
Ch. 013: My Meeting With The Watcher

Ch. 013: My Meeting With The Watcher


 My head is all fuzzy, how long have I been asleep? Maybe a day?


 It obviously feels longer than that, did I really sleep for a hundred years?

 I opened my tired eyes and saw white clouds everywhere, did I die from sleeping for so long? Unlike before this time I felt like I was dead, I pressed my hand on the ground— it was white and fluffy like bread.

 There was a sweet tantalizing scent in the air, it smelled like— cupcakes!

 Now what the hell is going on here? Why are they baking cupcakes in heaven? I thought the Greek iteration of heaven was Olympus but there's this...

 I noticed something very odd about the cloudy world. I was nude— naked. What a violation of my human decency. But wait a minute, my body was thin and not at bulky as before, my muscles were gone too. I pulled out a strand of my hair, "Ow?" It was grey. I felt my face carefully.

 There was no way I would forget it, every wrinkle and lump was in the same spot it has always been. I was back to my human body.

 "Shit! Now what's this? Is my time up? Did I do something wrong and I'm now getting sent off to heaven? Or is it because I changed the events of the story and beat Zeus?"

 Ahh— this is a bother.

 "But Zeus was a jerk. What did I do wrong exactly? Condemning Prometheus to an eternity of torture? But that was the original plot of the myths. How could I die twice and not see it coming?"


 I could feel something sticking out of my chest. I looked down to see a think black thread that connect my chest to a floating black book. Oh, the book.

 "Umm--" before I could speak someone interrupted me.

 "Heyo, you're awake. And here I was thinking you might spend another one hundred years sleeping through it all."

 Huh? The voice was rather chirpy and masculine. I looked back to see behind me was a white figure of a naked man. No that was inaccurate, in a way let's say he-- it looked humanoid but the body was all white with the eyes. I couldn't even make out it's face.

 "Oho, you must be too startled to say a thing." The strange man like being spoke. "I get I have that effect on people. Wawawawa, who am I kidding? You are the first person I've met in forevs."

 What the fu-- of course I'm speechless. I'm just fuckin' died I'm talking to some kind of god thing." I looked at the humanoid being holding a tray of cupcakes and screamed. "What the hell is that? Isn't this heaven? Who are you?"

 The being started to laugh again. "Wawawawa!!"

 What kind of psychotic laugh is that? Even I am flabbergasted.

 "What are you and where is this place?" I have to admit though I missed my old voice back, I still wished I had the godlike body and voice of Hades. I already started to hate myself.

 The being stopped and said. "What a bright young scholar you are, well young might be an expired term for you but compared to me it's more suiting."

 He know who I am? Is it because of my physical appearance or the black book connected to my chest? This guy might be dangerous and I don't have the power of Hades to keep me insured. It seems I can only rely on my own intellect to come through this one.

 "Come on, whiff was won vat (chill I won't bite)". What the hell? How am I supposed to get what you are saying if you stuff your mouth with food?

 "You seem to know who I am..." Time to try a different approach to this. "Are you the one that brought me back? What was that word again, reincarnation?"

 The strange being finished his cupcakes and licked his fingers while smacking his lips together. "Oooh delish. Sorry, I can't control myself when I see something so sweet. I should have left you some." Is it just me or does this guy have a knack for avoiding questions? "I have been watching you since you were reborn into the world of mythology as Hades, I am what you might call a WATCHER. That's what I call myself."—

 "I busy myself with watching the stories of the lower beings of the earth realm from time to time, though I can't physically interact with it. And my my can I say how well I love your debut entrance."

 "You saved humanity, boy what a relief. Don't get we wrong, the gods are fun and all but I think humanity will be a whole lot fun given time to grow since they dont have flashy powers or huge titles. So that's great and woweeeeee, boy that killer battle with Zues was fireeeeee!"

 "Best fun I had in ages!"

 Boy does this guy like to talk! I guess I would run mad too if I was left alone in this one dimensional colour world.

 "About my reincarnation?" I asked.

 The Watcher puffed up his cheek and said. "So serious aren't ya, losen up. You are not dead just asleep. And about your reincarna— man that's a big word. I have no power whatsoever over that. I myself was surprised when I saw your appearance."

 So it's not him huh? I don't think it was convenient for me to be reborn without a reason. I'm not sure I know a god powerful enough to do such a thing.

 "I even eaves dropped on your connection with the book, to think Hades documented a world of information and then traveled back in time. Too bad the wound killed him off in future, that's why his soul could not survive the return and then you came in like a badass and changed the story."

 I ran my hand down my grey hair and spoke. "Were you involved in the time travel of Hades, how much do you know?"

 The Watcher started to cartwheel around me which I believed to be an act of madness caused from self solitude for so long. His response jolted me.

 "I think so, yes!" The Watcher said.

 Now things are getting interesting...!