
Ch. 012: Nighty Night Hades

Ch. 012: Nighty Night Hades

 Winning my first fight really felt good, and against a god at that. The cheering and screams, what a rush. I got sick of it.

 I'd rather be back in my office now, but it was enthralling. I slowly came back down to the ground as my wings retracted to my back, I looked at Zeus standing tall and proud with a smile on his face.

 "H--" I walked forward to meet him. It was a good thing that I was slightly taller than him, it would be a shame if I had be the one looking up to him. "Here." I handed him his thunderbolt which he took rather slowly. "I hope I did not hurt your pride, little brother?"

 Zues smiled and said. "Too bad I didn't go all out. Bur you reopened your wound."

 That's because you chose to resort to violence over the use of our words you ass!

 "Zeus, I don't know what went wrong between us but I hope we can have a do over." I stretched out my hand for a shake which he just stared at. I wonder if handshakes have been invented yet. "Olympus does need it's big three at its best, besides we have a lot of catching up to do."

 Zeus shrugged before reached reaching out to my hand. "Arrgh. Fine big Bird Hades!"


 The audience went wild.

 See, now we reached a consensus through physical violence and then using our words.

 Zeus turned back to his cheerful self and hopped on my neck. "Let's go to the bar. Next rounds on you."

 I smiled lightly as Zues fooled around like a little child. I wonder if his pride was actually hurt from having lost but he did seem proud to have me back.

 "Hades, whatever happened to you after your long seclusion I don't know if it's good or bad but you have changed." Poseidon said to me from the side. "Zues trusts you a little too much if I might add, just don't let him down Hades."

 Now I don't get why this guy is so hostile, don't tell me he wants to fight me too.

 We all walked out of the colosseum and started down another long hall. I swear the gods do fancy their long halls. I on the other hand was not a fan of it.

 My eyes started to go dim not of my own power and I staggered a little before I could kick back to reality.

 "Big Bro Hades!" Zeus yelled as he reached out to me with a worried expression. "Are you alright?"

 Poseidon was the first to grab me. "Is it your old wound?" How was I supposed to respond to that. "So what you said back then was true, after father damaged our body. You took the most damage of all causing you to hibernate whenever your wounds opened."

 I what!?

 Does that explain why mind keeps zoning in and out— what was I thinking again?

 Zues stomped around angrily. "C'mon what gives, I just had my big bro back and now he has to leave again--"

 Poseidon placed a reassuring hand on my back, "I'm sure it won't take long."

 Zues looked at me with sympathy, I guess I looked pitiable at least. "Alright fine, but you better be up in a few hundred years for my big party. Promise?"

 What does he mean by a few hundred years? Is Hades that much of a sleeper!?

 "Oh, yes." I said in a weak diminishing tone.

 I could barely stand now, they soon called Hermes who came running and took hold of me. Even before I left with him I thought I heard someone say something, it wasn't Zues or Poseidon, it was a female voice.

 "Hera." I heard someone say.

 Drats! Did I just miss a chance to meet Hera. In a flash I was back in the gloomy four cornered walls of my underworld home. Hermes helped me to my bed and set me down on it.

 "Don't worry Hades, just rest."

 Even under my current predicament I could not help but ask. "What about my underworld?" Why was I asking that?

 Was it because it was the main strength I had in thi— what was I thinking again?

 Hermes made a wierd face before saying. "Don't worry 'bout that I'll get someone to handle that for ya. You do have an assistant. Your ex girlfriend."

 Wait, what!!? I have an ex? Hades the sadistic loner has an ex?

 Shit! I am falling asleep, but that was a juicy catch.

 Oh shit!

 Well that's a wrap on day one—

 See you in a few hundred years—

 What?! No I can't be asleep for a hundr—