
Reborn as Luffy : I am the Sun God Nika

Transmigrating as Luffy in the world of One piece knowing that I am the SUN GOD. With the help of a great system, there are many things I would like to change. Let's go through the events in One piece with a Stronger Luffy and future knowledge. I stand for One Man, One Heart, One Love. There will be no harem. Luffy will be a walking disaster.

Emojin_Zadeng · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Meeting Coby

[Please read this] = Conversation with the system

'please read this'= human thoughts


I am currently on a ship at the dock of Foosha village. I bought these ship from the system shop because I don't want to drift inside a barrel like the the original.

I originally want to ride the Going Merry and Sunny but when I put more thoughts to it, I see no point in having them since I could buy a ship that is way better than them from the system shop.

I decided that I would buy a ship that would be advance in terms of technology even for vegapunk. With this ship, I might be able to coax Franky into joining my crew without many hassles.

The ship contains many rooms. Each person in the crew would be able to have their own private rooms. And apart from these rooms, the ship also has a training room, library, meeting room, aquarium, laboratory, kitchen and three spare room for miscellaneous.

What would be the point If I don't flex. I transmigrate into this world with knowledge of the future and also possess an overpowered system. There is no way that I would suppress myself. I will be acting in the most extravagant way possible.

There are some villagers from Foosha village to bid me farewell. Many of the people that are present actually knew me since I was a little child so they treat me well. There were way more people than what happened in the original. The reason for this change was because of me. Instead of acting like the original Luffy, I was sensible and caring for the villagers. All these past years, I was helping them out in anyway I could. So they were all very kind to me.

It is finally time for me to depart.

I waved them a hand and promised them that I would really become the King of Pirates and make the village proud while having a wide grin.

Villager 1 "what nonsense are you saying again. What pirate king. That would only bring shame to the village" he said while laughing

Villager 2 " Oi, Luffy, Your Grandpa would really kill you if you met him in the seas. You want some of his fist of love? Hahahah"

There were many curse aimed at me but I just shrugged them of because I knew that they don't really mean it.

Makino and the old mayor were also among them. Makino told me to be careful and to come back once in a while and bid me farewell. She was like an elder sister to me and our relationship was way better than what it was supposed to be. I told her to be safe and not to worry about me so I finally leave the village with my new extravagant ship.

I named this ship the Flying Raijin. It wasn't an ordinary ship. It could really fly. I bought it with quite a lot of points. It have many hidden features. I want it like this to amaze my crewmates when the time come. I could imagine the looks and Chopper, Ussop and Franky's face when they find out which made me grin like a madman.

I had already taken care of the local sea king which bit off Shanks arm. It was already tamed and rarely appeared near the village since I punch it so I had no trouble setting off.

I had already acquired a log pose for Shell town where Zoro was held hostage so I simply sail towards it. Since I wasn't lost like the manga, I don't know for sure If I would meet Coby or have an encounter with Alvidas ship so I simply decided to let fate play out its course.

I took my pace slowly and wasn't in a hurry. Even the ships pace was rather slow.

After travelling for a day, I was looking around my surrounding areas making plans and revising some of the older plans that I had made. While I was busy thinking to myself, I caught a glimpse of something with the corner of my eye. I look out so that I could clearly see what it it. Something suddenly pique my interest.

The thing that I had saw was a ship with a pirates Jolly Roger. It had a simple skull that was looking sideways with a hearts where the brain was supposed to be.

"Is this Alvida's ship?" I was talking to myself.

Selene suddenly spoke[" Yes Luffy, that Jolly Roger belongs to Alvida"]

I was excited hearing this. I already had my Jolly Roger on my ship just like the original Straw Hats so everyone that see my ship can know I am a pirate.

I hurried towards the ships control room and navigate towards Alvida's ship. I was happy that I will be able to meet Coby even though I change many things.

While I was excited thinking about this encounter. I wonder how my existence will effect the world. Contemplating hard on things that had already happened, I believed that no matter what I do, many things will play out exactly the same as the original and fate will always course the same route and find a means to ensure it.

While I was busy thinking all this, I suddenly noticed that Alvida's ship has stop its course and was Idle.

I guess they were talking about whether they should approach me or not.

Alvida was one of the top dogs in East Blue and should have some pride since we are currently in East blue. She would surely approach me and try to poach my ship going by this logic.

But the problem was my ship. A person with some brains can certainly tell at a glance that my ship wasn't an ordinary ship. Just by appearance alone, It was almost bigger than Shanks ship. It looks way more advance than anybody in this world had ever seen. It's walls were white and shining beautifully under the harsh sun. There were Some Gold Lines on the edge and a proud skull wearing a straw hat was the Jolly Roger. On the right side of the ship were words written in Gold 'Flying Raijin'.

Since Alvidas ship has stopped, I quickly approach it and when I reached them, they were looking up at my ship. I coldly stare at them. Even though I wasn't using any form of intimidation like Conquerors Haki or killing intent, Just by their appearance, I know they were tense.

I jumped down from my ship and was looking them like they owe me a billion berries and suddenly leak a little bit of conquerors haki. And when I said little, it was really on a small scale because I made sure I won't knock anybody unconscious

Nobody was speaking or making any noise. They look at me like they had seen a reaper. Even the birds in the clouds were quite.

Among them, I see Coby which made me excited. I want to walk up to him quickly and talk to him but I kept my cool acting like a mysterious hidden powerhouse wanting to slap somebody.

They act like they were about to piss themselves anywhere my gaze land upon. When I look at Alvida, I really want to laugh out loud. This was clearly injustice. Oda really is the god of injustice. The difference between her glow up transformation and the current her was like comparing Megan Fox with rotten onion.

If there was a reward for glow up transformation, Alvida would surely without a doubt win it.

I look at the closest man near me and point at Alvida with a plain expression, I say" Do you capture that ogre or are you all a captive under her?"

Suddenly the temperature drop. Alvidas crew were clearly scared because I just trolled their boss casually. They even forget all that had happened and their fear for me was quickly replaced with Alvida.

Alvida couldn't keep her cool and was in rage. She shout "How dare you, I am surely going to kill you" and rushed towards me. Every one was scared like shit when they saw that Alvida was mad.

I further continued to troll her and quickly took a pose and said" Everyone look closely. This is an ogre Subjugation and shouted 'American Bullshit' " while punching Alvida which send her crashing to the walls of her ship.

Everyone looked at me with eyes filled with terror. When they saw that I easily took care of their captain which they feared so much, their fear for me increase by a huge margin.

But one person was getting excited among them. It was none other than Coby.

He was amazed by the strength that I just displayed and approached me quickly.

"That was so cool Mister. I don't know your name but I really admire you. I was caught by these pirates but I want to become a Marine of Justice. Sir, can you please teach me."

Coby was begging me to teach him while the pirates were watching us with fear wondering what I would do to them.

There was a sound coming from the place that a send Alvida crashing. I see that Alvida was barely standing a look at me with a weird expression.

Seeing this, Coby was instantly struck with fear and quickly hide behind me and said" Mister, you may not know this but Alvida is a scary pirate, if she get up, she might beat you"

There was a lot of fear that could be heard from Coby's voice.

I simply laugh it off and look at Coby and asked" Do not worry about that, there is nothing she can do to me. Hmmm. I haven't know your name yet so why don't you tell me.?"

Hearing this, Coby was a little at ease and look at me again and say"My name is Coby. Mister, I want to be marine of justice so can you please rescue me from these pirates?"

He look at me with a pleading eyes with a little hint of fear.

I calmly looked at him and said' Okay Coby, I will rescue you but there is something you must do. If you want to pursue your dreams you have to be brave and fight for it. Do you have the guts?"

Coby was dumbstruck, he didnt know what to do.

He look at me and then look at Alvida. It was clear as a day that he was still afraid of Alvida.

Seeing this, Alvida looked at him was angry. "What did you just say Coby. Do you want to make me angry? I am going to beat you to a pulp. Now say, tell me, who is the most beautiful in the sea?.

Alvida's voice was hoarse. She hadn't recover the from the light punch that I gave her but was still angry nonetheless.

Coby was drenched in sweat and don't know what to do. After thinking hard for a moment, he finally decided to bet his life on me and yelled"Alvida, you are a big fat and ugly woman. I am not afraid of you."

Even though he just said this, It was clear that he was scared shitless but when he remember that I easily knock off Alvida, he became a little calmer.

Alvida was again filled with rage when hearing this. She forgot that I was with him and charge towards Coby trying to beat him up.

Seeing this, I thought to myself that this farce had been going long enough so I decided to simply end it.

I blocked the path towards Alvida and Coby and punch Alvida at her stomach which send her flying out in the air. I wondered if she would still had the same chance she had like the original.

The pirates were scared so much because I easily sent their boss flying and wondered what I would do to them.

I don't want to waste anymore time with these people so I looked at them and use conquerors haki to knock them all down.

Coby was amazed with my show of strength and literally look at me with stars in his eyes.

He was wondering to himself how I easily knock them all down and decided to ask me" Mister, how do you do that. Can you also teach me and help me become a strong marine of justice"

I looked at him and laugh" hahaha, that was easy, In fact if you grow stronger in the future, You might also be able to do it"

Hearing this , Coby was excited but before he asked me anymore questions I said "Lets go, I don't want to stay any longer in this filthy ship".

I grab him by the collar and jumped up to my ship.

Since the current Coby is still a weakling, he was easily scared by that simple jump and is almost on the verge of crying.

I walk to my ships control room and set the course to Shells Town.

When I walked of from the Control room and walk towards Coby, he was a lot more calmer and asked" Mister, thank you very much for saving me but you haven't told me your name?"

He asked with a polite tone.

I laugh and said" No need to thank me. Hahaha. My name is Monkey D. Luffy . You can just call me Luffy and I am going to be the King of the Pirates. Hahaha"

Hearing this, Coby also laughed and said" ahaha, Luffy san. So you are going to be the king of pirates? Wait, did you just say king of pirates?"

Coby was struck with the sudden realization that I was also a pirate. He was so scared he almost pissed himself and start to sweat a lot. He was under a lot of pressure with Alvida and I easily knocked out Alvida and when knowing that I am a pirate, he was afraid that I would be like Alvida or even worst so he almost cry.

He looked at me with fear and with a last shimmer of hope he asked" Bu.. buut. But you just saved me from Alvida, you aren't really a pirate right?"

I looked at him with a huge grin and said" Nope, I really am a pirate". As I said that, as to prove what I just said, I point towards the Jolly Roger of the ship and said" Look".

Seeing this, Coby lost all hope. He was pale as if all signs of life had fade out from him.

I could't help but laugh out loud. I look at the miserable Coby and decided to stop teasing him.

I suddenly changed my demeanor and said " You don't have to worry, I wont do anything to harm you. After all, I am a good pirate"

I looked at him with a huge grin and my teeth were literally shining.

Coby looked at me and was dumbstruck. He had never heard a good pirate before so he was loss at words.

While Coby was processing what I just said, Selene just spoke to me"[ Luffy. The system had acknowledge that you can change Coby's fate a lot. Do you want to do it?]"

As I saw the sudden the announcement of the system, I was excited and talked to her[" Alright Selene, buy a body Strengthening and Haki awakening from the shop. Lets see what a stronger Coby would do in the future'"] I had and evil grin at the moment.

By giving these to Coby, he will be stronger than what he was supposed to be so I felt quite satisfied.

All I have to do is give him these secretly without him knowing and it would be easy as I will add them in his meals.

During all this, Coby finally pull all his courage together and asked" But Luffy san, I have never heard of a good pirate. Aren't all pirates evil?"

He was still puzzle by what I said to him.

I look at him with a laugh and replied" hahahah, what do you by that. Your view of the world is too narrow. No pirate is evil nor good just by being a pirate. There are evil people and good people. No marine is good nor evil just by being a marine. It is a persons nature that truly determines if he is evil or good. You will be able to understand it in the future. Hahaha"

I confidently said this to him because I know that he will understand when we meet Zoro.

I then Laugh again and said, "Just don't worry about anything. Pursue your dreams if you really desire it. Hahaha. Let's stop talking and eat something. Wait here , I'll prepare something".

As I said this, a quickly walked inside the kitchen and prepare two cup ramen which is also an item bought from the system shop.

I mixed his cup of ramen with the strengthening and Haki awakening.

When I bought these Ramen to him, he quickly eat it without any hesitation but was still thinking the words that I said to him.

A system sound appeared

[ Ding]

[You have change someone's fate and was granted 50,000 fate points]

[Current fate points: 1,157,881]

I smiled seeing the number of fate points that I had.

I was already an overpowered being. The only one that made me cautious is Imu because I don't know his strength. But keeping Im aside, I was confident of my strength and I don't need to get any stronger. Instead I would make my crew stronger. So strong that they will shock the world.

If the original straw hats were a basic version, My crew could be name as ' The Straw Hats Ultra Pro Max limited edition'


(A/N; I would really appreciate any form of support)