
The Players and the Game - 2


"Is there no other choice?" Ned queried, his mind restless as he looked at the seemingly difficult situation.

"I do have an idea, but it might not be to your liking, my lord husband," Lady Catelyn spoke, her gaze fixed on the maps.

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"Please, speak your thoughts clearly, m'lady," Ned urged.

"We can designate a larger portion of these lands to House Woolfield and House Hornwood, increasing their strength and giving them a chance against House Manderly. This will set House Hornwood and House Woolfield against House Manderly in the shadows and keep them in check."

Ned wore a frown as he listened to this treacherous idea, but considering the growing appetite and strength of House Manderly, it seemed the only viable solution to contain them in the east.

"Agreed. The idea has its merits, and it might work in our favor. This way, House Hornwood, and House Woolfield will have our support, and in turn, we will have their loyalty," Ned consented after a moment of contemplation, bringing a smile to Lady Catelyn's face.

"So, Stony Shores and Sea Dragon Point to Bear Island, Rills to House Ryswell, and Barrowlands to House Dustin in the East. In the West, we can divide the lands among House Manderly, House Woolfield, and House Hornwood.

The other houses will remain undisturbed for now unless they have an issue with the arrangement. Maester Luwin, send the ravens and inform the lords.

Also, give them three months' time. In case any lord questions our decision, they can come to Winterfell to plead their case. However, if they lack proper cause, I will consider it an offense to House Stark, and they will be properly punished."

Ned spoke with authority, settling the land disputes. Unbeknownst to House Stark and the other lords, House Manderly had already secured many hidden agreements, granting them full access to the lands they desired. Despite the orders from House Stark, their vast wealth allowed them to command mercenaries and wandering knights to serve them.

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House Rills, House Ryswell, House Dustin, House Hornwood, and House Woolfield were already deeply indebted to House Manderly, and after the war, those debts had only increased. Through strategic marriages, House Manderly had forged closer ties with these houses, exchanging their debts for lands near the shores to control trade.

Though House Stark remained the main house in the North, House Manderly's financial support had been crucial for these lesser houses for years. Fortunately, House Manderly sought only territorial access for trade and harbored no intention of rebellion. Otherwise, House Stark might have met its downfall long ago.


"You mean we should give up the lands of Stony Shores?" Ser Wylis questioned his wife, who was charmingly stroking his cock in the bath.

"My Lord, we are loyal to House Stark, and our demands frighten their young Lord. We cannot trade land in exchange for needless hostility. Other houses follow us for coppers, but they follow House Stark out of loyalty. We must not challenge House Stark; creating unnecessary tension among our houses is unwise."

Speaking in soft tones, Lady Leona moved her head down and took Ser Wylis's manhood in her mouth, sending him into a sensational climax that drowned his rational thoughts.

All he could think of now was that the deals were already in place, and the agreements had been signed. It didn't matter if Lord Stark agreed or not, as long as the other noble houses accepted their demands.

Unbeknownst to him, the Bears of Bear Island had been granted access to the eastern shores, and they had no such arrangement in place for them.

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"Lord Mormont, a raven came earlier today bringing this letter from Wall for you." Maester Luwin handed the letter from the wall to Jorah who was just resting in his room.

After closing the door, Jorah took the letter apart and was surprised at his father's words. This was a really timely gift for Bear Island which is seeking to expand its naval fleet and build the boat bridge.

The clans in Wolfswood have been providing good quality trees to Bear Island but the trees are not for free. There is a price for every log and it is creating a burden on their small coffers.

"Free wood means more ships and more ships means more trade. The old man might have taken up the Black but his heart still bleeds red." Jorah mumbled before taking the letter and asking for a meeting with Lord Stark.

This will give him a reason for a personal meeting and he might get a chance to discuss the land issue.

In Ned Stark Solar, Lord Jorah was sitting face-to-face with Ned Stark who read the letter from Wall and contemplated the idea of allowing Jorah to take his soldiers outside the wall.

"Lord Mormont, you must be aware, outside the wall, there are dangers beyond the wildings."

"Aye! I understand M'Lord. However, there is danger in everything. Bear Island faces a threat of Ironborns like no other place in the north and our finances are solely dependent upon trading.

These trees are just a hindrance for the night's watch and their duty is to clear them. So, the idea cannot be put away just because it's dangerous."

"Well said!" Ned felt the courage and wildness in Jorah's words and agreed with the statement. There is danger everywhere in the north and there is danger in everything in life.

"You have my support on this and if you need to gather men, you can also pick from the village outside. I believe there must be some brave men who will take this risk for some copper."

"Thanks for your support, M'Lord. I shall leave in two days then after gathering the soldiers and the men for this expedition." Jorah tried to subtly pressure Ned into talking about the land matters with his urgency and it worked.

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"Hmm…There is another thing, Lord Jorah! You might receive a raven about this later but since the decision has been made, I think it's best to convey you here.

There has been a lot of chaos in the north because of the last war and we all know the reasons. This must be stopped immediately. Also, House Mormont has been loyal to House Stark for generations and that loyalty must also be rewarded.

In view of all this, I have decided to grant you land near the shores in the west that will expand your fishing and trading networks. Stony Shore and  Sea Dragon Point. These two lands need new Lords and I believe House Mormont will not disappoint my trust.

What are your thoughts?"