
Reborn as my max level assasin, now I work in a maid cafe?

this is originaly form my wattpad and just reposted here Lona is a one time world champion in a vrmmorpg game called NFO (New fantasy Online) on the 4th anniversary of NFO they held a massive auction with a new class for weapons called the heavenly relics. Weapons that the gods themselves crafted with their power. Lone bid all of her money and managed to snag the daggers for herself. Chronostasia, said to be able to cut time and space it self. After escaping the auction house from her adoring fans, she heads to a secret spot and equips her new toy. Unbenouced to her, there is one attribute that the heavenly relics have. The wilder of a heavenly relic is to meet their respective gods and be reborn into a new world! What will lona, the max level assassin do in this new fantasy world? You've read the title!

Foxnamedgenji · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Bidding time!

I was running as fast as i could out of the forest.

"Why couldn't she just teleported me to the auction house!"

My hood barely staying on from running so dam fast. If i keep up in this pace i should be 15 minutes earlier but that doesn't help me with avoiding my fans and haters, and trust me i didn't want anything to deal with them. I have already booked a private seat so all i have to do is just make it in there and i should be fine.

As i though that, a large city finally came into view as i exited the forest in record time. Blades of grass being launched into the sky from the sheer speed i was running at. Having the highest agility stat in the entire Japanese server is fun! I soon zoomed pass the guards and the city gates and slowed down.

You might be asking, why don't you just run into the city hall and the answer to that is the rowdy crowd that was blocking most of the paths and plaza. After all, its a yearly event with everyone in the Japanese server in this one city.

There was fans everywhere trying to take a picture with their favorite mods and top players. Heck, i even spotted lots of people trying to find me with fan shirts. Wait... where do you even get those! It must be that dam Haruto selling them. Sigh, Why are all my fans weirdos? Most of the player base hates me, like what did i ever do to you, except demolishing the last world champion in grand finals. Yeah that fight was kind of hard to watch... but thats beside the point!

"I need to avoid the streets but how? Hmmm oh i got an idea"

I jumped on top of a rooftop and began running towards the city hall where the auction will takes place. Leaping from building to building, enjoying the sights of this world. The major crowds bellow me all looked like ants crawling around. Luckily with my max agility stat and max stealth, most people didn't realize that someone is leaping from rooftops to rooftops

After i got to the outside perimeter of the auction house, i stoped on a roof of a cafe that was near the city hall. I began looking for ways to enter the city halls. If i thought the plaza was full, then this is extra omega full. As i continued observing, trying to find a point of entry...

"Hey you up there! Get down from the roof"

Suddenly someone from the cafe shouted at me. That caused me to panic and slipped off the roof tops.


"Ouch! That hurts." I quickly stood up and made sure my hood was hiding my face properly.

"That must have taken a few hundredths of my hp" i said as i rubbed my ass.


"Huh?" Shit!

"Thats lona!?!"

"Yeah yeah! Just look at her signature robe!"

"Omg, lona!!!!"

I quickly jumped away and tried to run away but before a knew it, i was already surrounded by my fans.

"SHIT!"I shouted internally. This really is the worst possible situation i could be in right now.

"Lona! Can i have a autograph!"

"Hey no fair! I asked her first"

"No you didn't"

"F*ck you lona, you cheating bastard!"

Oh good, the haters are also here now. Why cant anything go normally! I scanned the area for ways to escape and luckily found one. A left over smoke bomb in my pocket. If i remember correctly, there is a glitch that allows you to use combat items in city so lets pray its not patched yet!

I took the smoke bomb out of my pockets and threw it upwards. I then quickly opened my inventory and waited patiently as the smoke bomb fell downwards. Slowly inching towards the ground. 10 centimeters. 7 centimeters. Hopefully my timings right!


A giant black cloud appeared out of nowhere.

"It worked!" I shouted internally, that should give me 30 seconds... but how do i escape. How how how...

Going back out to the roofs? Nope. Thats way to expected.

Just running away? No, that wont work either...

Then a idea hits me.

That might actually work but... i really hate it!

The giant black cloud of smoke dissapeared and the hooded lone was now gone.

"Where did she go!"

"How did she even use a smoke boom here! She must be hacking!"

"Yeah your right!"

Well, it was a glitch but it hasn't been patched since... 2 years ago i think. Even the devs knew about it but never bothered to fix it so, fair game?

I slipped though the confused crowds trying to find me.

"Where is she!"

"She just disappeared!"

That was too close. I was now hidden in plain sight. Blending in with the crowds, well... as much as a maid would i guess

"Hey cutie, want to party up with me?"

"Oh my gosh! You're so cute!"

"Look here, say cheese!"

What did i do to deserve this!

I tried to ignore the remarks and just continued weaving through the crowds.

Its surprisingly comfortable and light. The stats are awesome too... wait wait! What am i saying! I cant like this thing! My pride wont allow it!

Though it is nice... no,NO, stop thinking brain!

After awhile of invitations, pickup lines, people in awe, and people asking for pictures. I managed to get in the hall and was directly lead to my private room.

Today's the big day, where most likely all the top players get a massive power spike. The heavenly relic series. Its the higher rank than one of ones, mythical and other ranks. Even my weapons the everlasting ice and eternal fire, a one of one grade weapons gifted to me by my number one creepiest fan, Haruto. Pales in comparison


Name : everlasting ice and eternal fire

Type : dual daggers

Grade : one of one (custom made)

Description: eternal fire from the lake of fire and ice from the creation of time, forged into this very blade by a blacksmith bless by the gods. Said to be almost on par with weapons the gods themselves smithed (made by Haruto)

Str: 150,000

Durability : ———

Skill conductivity: SS

Mana conductivity : SS

Skills: ice and fire magic (lvl 7), rapid temperature change.


I used these weapons in the world champion ships and absolutely demolished the world champion. It was a quite even fight till i started to use magic against him. Thats why a lot of people called me cheater, since assassin as a class shouldn't be able to use magic at all, but thanks to this busted weapons i was able too.

Before you harassed me for only being a top player thanks to busted ass gear given to me by the mods, the world champion that i beat, i think his name is raikiri, a lighting sword mage, that has a sword with a mana conductivity of SSS and a strength stat of like 500.000. LIKE WHAT THE F*CK MODS! Why do other classes gets good gear and the assassin class's only best obtainable weapon has a tiny str of 50,000! Even a mid sword has the same attack stat as the best dual knifes in the game! ( other than mine of course)

Ultimately thats what led assassin to be the worst class in the game. Practically I'm the only person keeping the assassin class alive and even discussed in the meta, my fans are also included there.

But Lets stop complaining before i get too side tracked here. I sat down on the chair and opened up my inventory.

My finger hovering over the unequipped button.

Should i just keep wearing this? I mean it is super comfy somehow. Has better stats than even tank armor and looks kind of cute? WHAT AM I EVEN THINKING! Stop thinking brain!

But it is good...

But My pride as an assassin...


After a long internal debate. I decided to continue wearing it until the auction was over. I mean i am in a private room so that should prevent other from seeing me and hurting my already low pride. After all, this is miles more comfy than my normal assassin gear. Looks cute too.

Ten minutes later the auction Finally started

"Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to the 4th year anniversary on NFO!"

WHOOOH! The crowds cheered enthusiastically.

"Before we get started, i would like to call the lead game developer and Haruto the lead game designer and CEO of NFO! give them a round of applause"

Thunderous claps roared thought out the stadium. Hmm what about me you ask? Im just trying to ignore the fact that Haruto is directly staring at me with that creepy smile of his. I quickly closed of the curtains and just watch the livestream on the tv.

"Hey guys! Thanks for showing up to the anniversary of NFO, i am the lead game dev Chiyo, nice to meet you! And next to me is,"

"I don't think i need an introduction but i do one anyways, my name is Haruto, the lead game designer and CEO of NFO"

"So these are our guess for todays auction! So guys, how to do feel to be surrounded by your adoring fans!"

"Today is a special day of course, and to my adoring fans, i wish you guys a happier new year with NFO" Chiyo said

"Well, what are we waiting for? Im pretty sure that most of you guys didn't come here just to meet us! So lets just get this show on the road!"

Cheers once again erupted.

"Well As the boss man says then! Lets pull out all the stops with this auction! The first item will be the dual daggers chronostasia!"


Name: chronostasia

Type : dual daggers

Grade : heavenly relic

Description: a dual daggers that were blessed by the god of time. Not a lot is known about its origin or its power but it is said to be able to cut though time it self. Made from a alloy that transcends gods

Str: 500.000

Durability : ———

Skill conductivity: SSS+

Mana conductivity : SSS+

Skills: future sight, future slash, time distort, slash in time, agility enhance large, sneak enhance large. Trap setting, copy weapon skill, chosen one(???)


Looks like the leeks were true! Holy shit this is awesome! I will bid all my money if i have too.

46,000 EL (2,234,765,285 EL)

Hopefully this will be enough. What I'm even saying! Of course it will be enough! No other players who plays assassin have this type of money, this should be a free win unless a collector wants it like genji. But why go for a weapon for a class that people hate and not for like the sword so i should be fine.

"The starting bid will start at 2 billion el!" The anouncher said.

Timer starts now!

2 min

"We have out first bid here with 2 billion from a anonymous source, but i think we can all guess who it is! Hahahaha"

"You got that right announcer"

"Yeah, wait! Whats this! Another bid by anonymous source!? 2,100,000 billion!"

The crowd goes wild!

Who the hell is bidding on this! The only person who i can think of is a collector by the name of Genji. That sly bitch!

Ughhh! Well, i guess i should just wait and snipe it?.

"There is one minute left till the bid closes!"

Its already that fast!? Yikes! Calm down, calm down. Just snipe it

"Another bid! This time by Doriel! Its now at 2,200.000.000 el!


Please, if any god is listening. Please help me!

"30 seconds left!"

Gosh, deep breaths, deep breaths.

I opened up the bidding menu and carefully typed in the amount

2,234,811,285 el

This was all my money but it will be a worth it investment.











"And the auction is over!" The announcer shouted enthusiastically!

The winner is...

I closed my eyes.

"Lona with a bid of 2,234,811,285 el!" The crowd goes wild once again

"I won!" I shouted at the top of my lungs! " I F*CKING WON! Get f*cked Genji and doriel!"

Thankfully the private rooms were sound proof. If it wasn't, i would be getting lot more hate than i already did

"But why did they announce my name!" I looked over back at the bidding menu and saw that the hidden check box was untick. "Ahhhh! I'm so stupid!" I shouted

Its not like people won't know that its me or anything but i think its cool if it was sort of a mystery who got it. Man...

I screwed up

"Well well well, i guess it isn't a too big of a surprise that lona won this one isn't it?" The announcer asked Haruto

"Yeah, those weapons are practically made for her after all. Hahahahah"

"True that. She is the only top player who uses the assassin class anyways"

"Well lona, on behalf of the dev team, congratulations on being the first person to have a heavenly relic on the jp server! The item will be sent to you shortly!" The announcer said "Anyways, now lets move on to the more popular weapons classes, the next weapon we have is the bow of the wild!"

"It a bow said to be wielded Artemis by her self! Said to be blessed and yada yada. Who cares! I don't!" I said, mocking the announcers to myself. I quickly left the private room and also the city hall.

The city hall was very empty now. A stark contrasted with the city hall before. I sat down in one of the empty benches and opened up my menu.

A bell symbol in the top left corner next to my name had a red notification on it. With bated breath, i clicked on the bell symbol.

New item: chronostasia


Name: chronostasia

Type : dual daggers

Grade : heavenly relic

Description: a dual daggers that were blessed by the god of time. Not a lot is known about its origin or its power but it is said to be able to cut though time it self. Made from a alloy that transcends gods

Str: 500.000

Durability : ———

Skill conductivity: SSS+

Mana conductivity : SSS+

Skills: future sight, future slash, time distort, slash in time, agility enhance large, sneak enhance large. Trap setting, copy weapon skill, chosen one(???)


Equip? Yes/no