
Reborn as my max level assasin, now I work in a maid cafe?

this is originaly form my wattpad and just reposted here Lona is a one time world champion in a vrmmorpg game called NFO (New fantasy Online) on the 4th anniversary of NFO they held a massive auction with a new class for weapons called the heavenly relics. Weapons that the gods themselves crafted with their power. Lone bid all of her money and managed to snag the daggers for herself. Chronostasia, said to be able to cut time and space it self. After escaping the auction house from her adoring fans, she heads to a secret spot and equips her new toy. Unbenouced to her, there is one attribute that the heavenly relics have. The wilder of a heavenly relic is to meet their respective gods and be reborn into a new world! What will lona, the max level assassin do in this new fantasy world? You've read the title!

Foxnamedgenji · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Kingdom of Mythra





That hurts...

"Where am I? Ughhh"

I slowly stood up, dusting off any dust on my robes, then I made sure that my mask didn't fall off. Good thing it didn't. Is this the new world? What was the name again? Estoria was it?

I began to look around and Whoa! This place is huge! Right now I'm inside a huge hall, probably inside a castle. I mean, with a view like this, what else can it be? Looking all around the place, I saw huge white pillars holding up the ceiling. There were guards everywhere and a golden throne at the end of the room with who I assumed was the king sitting upon it. Enormous stained glass panes lined the walls.

A crimson red carpet with gold specks throughout it, lined the floor. An elegant chandelier quadruple the size of me hung high above on the tall celing.

My eyes then looked towards the glass. Behind the tall stained glass pane was the rest of the kingdom. The castle must be quite high up. The view was nothing less than stunning. You could really tell that this kingdom was enormous.

Just as I was observing the surroundings I heard the grunts of other people.

"Ugh... Where am I?" A young man, probably in his teenage years stood up. He was wearing a pure white set of body armour that was accented with gold. An impressive engraving of a dragon was placed on the front of the armour. He had a sleek pure white sheath on his hip. His face was anime like.sleek black hair, that high school nobody face that was still pretty good looking, You know the one. He emanated the aura of the main character and it was a face I recognized.

He was Raikiri, the player who I beat in the finals of the world championships. The lightning sword mages himself.

Next to him was yet another player I knew. Hiroshi, Rex, dash...

Now that I think about it, all of these players were in the tournament.

Hiroshi is an elf who uses a bow, his affinity is wind. He was called the hawk eyes or the human aimbot back in the game. He must have been a good archer in real life too. He looked like a typical elf, pointy ears, green emerald eyes and blond hair. His face is remenicent of a teanager.

Dash, or as it is written ( — ) He got the name through a bug and for some reason the devs just allowed it. He is in the tank class and is in the same guild as hiroshi. He wears a full set of grey and frankly scary looking armour underneath an ominous robe. He shares one similarity with me though, he also wears a mask. Unlike my stylish and cute kitsune fox mask, his mask is based on a boar. Like that one guy from what that anime called again? Ghost killers? Eh whatever . He is easily like twice my height and might be even taller (granted i am short)

Lastly was rex. He is your typical tank looking character from a fantasy anime. Huge and muscular. His weapon of choice is the greatsword. He is one of the best pvp players in the game which rivals even me who's nhice is to kill players. The only reason he lost in the tournament was because of basic counter play. I'm just faster and agile being able to be in his blind spots constantly but even then we still had a good fight. He is the only one in this room who I'd need to treat seriously to win in a battle.

But that only leaves 5 of us, me, raikiri ,hiroshi, dash and rex.

While I was thinking that, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Uwah! I turned around to see huge melons in my face. I-I quickly looked up at her face. She has red hair and a scar going through her left eye like a true anime character. She was wearing a jacket made of mythical dragonhide, the jacket had the initials W.O which stands for The guild called The Wild Ones.

Luckily, I knew who she was because I used to be in The Wild Ones. Her name is hilda. Oh thank the gods I'm at least friends with someone here. If I wasn't then it would be pretty hard for me to fit in with the rest of them.

Hilda and I go way way back. Back when I was still a newbie, her guild, the Wild Ones, allowed me to join and taught me how to play the game. Ha, how I miss those days.

It was so easy back then, now NFO is a tryhard's paradise... Well, I am one of them now, so I guess I'm also part of the problem? But that's besides the point.

She was called the axe maniac. She was an eccentric and friendly person despite her nickname and the fact that She was almost twice as large as me.

"Hey lona! Nice to meet you again! It's been quite a while hasn't it?" She said

"Long time no see, how are things going for you?"

It's been a while since I last talked to her. I left the guild around 2 years ago...

well I said "left" but I actually got kicked out after I almost ruined a guild event dungeon run. The leader said I wasn't improving enough,

Well jokes on him cuz I'm one of the best players now!

But it's really been two years since then huh? Hilda was still my friend but it's been a while since we last met each other.

"I've been pretty good. Oh, by the way. Congratulations on being the world champion. The guild leader has been especially regretting his choices lately."

"Suck for him Hehe. But I was just lucky winning that tournament. You did well too tight?"

"Lucky? Nah, that was all skill. But Sigh, I mean, I did get to the semifinals but I got beat by the golden boy of NFO over there" she pointed at Raikiri

"I mean it is Raikiri, the actual main character of NFO. you shouldn't push yourself down"

"Yeah, you're right... wait, if he is the main character then what does that say about you since you beat him?"

"I'm the OP side character who just shows up randomly and wins the tournament then I guess? You know, like that one time in that monster catching anime with the yellow rat."

"Sigh, but now thinking about it... Its weird that the first time we've meet since years is in another world" she said

"True that. Who knew that the Gods were real?" I said

Suddenly a clang sound cuts our conversation short.

"Hello chosen heroes to the kingdom of Mthyra! The king wishes to have a word with all of you!" A veteran looking guy dressed up in a full white set of armour said out loud. His hand resting on the hilt of the sword that he just slammed on the ground, he looked quite strong actually

"Thanks kaius. Heroes, I once again welcome to my kingdom. My name is King Maximilius, I know that this is very sudden, but please heroes, hear me out."

So his name is kaius huh, and thats king Maximilius.

I dicided to show some respect and bowed down, the other quickly followed my lead.

"Ah heros, no need to be so formal around me. After all, i'm the one asking for your help."

We all lift your heads up.

"Of course sir," Rakiri said

"Look at him, already acting like the main character" I whisper to hilda which seemed to make her giggle slightly.

"Thank you so much heroes! So let me start to explain why you are here. The demon army has begun to close along our borders and are looking like they are prepared to launch a full all out war against humanity. Luckily the demon king hasn't fully revived yet and we still have some time to prepare for the upcoming war. This is the point of the summoning ritual, each of you represents and is imbued with the powers of the 6 true gods. Time and space, light, earth, wind, wrath, saviour. To prevent confusion, each hero was supposed to be summoned to one kingdom each but since the kingdom of mythra is the front line of humanity, other kingdoms have decided to let us sumon all six heros to help defend humanity against the demon army.Your jobs as heroes are to become the pillars and a symbol in winning this war against the demon army. Please dear heroes. Lend us your blessing and strength!"

"Of course!, I, Raikiri the flash, will support and help in the war!"

After hearing that, my chunni days back in middle school began flashing through my mind and I physically convulsed. How the f*ck is he able to say that with a straight face?

"I too will lend my strength to the cause!" Rex said

"That sounds like fun, sure" hiroshi said

"You got that right!" Dash said they said as they fist bumped each other.

Honestly, Rex's agreement was just as corny as Raikiri's agreement. Really going all out with the RP (role play). Hiroshi's and Dash's on the other hand was something I would probably say myself.

"I guess I'm in it too then" hilda said

While I just gave a short but noticeable nod.

To be honest, I'm still pretty sceptical about this entire ordeal, if there is one thing that anime taught me is that, never trust nobility. It would have been better if I could get my own research in but I have only been in the world for less than an hour at this point so I don't really have a choice. beggars can't be choosers I guess.

"Thank you heroes! I can't even begin to describe my thanks. Firstly, I think it is fitting to see your abilities on paper and in practice! Please bring out Solomon's orb."

"Right away your honour" an attendant said.

After waiting a while, a person came walking in with a glass orb in hand. If this is similar to animes I've seen, it will show the stats of each individual, if so then this is getting interesting!

"Please heroes! Form a line and place your hands onto the orb."

Raikiri was the first to touch the orb.

"Please state your name,race and class"

"Um, like this? Raikiri ,human, swordsman?"

The orb then shone in a bright blinding white.

"A-amazing! T-this is the highest reading that the solomon's orb can produce!"

"Let me try next!" the hyperactive hiroshi said

"Hiroshi, elf, archer"

The orb once again shone a bright blinding green this time

"Whoa! This is awesome!"

I'm guessing green indicates wind?

Next up was rex and the results were the same as hiroshi albeit the colour being brown to indicate earth.

hilda and dash. Were next and they both shone a bright white, not as bright as raikiri though. I'm guessing that they have the wrath and saviour god's power respectively.

Well I guess I'm up next.

"Lona,cat sith,assassin"

After I read out my details I heard a lot of whispering from the crowds. I quickly ignored them as I was excited to see what my colour was, I waited and waited but nothing happened.

"Umm, is the orb broken?" i asked the person holding it

"Did you say the wrong information?"


"N-no? Then this must mean... you don't have any magic."

"Oh, this thing measures magic? In that case yes it would make sense cuz don't have any."

The cat sith race is notoriously a bad race in nfo as its the only race that doesn't have any magic power or MP, its so bad for any other class since every class uses some sort of MP but there is one class that doesn't use MP at all.

Ding ding ding! You guessed it! The assassin class! The assassin class uses its own energy system, called focus. Cat Sith doesn't give any focus point related bonuses but its race skills still synergizes with the assassin class and the most important reason...

Who doesn't want to play as a cat girl?

Well anyways, The room became quite except faint whispering but thanks to my cute and fluffy cat eats I was able to hear some of the whispering

"A hero without magic?"

"She is a demi-human too"

"Not to mention an assassin, isn't that a sinful class?"

What's wrong with having no magic and being a beastman? What is a sinful class anyways? Well, I got a lot of questions and no answers. It seems like I already have haters in this world and it hasn't even been a day yet. Can my new life get any worse?

I threw a sneaky leer at them and that seemed to shut them up.

"So, lona was it?" the king asked

"Yes, your highness." I replied.

"Is it true that you have no magic?"

"Yes, is there anything wrong with that?"

"I'm sorry if this offends you but, are you actually a hero?"

Woah, very direct. That means he is confident or just brain dead, I'll take the confident route. But it still doesn't change the fact that he

doubted me

"Well I am offended but I'm guessing no one has seen a hero like me before? If you are worried about me being weak, I assure you that i'm one of the strongest ones here, if you don't believe me go ask them" I pointed at the other heroes

The king looked at the other heroes for any validation. Hilda nodded. Hiroshi gave a thumbs up, Rex and Raikiri looked pissed but in agreement and dash was there, can't really see his face you know?

He turned back to me and said "Sorry, that is not what I meant... well kind of."

You bastard, but hey, at least he is truthful. A good sign so far.

"Well, I guess, your apology is accepted."

The hall remained silent for a while after that. The atmosphere was so palpable you could cut it with a knife.

I guess more people hate me now, sheesh. Talk about a bad first impression.

"Ehem, well let's move on to the practical test then. Kairus, please lead the heros to the training field."

Well after that whole ordeal, the king told us to head outside to the training field for a practical test. The way they were going to do this was with a sparring session between each of us.

I wonder who will fight who?