
Reborn as Gods: A Family Odyssey

When a mother and her two sons are given the chance to reincarnate with special powers, they think it's the opportunity of a lifetime. But when they find themselves caught up in a cosmic conundrum, they realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. With their unique abilities, can they navigate the challenges of the multiverse and come out unscathed?

StoryCraft · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: The transfer students

Chapter 7: The transfer students

Disclaimer: The following fanfiction is a work of fiction based on existing characters, settings, or stories created by others. It is not endorsed, authorized, or affiliated with the source material's original creators, publishers, or licensors. The primary purpose of this fanfiction is to express creativity, pay homage to the original work, and entertain fellow fans. All rights to the original characters, settings, and stories belong to their respective owners.


Team RWBY was sitting in the cafeteria, munching on their food and chatting about their recent classes. They had just finished a grueling session of combat training, where they had to face off against various Grimm simulations.

"So, how do you think we did?" Ruby asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"I think we did pretty well," Yang said, giving her sister a thumbs up. "We managed to take down most of the Grimm without too much trouble."

"Most of them?" Weiss repeated, raising an eyebrow. "We barely survived that last one. It was a giant Nevermore, for crying out loud!"

"Well, maybe if you had used your glyphs more effectively, we could have avoided some of its attacks," Yang retorted.

"Excuse me? My glyphs are perfectly effective. Maybe if you had used your brain more effectively, we could have avoided some of its attacks," Weiss snapped back.

"Hey, hey, calm down, you two," Blake intervened, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "We're supposed to be a team, remember? We need to work together, not argue with each other."

"Blake's right," Ruby agreed. "We need to improve our teamwork. But how?"

As they pondered this question, they heard a loud laughter coming from a nearby table. They turned their heads and saw two male Beacon students talking animatedly. One of them had blond hair and green eyes, and wore a green jacket and jeans. The other had brown hair and blue eyes, and wore a blue hoodie and khaki pants.

"Did you hear the news?" the blond one asked.

"What news?" the brown one replied.

"About the new transfer students. They're arriving later today."

"Transfer students? Really? Where are they from?"

"I don't know. Someplace far away, I guess. But they're supposed to be really strong. Like, top of their class strong."

"Wow, really? That's impressive. Do you know anything else about them?"

"Well, I heard that they're brothers. And that they have some really cool weapons."

"Cool weapons? Like what?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen them yet. But I heard that they're unlike anything we've ever seen before."

"Wow, that sounds awesome. I can't wait to see them."

Team RWBY exchanged glances as they listened to the conversation. They were intrigued by the mention of the new transfer students.

"New transfer students?" Ruby whispered excitedly. "That's so cool! I wonder what they look like. And what kind of weapons they have."

"Yeah, me too," Yang whispered back. "Maybe they're really strong and handsome. And maybe they'll want to spar with us."

"Weiss rolled her eyes at Yang's comment. "Honestly, Yang, is that all you think about? Fighting and flirting?"

"What? No! Of course not! I also think about... um... food! And... stuff!"

Weiss sighed and shook her head. "Whatever. I don't see what the big deal is about these transfer students anyway. They're probably just some overhyped rookies who think they're better than everyone else."

Blake shrugged and said nothing. She didn't really care about the transfer students either way. She was more interested in reading her book.

As the four girls continued to eavesdrop on the two boys, they didn't notice a pair of eyes watching them from across the room.

It was Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy. He was holding a mug of coffee in his hand and a smile on his face.

He knew who the transfer students were.

And he knew that they were about to change everything.


Inside the airship, Daichi and Ryota were sitting in their seats, waiting for their arrival at Beacon Academy. They had been traveling for hours, and Daichi was getting restless.

"Ugh, this is taking forever," he groaned, tapping his foot impatiently. "When are we going to get there?"

"Relax, Daichi," Ryota said, looking out the window. "We'll be there soon enough. Just enjoy the view."

"What view? All I see is clouds and sky. And more clouds and sky. And even more clouds and sky. It's boring!"

"It's not boring. It's beautiful. Look at how the sun shines through the clouds. And how the wind blows them around. And how they change shapes and colors."

"Who cares about clouds? I want to see some action. I want to see some Grimm. I want to see some fights."

"Daichi, you can't just go around looking for trouble. You have to be careful. You have to be smart."

"I am smart. And I am careful. But I'm also bored. And I hate being bored."

Daichi sighed and slumped in his seat. He looked around the airship and saw that it was mostly empty. There were only a few other passengers, mostly adults who looked like they were on business trips or something. They didn't pay any attention to the two brothers.

Daichi wished he could talk to someone else. Someone who shared his enthusiasm for adventure and excitement. Someone who understood him.

He glanced at his brother and felt a pang of envy. Ryota was always so calm and cool. He never seemed to get bored or annoyed by anything. He always had a plan and a goal in mind.

Daichi admired his brother, but he also resented him sometimes. He felt like Ryota was always one step ahead of him, always better than him, always smarter than him.

He wanted to prove himself to his brother, to show him that he was not just a kid, but a warrior.

He wanted to make his brother proud.

But he also wanted to have some fun.

"Hey, Ryota," he said, nudging his brother with his elbow.

"What is it?" Ryota asked, turning his head.

"Do you think we can go outside?"

"Outside? What do you mean?"

"You know, outside the airship. Like, on the roof or something."

Daichi pointed at the window, where he saw a hatch that led to the top of the airship.

"Why would you want to do that?" Ryota asked, frowning.

"I don't know. Just for fun. Maybe we can get a better view from there."

"Daichi, that's dangerous. We're flying at high speed and altitude. If you go outside, you could fall off or get blown away by the wind."

"So? We have our powers, remember? We can fly or teleport or whatever."

"That's not the point. The point is that it's reckless and unnecessary. We're supposed to be discreet and low-profile. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves."

"Come on, Ryota. Don't be such a stick in the mud. Live a little."

"No, Daichi. I'm not going to let you do something stupid like that."

"Fine," Daichi said, crossing his arms and pouting.

They fell into silence again.

Ryota shook his head and sighed.

He loved his brother, but he also worried about him sometimes.

He knew that Daichi was impulsive and adventurous.

He knew that Daichi liked to take risks and have fun.

He wanted to make his brother happy.

But he also wanted to keep him safe.

He wanted to protect him from harm.

But he also wanted to let him grow.

He wanted to be a good brother.

But he also wanted to be a good leader.

He was torn between his duties and his desires.

He didn't know what to do.

"Hey, Ryota," Daichi said again, breaking the silence.

"What now?" Ryota asked, slightly annoyed.

"Are we there yet?"

Ryota stared at his brother in disbelief. The words had barely left his lips when an unexpected thought slipped through the cracks of his mind. "Actually why not just jump out of the window and make your own way there," he suggested, half-jokingly.

Daichi's eyes widened with a mixture of mischief and determination. "You know what? That's not a bad idea!" he replied, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Ryota's eyes widened in horror, his mind racing to find a way to retract his words. "Wait, Daichi! I was just kidding! you can't just jump out of a moving airship!" he pleaded, desperation creeping into his voice.

But it was too late. Daichi's decision had been made, and he was already unlatching the window, his excitement overpowering any hint of doubt. With a swift motion, he swung open the window and leaped into the open sky, leaving Ryota frozen in shock.

The window opened with a loud whoosh.

A gust of wind rushed into the airship, blowing their hair and clothes.

Ryota gasped and grabbed his seat belt.

"Daichi, what are you doing?!" he shouted.

Daichi unbuckled his seat belt and stood up.

He walked towards the window and looked outside.

He saw the sky and the clouds and the sun.

He saw the forest and the trees and the ground.

He saw the Grimm and the Nevermores and the danger.

He felt a surge of adrenaline and excitement.

He turned to his brother and winked.

"See you later, Ryota," he said.

He jumped out of the window.

Ryota screamed in horror.

"Daichi, no!"

He watched as his brother fell out of the airship and disappeared from his sight.

He felt a surge of fear and anger. He cursed and slammed his fist on the seat.

"Daichi, you idiot!"

Outside, Daichi was free-falling through the air.

He felt the wind and the speed and the thrill.

He spread his arms and legs and smiled.

He loved this feeling.

He loved this moment.

He loved this life.

He looked down and saw the Grimm below him.

They looked up and saw him too.

They roared and screeched and flew towards him.

They wanted to kill him.

He wanted to kill them too.

He reached for his weapon and activated it.

It was a pair of gauntlets that covered his hands and forearms. They had metal claws on the fingers and jets on the wrists. They were red and black and shiny. They were called Fangs of Fenrir. They were his pride and joy. They were his best friends. They were his weapons of choice. And to make it blend in even more it doubles as a handcanon... no the more accurate description would be small railguns that are powered by his cosmic energy.

He aimed his gauntlets at the nearest Nevermore and fired a blast of energy from them. It hit the Nevermore in the chest and exploded, sending feathers flying everywhere. The Nevermore fell to the ground, dead. Daichi laughed maniacally. He moved on to the next target. He fired another blast of energy from his gauntlets. It hit another Nevermore in the head and exploded, sending blood splattering everywhere. The Nevermore fell to the ground, dead. Daichi laughed louder.


Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and the rest of the Beacon Academy students and faculty were in their respective classrooms, listening to their teachers or working on their assignments. They had been told by Professor Ozpin that two new transfer students would be joining them soon, and that they should prepare to greet them.

They were curious and excited to meet the new students, wondering who they were and where they came from.

They were interrupted by a loud alarm from the speakers.

"Attention, students and faculty. This is an emergency. Please evacuate the building immediately and proceed to the designated safe zones. This is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill."

The students and faculty looked at each other in confusion and fear.

"What's going on?" Ruby asked.

"I don't know," Yang said. "But it doesn't sound good."

"Come on, let's go," Weiss said, grabbing her bag.

"Right behind you," Blake said, following her.

They got up from their seats and ran towards the exit.

They joined the rest of the students and faculty in the hallways, forming a chaotic mass of people.

They followed the signs and directions to the nearest safe zone, which was outside the main building.

They looked up at the sky, expecting to see a Grimm invasion or an enemy attack.

Instead, they saw something else.

They saw a swarm of Nevermores flying toward them from afar.

They saw a person falling from the sky, shooting beams of light from his fists.

They saw the person killing Nevermores left and right, laughing like a maniac.

Finally, with a resounding impact, Daichi landed on Beacon Academy's front gate, his landing causing the ground to tremble. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their amazement mingled with relief that he had made it safely.

They were shocked and awed and worried.

They didn't know what to think or say or do.

They just stared at the person in disbelief.

The person was covered in blood and feathers and dirt. He was smiling and panting and sweating. He was alive and well and happy. He looked around and saw the crowd of people watching him. He waved at them and shouted.

"Yo, what's up? I'm Daichi! Nice to meet you!"

The crowd was silent. Daichi tilted his head and frowned.

"Uh... hello? Anyone there?"

The crowd was still silent. Daichi scratched his head and shrugged. "Well... this is awkward." He jumped off the crater and walked towards the crowd, looking for his brother.

"Hey, Ryota! Where are you? Come on out!"

He didn't see his brother anywhere and wondered where he was. Hopefully, he wasn't mad at him.

Ruby clapped her hands excitedly, her eyes gleaming with admiration. "Wow, that was amazing! I can't wait to meet him and learn more about his abilities

Yang, beside her, laughed heartily. "Now that's what I call a grand entrance!"

Weiss, though initially skeptical, couldn't help but be impressed. "Well, that certainly caught everyone's attention."

Blake, ever the observer, watched quietly with a hint of intrigue. "He definitely knows how to make an entrance."


Meanwhile, inside the airship, Ryota Nakamura was sitting in his seat, holding his head in his hands. He had watched his brother jump out of the window and disappear from his sight. He had tried to follow him, but he was stopped by the airship crew.

They had told him that it was too dangerous to go outside and that they had to wait for the airship to land. They had also told him that they had contacted Beacon Academy and informed them of the situation. They had assured him that his brother would be fine and that they would find him soon.

His mother was gonna flail him alive once she hears about Daichi's crazy stunt. He knew well enough that his mother won't be happy, worst it was he who gave Daichi that idea so he can't exactly defend himself.


As Daichi walked toward the crowd, he noticed the different reactions of the people watching him.

Some of them looked scared and confused as if they didn't know what to make of him.

And some of them looked curious and impressed as if they wanted to know more about him.

Daichi ignored the negative reactions and focused on the positive ones. He smiled and waved at the people who looked friendly and interested. He hoped to make a good impression on them. He hoped to make some friends.

He spotted a group of four girls who caught his eye. They were standing near the front of the crowd, and they had different hair colors and outfits. They looked like a team.

He recognized them from the airship. They were the ones who had been sitting next to him and his brother. They had overheard their conversation about the new transfer students. They had seemed nice and fun.

He decided to approach them and introduce himself.

He walked up to them and said.

"Hey, you guys are Team RWBY, right?"

The four girls turned their heads and looked at him.

They were surprised and confused by his sudden appearance and question.

They didn't know how to respond.

They just stared at him in silence.

As Daichi waited for Team RWBY to answer his question, he heard a familiar voice calling his name.


He turned his head and saw his brother running towards him.

He smiled and waved at him.

"Hey, Ryota! There you are!"

He didn't notice the angry expression on his brother's face.

He didn't notice the clenched fist on his brother's hand.

He didn't notice the incoming punch on his brother's arm.

He only noticed the pain on his cheek as his brother hit him hard.

He stumbled back and fell to the ground, holding his face.

"Ow! What was that for?!" he exclaimed.

Ryota didn't answer. He grabbed Daichi by the collar and lifted him up. He glared at him with fury and concern. He yelled at him with rage and worry.

"What were you thinking?!" he shouted. "Do you have any idea how stupid and reckless and irresponsible you were?! Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused?!"

Daichi blinked and looked at his brother in confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "I was just having some fun."

"Fun?!" Ryota repeated. "You call that fun?! You jumped out of an airship, killed a bunch of Grimm, and landed on the front gate of Beacon Academy! That's not fun, that's insane!"

Daichi shrugged and smiled.

"I don't know, I thought it was pretty cool."

Ryota groaned and shook his head. "You're hopeless, Daichi. You're absolutely hopeless."

He let go of Daichi and dropped him to the ground. He turned away from him and walked towards Professor Ozpin, who was standing nearby with a calm and amused expression on his face.

He bowed his head and apologized to him."I'm sorry, Professor Ozpin. I'm sorry for my brother's behavior. I'm sorry for the trouble he caused. I'm sorry for the inconvenience he brought."

Ozpin smiled and waved his hand. "It's quite alright, Mr. Nakamura. No need to apologize. No harm done. No foul play. No hard feelings."

He looked at Daichi and winked at him. "In fact, I must say, that was quite an impressive display of skill and power. You certainly know how to make an entrance."

Daichi grinned and gave him a thumbs up. "Thanks, Professor Ozpin. You're too kind."

Ryota rolled his eyes and sighed. He wondered how he was going to deal with his brother.

He wondered how Beacon Academy was going to survive.

AN: Don't forget to put a star on my story and support Buy me a coffee. You can also donate to me there for support if you enjoy my story. Every little thing helps.