


Every students celebrates as their scores are between 90 or more.

" It's all thanks to you, Kushida!!" One boy cheers.

" Arigato Akabane-kun!!" Two girls bow to Karma who wave." For real, your our lifesavers!! "

Kikyo bowed her head sheepishly." It's not like that.. I didn't do anything.Karma helped me with it! "

" Angel.. " Ike was crying as he hug himself." You two are angels!! "

" Akabane-kun!You may be a devil to other classes but your a saint to Class D!!" Yamauchi hug Karma's shoulder.

" O-Oi!!Your ruining my uniform." Karma sighed as he push away the idiot.Damn they really deserve to be called idiots.

It's pretty much sure it's very impossible that they gained 90 points or up that much.Karma leaned to the side of his palm with a bored look but inside he was smirking but died down as Suzune focuses her eyes on Karma.

" Ayanokoji." Suzune look at Kiyotaka with the same expression as Karma." What did you guys do? "


Three days before the test

Ayanokoji together with Karma were walking out to the school yard passing the area where girls are playing tennis and to which of Karma's misery, they are all wearing short skirts for that type of sport.

* Pang

The sound of the tennis ball flew high to the other side.Karma stare at the area where the girls are playing.' Where are the boys at?' He wonder as he sip on his milk.

" That's great!Bring it on!" The voice boomed making the boys turn to where the sound is headed.They turn their head to their left and spot Sudo being outnumbered by three seniors.

One of the guys raise his brow as he keep his hand in his pockets." That's some outdated thug act, eh?So lame. "

The middle with long maroon hair speak next." You are a pathetically ugly creature. "

Saying those words made Sudo loose his cool." What did you say?!" He was about to reach his arm to the middle guy but was manhandled by the two thugs.

Kiyotaka stared at the four people hidden from the sunlight.' Kushida ask us to invite him to her study group, but.. '

Karma look unimpressed.' He's too of an idiot to listen, that will be much a problem. '

The leader slowly walk to Sudo who struggled to get out of the thug's grasps." Let me go!! "

" I can't wait to see how many of you will be expelled after the upcoming test." The leader said as Sudo's face became terrified.

Karma can't see as their looking at the students' backs but he can tell the tight situation Sudo's in, he scroll his eyes to Kiyotaka.

" You will be the first... " The leader smirk before slowly raising his index finger to the location of Sudo's left eye.

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The two boys silently watch what will happen.

Sudo's breathing hitch before closing his eyes until he felt a poke on his forehead.Silence came after that.Kiyotaka and Karma still stare intensely as the maroon haired didn't dare move his eyes to other directions, smirk still remains on his face before he open his mouth." I hope your prepared for this. "

That's the last straw before Sudo uses force to push the boys out of their grasp, he snarled as he run to attack the maroon haired male.

" All of you, stop right there! "

Sudo turn to where the voice is." What do you want!Stay out of this! "

The two boys turn as well, Karma blink, it's the girl from the other class, Ishinose Honami was it?The same long pinkish-yellow hair he seen that day from the time people were oblivious of the school system, she doesn't look mad about the situation, rather interested.

Ishinose cross her arms still putting the smile on her face." As a student of this school, I cannot allow violence to slip away." She then add." If you still insist on fighting, I'm going to call security. "

Karma can hear Sudo tched.The maroon haired boy didn't look a bit fazed." Ichinose, this isn't a fight.We're the victims here. "

Karma tried his best not to roll his eyes.

" Are you sure?" The girl ask." It looked to me like you provoked him into it, Ryuen.If you keep this up, I'll report this to the school. "

The male, Ryuen pause his stance before letting out a small sigh.He then walk pass Sudo." Hey, Monkey. "

" Why you- "

" I think you'll make a nice toy." He said before he and the two boys walk away.

" Hey!" Sudo lift his fist on pure anger." You running away?!Hey, you! "

Karma and Kiyotaka walk towards to the fumed male.Kiyotaka locked eyes on Ryuen before placing his hand on Sudo's shoulder to stop his ranting." Sudo. "

Karma smiled and turn to Ichinose.

Ichinose walk towards the three male ignoring the passing students walking away from the drama." Listen, don't let him provoke you, okay? "

Sudo scrunch his brows." Shut up, will ya? "

Ichinose turn to the girls who were playing tennis." Sorry for the scare!It's okay now! "

The girls wave back." Ichinose-san, thanks! "

' Ah, the social friendly type, nothing really like Kikyo I suppose.' Karma mentally shrug, the students here do have mysterious ways to pique his interest and he will need to keep it that way.

Ichinose turn to the males." Please refrain from causing troubles to others, okay?See ya!" She said cheerily before walking to the opposite direction.

Kiyotaka and Karma both stared at the retreating female.

" Damn!" Sudo shrug off the males walking towards the wall to get his bag.

Kiyotaka began to speak up." Sudo, are you free now?Kushida's studying in the- "

" Sorry." Sudo said." I've got club to attend." He then walk away.

Karma tilt his head with the male's stubborn behavior.

" Ike and Yamauchi are already surrending to study for the upcoming test now." Karma then cup his hands as Sudo's figure became smaller." Will you be okay by yourself? "

" I'm not going anywhere if I started studying from now." Those were the last words before Sudo disappeared from their vision.



In the court, both boys and girls were cut into two groups, it's already the end of class, but plenty of students come and play with eachother.

" Sudo! "

Sudo blink out of his faze before the basketball hit his arm, the ball then bounce to the ground.

" What are you doing? "

" Sorry! "

Susune stand at the entrance observing the tall distracted male.

As the sun set outside, Sudo walked out of the school building with hands in his pockets." Sudo." A female voice called.

He turn to see Suzune standing beside him with hands firmly on her hips." Can I talk to you for a bit?Are you planning to leave school for good? "

Sudo turn away." Geez, your persistent. "

" You don't mind not playing basketball anymore?" Suzune watch as Sudo walks.

The male stopped walking making Suzune catch up to him, she hand out a blue book." I've summerized the main topics from class in this notebook. "

Sudo stare at the notebook now on his hands before looking at the girl beside him.

" I'm teaching you for my sake.You should study yours.That way, you can continue playing basketball at this school." Suzune stared expectedly as Sudo hesitantly stares back.


( Two days before the test )

It's lunch break to which Karma can't get enough of the restaurant buffet displayed around the area.He wish he would stare at it forever.

Kikyo smiled as she grip Kiyotaka and Karma's arms with her own." I think this is the first time you guys ever invited me for a lunch! "

Kikyo then frown." You must have a reason, right? "

Karma nod." Keep this between us Kikyo-chan. "

" Of course!" The girl squeeze her grip.

Karma turn to Kiyotaka who stands up, motioning for Kikyo to follow.

The three then carefully lean their head from the wall to spy on a boy who's standing on the line.As the boy recieve his lunch tray he slumped, arch back finding for a table to eat alone.

As the boy walk away, Karma lay a hand on the other two." Let's go. "

Kikyo nod and gleedily run to catch up to the two boys.

The student sighed as he sat down staring at his cheap display of food.

" Excuse me.Your an upperclassman, right?" The student perk to see three other students sitting down on the same table as him.

" I'm Ayanokoji from Class 1-D.Your in D too, right?" Kiyotaka ask as he sit beside the student while Kikyo and Karma sit beside eachother at the other side of the table.

The student look down." Yeah.. "

karma tilt his head to see a normal meal but he can also see the sourness of the soup and the bitterness of the vegetables sitting on the tray, basically the cultural meal for a farmer.

" That's a nasty meal despite being a free lunch huh?" Karma ask.

The student looked wary." What do you want? "

" We want to consult with you about something." Kiyotaka answered." Of course, I'll make it worth your while. "

" Consult? "

" Do you have the questions from your first midterm two years ago? "

Karma hum as he sip on his milk.Letting Ayano-kun handle it all, he got some nice flash cards hidden under that brain of his.

" Huh?" The student looked taken back.

" I want you to give them to me." Kiyotaka plainly said.

" Why are you speaking to me about this? "

Karma speak up as he lean forward." It's simple.These low of points would give us more chance to secure a deal with.And seeing you eat that foul-looking wild vegetable lunch set.. it's a pretty fair deal to me. "

The student look hesitantly at the two boys." How much will you pay? "

" Ten thousand- " " Fifteen thousand points. "

Kiyotaka turn to face at Karma who lean his head on his palm looking away.He's catching up on what he's doing.

The student shake his head." These risks cost me a lot, how about two times the 15,000 and make it 30,000 points at the very least. "

Before Karma speaks again, Kiyotaka cut him." I'm afraid that's not possible. "

" No deal then." The student answered firmly.

" Wait a minute!" Kikyo stands up as she slam the table.

* Slam

The student jolt and look at her.Then in a flash, on his vision is a girl who looked as determined with her sparkling pleading eyes and her squeaky angelic voice." A friend of ours might get expelled!Please! "

Suddenly an arrow shot the guy's heart as his cheeks glow red.

" Ten thousand." Kiyotaka said ignoring Karma's refute.

" Twenty-five thousand." The guy said unwilling to give up.

" Ten thousand. "

" Twenty thousand.. "

" Ten thousand. "

Karma's brow twitch." Just say fifteen thousand. "

The student close his eyes." Fine, fifteen thousand!I can't get any lower than that. "

Karma smirk a little.' Who knew Ayano kun is smart enough to bring in kikyo for this situation. '

Kiyotaka sighed." Very well.It's a deal.In exchange, please include your quizzes from the first term. "

" Okay.. "

Kikyo beamed." Thank you so much! "

Karma pick up his phone, as he look up he frown." Eh!I should give him my points! "

Kiyotaka raise his head." You have lesser than me. "

" Don't care, I thought out that fifteen thousand points first! "

" No. "

" You- "


Outside of school at the fountain

The two boys and girl sat down on one of the benches.Kikyo sat between them looking a bit nerv wracked as she place both her hands on her lap." But do you think it'll be okay? "

" Fear not.It's within school rules." Kiyotaka said.

" I think so.. " Kikyo turn to Kiyotaka with a worried look." But using test questions feels like cheating to me. "

Karma raise his hand." I strongly disagree.By the look on that student's face has confirmed both me and Ayano-kun's hunches. "

" What is it? "

" That trading test questions is the norm between the students in this school. "

Kikyo didn't look convinced." But they're still just old questions.There's a chance that they're not related to this year's test. "

Kiyotaka turn to her." It may not contain the exact same questions, but I don't think they'll be entirely different. "

" .. Really? "

" Don't worry." Karma chuckled heartedly." You want to save Sudo and the others from expulsion hm?Then that's the only way.After all, we're not the best teachers to teach anyone. "

* Ring

Kiyotaka pick up his phone to find a photo of a test score.

" They're here.Starting with a quiz.. " Kiyotaka started.He then pick up his paper to check." It's the same.Exactly like ours. "

Both Karma and Kikyo lean to look.Kikyo then clap her hands." Sugoi!What about the midterm then? "

Karma shrug before leaning on his own bench seat." It's most likely to have the same questions. "

" Let's show it to everyone, not just Sudo and the others!" Kikyo cheered.

Kiyotaka shake his head." No, we won't show it to them yet. "

" Why not? "

" Say we reveal the questions the day before the test.What will our classmates do then?" Kiyotaka ask.

Kikyo blink before smiling." They'll work desperately to memorize the questions! "

Karma nod as he lift his arms at the back of his head." Exactly. "

Kikyo look left and right." You two.. Are you two sharper than you look Ayanakoji kun and Akabane kun? "

" We're just cunning, that's all." Kiyotaka plainly answered.

Kikyo hummed before nodding.

Inside Karma felt like it's an improvement.Kiyotaka said ' we're ' instead of ' I'm '.He's taken quite an interest on Karma that's for sure.

" Hey, I'd like you to do me a favor. "

Kikyo tilt her head curiously.

" Could you tell them your the one who got them the questions?" Kiyotaka said.

" Sure, but are you okay with that?" Kikyo hesitantly ask.

" I don't want to stand out unnecessarily.And I think our classmates trust you more. "

Kikyo smiled." Okay, if that's what you want. "

Kiyotaka nod." Thanks a lot. "

Suddenly Karma raise his hand making Kikyo turn to him." I would like to be a part of what your doing Kikyo chan. "

The girl looked suprised." Really?!N-Not that it's bad.. "

Karma smiled." Hmhm, it's alright, I hardly knew anyone and some rumors won't rest of having my ears get cleaned off.It would be for the best. "

Kikyo clasp her hands to his." That would be a great idea for them to know you better!Sure! "

Kiyotaka blink." I won't be suprised if you want to show off yourself but I didn't think you would be interested in this type of stuff Karma. "

" When I said I raise my heads up to the interesting people I mean it.But I only stay with you because your the first to pique my interest." Karma then stands up." Then, we'll get going neh? "

kikyo nod." Hm!See you tomorrow Karma-kun, I can't wait! "

Karma nod and smile back but innerly smirked.' Damn Ayano-kun, guess I have to think of something else to show off your talent. '

" I guess this will be our little secret then." Kikyo said.


( Day before the test )

It was a busy day in school.The students in class 1-D still convered to eachother cheerfully but inside their heart skip a beat.It all stopped when the door open revealing two people.

" Sorry everyone." Kikyo said." There's something me and Akabane-kun want to give you before you go. "

Karma came in with papers on his hand with a smile." I got extras Kikyo chan~. "

As the students get their hands on the papers they instantly got amazed.

The blonde hair girl, Kei stare at the test sheet." Did you two make this? "

" Actually, they're questions from an earlier test. "

" Past questions?" Ike ask as he look up from the sheet he's holding.

Kikyo nod." A third-year student gave them to us last night.He said pretty much the same questions have appeared on the test the last two years. "

Karma then walk beside her with a raised hand, he add." Hm, we bet they'll be useful on our test tomorrow. "

Ike stands up with an hopeful look as he hugged the paper." Are you kidding me?! "

Yamauchi flip through the papers with the same relieved look." Heck, I didn't have to run myself ragged studying all this time. "

Sudo even smiled." This is great! "

Kikyo turn to the bonde male who is going to leave." Koenji, here." She said as she hand out the paper.

Koenji cockily raise his chin." Unfortunately, I don't need that kind of thing. "

Karma's eyes focus on the blonde male with slight interest.' Your quite confident this past month, I would really like to analyse you the next time I see you. '

" I have a date to get to.Now, if you'll excuse me." Koenji said as he wave walking out of the classroom making Kikyo a bit dazed.

Suzune stands up from her seat and walk to Kikyo." Kushida-san. "

Kikyo turn to Suzune and beamed." I know you might not need it, but.. "

Suzune stared at the test paper before looking up." May I ask you two a question? "

The boy knew.Suzune isn't that far behind on realizing situations like this.But before Kikyo can speak, Ike, Yamauchi and other boys jump in.

" Kushida-san arigato!!" Ike piped up happily as he grip his paper.

" I shall live forever in your debt! "

The other boys then began to flood around Kikyo making Suzune loose sight because of the crowd.Karma can feel himself twitch.' You thank Kikyo-chan but not me? '

" Arigato Akabane-kun! "

Karma perked up in suprise as he turn around seeing the girls infront of him.Kei who was close grasp Karma's hand in thanks." I knew your somewhat of a daredevil, but I guess it's alright being friends with you! "

Karma blink at the compliment before smiling.Then after a while he turn around to see Suzune staring at the both of them, mostly at Kikyo.

As everyone finalize on keeping the test paper, they then agreed to hang out with eachother or stay in their room.Suzune is the last one in the classroom.Noticeably by Karma he went in." Suzu-chan, long time no see. "

" Don't call me that. "

Karma blink.

But suzune just stands up and pack her bag." I don't know why you reffered to me by that name but stop it. "

She then place the bag on her shoulder before passing Karma." Call me what everyone calls me, Horikita. "

Karma turn his head to see Suzune's back before she close the door.The boy just shrug before following after.


( Test Results Announcement Day )

The students were flocking near cheering with happiness, the boys flooded to Kikyo as they thank her with many praises.Even when karma was joined in too, it was mostly Kikyo not that he mind.

The other two just stare at Kikyo before Kiyotaka comment." Kushida is well suited for this role. "

Suzune cross her arms." That's insulting. "

The teacher cross her arms as well as she stands infront of the students." To be honest, I'm quite impressed. "

The noise of cheering then died down.

Miss Chabashira continued." I never thought you'd be able to get such high scores.I acknowledge your efforts. "

She then walk to the board." However.. "

Suzune began to convert all her focus to the teacher at the pause.

Miss Chabashira grab a red marker and trace it on the board to the specific name.Karma keep his eyes on the name with a frown." You got a failing score, Sudo. "

" !! " Sudo who was called widen his eyes in disbelief.Karma sighed as he looked away.

' So much for being relieved. '

* BANG!!

" What?Your kidding!" Sudo stands up from his seat sweating." How did I fail? "

" The threshold for failure on this midterm test was 40." Miss Chibashira said as Sudo's score shows a 39." The average score on the midterm test was 79.6. "

She then write on the board, the sound of marker echoing the classroom." Divided by two.. "

It showed 39.8.Karma close his eyes as he lean back.

" Since we round that up, you needed a score of 40 or higher to pass. "

Sudo froze." Forty.. "

The teacher then lay her eyes on the male." It was only for a while, but you did your best.Your notice of expulsion will be issued after class. "

" I'm gonna be expelled.. " Sudo whispered, eyes as wide as sockets.

Yosuke immedietely stands up and place his palm oh his desk." Wait a minute!Isn't there any way to save him? "

" A failing score means your done. "

" Isn't there anything we can do?" Kikyo ask as she too stands up." We can't let Sudo be expelled.. "

" Rules are rules." Miss Chabashira said bluntly." Give it up. "

" ... "

" Homeroom is now over.Sudo, I'll be waiting in the staff office after classes." The teacher said as she walk out to the door of the classroom.She then give one last look before leaving.

Everything became silent.Guilt spewed through the student's hearts as they look apologetically at the male who looks traumatized.Kikyo turn to the other students." Hey, are you okay with this?!Sudo is going to be expelled at this rate. "

' Those are the rules, I wonder if there's a chance if I can say goodbye.' Karma did feel sorry, very sorry but if without the test questions yesterday, a majority of students will be expelled.The guilt with no chance to know more about the guy named Sudo.One of the golden idiots.But suddenly a feeling of hope flowers inside him.

" Ayanokoji-kun?" Kikyo ask making Karma turn his head to see Kiyotaka standing from his seat.

" Sorry.Need to wash my hands." He said as he walk to the door.

Kikyo together with Karma and Suzune silently watch Kiyotaka's figure leaving the classroom.Karma looked a bit amused with understanding where the boy is going.


Kiyotaka pov

As Kiyotaka close the door he looks up and see that Miss Chabashira is still near from him.He then proceed to follow to her direction as she walk through the hallway.




The clear blue sky gives off a bright color as Miss Chabashira stand alone on the school rooftop.The woman then grab a cigarette.

* Click

She then place it in her mouth as she inhale the smoky smell.

* Phew

" What do you want?" She ask as she close her eyes." Class is going to start soon, you know. "

Kiyotaka stand behind her not far away." Teacher, may I ask you a question? "

" A question? "

" In Japan, right now, do you think the society is equal? "

Chabashira quip." That's a deep question.Is there any point in answering that? "

" It's important." Kiyotaka said." Could you anwer please? "

The two were still in place, Miss Chabashira didn't dare to open her eyes as he back was still turned." From my perspective.. I'd say..... Society is certainly not equal.Not a bit. "

" I agree.The word ' equal ' is a lie." Kiyotaka state." But we humans are capable of thinking for ourselves. "

Miss Chabashira place her cigarette on the plate to stop the sparking of the tip." And your point is? "

" The rules require, at least, the appearance of equal application." The boy said walking near to the woman.

" Oh? "

As Miss Chabashira turn around, Kiyotaka hand out his phone showing there's 62,110 points in it.The woman scroll her eyes at the male as she place her hand on her hip." What do you intend to? "

Kiyotaka didn't hesitate to answer." Sell me one point to add to Sudo's English test score. "

" .... " It took a while of silence before the smirk regains from the woman's face." Hah. "

She then laugh with an amused expression." You're an interesting one.You want me to sell you test points? "

" You told us this on the first day." Kiyotaka let down his hand.

" To buy things, you will use points stored in the school's official computer system." Miss Chabashira state as she showed the students her phone." In this school, you can buy anything using points. "

" Rules must be applied equally, even on this midterm test. "

" I see.Your proposal is indeed reasonable. "

" Then- "

Miss Chabashira cut him." However, that doesn't mean it's something you can afford with what you have. "

" How much, then?" Kiyotaka ask again.

" Let me see.. If you give me 10,000 points right here and now, I'll sell it to you."

" That's cruel teacher." Kiyotaka remark but face still expressionless.

" That's part of the rules too." Miss Chabashira said.

" Then we'll pay, sensei~. "

Kiyotaka move to the side to see both Karma and Suzune standing infront of them.He can tell they just arrived, Karma holding the door wide open for Suzune to pass, she walks forward.

" We don't know what kind of penalty, that might be enacted on a class that loses students on expulsion but.. " Suzune said as she grip her phone showing her own points.

Karma smiled as he turn his head to the teacher." I've also determined that there may be considerable merit of keeping Sudo-kun around. "

Kiyotaka stare at the two." Horikita.. Karma-kun.. "

Miss Chabashira smiled at the three students." I knew you three would be interesting.Very well.I'll sell you a test point for Sudo.You can let him know his expulsion has been canceled. "

Karma and Suzune walk towards Kiyotaka who turn his head to the teacher." You're sure about this? "

" I agreed to sell it for 10,000 points.I don't have a choice." Miss Chabashira said as she whipped out the lighter to light her cigarette.She then proceed to smile." In the history of this school, no class D has ever advanced to a higher tier.Do you still intend to struggle for it? "

Karma's eyes began to lit. ' The same feeling, should I help my class for proving our worth like before? '

" I don't know about the two of them, but I intend to aim for a higher class." Suzune told her.

" And how do defectives like you, abandoned by the school, expect to aim for the top?" Miss Chabashira ask again.

" I'll be rude to you teacher.Defective merchandise can be fixed with the a process of being altered." Karma answered, his never ending fire lit in his eyes showing his determination before he did a close-eyes smile." But that's what I'm thinking. "

The teacher let out a chuckle before walking pass the students." I look forward to see it then.As your teacher, I'll watch over you warmly. "

As the time flows by, two students revealing to be Sakayanagi and Katsuragi of Class A alone walked to the score board in the hallway.

( First year Class points )

A = 1004 cp

B = 663 cp

C = 492 cp

The two weren't that much impressed, they were confident enough to always be ahead as the students of the advanced Class A but as they saw the points of the last class, they didn't manage to remove their eyes off the board.Class D is about to change their history.

D = 87 cp

It was not much but that alone pique the interest of the two Class A students.

" Class C is gaining." Katsuragi said as he cross his arms." Must be Ryuen's work again, huh? "

Sakayanagi didn't say anything but proceed to stay silent as she stared at the points of Class C.

" He's a dangerous man." Katsuragi added.

Sakayanagi turn around and walk away with her cane.

* Tap tap

" Isn't it boring?" The girl ask before she leaves the male.


Outside of school at the fountain

As school ends, the trio decided to sit together on the bench near the fountain.Suzune let herself read a book as the two males mind their own business.Their own company is the only one valid in this area.

Kiyotaka then began to speak as he lay his eyes on his phone." Class A has 1,004 points.By comparison, we have 87 points.Honestly aiming for Class A feels like an impossible goal. "

" I won't give up." Suzune said as she continue to keep her focus on her book." I will advance to Class A. "

" I see." Kiyotaka sounds like he has something on his mind.

" What is it?" Suzune ask.

" Well, it's thanks to you together with Karma for saving Sudo. "

Suzune turn to Kiyotaka." I did that for my own sake, that's all." She said firmly.

Karma tilt his head by her words." I doubt that's your only reason. "

She then eyed at Karma." What's that supposed to mean? "

Karma showed his phone to her showing several scores from English." You knew Sudo's English midterm score would be borderline, so you purposely lower your score huh? "

" That's a very nice thing to do for someone you onced pushed away." Kiyotaka added as he raise his head.

Suzune gave a cold glare." I told you two, I did it to get into Class A. "

" Yeah, okay.I believe that. "

Karma can sense the sarcasm Kiyotaka put in that monotone voice of his.

" Hey. "

He can feel a shudder by the voice of Suzune beside him.Kiyotaka turn to her.

" I don't like that attitude of yours, Ayanokoji-kun." Suzune lowered her head, eyes can't be seen expect her mouth as it move word to word.

Kiyotaka stands firm as he tried to say something.

" To regret in suffering.. " She pick up something from her bag as she stand up facing Kiyotaka." Or to regret in despair.. which would you prefer? "

Karma's eyes stayed firm between the two students, seeing the spark in Suzune, he's waiting for Kiyotaka's answer.If he were asked that, he would say to regret in suffering.Having a loss or absence of hope wouldn't be better as he were taught that.Suffering would help make a goal complete but when that suffering turns into despair, he wouldn't be able to come back up again.

Karma then notice Suzune picking up a sharp compass pointing directly to Kiyotaka's heart as it touched Suzune's.Is she about to pierce him with it?

Kiyotaka stayed indifferent.' I don't really understand, but I'd go with ' Neither of them ' ...But what's with the compass- '

* Stab!!

" -Ouch. "

Karma's shoulder jolt as he made a face.' Oh.. She meant that.Ouch indeed, girls are scary.


In Kiyotaka's apartment

" Cheers!! "

Several junk foods, popcorn, chips, Choco Waters and coke flooded the table as the big idiots which are Yamauchi, Ike and Sudo together with Karma, Suzune and Kikyo celebrate.

Kiyotaka sighed.

" Hey, why the long face?" Sudo ask as he sighed happily on his drink.

" I have no objection to the celebration party, and my participation in it.. But why my room?" Kiyotaka ask looking four males on the floor while the females sat on his bed.

" But man that was close!" Yamauchi cheered." If Kushida hadn't gotten those old test questions, Ike and Sudo would've been expelled from the school! "

Karma separate his mouth from the coke as he glare playfully at the male." I helped too Yamauchi-san so mean!! "

" Ah gomen gomen. "

Ike point at Yamauchi." Hey, you barely passed, too. "

" I just haven't gotten serious yet. "

" Sudo, you still failed even with the old test! "

" Hey Ayanokoji-kun." Kikyo walk towards the male.

" Yes?" Kiyotaka lean backwards as she lean forward to him.

" How did you get them to revoke sudo's expulsion?" She ask.

Everyone in the room goes quiet waiting to hear the answer from Kiyotaka.Kiyotaka turn his head to Karma which Karma instantly replied." Suzu-chan had a talk with the school.You can't expel someone without explanation just because they got a failing score, or what she actually mean. "

Suzune sighed." Don't call me that Akabane kun. "

Kiyotaka nod." That's what she said though. "

" H-Hold on- "

Kikyo turn to Suzune." You did that, Horikita-san? "

" I've never seen her serious about anything." Kiyotaka said.

Suzune looked taken back before glaring at Kiyotaka but he continued." It was amazing.She threw out all accusations, and not one teacher could fight her. "

Ike beamed." Your kidding!Horikita-chan, that's amazing! "

Yamauchi smiled." I guess we had the wrong idea about you! "

Karma snort.' He really wants to give her a chance.' Not that he argues, she needs some push if she wants to aim for Class A.

Kiyotaka turn to Sudo who looked speechless." Aren't you glad for that, Sudo? "

" Why would you do that for me?" Sudo stuttered.

Suzune look away as she face her book." I merely acted for my own benefit. "

' What a tsundere.. or a Kuudere.. '

The guys laugh.

" Wow, she's cute and reliable! "

" Of course, I knew the whole time! "

Karma take a glance at Kikyo as she goes silent.His brows furrowed.' That temperature from her.It's deadly.It's obviously directed at Suzu-chan. '

As the students are finished on their own celebration party, they decided it's time to go to their own room, after a few minutes, Kiyotaka's room is already usual to what it is.

Kiyotaka and Karma finalize on tying up the plastice bags that consist of garbage.Karma turn to Kikyo who's still in the room." Thanks for helping us out Kikyo-chan. "

Kikyo turn to the boys as she smiled." I should be the one thanking you two for helping us and letting use Ayanokoji-kun's room. "

Karma can sense the fakeness from her polite gesture.

Kiyotaka turn to her." No worries. "

" Ayanokoji-kun.. Akabane-kun.. "

" Yes? "

" Do you like girls like Horikita-san?" Kikyo ask." I always see you three together.All the girls in class are talking about it. "

Karma raise a brow.' No thanks, I don't like sharing much. '

Kiyotaka turn to Karma." Horikita is my friend.No.. she's my neighbor. "

" You.. Akabane-kun? "

Karma smiled." Like what Ayano-kun said, she's just our friend. "

Kikyo stayed dangerously silent for Karma until she began to speak." I see.I'm going home, then. "

* Clank Clank

Karma flinch again.To his vision he can see only see Kikyo walking away, the cold air flow within her figure, her steps echoed into the hollow emptiness.His scent telling him that there's something wrong.He knows, the way Kikyo talks to them is different.She's upset.Mabye angry.But Karma just shrugged it off, after all she's not his priority.

If Kikyo did something then Karma would act, it depends.

As the door closes, Karma let out an irritated sigh before turning to Kiyotaka.The male stared at a white phone resting on his bed.

" Hm?That's not your phone. "

" No.It's Kushida's." Kiyotaka replied as he grab it.

Karma groaned before standing up.He then tug Kiyotaka's sleeve making the male stand up." Let's go to her, come. "

" Right. "

Kiyotaka open the door and peek through.He then see Kikyo's back not too far away and gestured for Karma to follow.They then walk to the elevator.

As they exit the building, Karma and Kiyotaka see Kikyo walking to the street to the other side making the boys curious to where her destination is.

" Where's she going at this hour?" Kiyotaka murmured.

The two then began to stay silent as they stealthily walk far behind the wandering female.As she reaches to the place where no one is there, several benches empty as they face at the coast of the ocean.Streetlights flickering as Kikyo walk towards the metal bars.

' We don't need to be hiding, really.. ' Kiyotaka stared at the female's back.

Karma stayed silent and focus on Kikyo's clenching fist.He knows what she will do, he met so many people from his job who was a two-faced.

" What a pain." A female voice slurred over the two male's ears." You think your so great just because you're pretty.. "

Karma nod and tilt his head.He noted the change of voice from the girl, it was filled with endless hatred.

Kikyo then grit her teeth before she roared." I hate you!! "

" I swear.. "

She kick the metal bars harshly.


" I hate you *Clank I hate you *Clank I HATE YOU *Clank!!JUST DIE, HORIKITA *Clank!!I hate you, I hate you!!* Clank, you wretched b*tch!! "

* Tirring~

A sound came out from the phone from Kiyotaka's hand.

" What?" Kikyo turn around." Is someone there? "

Karma silently cursed.No use now, as he was about to stand up and reveal himself Kiyotaka got a hold of Karma's arm.He shake his head.

" Who's there!"Kikyo ask sorely.

Kiyotaka sighed before walking towards the light in Kikyo's vision." It's me.Ayanokoji." He said as he walk towards Kikyo.

Kikyo waste no time stomping over him.

" You forgot you cell pho- " Kikyo snatch it from his hand.

" Did you hear that?" Kikyo ask.

Karma whip out his phone and make it go to silent mode before tapping the record button.He won't snitch on her life but it could make great blackmail material.

" If I said I didn't, would you believe me?" Kiyotaka ask.

Kikyo lean on close to Kiyotaka's face making Kiyotaka see the pure difference on the girl he knew earlier.Her eyes show no cute reflection but a merciless mirror of a pure predator.

" If you tell anyone about this, I won't go easy on you." Kikyo's face scrunch like a thug as she spat out.

However, Kiyotaka didn't change his expression as he stare at Kikyo's eyes." And what if I did? "

Karma silently grunted.' You- Why do you have to make it worse?!Do you really want to prove if she's the real Kikyo?! '

" I'll tell everyone you tried to rape me." Kikyo answered.

" That would be false accusation. "

Kikyo grab Kiyotaka's right arm and place it on her breast." Oh no.It's not false accusation. "

Both Kiyotaka and Karma looked taken back in suprise. " !! "

" Your fingerprints are right here." Kikyo stared at Kiyotaka as she force his hand to squeeze her cup." See?There's proof. "

Karma's breath hitched as his face is filled with pure hatred on the girl.' Well f*ck you b*tch. '

" I'm serious. "

" I understand." Kiyotaka finally said." Let go of my hand please. "

Kikyo finally let go of him." You hear me? "

The girl stared at him with a malicious intent." If you betray me, I won't forgive you.Promise me right now, that you won't tell anyone what you saw? "

Kiyotaka just nod.He bit back a sigh as he remembered the Kikyo he used to hang out and talk with.The kind and cheerful Kikyo, now dissapated by the thought of the real Kikyo standing right infront of him- no, them.Karma is still behind him.

" Ayanokoji-kun. "

Kiyotaka open his eyes.

" Is Akabane-kun with you?" Kikyo ask.

" Why do you ask that? "

" I know, you two have been together almost the entire day compared to Horikita.Are you like a couple or something." Kikyo demanded.

Kiyotaka shake his head." He is just a classmate.He already returned to his room after you left. "

' Well f*ck you too.' Karma wasn't offended at all but he still wanted Kiyotaka to think of him as a friend, not a trusted one, just a friend.

Kikyo turn around." Very well, I'll believe you. "

Kiyotaka heard her take a deep breath before she turn around, except it was the cute happy Kikyo." Okay!I guess we've got another secret, huh?" She said in a squeaky voice.

' Hey Kushida.. Tell me.. Which one is the real you?' Kiyotaka eyed once more until an image of the hostile Kikyo got replaced.

" So, your going back to your room?Let's walk together!" Kikyo acted like she didn't just threatened Kiyotaka a second ago.

Kiyotaka scroll his eyes to the left.' What would Karma think?' After a while he shake his head.

" I'll be here for a while, you can go back to your room now Kushida." He said politely.

" Goodnight then, Ayanokoji-kun!" Kikyo nod before skipping away, she gave one last wave before her figure disappeared.

Kiyotaka let out a breathed sigh before turning around to the location Karma is in." You can come out now. "

He heard a sigh before the bushes began to ruffle."I know, no need to tell me. "

" So." Karma stands up and wipe the leaves from his uniform." What are we going to do now, Ayano-kun? "

Kiyotaka shrug." We'll have to agree for it now.She's not a threat yet. "

Karma's shoulder began to slump." Eeeeh?!But I record a video about this event!! "

" You did? "

The male held out his phone that contain a video, it shows both Kikyo and Kiyotaka." We won't use it. "

" For now!But it'll come out in handy, I really refuse to believe Kikyo would be all smiles.She's too kind." Karma said as he save the video.

" You will soon show it to everyone." Kiyotaka said in understanding." Do you hate Kushida-san that much? "

The red-haired male shrug his shoulders." Well Karma's a bitch.It will happen sooner or later, and no I don't hate Kikyo-chan, just despise her, huge difference! "

Kiyotaka became silent as if he's thinking before walking to Karma, placing his hand on the shoulder." Goodnight. "

Karma blink before nodding." Hm. "

The male then turn around now heading to his apartment with Karma.Karma felt a bit excited, knowing that someone as dangerous as Kikyo is in his school.the fun is already starting but it didn't dismiss the feeling of anger in him.

As the two boys reach the building, karma wave goodbye to Kiyotaka as he open the door of his room.Knowing the boy will be safe, Karma turn around and walk to the direction of his own room.The feeling and the voice of Kikyo recording in his mind, the harsh reality in society.He will need to protect the golden duo.

' If she does anything to Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, Horikita Suzune or any people I'm interested in observing, she will pay.' Karma's sharp neon eyes glimmered with killing intent.


* Tap tap tap tap tap tap

It's a free time after he goes to school.He would nonchalantly research about the sites of Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, the screen light would rival the sunlight as karma's eyes darted directly.

As Karma search for the internet in his dorm, he encountered something interesting in the computer, curious, he tap on it and by that, information leak around his vision.He scroll around hoping he could find more info probably relating to someone important.Everyone connected in this school is important.

He originally thought if he could see some hints on the famous students' info just in case they might become his obstacles.

It's been long since he has done something like this, as he tap every word that's related to the school he notice something.White room.His past self doesn't remember anything about the White Room except that it's a facility of education.But it does sound enticing.He continued to search about it.

* Click

Huh?Karma tilt his head, it seems that the 'White Room' doesn't exist much in the sites.Unless, it's something classfied, he unconciously lick his lips as he use the school's site again.He usually would research about the group activities but who knows there might be people that's connected to the White Room.

* Tap tap tap tap

* Tick tock tick tock

Karma's hands no longer stop as his eyes roam around the screen looking for necessary hints, noting the goal of the educational institution.' If only I would know why it's connected here. '

Suprisingly nothing would trigger much in his memories but then again, it isn't his own memories.

Before he looked into it more, a sudden pain hit hard in Karma's head making him jolt." W-What the.. "

* Pang

Then something unexpected flood in Karma's brain.

' Hyurue 3 uhrefgufhb 23hyfi 4nkejbo y3mf3 7v 3m 7y ryg 7hmfhveuioh 70827 fvh0k3u y3m038v,mruhcm8 08 curx,muhuy 7vch0329urh89 h9873hrc0, 98y2098h m98uerh u hhrc0387 vygyfurhf,m7 yuuhrufh7 y7 euchmiefhv ymuhfieuh 7hriush uy98fhvu huhwohc873h h298fhvuh0v 9hdchwi oigwoiuch20 mubfieg bo3ircbm ygm uhfc,u hkuhrucg mbhc,mib.uehcuih mijdckh ymhhy nmvfv3gm ygum2guchvufg ghc2g0 uj2irhvmn892hr-fvm hkcuhm0w9hc,mufhn2uh0fu32mu huvmruhk ,umghciuj hurk3jiuj30 muh. '

The boy blink at the information installed suddenly in his brain, his vision suddenly became blurry.He cling unto his forehead exactly where the pain is located.What happened?Karma remove his hand from his head.Ringing sound in his ears as if it's bleeding.

' Was it the one who transported me here? '

When he check the information given suddenly to him he felt a bit excited.He somehow absorbed some info coming from 'God'.But why?Why is He helping Karma?And even why now?But he thank quietly as he know where to start.

< Translation 'White Room was established 20 years ago.However, the institution was temporarily shut down for one year.The White Room began right from the first year of the first generation's life, with subsequent new generations being formed annually.Each generation is educated under different leaders, and receives the corresponding education.After which, it would then be evaluated and verified for which group had the most effective education.Hundreds of children have been trained under the White Room's education system.Children of different generations wouldn't have been able to see each other. ' >

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The words scroll around his vision like a system implanted in his brain.

Karma lean by the words slurring in his mind.It must be something of a survival.' It mostly happens in shounen mangas, but if I'm right.By the information, they are teached with special education and care but removing any unnecessary things. '

It must be so important if he knew much about this.' Arigato Kami-sama.. ' It's only fair that he knows a bit of this world.

He really wanted to know more.But as he lay his hand on the keyboard.His head ache once again.

' ynkjosjbdi '

" Gh-!!" He can admit it, it was quite painful.He let out some air as he tap his fingers on the table.That one word.. what is it.. sounds so familiar.. He believes it must be a name but who?Then suddenly his eyes grew wide.

" Ayanokoji..- "

* Ring

He turn to his alarm and realize it's time to go to school.He sighed and click back to the beginning of the site.

Karma quickly delete his search file as anyone could notice a student has been snooping around the internet from the government, it might be something of a secret, but someone must have put some interesting details that no one would notice in clear view.

He then stands up and quickly change to his uniform, slipping in his white undershirt then proceed to wear the uniform, he didn't bother to wear a tie, he's ready.As he look at the mirror he can't erase the glint found in his eyes.

' Mabye I should stop worrying myself and enjoy piecing out this world. '


Next day: Hallway to the Elevator

Both Kiyotaka and Karma stand near the elevator waiting to get in.As Karma continued to sip his favorite pink milk box he heard the most lamest yawn ever and it's coming from Kiyotaka's mouth.Karma sweatdrop.

' Even his yawn doesn't have any energy.. "

* Ding

The elevator door slowly open showing two girls inside.Karma smiled." Ohayo, Suzu-chan, Kikyo-chan. "

Kikyo move from behind Suzune and did a little wave.Suzune ignored Karma's way of calling her name as she stared at them." Are you two getting in? "

Kiyotaka waste no time walking inside follwed by Karma." We are.We're getting in. "

Suzune then taps the button before the elevator door closes, Karma smile didn't falter until he notice Kikyo leaning towards the boys." Ohayo!!Akabane-kun and Ayanokoji-kun!! "

She then stare above Kiyotaka." You've got a little bedhead in the back. "

" Natural hair is popular these days." Kiyotaka answered.Karma nod a bit making the girl giggle." Your so funny, Ayanokoji-kun! "

The two boys then focus their eyes towards her, Kiyotaka with awareness and Karma with a slight contempt in his eyes.They definitely didn't forget that time she showed her true form.

" If you betray me, I won't forgive you. "

Kikyo happily played with her short hair as she did a close-eyed smile." Mabye I'll try out natural hair, too! "

Karma smiled back as if to agree.' I'd rather you not. '

Kiyotaka turn his head infront of him.Karma hummed at the silence displayed inside and considering he's near Suzune why not converse with her while waiting, the building has a lot of floors so it will take time to get out.He lean toward her by the side as he whisper.

" It's kind of rare for you to go together with Kikyo-chan, Suzu-chan~. "

Kikyo blink at the interaction while Kiyotaka stayed quiet.

Suzune close her eyes." She was waiting for me outside of my room. "

Hearing that, Kikyo smiled.Karma nod his head with understanding.' So she really wants to pester Suzu-chan just by becoming her 'friend'. '

* Ding

The students immedietely walk out even Suzune making Karma stare at her back with an irritated look.Kikyo and Kiyotaka stand side by side not speaing a word.

" Ahh.. I was really hoping we could walk to school together.. " Kikyo murmured with a suggesting look.

" Ohayo, Kushida-san!" A female voice catch the attention of the three students as they turn their head to see Ichinose walking over towards them.

" Ichinose-san!!" Kikyo beamed.

As Ichinose reach towards the distance od seeing Kikyo she blink at the two males beside her." Kushida-san, could one of this guys be your boyfriend? "

Kikyo giggled." Of course not! "

" Really?Neither of them? "

Karma turn to Kiyotaka who looked calculative.

" That reminds me.. Did you guys get your points today?" Ichinose ask.She looked worried as she furrow her eyebrows.

The three stare at Ichinose in confusion.


In Class D

" There's a bit of trouble here." Miss Chabashira start." The distribution of points to first-years has been delayed. "

Karma grunted.

" For real?!" Ike yelled disbelief.

" It's the school's fault, so aren't we getting some compensations?" Yamauchi muttered.

" There's nothing I can do." The teacher trailed off almost bringing down the hopes of the students." The moment the problem is resolved, the points will be distributed.Assuming you still have points by then. "

Several whines and complains started to occur across the classroom.Karma didn't falter his expression, he didn't smile nor react.' What are the higher ups planning? '




Karma slowly stands up as school already ended, as he was about to go back to his dorm probably do some more research about the White Room he notice Kiyotaka leaving the classroom.To be frank he never is interested in following him everywhere but.. it won't be fun if he ruin his chance on getting close to him.

" Oi, Ayano-kun!! "

Kiyotaka stopped walking and turn to see Karma nearing him with a wave." What is it Karma-kun? "

" Do you have somewhere to go to?It seems like the route your going to is different than your usual, meeting someone?" Karma ask as he tilt his body to the direction Kiyotaka is walking.

' He has recorded my every move?' It took several seconds for Kiyotaka to answer." Hai, I am meeting someone. "

" Can I come?" Karma ask.

" Why? "

" Because I want to." ' Because your a mystery to me.' Karma's stared straight at Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka bow his head as he let out some air from his noise before turning around." Ichinose-san called for me. "

Karma blink at his response." Ichinose-san?" He trailed.She must have trust him so easily, is it because their Kikyo's friends?

Kiyotaka nod as the boys walk out of the school building and through the back.Karma look up front to compliment the sunrise.The sky is truly beautiful and orange, if only he can watch it with.. Karma tilt his head.' I'm sure Nagisa-kun would enjoy this sight. '

But considering he's now walking near Kiyotaka, his view now is.. complicated.The last name he recieved during God's information giving is truly unexpected.Ayanokoji.. surely it would lead to something.Karma might not know much about Kiyotaka but he knows that he's very intelligent, who would get every exam an exact 50?

The accuracy, the calculation.Karma himself would admit that Kiyotaka might be stronger than him not just mentally but also physically.Sure, Karma can be a beast but by Kiyotaka's action before, he's surely going to surpass him.' Just who are you Ayano-kun? '

He would actually believe he could be an alien of the inhuman aura he's carrying all the time, he's character would be bland but Karma can see the intelligent glint in his droopy eyes, like an owl or hawk, or something much more dangerous.The sharp accuracy would always catch him off guard, instead of being afraid, Karma felt more excited than before.

" She's somewhere in this corner." Kiyotaka's voice cut through Karma's thoughts as the boys took a turn through the building, Ichinose is standing there, alone.

Ichinose notice the boys' arrival." Sorry for calling you ou- eh.. your here too. "

Karma didn't say anything as Kiyotaka walk closer." What do you need? "

Ichinose nervously fiddle with herself." This won't be long.. "

Karma and kiyotaka watch her as she look elsewhere not ready to say something yet.It was a bit of a moment of patience before she bursted out. " .. I'm going to get asked out!Right here! "

The boys looked a bit taken back before Karma place a hand behind his neck." Wouldn't it be better if no one is actually looking? "

" But I don't know anything about dating." Ichinose raise a pink envelope with a heart seal on it." This was in my locker yesterday.I don't feel as this person does, and I don't know how to turn them down without hurting their feelings. "

Karma blink before his eyes grow wide.' No wonder she didn't call for Kikyo-chan.. '

" So I was wondering if you could pretend to be my boyfriend.. and.. " She began to stutter.

' That is the worst idea ever in a soap opera.. just no.' Karma can feel himself twitch.' Everyone would instantly believe and Kiyotaka won't have any easy way to stay unnoticed anymore. '

' Ah yes, I know where this is going.' Kiyotaka eyed at Karma who stare at him back.

" Onegai!" She pleaded.

" It'd be best if you speak with them personally Ichinose-chan." Karma suggested as he place a hand on his hip.

" But.. " Ichinose stop as she notice a figure behind the boys, Karma notice too, turning around is a girl.Karma blink.'Oh I remember her.The girl who kept hanging out with Ichinose-san. '

The girl stared at the three." Ichinose-san.. who are they? "

" U-Um sorry, Chihiro-chan.. I brought someone you don't know." Ichinose said hesitantly." This is Ayanokoji and Akabane kun from Class D. "

Karma tilt.' How does she know my name, and.. that girl, is she the one who's going to confess?It's very clear since the envelope Ichinose-san recieved is a bit girly. '

The three notice tears spewed out of the girl's eyes as she sniffled." Are they.. your boyfriend? "

' Stop thinking that!We're no one's boyfriends!!' Karma slowly begin to be frustrated, first they were called Suzune's boyfriend, then Kikyo's.

Ichinose looked down with a guilty expression." They we're.. Their- " " We're just friends. "

Kiyotaka interrupts her.Both Ichinose and the girl perked up.He turn to Ichinose." Ichinose, confessing your feelings to someone isn't an easy thing, right?You spent every day in anguish, yet you still can't do it. "

Karma let out a small grin.' So he finally speaks.' He had grown to enjoy the student's speech.

" You can't let out the words ' I love you ' hanging in your throat." Kiyotaka continued." I think you should answer her desperate feelings properly, am I right? "

Karma can feel the chilling sharp eyes coming from Kiyotaka even though it's not directly at him.Ichinose stayed silent as she stare at the boy.She then look down." Well, I'm in no position to talk, though. "

Kiyotaka last words rang through the girl's ears before walking away, Karma silently followed.' He understands her situation thoroughly.. Your really a wonderful person to crack, Ayano-kun. '

As the boys walk away Kiyotaka decided to break the silence." I'll be going back early. "

Karma turn to him with a frown before smiling teasingly." Eh?You don't like me much Ayano-kun?Don't be shy you can tell me~. "

Kiyotaka stared at the red-head." I don't have anything to criticize you or your behavior, I'm just tired.Text me if Ichinose is done with her problem and tell her that I say congratulations. "

Karma didn't say anything as Kiyotaka lay a hand on his shoulder." See you tomorrow Karma-kun." With that he turn around and walk away.

* Clank Clank

Karma didn't focus his eyes to anything but Kiyotaka's back, his eyes shine with a ferocious golden glow as if trying to devour him.This time, he won't let his target go.The boy let out a dejected sigh in defeat.' I'll just ask for God on more information then. '




Karma sat down on the bench as he focus his attention at the sunset.Suddenly he hears a faint sound of crying.He didn't have to turn his head, seems that ichinose became brave, the sobs from Chihiro soon faded as she run away to the other direction.

Karma then hear footsteps going to his direction.He turn around resting his elbows on the bench." Ah, I take it your done talking? "

Ichinose turn to him and smile a little." Yeah.Hm- Where's Ayanokoji-kun? "

" He said he's tired so he went ahead." Karma answered.

Ichinose nod.She then look down." I was so focused on how not to hurt her feelings.. I was trying to run away. "

Karma turn to his front." Ah. "

" That was wrong wasn't it?" She then glance at the sky above her." We said we try to go back to normal tomorrow.. I wonder if we can. "

Karma sighed before standing up." Good thing that you know. "

" Yeah.. Sorry for getting you and Atanokoji-kun involved in this strange event today. "

Karma lay his arm behind his neck." Don't mind about it, it's a great start for a friendship. "

Ichinose smiled brightly." Friends huh, yeah I consider you one, I still owe you two though. "

Karma just nod." Good. "

" Hm." " Ah wait- before I forgot. "

Ichinose turn to Karma with a curious look.

he walk towards Ichinose, the girl looked a bit taken back before feeling a soft warmth on her head, Karma rub her head gently as he lean near Ichinose." Ayano-kun says congratulations, I don't exactly keep my words but you deserve it. "

Ichinose felt her cheeks turn pink before smiling again.


In the student council room, Manabu Horikita rest on his chair as he stare at the clipboard that carries a paper before smirking.He layed it down." Interesting. "


Next day, in Class D

Kiyotaka walk through the school halls as he heard the voice of Sudo from the classroom." I'm telling you, it wasn't like that! "

Kiyotaka went in and see Sudo explaining to his classmates." There were three of them! "

" Still.. " One student trailed off as she cross her arms.

" Yeah.. "

Kiyotaka pondered at the situation.' What's going on? '

" That idiot has done it again according to the rumors." He turn around and see Karma walking up to him hands in his pockets.

" Do you think something bad has happened?" Kikyo ask.

Karma shrug." Sensei will definitely explain it for you. "

" Basketball club members from Class C have filed a complaint with the school against Sudo." Miss Chabashira explained towards the students." They claim that after practice, they were attacked one-sided by Sudo, without any viable reason. "

Karma didn't look bothered as he rock his chair with his feet.' I highly doubt that idiot would do much damage, he got muscles but not strong as Terasaka.Not that it matters. '

Sudo slam his fist on the desk as he protest." It was self-defence!Self-defence!They were jealous because I became a regular, so they picked a fight! "

" There's no evidence of that." The teacher said calmly." Though, if there was a witness, it might be a different story. "

The bigger male looked defeated as he bring his head down.Kikyo immedietely stand up for his defence." Everyone!Did anyone happen to see Sudo-kun's fight?Does anyone know anything about it? "

No one answered, the students hardly witness anything as they were to busy at their own hands, Karma didn't blame them, it was a normal day since yesterday till now.Sudo look left and right to find someone at least to raise their hand and defend him.

Kiyotaka turn his head and see a girl who locked her head down.Karma notice the tense silence coming from her as well, his sense must have hieghten up since he had been here.

" Tch." Sudo began to sweat.

" Perhaps you'd have been better off getting expelled, Red Hair-kun." A voice said across the room.Karma recognised it as the blonde who dejected Kikyo's offer before.

It was Koenji, he casually rest his legs on the desk as he fiddled with he yellow locks with a hand mirror infront of him." Your presence is far from beautiful. "

Sudo stand up from his seat.

" Sudo-kun!Don't!" Yosuke burst out.

The teacher's voice add." In one week's time, there will be a discussion with Class C, and the student council will be there, too.Depending on how it turns out, there may be a forfeiture of points, as well as disciplinary measures for Sudo. "

" Tch!" Sudo grip his palms on the desk.


In Class D

It was a party, lights blurring the room as the students enjoy themselves with drinks, karaoke and meals.Several cheers had erupted through the loud music.Voices slurred across as each of them lay their hearts out between the students.

Ryuen lay his eyes on the glass as he sat on between a girl carrying a bottle." Those Class D monkeys must be in chaos about now.. " He then chugged on his glass signalling the girl to fill it up again.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing a beaten up student, he flinch as he cup his bruises.He turn his head to the direction Ryuen is and limp towards him but falter." Ryuen-san.. Gh!I think we might have been seen... When we fought with Sudo, I got a feeling someone else was nearby.. "

The student then notice another student, possibly Ryuen's right-hand man walk to him." Bad boy." He said in an english way before lifting his fist.

" Gh-!" The student then was punched across the face.

* Pang!

* Pang!

Suddenly the punches continue until the student looked more beaten up than earlier.The bigger male then drag the student's head to the table with a bang.The male's vision blur as he feel tired by the force, lights scatter on.It didn't make it better that he was drag upwards towards Ryuen's face, blood spurred out from his nose.

* Drip

Ryuen neared the boy's face with the drink on his grasp." You look like a proper victim now. "

He then proceed to pour his drink towards the beaten up students's head.The student stuttered out." Th-Thank you very much. "

Ryuen's glare didn't remove it's place." Show me your best dance, just as planned. "


Class C

" It's because of Sudo.. " Yamauchi said.

" This sucks." Ike sulks.

" Another month of living with zero points.. "

" Mabye we'd have been better off if he had been expelled. "

" Right.. "

Suzune, Kiyotaka and Karma sat together with silence." Do you feel the same way?" Suzune ask the two boys." That Sudo-kun should have been expelled. "

" I don't really care.. " Kiyotaka said as he lay his head on his palm." What about you?As one of the people who helped him? "

" For now we have zero points.Even if we had been penalized for losing for losing someone to expulsion, we couldn't have lost anymore." Suzune answered shortly.

" Mabye." Kiyotaka trailed off.

Suzune turn to Kiyotaka with her arms cross." Nani?The way you say that triggers me. "

" You never know when we might be experiencing losses or gains we can't see." Kiyotaka told her.

Karma hummed.He remembered the time he lost to the other classes by his low scores, Koro-sensei would never get over it with the topic which made him infuriated but it does open his eyes to a lot more, when Koro-sensei planned ahead, it always send Karma off shocking to despair.

" What does that mean?" Suzune push off.

Kiyotaka didn't open his eyes as he started to explain." There might be negative point values we're gaining that just aren't shown.Demerits for an expulsion might hit us now, but rather, in the future.For instance, 'no expulsions' might be a condition for ascending to Class A. "

As Kiyotaka finish, Suzune turn to the glass window." What a quibble. "

" We don't know how the school system works.If we reach to Class A, we should eliminate any dangers we can think of." Kiyotaka's words makes Suzune's thoughts wander.

' He's right, it might affect us greatly in the future.' Karma then turn to Kiyotaka with a suggestive look as he cut through the conversation." But if we use Sudo's athletic skills and his good standing from his club, he might come in as useful- "

" Everyone, listen to me." Yosuke's voice interrupts Karma.The students turn their attention to the male who stands behind the teacher desk." I want to trust my classmates.Why won't we work together to hunt for witnesses and clues? "

Kei raise her hand." Cool, I'm in! "

" I'm in too!" Kikyo volunteered." If we don't believe in him, who will? "

Yamauchi and Ike smiled." If Kushida-chan says so, we're totally in! "

Kikyo smiled and skipped to Karma's desk." Hey, Horikita-san, Ayanokoji-kun and Akabane-kun.. you'll work with us too right? "

Susune didn't look away." Ayanokoji-kun, after saying all that, I'm sure you'll help Sudo-kun right? "

" Well, it's not like I'm aiming for Class A.. " Kiyotaka said.

" I too don't dream for Class A. " Karma turn to Kikyo with a smile." Me and Ayano-kun will help. "

Kikyo beamed." Really?Thanks! "

Kiyotaka sighed." Hm.. guess so." He didn't have much of a choice, Kiyotaka is pretty sure that Karma wants to keep close to him to an extent that he'll be with him whenever throughout his school years.

Kikyo look up at Suzune's back." Horikita-san, will you.. "

Just as Kikyo was about to continue, the black-haired girl turn around and walk out of the classroom.Kikyo stare dejectedly before smiling at the two males." Let the three of us do our best together.But in looking for witnesses.. Sudo-kun himself should probably stay out of it right? "

Karma nod." Hm.It wouldn't be too good if the effected person would be involved. "

" That's right.. " Kikyo then smiled." Alright!I'll tell Sudo-kun about that myself.See you two after class okay? "

Karma watch the girl go with a frown, if Kikyo was actually a cheerful girl, he wouldn't be too bothered being accompanied by her at all.




At the fountain outside the school building, the two idiots, Yamauchi and Ike together with Kiyotaka, Kikyo and Karma sat down with a sigh.

" We couldn't find any witnesses and clues.. " Kikyo lamented.

" Don't you think Sudo might be lying too?" Yamauchi ask through his breath as he leaned on Ike.

" Right you are." Ike tiredly agreed.

" What about Hirata's group?" Kiyotaka suggest.

Kikyo raise her head." I tried asking them, but it looks like they didn't find anything. "

Karma didn't say a word until he spot Ichinose running over to their direction.

" Hey!Ayanokoji-kun!Kushida-san!Akabane-kun!' Ichinose called brining the called people over to her figure.Ichinose wave at them cheerfully.

" Ichinose-san?" Kikyo stands up.

" Some of my classmates told me about it.. Are you investigating something?" Ichinose ask.

The three looks at eachother before explaining her the deatails.

" I see.. Class C.. "

Kikyo nod." Yeah.So if anyone knows anything, we want them to tell us about it. "

" Sorry.I don't know anything myself.. " Ichinose said before smiling." Class B will help you look for clues though. "

" Really?" Kikyo grasp Ichinose's hand cheerfully." That's- kyaa!! "

Kiyotaka grab Kikyo by the neck collar from behind." What are you doing? "

Karma nod by Kiyotaka's actions.' It probably might be a set-up, can't trust other classes for anything. '

Karma gently place a hand on Kikyo's shoulder." I don't think we should rely much on other classes for- " " Don't worry. "

Ichinose cut him off." I won't do anything weird." She then wink at Karma." I owe you one remember, Karma-kun, Ayanokoji-kun? "

Kikyo tilt her head by that.


It was a time for clubs as Karma and Kiyotaka take a walk towards the field where the students were seen taking laps across the running field.It was also time where the others agreed to call it a day.Karma still decided to stick around with Kiyotaka, it wouldn't be a lie that he enjoyed Kiyotaka's company, it was like walking with a friend, not that he care if Kiyotaka think of it differently.

The two boys check the board near the field written there.Karma took a sip of his milk as Kiyotaka lay his eyes on the board.

" Ayanokoji-kun and Akabane-kun!" The boys hear Ichinose's voice.Karma turn to the girl's direction and notice that she brought a friend, this time it's a tall male with a stern figure.Karma can literally imagine glasses worn by him as he represent of a serious guy that meant tight business.

" Hey." " Hai~! "

Kiyotaka turn to the board." This notice.. "

" Yeah, it was Kanzaki's idea." Ichinose said.Karma scroll his eyes to the board and see Kanzaki's name there, so she really wants to help them." We're soliciting information through the school's online message board.. "

She then whip out her phone." Oh!We have an e-mail already. "

" What does it say?" Kanzaki and Karma both ask at the same time.Ichinose giggled before facing at the screen.She then scroll around.

" Apparently one of the boys Sudo-kun fought with, Ichizaki-kun was pretty wild in middle school. "

" Ichizaki.. " Karma said slowly.

" Hm.It says he was good in a fight too, and everyone in the area was afraid of him." Ichinose finish explaining.

Kanzaki close his eyes as he recalled something." If the other two are in the basketball club, they're probably pretty strong.It's kind of strange to think, that Sudo would be able to beat up all three without them retaliating. "

Ichinose nod." You're right. "

Karma hum as he place his hand on his chin." So it is possible that they got pummeled intentionally.Heh, to think the others would strike at Class D so unopenly." He add in a whisper.

" If they did this to set Sudo up, things would make a lot more sense." Kanzaki continued.

" I think so too." Ichinose then face at her phone once more." Anyway, I should pay the one who sent the information.. Oh, it's anonymous.How should I send the points then? "

Karma raise a brow.' I wonder who could it be.' He thought with sarcasm.

" I know how." Kiyotaka speak up.Ichinose jump towards him.

" Tell me then!" Her breasts can be seen pressed unto Kiyotaka's arm.

' Wow, she really lets her guard down so easily.. ' Both Karma and Kiyotaka thought.

" I'll need your student ID.' Kiyotaka answered shortly.

Karma smirked inside.' Oh.I see. '

" Sure!" Ichinose hand him her phone.Karma peered near beside Kiyotaka as Kiyotaka scroll through Ichinose's phone.

" There." Kiyotaka tap on the button, the phone let out a wheering sound as the points of Ichinose minimize to the other side.

Karma didn't pay attention much of the process as he furrow his eyebrows.The screen shows Ichinose's points in about 2,642,219 ppt.

As it's finished Ichinose quickly retrieve her phone from Kiyotaka's palm." There we go! "

" Thanks!If I get any more info, I'll keep you guys updated!" Ichinose said before turning around.

" Sure.. " Kiyotaka said.Just as Kanzaki bow and take his leave as well, Karma then turn his attention to a pondering Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka was indeed wondering about the time he get his eyes on Ichinose's phone, just as Karma thought he would." How did she get so many points.. "

Karma didn't say anything as he too didn't know.


As the two boys walk towards the dorms, Karma suggested he would want to spend a little more time with Kiyotaka before he leaves to his own dorm, just as Kiyotaka open the door of his room, the boys can hear laughter from inside.

" Ha ha ha." Karma tilt his head.Sounds like Yamauchi, why could he be here, unless Kikyo-chan is here too?

The boys notice several shoes lying on the doorstep.So there are more than two staying in Kiyotaka's dorm room, great.Karma isn't sure if Kiyotaka's stressed or just nothing." You guys.. "

Yamauchi turn to Kiyotaka and Karma as he sat on the floor with Ike." Hey, welcome back. "

Karma let out a snort.Gang is complete except Suzune." What are the three idiots including Kikyo-chan doing in Ayano-kun's room?" Karma tease as he walk into the bed.

Sudo jump out and strangle the boy's neck." Oi!Who you calling an idiot!" Karma smiled since he knew the bigger male's just playing reckless.

Kikyo smiled." Ayanokoji-kun!I rounded up everyone for you, I knew that Akabane-kun would be with you so I didn't text him. "

Karma and Kiyotaka both turn to her.

" It's a meeting to pool what we've learned! "

" Y'know, I can't believe how empty this room is." Ike comment.

" Oi oi!You guys've been here before, don't complain~!" Karma smack Ike's head.

" Itai!Akabane!!That hurts!Now I feel bad to those you beat up!" The male cried hugging his head.

" I told you, I haven't done that yet." Karma sigh.

" Yet!! "

Kikyo lean towards the empty shelves almost showing her panties of how short her skirt is." Ike-kun is right.You don't have any personal belongings. "

' A guy has to do some extra things to be normal.' Karma noted, he didn't mind the ordinary room since he's in no business to judge.

Kikyo then open the drawers." It's all just the provided stuff.Ayanokoji-kun, are you a minimalist? "

" I just don't have points to buy anything." Kiyotaka said plainly.

" Liar, it's just that there's nothing interesting for you to buy, admit it." Karma deadpanned.He remember the time he keeps pestering Kiyotaka to buy at least something to decorate his room.Anything.But Kiyotaka would refuse everytime.But it's also true that Kiyotaka has some limited points to.

Karma then wiggle himself free from Sudo's grasp as his face almost turn blue.

Kiyotaka ignored Karma and turn to the students infront of him with an unamused face." How did you guys get in here anyway? "

Ike, Yamauchi and Kikyo walk near him and show their cards." We had duplicate keys made! "

Karma blink before laughing.' For what?Do they plan to use poor Kiyotaka's room for a meet-out? '

" Since when.. "

" Well this is our meeting place, right?" Yamauchi ask.

" Huh, wait should we not have done that?" Kikyo perked up.

Karma sweatdrop.' What do you think? '

" Um.. I'll give it back." Kikyo sulk.

" We won't though!!" The two idiots cried out.

Kiyotaka let out a sigh." Well, whatever.. "

* Ding dong

Karma stop making a noise as he heard a door bell coming from outside Kiyotaka's room.He knows who might be standing out since that person can't tire herself without Kiyotaka and Karma's scandals.

Kiyotaka went towards the door and open it, by Karma's delight Suzune's face appeared." Horikita. "

Suzune cross her arms." Regarding witnesses.. " Just as she was about to continue her theory she notice a crowd of shoes scatter around on the floor.

" I'm leaving." Suzune didn't waste anytime saying.

Both Karma and Kiyotaka was a bit dissapointed at Suzune's avoidance of the other party's company.It didn't make it much better when a prying Kikyo pop out between the boys." Horikita-san!You came! "

" I think you should share what.you know." Kiyotaka whisper to Suzune." If you prefer, we can listen. "

Suzune let out a puff of her as she raise her chin." As you've put in so much effort for such a small gain, let me offer a bit of advice.There is a witness. "

The three were shocked but returned to their calming state as they listen more." It's someone close by. "

" You know who it is Suzu-chan?" Karma ask.

Suzune turn to face at the three." It's Sakura-san from our class. "

Karma hummed.' Our class, could it be the pink haired girl? '


In Sakura's dorm

* Click click

Sakura's room stayed dark as she fiddle with her computer mouse seemingly to tap rapidly.As she stared at her screen, her chest tighten.The memory filled her with fear when she witnessed the moment a classmate of hers was outnumbered by seniors.

She blame herself of being a coward as she helplessly grip her camera that time to show it as proof later on.But the sudden hestance stop her, and it irritates her very much.

* Beep beep

sakura nervously look at her phone to see Kikyo calling her, she gulp as she hesitantly stare as she felt her body not moving.


Kikyo place her phone to her ear as she waited for Sakura to pick up the call.

While waiting Kiyotaka decided to ask Suzune." What makes you think Sakura is the witness? "

" In class, when Kushida-san made her plea for aid, almost everyone turned their attention to her, but she was the only one who pointed her eyes downward.She was the only one." Suzune finish explaining.Karma nod his head.' Impressive as always Suzu-chan. '

Kikyo put her phone down." No use.She's not answering.. "

" Ehh?" Ike lament.Sudo slam his fist on the bed.

" Damn.After we finally got some useful info.. "

" But even if she was willing to testify, it wouldn't mean much." Suzune spoke up." The question of whether it was self-defense or not is a trivial detail.Haven't you realized that? "

" Huh? "

" What do you mean?" Kikyo ask.

The black haired female stands up from her seat." It's nothing.Excuse me." Suzune then walk towards the door and left the room.

* Click


As Kikyo and the others leave a moment later, Karma decided to stay with Kiyotaka as usual as they both rest inside Kiyotaka's room.It is already 7:12 in the evening as the two boys lay down.

" Sakura huh?" Karma can hear Kiyotaka murmur." I can't seem to recall anything about her. "

' It does seem that way, rather she is not actually an interesting person or she wants to be unnoticeable.' Karma shake the thought of the paranoia." Neither do I. That's what makes it more fun to talk to our fellow classmates? "

Kiyotaka turn to Karma, he was about to say something until-

* Ding dong

Karma sighed as he stand up from the bed." Hai hai, I'll get it." He grunted before walking towards the door.

* Click

As Karma opens the door he blink at the person standing outside infront of him." Ah- Kikyo-chan?What are you doing here, forgot something? "

Kiyotaka raise his head as soon as he heard the person's name." Kushida.. "

Kikyo darted her head down at the two males." There's something I've been wondering." She look up." I thought you might understand what Horikita-san was saying. "

Karma's smile falter before forcing to bring it up.' And you didn't call by phone why? '

The girl then started to fiddle with her fingers as she awkwardly look to something else." And um.. is it okay if we all walk together to talk, I would feel better that way. "

Karma didn't say anything, if Kiyotaka said it's okay then he'll join.Kiyotaka let out some air from his nose before letting out a hum." Yeah, we'll be ready. "

Kikyo smiled before Karma gently close the door.




Kikyo, Karma and Kiyotaka walk outside the building towards the park where the streetlights set the lights towards the path in front of them.

" Even if what happened was self-defense, that's not the root of the problem." Kiyotaka speak up.

" Hm?" Kikyo raise her head up.

" Sudo is always talking trash and lashing out.He acts in a way that makes people hate him.He makes a terrible impression on those around him." Kiyotaka continued as Kikyo and Karma followed after him.Karma then notice a moth with a broken wing falling to the ground.' Too late for now. '

" Let's say that a murder takes place.There are two suspects.One has killed in the past.The other is a virtuous law-abiding citizen.Which would you believe? "

" Killing doesn't make one an assassin, just a killer, an assassin has their own talented skills that can make one unconcious by a flick of their killing inent.Control and skill can make one assassin much more stronger and dangerous. "

" the law-abiding citizen I guess." Kikyo said.

" The hidden truth may not be seen likely." Karma state as he eyed at Kikyo by his side." But with evidence like that, people have to make decisions based on what they have. "

" So your both saying Sudo-kun brought this on himslef with his history and behavior?" Kikyo ask them.

" And that idiot himself doesn't know what he's doing whether right and wrong." Karma add." No wonder Suzu-chan was pissed. "

" But, I still think we need to say something." Kikyo burst before lowering her volume." That's what it means to be friends. "

Kiyotaka look at her before eyeing his front." You should follow through on what you feel is right.I don't think it's wrong to do that. "

Karma raise his head at Kiyotaka now looking at a new light.Kikyo let out a small smile." Yeah.But I guess you guys do know about Horikita-san, huh? "

" That's not true." Karma spoke up.The two boys then both stop walking as they notice Kikyo standing behind them." Kikyo-chan? "

Kikyo raise her head with a soft smile." Hey, Ayanokoji-kun, Akabane-kun.Do you.. Do you think.. If I.. "

Karma and Kiyotaka waited for Kikyo to continue.Karma was a bit interested to what the girl is about to ask.She looked more gentle than the usual Kikyo.

" If I.. " It took a while before Kikyo smile again." No, nevermind. "

Karma smile.' She really doesn't want to ruin her moment.' After a while, the figure of Kikyo.reverted back into normal.

" Regarding Sakura-san, I'll go talk to her by myself tomorrow." Kikyo said with a bit of a fast pace, damn and Karma wants to know really bad." She'd probably put her guard up if we all went together. "

' Is she not showing her true side because I'm here?' Karma blink but shake that off.

Kikyo then turn around." See you!" She said in an optimistic tone before walking off.The separating distance didn't take her shadow away as it still stuck with the boys.Karma look down.That small thing is still sticking.

Kiyotaka became awfully silent, was he pondering on what she's gonna say too?


Next day in school

Sakura walk out of the classroom with both her hands gripped.

" Sakura-san! "

" ! " Sakura quickly turn her head to see Kikyo near her with a smile." N-Nani? "

" There's something I'd like to ask you.Do you mind? "

Karma, Suzune and Kiyotaka rest near the window listening and watching the two girls with no words.

" It's about Sudo-kun." Kikyo add.

Sakura nervousness bind herself together as she cower backwards." S-Sorry, I... I have something to do." As she turn around and try to run away a hand caught her.

" It won't take long.It's important! "

Sakura urges as she try to let Kikyo go of her hand." I-I don't know!I don't know anything!" With her might she manage to let go but by the force gravity push her down to the floor.As she fell, Karma notice a pink object separating from her pocket, a camera.

Karma's eyes gleamed.' Ten times more suspicious. '

Kikyo immedietely rush to Sakura's aid." S-Sorry!Are you okay? "

Sakura lift herself up and realize that her camera lying on the floor and panicked as she try to grab it and run away.Just as she was about to touch the object, a foot swipe the camera away letting it far from Sakura's distance, she looked up and see Karma letting out a smirk.

" Ah, gomen, my foot slip.Let me get if for you." Karma said as he walk towards the camera.

" N-No don't!" Sakura choke out.

Karma pick it from the floor and take a look at it.He then frown before throwing it to the female.Sakura caught it and click the camera checking if it's working.It didn't.

* Click click

" No way.. it won't turn on.. "

Kiyotaka sighed." Karma, don't be a bully. "

" Hah?!I was only helping her~!!" Karma pout but soon stop as he observe the two female sitting on the floor.

Kikyo looked worried." Gomen!I.. "

" No, it was my own fault." Sakura then stands up before running away leaving Kikyo guilty.

" Wait! "

' I don't want to get involved.' Sakura clutch the camera to her chest as she keep up her pace.' The mask I'm possessing.. I don't want anyone to know about it. '

Question: Am I doing Karma's character okay?