
Reborn as the saiyan omni-king

A normal high school student reborn as the king of an alternate Dragon Ball multiverse? What could possibly go wrong?

Darkhorse99 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Destructive anger

 All that mattered was defeating this god and proving my superiority.

I threw him through multiple destroyed buildings in the city, relishing in the destruction and chaos. But he was quick to recover and retaliated with a powerful punch, sending me flying. I landed on the ground with a thud, my outfit slightly torn from the impact.

Enraged, I got up and charged towards him, delivering a swift kick to his face. He stumbled back, but then he unleashed a Kamehameha at me. It was a powerful attack and it damaged my outfit even more.

But I refused to be defeated. I too transformed into Super Saiyan 4 and continued to pummel him with all my might. I could feel the ground shaking beneath us as we exchanged blows. But I had a few tricks up my sleeve.

I created a power ball and hurled it at him. He was caught off guard and was hit by the blast, sending him flying into a nearby graveyard. As he crashed into Goku's gravestone, he let out a cry of pain.

'NOOO FATHER!' he screamed, tears in his eyes.

That's when it hit me. This was not just any god, this was future Gohan. He was Goku's son from a different timeline. But before I could process this information, I asked him, 'Are you Gohan?'

He looked up at me, confusion and anger in his eyes. 'Yes, I am Gohan. The one you have been fighting this whole time.'

He then proceeded to explain how all of this happened, "After the death of my friend Trunks by the hands of the evil androids I was pushed over the edge and went on a journey of self discovery,abandoning the city to discover my full power,this realization of my full potential led me to anger against the gods that failed to protect my mother,father,friends,and all these innocents from these fucking cyborgs,and that all led me to you...Kai,I won't rest until your ass is dead!"Gohan said full of anger. I listened intently, my cocky demeanor fading away as I saw the pain and turmoil in his eyes.

But there was no time for sympathy. We were still in the midst of a battle and I couldn't let my guard down. Gohan and I continued to fight, our powers shaking the planet intensely.

As we exchanged blows, I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt.

in the middle of a fierce battle with the God of Destruction, Future Gohan. Both of us are in our Super Saiyan 4 forms, our shirts torn and our bodies bruised from our intense fight. The fate of the universe rests on this battle, and I know that I must defeat Gohan to save it.

I throw Gohan around the world,and into another,we are now on an ice planet, using my immense strength to pummel him into submission. He fights back with everything he has, but I am determined to come out victorious. With each punch and kick, I can feel his power weakening, and I know that I am close to defeating him.

But Gohan is not giving up easily. He blasts me with a powerful Masenko, and I can feel the energy coursing through my body, causing me slight pain. I grit my teeth and continue to fight, knowing that I must not falter.

As Gohan powers up to his full power form, he undergoes a transformation that I have never seen before. His hair grows long, flowing in the wind, and fur covers his torso and arms like ssj4. His eyes turn black, with red pupils, and his fur is a dark blue color. He even has an energy arm, a sign of his immense strength.

Gohan attacks me with a ferocity that catches me off guard. He punches and slaps me, his anger and frustration evident in his every move. He throws me through the planet, and I can feel the sharp ice blades piercing my skin as I crash into them. But I refuse to give up.

I grab one of the ice blades and use it to stab Gohan. He roars in pain, but he does not back down. Instead, he uses the ice to form more blades, and he continues to attack me with a newfound strength.

I will not tolerate this disrespect. I punch Gohan with all my might, sending him flying through time and space. We end up in the past, on Planet Vegeta, where our ancestors once lived. Then we are in the future, on the desolate planet Vampa. Next, we are in South City in the present, causing chaos and destruction. And finally, we are back in the timeline we started in, back on Earth.

 I power up to my Super Saiyan Blue form, and we collide in a fierce clash.

The energy from our clash shakes the entire planet, and I can feel the ground beneath me crack and crumble. But I refuse to back down. I am the Saiyan Omni King Kai, and I will not let anyone stand in my way.

With one final blow, I knock Gohan out, and he falls to the ground, defeated. I stand victorious, my body exhausted but my pride still intact.

As the dust settles from my battle with the god of destruction, Future Gohan, I look over to see my angel servant, Aria, still engaged in combat with Gohan's servant, Zenki. I watch with interest as Aria gracefully moves through the air, her gi top barely covering her ample bosom. Zenki is no match for her, and I can't help but feel a twinge of pride at the strength of my angel.

However, my attention is soon diverted to Aria's opponent. Zenki's black gi top has been torn in the fight, leaving her toned and muscular body on full display. My eyes linger on her exposed skin, and I can feel a familiar stirring in my loins. She may be Gohan's servant, but she is still under my command as the omni king.

As Aria cuts off Zenki's top with a swift strike, exposing her massive breasts, I decide to butt in and put an end to this pointless battle. With one swift punch, I knock Zenki out, her body falling limp to the ground. I can't help but smirk as I watch her unconscious form, knowing that I could have easily killed her with that blow.

Gohan, who is still alive but badly injured, attempts to crawl away from me. I let out a boisterous laugh and ask him, 'Are you done having a temper tantrum?' His response is filled with rage and determination as he snarls, 'I will not rest until your ass is dead!'

I shake my head in amusement and reply, 'Then you will never rest.' With a wave of my hand, I erase Gohan from existence, a small price to pay for his insolence. Using my time powers, I undo the damage he has caused to the universe, leaving it as it was before his foolishness.

Turning to Aria and Zenki, I say, 'I'm sorry you had to deal with this, but he had it coming. Before I leave, I want to have a little fun.' Zenki, still under my control, responds with blind obedience, 'Anything you need, omni king.'

A wicked smile spreads across my face as I approach Zenki. I can feel her fear and arousal emanating from her, and it only fuels my desires. As I take her in my arms, I can sense Aria's jealousy but I don't give a fuck,I deserve this.