
Reborn as my max level assasin, now I work in a maid cafe?

this is originaly form my wattpad and just reposted here Lona is a one time world champion in a vrmmorpg game called NFO (New fantasy Online) on the 4th anniversary of NFO they held a massive auction with a new class for weapons called the heavenly relics. Weapons that the gods themselves crafted with their power. Lone bid all of her money and managed to snag the daggers for herself. Chronostasia, said to be able to cut time and space it self. After escaping the auction house from her adoring fans, she heads to a secret spot and equips her new toy. Unbenouced to her, there is one attribute that the heavenly relics have. The wilder of a heavenly relic is to meet their respective gods and be reborn into a new world! What will lona, the max level assassin do in this new fantasy world? You've read the title!

Foxnamedgenji · Fantasy
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5 Chs

God of Time himself


New item: chronostasia


Name: chronostasia

Type : dual daggers

Grade : heavenly relic

Description: a dual daggers that were blessed by the god of time. Not a lot is known about its origin or its power but it is said to be able to cut though time it self. Made from a alloy that transcends gods

Str: 500.000

Durability : ———

Skill conductivity: SSS+

Mana conductivity : SSS+

Skills: future sight, future slash, time distort, slash in time, agility enhance large, sneak enhance large. Trap setting, copy weapon skill, chosen one(???)


Equip? Yes/no







Everything went black. The city hall in fort of me had disappeared, so did the city plaza. The bench i was sitting on followed suit, i fell down.

"Agh... whats up with me falling down on my but today..." my voice echoed.

"Where is this place?" I slowly stood up, brushing any would be dirt of my robe. I took a look at my hips and saw the heavenly relic, chronostasia, sheathed on my hip.

I took a deep breath and looked around. This place radiates creepy vibes, like a haunted house. I slowly took a step forward, the floor felt slightly slippery, some thing akin to glass. The echos my footsteps made must mean there is a ceiling and walls somewhere pass this darkness.

Nothing was around me. I couldn't even sense anything, it was like I was in a black hole. Nothing to see nor feel. It was pure sensory deprivation.

I started to think. This must be a event or something. After all, i just equipped chronostasia. Think think...

As i was thinking, I felt like someone was watching me, a curious gaze as you will.

"Um, hello?" I said out loud. My voice echoed once again.

Suddenly i felt something. I felt a tingling sensation, a gut feeling that i should immediately jump backwards. So i did, suddenly the ground where i was standing at had a throwing knife stuck into the ground. It was weird that I almost didn't sense it. Heck, it didn't even make a noise when it landed or while it was flying in the air. Luckily, One of the many things I learned being a top player in a vrmmorpg game is to always trust your gut.

As i breathed a sigh of relive, I felt another presence behind me. I quickly turned around and saw someone with a white robe standing inches from me. Without any thinking, I unsheathed chronostasia and blocked an oncoming attack. It was so fast i couldn't even see his hands moving.

I got lucky. If i didn't instinctively blocked, I would have be hit. The force behind such a fast attack was monumental. Just who is this guy?

As I was regaining my footing, he disappeared out of my line of sight. I immediately knew he was behind me so i quickly spun around with my right hand ready to block his attack while getting ready for a roundhouse kick.

I spun around, quickly blocking his slash with chronostasia as i twisted my body to hit him with my kick.

"I got you now!"

But to my chagrin, he blocked my roundhouse kick by stoping it and holding it with his bare hands. The bare force of my kick being blocked by his hand blew his hood off. He was regrettably very handsome, like some one I would picture as a God, his pure white strait long hair was as white as a fresh bed of snow. his androgynous face made me felt things, I never felt before...




Wait, WHAT AM I THINKING! I slapped myself mentally. I couldn't possibly think he's hot! He's trying to kill me for gods sake!

I tried to shake his grip off but it was too strong for a light class like me to handle. We were now stuck in a stale mate. His dagger on my dagger and my leg with his hands. I was about to do another slash with my left hand but he suddenly said

"Pink..." he whispered in a low tone i barely heard. His voice sounding so heavenly, so gentle that it could comfort the saddest person. I looked at his golden eyes, as his checks were blushing cutely.

But then I realized what he meant...

My face quickly turned tomato red from my own embarrassment. From my own sheer stupidity. What is it you may ask? Well, It just so happen I was wearing a skirt...

I shouted "KO NO HENTAI!!!!" (You pervert!) As I moved my left hand for a slash. He quickly doge my attack by letting go of my leg and leaping backwards.

I quickly leaped backwards and held my skirt down.

I turned my gaze back to him and what i saw weirded me out

"S-s-s-sorry!" He fell to the ground and did a dogeza

"Umm, i-it's fine?" What am I even saying! He snuck a glance - No, It was a stare!

He then got up with a fluster face, "s-sorry for you know..."

"You know what!"



"I was only testing you, I didn't mean to do that I swear!"

"Testing me?"

"Y-Yes, thats right. All of this was a test to see if you are worthy to use them." He pointed at my hands, or more specifically, what i was holding.

"The chronostasia?"

"Yes. Sorry for the late introduction but I am the god of time, chronos."

"I see... so did i pass?"

"Yes you did, with flying colors in-fact. You're skills are almost a match for my own."

Who is this guy?!? He isn't an npc as he has fully fleshed out dialog and can even reply to me normal. If he is a mod pretending to be a God for this Event then why isn't he famous. his assassin skill are enough to rival my own.

"Who are you?" I asked

"The God of time Chronos, well chronos is just a nick name so if your asking for my name then i don't really have one." He replied

"Right... So now that I past the test, can I go back to the city"

"No, Not yet."

"Is there something else?"

"Yes, Let me ask you a few questions. And I need you to answer truthfully."

"Yeah sure, I could do that."

"Do you hate "that world?"

"By "that world" you mean real life right?"

"Yes, thats what you people call it"

"Hmm, then yeah, kind of."

"Next question, do you like this world. A world filled with blades and sorcery?"

"Absolutely, I spend most of my time here compared to Irl"

"So, then how about living in a new world. As what you people would call an "avatar""

"You mean like an isekai?"


"Um you know, the whole getting reincarnated stick that all anime are doing right now?"

"Well, as long as you get what Im saying then. So lets get back to my question, how about it?

"Well, I mean yeah" "doesn't hurt to go with the act right?"

"You're thinking in not a real God right?"


"Let me tell you now..."

The atmosphere changed. His aura that he was exerting was different...

It was... heavenly. One that is hard to describe.

"I'm the god of time chronos. One of the Gods who rule over the world of Estoria."

Something in me told me to believe him. its definitely not his charms. I swear!

"So let me ask you again. Now, with your heart. Do you hate "that world"?"


"Do you like this world?"


"Will you miss your old world"

"Yes... my house, my room, and my family"

"But do you still want to be sent to my world?"

I thought back to those line text that my father, mother and brother sent to me yesterday.


Sorry leaving you home alone again for work, please don't be afraid to call me if you need anything


Something urgent has popped up with one of my friends so I'm afraid that i'll be staying over at his house for again. Sorry lil sis


I heard that mom is also out of the house for a few days, i transferred money into your bank account to buy things you will need for a few days. Sorry again for never being home hun

"I have always felt like i was slowly disappearing from life. Slowly but surely everyone started to ignore me. Even now, my own family. I feel like their ignoring me Even though i tried my best to gain their attention. It wasn't always like this. Only when mom and dad got promotions at their jobs, they started to have less time for me and brother, even brother spends more time with his friends and girlfriend.

Some times they would surprise me at home and we would have some family time but it seems so rare nowadays...

It seems like i'm here but not at the same time...

Only in this world do i seem like i am recognized, i'm loved here in this world... albeit by weirdos. Here in this world, I feel more alive then I ever did back home.

Even now, Im talking to a God who recognize my talents. I will miss them but with how my life has been going, what do i have to lose by getting a second chance."

"I see. Then Lona, will you be my chosen one?"


He smiled. His smile is so handsome....

"Nice of you to think that"


"My smile eh?" His smile became wider

"You can read minds?!?"

"Umm, yeah? I'm a God?"


"Hmm? Whats wrong? Thinking about how handsome I am?"

"Shut up!"

"Hahahaha, its been a while since i talked to a person who finds me attractive."

"No way its only been a while!"

"Sad to say thats the truth."

"Well... don't let it go to your head!"

"Yeah yeah... Well looks like we still have still have sometime before the other gods finnished."

"There's others?"

"Well there is other heavenly relics, these weapons are imbued with some of out powers, the chronostasia for example is imbued with my powers, time and space."

"If i remember correctly, there are 6 weapons.


- chronostasia, time and space daggers.

- zephyr, the wind hunt bow.

- excalibur, the iridescent sword of chosen light

- Terra, the great sword of earth

- Aegis, the shield and hammer of protection

- Za'afiel, the axe of wrath and war.

"So there will be 6 hero's?"

"Precisely. Let me tell you more about the heavenly relics. They have the power of each respective gods imbued into them. Each weapon also allows the user to communicate with their each respective gods. No one can wield the heavenly relic except for the chosen ones."

"Yeah ok"

"Next let me explain chronostasia's abilities. Pull out the status bar."



Name: chronostasia

Type : dual daggers

Grade : heavenly relic

Description: a dual daggers that were blessed by the god of time. Not a lot is known about its origin or its power but it is said to be able to cut though time it self. Made from a alloy that transcends gods

Str: 500.000

Durability : ———

Skill conductivity: SSS+

Mana conductivity : SSS+

Skills: future sight, future slash, time distort, slash in time and space, agility enhance large, sneak enhance large. Trap setting, copy weapon skill, chosen one(???)


"the skill future sight, allows you to see a 5 seconds into the future with a set cooldown of 20 seconds. Future slash allows you to place a slash, well in the future. This has a cooldown of once a day. Time distort allows the user to slow down time for a short period of time, this still is very tiring though for a mortal, this skill has no cooldown. Slash in time and space allows the user to place down a slash like a trap, this works in conjunction with the trap setting skill. Copy weapon skill allows the user to copy a skill from another piece of the same gear, like your old daggers for example. Chosen one is a skill that only allows its user to use the weapons. You got it?"

"Whoa whoa, slow down there. Umm, so just to summarize, this things stupidly powerful"

"Well at least you got one thing right"

"Hey! Its not my vault i can't take that much info in one hearing."

Sigh "well looks like i'll have to tell you another time. The other Gods seems to be finished with their explanation."

"So it's isekai time?"

"Precisely, if you have any questions just think of me and i will be there to talk with you."

"Kay, thanks for the help so far. We have only met today and it feels like we have known each other for a long time.

"Yeah, make sure to talk to me often. It gets pretty lonely being a god."

"Its no problem, thanks for choosing me"

"I should be the one thanking you for accepting. Well then, get ready. I'm about to send you to Estoria, good luck out there!"

"Thanks once again Chronos"

With that i wave him goodbye.H smiled once again as he closed his eyes and began chanting while doing hand signs like a ninja. After a few seconds, a blue circle appeared under me and shone brightly. Before long, my eyes was covered by a blinding light, enveloping me in a tingling feeling yet if felt comforting. The ground below me began to crumble and I was set into a free fall. I closed my eyes.

"Hope i made the right choice" i thought