
Reborn as the saiyan omni-king

A normal high school student reborn as the king of an alternate Dragon Ball multiverse? What could possibly go wrong?

Darkhorse99 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Mysterious power

I was both angered and astonished. How could there be another version of me with such immense power? And why was he attacking my loyal servant? I knew I had to act fast before he could cause any more harm.

My two Saiyan servants, Gine and Kiwi, came to my aid as I confronted the evil clone. With a powerful punch, I sent him flying into another dimension, onto an abandoned volcano world. I knew that if this clone had the same abilities as me, he needed to be killed immediately.

I powered up to Super Saiyan 10. My fur turned a dark blue, my eyes black and deep blue, and my hair grew longer. Gine, on the other hand, calmly stood ready to fight in her mastered Ultra Instinct form. And Kiwi, my wild and unpredictable servant, powered up to Ultra Ego, her purple hair glowing as she got into her fighting stance.

As soon as the evil clone's hair turned red and a black aura surrounded him, I knew we were in trouble. My team and I had been training for months to defeat him, but now that he had tapped into the power of Evil Super Saiyan, our chances seemed slim.H

I could feel my heart racing as the fight began. The evil clone wasted no time in attacking us. He lunged at me with a fierce punch, but I managed to dodge it just in time.

'Kai, watch out!' my servant, Kiwi, yelled as she flew towards me, ready to join the fight.

But it was too late. The evil clone had already grabbed Kiwi by the neck and lifted her off the ground. He smirked as he saw the fear in her eyes. She tried her best to fight back, but she was no match for his strength.

He started by beating her up, throwing her around like a ragdoll. I could hear the sickening sound of his fists making contact with her body. I could see Kiwi's face contort in pain with each blow.

'Let her go!' I yelled, my anger boiling inside me.

But the evil clone only laughed, his red hair swaying with each movement. He kicked, slapped, and punched Kiwi, not giving her a chance to catch her breath. I knew I had to do something, but I was frozen in fear.

Suddenly, the evil clone's hand shot towards Kiwi's pants, tearing them off with a sinister grin. My heart dropped as I saw the horror on Kiwi's face. She tried to cover herself, but the evil clone knocked her out by throwing her into a nearby hill.she lay knocked with a lifeless look in her eyes,with only her top with her thong showing.

I stood frozen, my fists clenched and my heart racing as I watched my loyal servant being mistreated by the evil clone. Every fiber of my being was filled with rage at the sight before me.But before I could even take a step forward, the clone was already moving. He was too fast, too agile for me to catch. He dodged my attacks effortlessly, mocking me with his twisted smile. I gritted my teeth, my anger boiling over as he continued to taunt me.

'Come on, Kai. Is that all you've got?' he sneered, throwing a punch towards my face.

I ducked and countered with a kick, but he was already out of my reach. He was toying with me, using my own skills against me. I could feel my frustration building up, but I refused to give up. I had to protect my servant, no matter what.

The clone lunged at me again, his movements fluid and graceful. He was a perfect copy of me, but with a dark, sinister aura that made my skin crawl. I could see the hatred in his eyes, a reflection of my own anger towards him.

I blocked his attack and tried to punch him in the stomach, but he was too quick. In a split second, he pulled out a ki blade and stabbed me in the shoulder. I cried out in pain as blood started to trickle down my arm.

'You will pay for what you've done!' I yelled, my voice trembling with anger and pain.

But the clone just laughed, his ki blade disappearing as he grabbed me by the collar and threw me against the ground. I could feel my strength waning, my body bruised and battered from his relentless attacks. But I refused to give up, even as he continued to beat me.

'You think you're so powerful, Kai. But you're nothing compared to me,' he growled, his grip tightening around my throat.

I struggled to break free, my vision starting to blur. I knew I couldn't defeat him in this state, but I couldn't let him harm my servant any further.With one last burst of strength, I managed to push the clone away and get back on my feet. I could see the surprise in his eyes as he stumbled backwards, giving me the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. I summoned all my ki and unleashed it towards him, hoping to catch him off guard.

But the clone was too skilled, too experienced. He easily dodged my attack and countered with a powerful blast of his own. I could feel the impact as it hit me, sending me flying across the sky and into a rock formation.

My whole body was in pain, every movement agonizing. I tried to get up, but my limbs felt heavy and uncoordinated. The clone approached me, a triumphant smirk on his face.

'Looks like I win, Kai. Your reign of power is over,I will be the new king of this multiverse,I will make sure to serve peace,harmony and justice to those who deserve it!,'

 could only watch as Gine dodged the clone's attacks with grace and precision.And I knew she wouldn't back down without a fight.

The clone must have sensed her weakness too, for he suddenly launched a series of rapid attacks. Gine tried to dodge them, but her movements were slow and sluggish. I could feel my heart racing, my fear for her overwhelming me.

'Gine, watch out!' I yelled, but it was too late.

The clone's fist connected with her chest, obliterating her armor and sending her flying back. She crashed into the same hill where Kiwi lay unconscious, her body limp and motionless.

The evil clone then turned to me with a smug look on his face. He said, 'I am you, from a different timeline. I destroyed my other timeline in a fit of rage, and now I will take over yours. I have mastered your true power, something your lazy ass never did.'

I could see that this version of myself had let his power get to his head. He was blinded by his own strength and now sought to take over as the new Omni King of the multiverse. I knew I had to stop him before he could do any more harm.But I'm too weak to stop him now,I need my stamina back.