.' What? '

" What's wrong, Ayanokoji?" Suzune ask." Start eating already." Making Kiyotake take his first bite.

" Hm oishii~!!" Karma beamed as he continue eating." Arigato Suzu-chan!!" He pick up his favorite milk and take a sip.

Suzune nod." Sorry, but I want you guys to hear me out. "

" Hm?" Both boys turn to her.

" It seems that Hirata ( Yosuke ) and the others have decided to do from now during lunch." Suzune said." Their going to hold a study group to prepare for the next test. "

" Study group?" Kiyotaka ask.

" Yes.But three classmates with especially poor scores have refused his invitation to join. "

" Sudo ( the red-haired guy ), right?" Karma ask.' I want to see your point Suzune. '

" As well as Yamauchi and Ike." Suzune added.

" Yeah, they didn't really look like the type to actively study, I guess." Kiyotaka said.

" I can't imagine how someone could fail a test completely." Karma said as he lay his head on his palm.Suzune add." But the fact that there are hopeless students out there, for whom failure is nearly inevitable remains. "

Kiyotaka stared at Karma." You two.. That's a pretty cold statement. "

Karma turn to him with tempura in his mouth." It's true. "

" If things go as it is now, they'll most likely fail." Suzune state.Karma innerly shrug.He would ignore them and let them be expelled but considering that their lives are at stake with us, he has no choice but to cope up with it.

" And if we want our class to be promoted, it's important that we not only avoid losing points, but we also need to gain them.Right?" Suzune continued.

Karma ask." So you want to hold a study group then?For the purpose of helping those three idiots? "

Suzune nod." Yes, we have no choice.If their left alone, they could damage class D as a whole.If I really have been consigned to class D, then I'll seek my way up to Class A. "

" Aaah.. Then you'll leave us as you move.. " Karma pout.

" Wait a minute." Kiyotaka step in.

Suzune turn to Kiyotaka." What? "

" Did you just say Class A? "

" I did. "

" Not Class C Suzu-chan?" Karma ask her.

" Class A. " She said sternly." I'm entirely opposed to my being assigned to class D. "

" So step one is to rehabilitate the failures?" Kiyotaka ask.

" If you guys understand, then this conversation won't be long." Suzune said." Please don't drag me into this." Kiyotaka sighed.

" You ate it didn't you?The lunch I treated you.Special lunch set.Look how blessed you two are for this luxurious lunch, and it's for two of you so it's more expensive for me to pay.I still haven't forgiven you for consipiring with Kushida, and taking me out in false pretenses." Suzune explained.

Karma smirked as he licked his chopsticks." That's dirty.. " kiyotaka murmured.

" If you want to repay your debt, you guys have to help me.Your job will be to round up those three and bring them to my study group, it's the two of you so I expect to see the job done quickly." Suzune put down a pink paper on the table as she stands up." That's my cell phone number and email address.Contact me if you need anything. "

She pick up her lunch tray and walk away.

Karma turn to Kiyotaka who stare at the paper.' Seems like it's his first time to have a girl's number.' He pick up his phone and took a picture." You can keep the paper Ayano-kun, sigh, to think she would really stoop that low just for us to help a bunch of failures. "

Kiyotaka stare at Karma before looking down at the paper again." Guess I should keep it." He doesn't expect him to be happy but he can at least take it for how many times he has seen his past classmates idiot-ing around.

" We have no choice..huh." Kiyotaka whispered but Karma heard him." Hm!Let's go to class, they will surely be there! "

' Okay, let's do it. '




Ike with one bang almost covering his left eye he pass by Kiyotaka." Pass. "

Yamauchi place a hand behind his back as he stare at Kiyotaka." Hmm, nope. "

Sudo pulled Kiyotaka by his collar." What did you say, you punk?! "

Kiyotaka look at Karma with a sigh.Karma frowned but smirked as he punch his fist." Then it's my turn, right? "

Kiyotaka shake his head." No violence, I'm tired as well, I'll be heading to my room." Karma whined but run to Kiyotaka." Let me come with you!! "

" To my room?" Kiyotaka ask.Karma nod as he smiled.He shouldn't act as he is right now, it would trouble himself when the school system knows.

" You said no violence right?Let's try to ask Kikyo-chan for help, she loves talking to people ne?" Karma suggested.


Both Karma and Kiyotaka sat on his bed.Kiyotaka stared at his phone." I wonder if she's in her room." Karma look to the side.

" Try the internal phone lines.. " Karma said.Kiyotaka nod and walk to it.

" Yes.Could you put me through to Kushida from Class 1-D?Yes I need to talk to her about something for class.Yes." Kiyotaka wait for a while until he heard a squeaky female voice.

" Moshi moshi? "

" Hel- uh what was that?" Kiyotaka ask as he heard loud noises through the phone.

" Ayanokoji-kun?" The sound disappeared." Sorry, did you hear it?I was in the bath.I just finished earlier, so don't worry. "

Karma slap his face with his palm.Of course.' Yes, yes I need to worry!! '

' You surprised me. '

" You surprised us too." Karma chimed in.

" Hm!Akabane-kun?How are you?I didn't know you two are together even right now!! "

" Anway.. rejoice, kushida." Kiyotaka said lamely." You've been selected as the ambassador of friendship.For the sake of our class, please give it all you've got. "

' I know your trying to be optimistic to convince Kikyo but.. your saying it like a host in variety show or kiddie show- the heck!!' Karma snort.

" Um.. "

In Kikyo's room

" Yeah.Sure..... A study group for Sudo and the others?And Horikita's running it?" Kikyo tap her finger at the brown teddy bear as she converse with the two boys on the other line." Well, when a friend's in trouble, you have to be there for them.. So of course I'll help. "

Karma's voice can be heard." We're not forcing you though, if you don't want to you can decline. "

" It's okay!" Kikyo look up." It's pretty cruel that anyone who fails gets expelled.Even though we just became friends a while ago, having to say goodbye to them just for that.. Wouldn't that be awful?Oh!But can I ask you just one thing?For the both of you?I want to join that study group too! "

Kiyotaka's voice then echoed." Are you sure that's all you want? "

" Yeah!I want to study with everyone, too.. Oh I know!I'll give you my cell phone number!Make sure to share it to Akabane-kun! "

" Are you sure? "

" Yeah!I mean we're classmates after all!I'm sorry I never had a chance to give it to you guys before." She circled her finger on her bed sheet." Feel free to call me, ne? "


Both Karma and Kiyotaka look at his phone." Kushida's number huh?" Karma said.Suddenly a sound came from Kiyotaka's phone, Karma pick it up and smiled.

" Oya oya?Both Ike and Yamauchi said yes.Way to go Kikyo-chan~!!" Karma beamed.

" Wow, she's fast." Kiyotaka commented, he then tap something on his phone making sure that Suzune knows that the three agreed.

" Remember to ask for Kikyo-chan to join!" Karma remind.

Kiyotaka nod as he text her.

After a second, they recieved a phone call.Kiyotaka looked questionally but tap the green button.

* Click

" He- "

" No.---BEEEP "

Karma blink before laughing." KAHAHAHA- This is great." Kiyotaka sighed before pressing the green button to call Suzune back.

" At least hear me ou-- "

* Click---- BEEP

Karma continued laughing on the bed as Kiyotaka is struggling on his phone.Karma then sat up as Kiyotaka text with Suzune.He really had no idea, that being with the golden duo would be this fun!!

After for a while.A noise rang from his phone.Karma leaned in and sighed.' She still said no.. ' Why did she say no so suddenly, Karma sat down on the bed.Come to think of it.Suzune refused to speak up to anyone.She just didn't say a word and ignore them but to Kikyo, she immedietely have this fierce look.

Karma hummed as he ponder.' Does Kikyo and Suzune know eachother before high school? '


In Kikyo's room

" I see.Is that what she said?" Kikyo ask.

" We're really sorry.Even though we ask you to help.. "

Kikyo stayed silent for a second before she hop from the bed." Okay!Could you let me handle this, then?" She said in a hopeful voice with a giggle.


Next day in the school library

* BANG!!

The slamming noise catch the attention of the students in the library.'" Did you call me incompetent?!" Sudo yelled at Suzune.

Suzune didn't look taken back but answered indifferent." Yes.If you can't solve a simple simultaneous equation, I can't imagine where you'll end up in the future. "

Karma, Kikyo and Kiyotaka watch them as they sat on the same table.Kikyo looked worried, Kiyotaka sighed and Karma just smiled.Sudo, already irritated grab Suzune's collar making Kikyo stand up." Sudo! "

" Who needs these stupid problems?Studying's pointless, anyway.If I want a good future, I'm better off playing basketball to prepare for my pro career, than sticking my nose in some book." Sudo said.Karma let out a sigh before standing facing at the furious red-head.

" If you like playing basketball than sticking your nose in some book, will you let me stick your nose in that damn ball for you to pass the hoop?" Karma ask, placing both his hands in his pockets.


" Karma! "

Everyone on the table turn to look at Suzune who looked stern but composed." As I was saying, Your childish. "

Karma smirked before sitting down.

" You want to be a professional basketball player?You really think the world will grant a dream like that so easily?Someone so lacking in commitment and dedication can never become a professional. "

Sudo push Suzune back as he pack his stuff." I skipped club for this crap.What a waste of time. "

Ike and Yamauchi look at Sudo." I'm out, too." Ike said." horikita might be smart, but I can't hang with someone who talks down to me. "

" Me too." Yamauchi pipe in.

Karma sighed as he walk towards the two, hugging them both by the shoulders." Then, if you don't accept Suzu-chan, want me to teach you instead hm? "

The two look at eachother and turn to Karma." Why would we?Your really violent, don't think we didn't know the rumors that you almost punch our senior and blackmailing them. "

Kiyotaka sighed.' Karmaaaa... '

Karma pout." I promise that I'll be teaching you much better than our teacher~!! "

Ike sighed." Alright, but not today I'm tired." The two then leave.

Kiyotaka sighed as he look at Suzune.' You should do something with that attitude of yours, it seems like me and Karma's waste our breath for nothing. '

Kikyo look at Suzune with a worried look." Horikita.. No one's going to study with you if you act this way.I'm glad that Akabane-kun agreed to teach them instead but.. "

Karma chuckled." No no no. "


" It's true that I aced a good mark enough for my grades but we're talking about Suzu-chan here.She even is the one who came up for us to teach them.It would be fair for her to have a development when it comes to social communication with the other students." Karma explained.

" No." Suzune said." I realize now that I was wasting my time on fruitless endeavor. "

Kikyo trailed." So..you mean.. "

Suzune turn to them." I mean that if they're going to hold us back, it's better that they drop out, as soon as possible. "

Karma frown but scroll his eyes to Kikyo, the silence in her, it's cold." Ah, I see." Kikyo said." Me and Akabane-kun will work out something ourselves.Right Akabane-kun? "

Karma made a face.' No.' But he pulls out a smile." Ah, arigato.I'll be more happy to." Karma himself doesn't want to exit this grand place.He wants to stay with his golden duo longer to have more connection with them.

Kikyo smiled back." I really don't want to have to say goodbye to them so soon.I don't want to abandon them.That's also why you started this study group, right? "

" If your saying that in all sincerity, I don't mind." Suzune said." But.. Rather.. What did you really come here for?" She send out a serious expression to Kikyo.

" Huh? "

" Did you come here to block my path? "

Kikyo looked aghast." What do you mean?I don't understand.. How can you be so composed saying such awful things." The moment she said that made Karma furrow his eyebrows.

' She's trying to let Suzune be the bad guy by acting guilty. '

" It makes me feel so sad.. " Kikyo said as she leaves the library.


In Kiyotaka's bedroom

Kiyotaka stared at Karma who lay down on his bed." Why are you here again? "

" Why shouldn't I be in my friend's room, this is how they hang out right?" Karma ask as he tilt his head.Kiyotaka sighed by perked up.

' Friend.. huh.Horikita never called me as a friend the past weeks, I of course am not suprised when it's from Karma himself.. but. '

" Hey." Karma sat up.

" Huh? "

" Let's go out and buy something, it's to ease both the tension and boredness.Ne?" Karma ask.Kiyotaka stayed silent for a while before nodding." Let's. "

Karma smiled.




As the boys exit outside they started to converse." So, Ayano-kun. "

" Nani? "

" Can you tell something about yourself?" Karma ask as he walk beside Kiyotaka." I know you said you don't have any talent but I highly doubt that. "

" And why's that?What made you think I'm more than a guy who's trying to fit in. "

Karma didn't stop his smile as he answered." Your special, I know it.A normal guy who's living a normal life is boring to me.But here I am with you.You said you just want to be average but here I am walking and talking to you. "

Kiyotaka didn't say anything which makes Karma stopped walking and turn to face him." Ayano-kun, I think your interesting.Compared to others, your a guy who keeps secrets.And I have a thirst to let it all out.I want to break that mask your wearing all the time even now.Especially with Kikyo-chan if she have one. "

Kiyotaka stared at Karma's eyes finding for something to protest.Luckily the tension ceased as Karma pat his shoulder." Say, I'll be staying with you and Suzu-chan for a whole three years hm?That means we have all the time to get used to eachother.Last month was such a waste, so I'll make sure to spark up this month and the next. "

The boy nod as he look at Karma.The two boys are already comfortable with eachother." Ore?there's a vending machine near us." Karma pulled Kiyotaka's hand as they near the glowing machinery.

As the two tried to pick their snacks, a voice pulled their attention.

" Suzune, I didn't expect you to follow me here." Karma perk up.It's the voice of the student council president, Manabu Horikita,

The two boys peeked to the corner to see both the siblings together.

" Mo nii chan.. I'm not that failure I was back then." Suzune's voice protest." I came here to catch up with you. "

Karma whispered to Kiyotaka." It's Suzu-chan's brother, the student council president." Kiyotaka look at Suzune's back." Brother.. huh. "

" ' Catch up '?" Manabu scoff." You haven't even realized your own shortcomings.You were a fool to choose this school. "

Karma frowned.' So he's like that. '

" I'll reach Class A soon!" Suzune step forward." when I do.. "

" Impossible. "

" I will.. make it there. "

Manabu turn to her." What an unreasonable sister you are.. "

Karma grit his teeth.' This is basically Asano-kun and his father all over again.Don't protest any more Suzu-chan you will only make yourself worse.In this situation.Just a word from her brother, a student council president even can make her life ten times more miserable.It all came clear that she doesn't even have a nice childhood from the start. '

Kiyotaka stayed silent.

Without any warning, Manabu grab Suzune's hand and slam it on the wall harshly making her cry." Gh-!! "

" My little sister is assigned to Class D.. And I'm the one who bears the shame of it.Leave this school right now." He ordered.

' He doesn't even care about her and only on his status.It's reasonable that his career will all go down if it's leaked.' Karma thinks of recording it and show it to the school system but will they care, but if it worked then it will affect Suzune greatly and his hard work spent on staying close to the golden duo will go wasted.This is truly troublesome.

" Onii-san.. I.. "

" You have neither the right nor the ability to aim for something higher." Manabu said with pure hostile.Slowly Karma can see broken glass on the president's face.The killing intent no longer able to contain.It's all so familiar.

" You must learn.. " Manabu raise his hand in position to aim it on her.Suzune flinch and cover eyes.

" Suzu- "

" !! "

Manabu gasp as his hand is grabbed by Kiyotaka.Karma sweat and turn around with a whistle.' He's fast.. '

Kiyotaka then raise Manabu's hand for him unable to move it." A-Ayanokoji?" Suzune then turn to a running male." A-And Akabane-kun.. "

" You were really going to do it, weren't you?Let her go." Kiyotaka said with no expression.

Suzune look down." Stop it, ayanokoji. "

Ayanokoji turn to Suzune as he let down Manabu's hand.' I never heard her speak that way.. ' Karma smirked as he wave.

" Now now, let her go will ya, Mr. student council president?" Manabu turn to Karma.' That killing intent... ' He shake his head and move his fist backwards to aim it at Kiyotaka.

* Woosh!!

Kiyotaka dodged it with no sweat making Manabu pull a kick on him.Kiyotaka effortlessly evade it.' That was close.. '

Manabu became suprised but he pick up his stance.He use power on his right hand and aim it on Kiyotaka's shoulder but the male swipe it away making Manabu step back.

Karma made a strangling noise as he observe Kiyotaka's movement.' No way.. I know he's something special but.. that was flawless.. the way he move his left hand to swipe it, it equals power.He's mostly into sneak attacks and weak points.Basically almost like Nagisa.F*ck. '

Manabu stand straight, eyes's locked to Kiyotaka." Nice move.Do you practice something? "

Kiyotaka look at Manabu with the same glint in his eyes." Piano and calligraphy. "

Manabu turn to Karma." Oh, that reminds me.. I had heard there was a new student who got 50s in every subject on his entrance exam.You got 50 on for the quiz on the other day too.Fifty exactly half of 100. "

" Was that intentional? "

" Coincidences can be scary, right?" Kiyotaka said indifferent.

Karma sweatdrop.' He's definitely doing that on purpose, then that points it out.Somehow.. Ayano-kun is connected with the school and doesn't want his talents to be found in any means necessary. '

" And you." Manabu turn to Karma." I heard rumors about a student from Class D who made students from other classes terrified of him because of him unleashing a dangerous atmosphere and that he almost killed them by violent acts.I can tell it's from you.Your killing intent is so suffocating it almost compared to an assassin. "

Karma blink.' Oh crap. '

Kiyotaka's eyes turn to Karma.

" Your both unique I see." Manabu turn to his sister." Suzune. "

Suzune turn to him." I'm genuinely suprised to see you've made friends. "

" Their.. not my friend." Suzune stuttered.

Karma almost pop.' Then what are we?!Your boyfriends?!Husbands?!Enemies?!Roaches?! '

" Their just my classmates." Suzune said.

Manabu looked unimpressed." As usual, you've mistaken isolation for independence.Suzune." He turn around." If you want to ascend to a higher class, struggle with everything you have." With that he walks away.

The three sat down as they sip their drinks.Suzune look down." I guess you saw my awkward side. "

Kiyotaka spoke next." Actually, I was glad to see what a normal girl you could be- " Suzune send a glare." Nothing, maam. "

Karma sighed as he sip all his remaining milk.

" Your incredible." Suzune turn to them.

Kiyotaka look up." Yeah, I used to do piano and tea ceremony.I did calligraphy too. "

" You, Akabane-kun? "

Karma hmmed before wiping his mouth." What do you think I do as a hobby? "

Suzune looks away." I bet you bully and harass the students especially in middle school. "

" Haha how'd you know~? "

" Do your parents know?That your a bully?" Suzune ask.

Karma blink.' You made me feel like a villain ouch.. ' " Not really.. they don't come home often you see, that's why I have a habit of liking my own food or doing anything that interests me. "

" Why not?Do they hate you?Is that why your name is Karma? "

Karma stayed silent before bursting out." BWHAHAHAHA!!!Seriously?!No.. my name is actually Karuma Akabane.But I like my name the way you say it now because it's unique.The problem is just that my parents never had been at hom making me a little too lonely? "

He's not lonely when he's been bothered by a yellow octopus and hangs out with his best friend who is a trap.( Even when he cut his hair like a boy, he still looks like a girl )

Karma shake his head before turning to kiyotaka." Now enough about me, Ayano-kun, did you really rig your scores on the entrance exam? "

" I told you it's just a coincidence." Bullsh*t.

" I don't understand you at all the most, Ayanokoji-san." Suzune said.

" Are you done with the study group?" Kiyotaka ask.

" Yes.I've determined those failures to be a waste of time.It doesn't do me any good. "

" They'll be expelled, Karma, are you still agreeing on tutoring them? "

" Although them being expelled will help the Class D rise higher, I say it's the guilt ayano-kun." Karma answered, he then turn to Suzune." Are you sure that your not thinking the wrong way? "

Suzune turn around to Karma.Kiyotaka add." Your shortcoming is that you assume others will hold you back, and stay away from them.Couldn't that philosophy of looking down on others, be what got you into Class D in the first place? "

Suzune look down as she turn away thinking about it.

" I.. "