
Reborn as Luffy : I am the Sun God Nika

Transmigrating as Luffy in the world of One piece knowing that I am the SUN GOD. With the help of a great system, there are many things I would like to change. Let's go through the events in One piece with a Stronger Luffy and future knowledge. I stand for One Man, One Heart, One Love. There will be no harem. Luffy will be a walking disaster.

Emojin_Zadeng · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Thief 1

I still put up my serious expression and release a little trace of haki to effect her mood which was very successful. I looked at her and said " I heard from some people that a fishman bastard named Arlong is staying there bullying the weak and terrorizing the village. I am going to beat him crazy"

Nami looked at me without knowing what to say. She was speechless and little tears could be seen in her eyes.


I looked at her an was quite pleased to her reaction. Before she speak, I quickly activate my skill 'Expression of the peerless' and soft wind blows around me, sparkles of lights could be seen around me and I was dazzling.

When Nami see this, she looked like she was seeing something divine and breathtaking.

When I know that I caught her attention, I looked at her and said" Listen this Nami, Even though we are Pirates. We won't ever rob innocent people, harm them or terrorize them. I hate people who bully the weak and act all high and mighty towards. So if we encounter any people that preys on the weak, I will destroy them. You should bear that in mind".

Nami was Overjoyed after I said this. She had little tears flowing down her cheeks.

She looked at me like she was looking a saint.

I feign ignorance and asked" Ehhhhhh. Nami, why are you suddenly crying? Do I say anything to hurt you?"

She looked at me and laugh saying" You idiot. There is something on my eyes. Who said I am crying. Idiot! Idiot! "

She seems to be happy. I just laugh at her antics" Shishishishishishis. Okay then, shall we start our adventure? ".

She seems to be in a good mood but act as she suddenly remembered something horrifying and asked" But Luffy, I heard that Arlong Pirates are really strong. Moreover, they are fish men and are ten times stronger than ordinary humans. Are you sure you can really defeat them?". I can tell that she was worried.

I burst into laughter the moment she finished asking and said" Shishsishsishishis. Don't worry at all. They have no chance with me. What you said might be true, they may be ten times stronger than ordinary humans, but I am not ordinary. Besides, they just seem to strong in the East Blue since it is one of the weakest seas. They are not even worth a penny in the new world so you don't have to worry at all. You will soon see my strength in the next few days. Shishishishis"

She was happy with my words and said" Idiot! Who said I was worried. I just ask you casually? Idiot!"

I looked at her and said" My Grandpa is a Marine so he always take out any pirates that might be a threat in the East Blue and he is also the main reason that East Blue is named the weakest seas because he always Capture any pirates that may pose a threat".

Nami was anylizing what I said carefully and asked" Well your grandpa seems strong if he could take out any threats in the east blue easily. Is he a captain in the Marines. He seems really strong"

While we were saying this, Zoro came out and was listening to our conversations and asked" So Luffy, if your Grandpa comes, are we going to fight him or not?"

I looked at him and said without any hint of worry" Nahhh. Maybe, I don't know. If he try to catch us, I'll fight him but if he doesn't. We'll just go. No need to fight and old fossil. Shishishishis…. Ohhh! And Nami, My Grandpa is not a captain. He is a vice admiral in the Marines. His name is Monkey D. Garp"

Both of them look at me like I was a ghost. Their eyes wide and jaws almost fell to ground. "Ehhhhhhhh!!!!! Monkey D. Garp!! Garp the Fist!! The hero of the Marines!! Why is he your Grandpa. That means if he chases us, we are surely going to die. You Idiot! Why are you doing this to me. I am still young and want to life to old age. Why are you trying to kill me alongside your idiotic dream" Nami said and was devastated to hear this.

She knew very well that Monkey D. Garp is the Pillar of the Marines and he is not weak in any ways. She start to hit me like crazy and cursed at me.

Zoro was different. Since I have been training him. He already have an understanding of my capabilities and strength and was looking excited so he asked" So Luffy, since your Grandpa might personally chase after us, If we confront him, what is the chance of our survival?"

I simply answered" 100%. I am already stronger than Grandpa. He won't defeat me anyway. Shishishsishi".

Zoro was excited" So Captain, It seems you are already stronger than the strongest Marine. As your crew mates, we couldn't shame you so we have to work extra harder. This is going to be fantastic. I can see my goals nearer". He was brimming with enthusiasm.

Nami was also elated after hearing this and stop cursing. Still, she was a little worried about her village and asked" So Luffy, are you really going to destroy the Arlong Pirates?" She was happy that I said I would deal with the Arlong pirates but she couldn't put all of her hope to a pirate so she was having a little ounce of doubt.

I pat her head and said" I will never go back on my words. I am going to destroy them".

When she heard this, It seems like all her doubts were washed away. She was happy and laugh but at the same time, tears were flowing non stop from her eyes.

Zoro was dumbfounded and asked" Ehhh! Why are you crying all of a sudden. Are the Arlong Pirates your family or what.?"

Nami felt that she could really trust us and decided to come clean so she wiped her tears and tell us her story from the beginning and all of her involvement with the arlong pirates and at the end of her story, she knelt before me and asked with a solemn tone" Luffy, no Captain. Please destroy the Arlong Pirates for me".

She was depressed remembering all her struggle and tears couldn't stop flowing in her cheeks.

I put up a serious expression and pat Nami's head and calmly said" Stand up Nami. You don't have to kneel in front of me. I don't want to see any of my friends kneeling before me and you don't have to worry about the Arlong pirates at all. I promise I will pay them back what they did to you. Nobody that harms my friends will leave unhurt."

She was elated and said" Thank you so much, I don't know how I am going to repay you but I will"

I cut her off before she could finish speaking and said" You won't need to repay me. After all, aren't we friends? Shishishishishis"

She was happy and at the same time loss for words.

Since I was a lot stronger than the original story, she decided to put all of her trust to me from the start and I am surely going to meet her expectations.

I pull her up and and decided to change to the topic" How many days are we going to sail to reach Cocoyashi Village?"

Nami think carefully and said" Well, we might not take long. It depends on whether we are going to dock at the other Island or not. If we aren't, we can reach there normally within seven days. If we used the speed boost system of the ship, I think half a day will be enough".

Nami already had a little understanding of the ship and knew what the speed boost could do.

"hmmm! We are going to dock at loguetown , Baratie Island and Syrup Village before we reach Cocoyashi Village. I felt no need to rush.Is that okay with you?"

Nami had already trust me with all her heart so she decided to go with what I have planned. " It's okay. You just decide where we should go. I'll take you anywhere you want" She said with a smile.

"Okay. Then let's head off to Loguetown. There are somethings I would like to do there. We will use the day to train you in haki " I told her everything about haki that I had told to Zoro. I also gave her the awakening pill so she started training. Since her body was still weak and her mind isn't very strong either, she had difficulty in grasping the basics so she was barely able to feel it just before dinner.

She was a little sad that she couldn't learn it easily but I told her that she still had a great progress. Some people even need years of training just to unlock them so she was doing a great job.In fact the original Luffy needs One and a half year of training before he could master it.

The awakening pill and body strengthening were a great help.


Somewhere in a certain island in the New world, A mysterious man pick up a transponder snail and said" Hello, what type of information do you have that even you call me."

The other man at the end of the transponder snail said" Hello Sir, There is a mysterious ship in the East blue. It is a ship that we have never seen before. It seems to be of great advance technology. Our spy said that we had never seen anything like it before. I think you might be interested so I called you, shall I send you the image of the ship?"

The mysterious man replied" Okay. I will look into it since you seem to made it so mysterious"

The mysterious man stop the transponder snail and seem to be thinking of something very great and calmly said" Hmmm, a mysterious ship. I should look into it fast and I also need some vacation"


Zoro was already starting to grasp the basics of haki. Since it hasn't been long that he started training, he still couldn't utilize haki as he willed, but nonetheless showing great progress. He could imbued his hands with haki 3 out of 10 tries.

It won't take long before he can master haki. All he need is a slight push.

The night was silent. Zoro and Nami were tired after training for a whole day so they quickly went to sleep.

I wonder how they will progress on their training.

When dawn arrive, both of them wake up early. The day before, I have told them how they should train if they want their strength to grow quickly. They were both determined and wanted to be stronger.

The fact that I told them I was even stronger than my Grandpa gave them great enthusiasm and morale boost. They do not want to be the weak link of the crew, they do not want to drag me down and stand besides me so they were both trying their best.

When I woke up and went out from my cabin, I saw that even Nami was doing strength training. I was pleased seeing this and smiled and decided to prepare a meal for them.


On a certain Island in the New World, a mysterious man was looking at an image of a ship and think to himself 'I should go out and see this ship myself, it gave of a mysterious vibe'.

The man get up from his seat and touch a mysterious box.


Time passed while Zoro and Nami continued their training. They were both serious in their training. Even Nami was starting to feel her haki and was in a great mood.

When the Sun was high up above us, we Finally reach loguetown.

I told Nami and Zoro to stop their training and go to the town. They simply nod and we each walk different ways.


(A/N: Thank you for reading this piece of shit)