
Reborn as Gods: A Family Odyssey

When a mother and her two sons are given the chance to reincarnate with special powers, they think it's the opportunity of a lifetime. But when they find themselves caught up in a cosmic conundrum, they realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. With their unique abilities, can they navigate the challenges of the multiverse and come out unscathed?

StoryCraft · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Brothers

Chapter 11: Brothers

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on existing works. All original characters and plotlines are my own creation, but I do not claim ownership of any pre-existing characters or content. All rights to these pre-existing works belong to their original creators. This is a non-profit work created solely for the enjoyment of fans and no copyright infringement is intended

Daichi Nakamura strolled through the dense forest, his attire a stark contrast to the natural surroundings. His black leather jacket, tight jeans adorned with chains and safety pins, and combat boots with vibrant red laces made a bold statement in this serene wilderness. His spiked collar, bandana, and sunglasses added an edgy flair to his look. Unbeknownst to him, a menacing aura unconsciously emanated from his very presence.

The young Nakamura couldn't help but notice the eerie absence of Grimm, those malevolent creatures that usually infest such places. He furrowed his brow, wondering why the forest seemed so unnaturally quiet. What he didn't realize was that his own negativity had alerted the Grimm, causing them to actively avoid his path, preferring to steer clear of this unsettling aura.

As Daichi continued his casual exploration, the eyes of Beacon Academy's students, teachers, and staff were fixated on him. The unfolding scene left them all stunned, their gazes locked on this enigmatic newcomer. Among the onlookers, Ruby Rose couldn't contain her excitement; her silver eyes glittered with curiosity and awe. She leaned over to her half-sister Yang, who shared her enthusiasm.

"This is incredible, Yang! Did you see that? The Grimm are actually running away from him!" Ruby whispered, her voice filled with wonder.

Yang nodded, her golden hair catching the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. "Yeah, sis, it's like they're scared of him or something."

Not everyone in the group shared Ruby and Yang's enthusiasm, though. Weiss Schnee, the heiress with a frosty demeanor, exchanged a wary glance with her Faunus friend, Blake Belladonna. Their suspicions were piqued by both Daichi's presence and the strange behavior of the Grimm.

Meanwhile, Team JNPR, who were also observing the unfolding spectacle, couldn't help but exchange puzzled glances. Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren were equally baffled by the situation.

Just as the attention remained fixated on Daichi, a dramatic entrance followed. Ryota Nakamura descended gracefully from the sky, clad in his long black coat with a hood and a striking red lining.

Much like his younger brother, Ryota embarked on his quest to find the relic with an air of nonchalance. But as he ventured deeper into the forest, he too encountered the same strange phenomenon—the Grimm fleeing from his presence.

At Beacon Academy's tower, Glynda Goodwitch, the stern professor at Beacon Academy, couldn't help but voice her concerns. She turned to her superior, Headmaster Ozpin, who observed the events with a furrowed brow.

"Professor Ozpin," Glynda began, her voice laced with urgency, "is this test truly necessary, considering the Nakamura brothers' abilities?"

Ozpin sighed, his eyes never leaving the unfolding spectacle. "I had my reservations, Glynda, but it was important to see how they would handle this. Now, I find myself regretting that decision."

As the Nakamura brothers continued their quest to find the relics, the forest's mysterious tranquility persisted, with the Grimm avoiding them as if guided by an instinctual fear.


Meanwhile, back in Vale, Ayumi Nakamura found herself in a picturesque park, surrounded by the serene beauty of nature. She sat on a bench, her gaze tenderly fixed on Zwei, who playfully romped nearby.

Taiyang Xiao Long, with his trademark sunny disposition, strolled over to join Ayumi.

"Ayumi," Taiyang began casually, "why aren't you watching your boys' initiation test?"

Ayumi blinked, her hazel eyes reflecting a hint of sheepishness. "Well," she admitted with a sigh, "I wanted to, but I'm afraid they might lose their temper and end up fighting over something petty."

Taiyang chuckled heartily, his eyes crinkling with mirth. "Ah, I can relate to that. Qrow and I used to bicker like crazy during our days at Beacon."

Ayumi's gaze turned contemplative as she looked up at the sky, the gentle breeze rustling her short black hair. "Sometimes, it's hard being a parent," she mused softly, a trace of nostalgia in her voice.

Taiyang understood the sentiment all too well. He knew the challenges of parenthood, having raised Yang and Ruby. He placed a reassuring hand on Ayumi's shoulder. "You're doing a great job, Ayumi. They're lucky to have you."

Ayumi smiled warmly, touched by Taiyang's words. She knew he spoke from experience, and his reassurance meant a lot to her. "Thank you, Taiyang."

As the conversation came to a natural pause, Ayumi knew it was time to go. She stood up, her eyes still soft with gratitude. Taiyang, though saddened by her departure, bid her farewell.

Ayumi began to leave the park, her heart lighter after their conversation. However, as she walked away, Taiyang's voice called out to her, stopping her in her tracks.

"Ayumi," he said with a hint of hesitance, "can we see each other again?"

Ayumi turned to face him, her smile returning. She gazed at Taiyang with genuine warmth. "Of course, Tai. Same spot, same time tomorrow?"

Taiyang's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Absolutely."

Ayumi waved one last time before resuming her departure, leaving Taiyang behind. As she walked away, Taiyang couldn't help but notice Zwei, his faithful corgi, staring at him with an amused expression, as if silently acknowledging his newfound connection with Ayumi.

Daichi and Ryota Nakamura finally came face-to-face, their eyes locked in a showdown of epic proportions. The atmosphere around them crackled with an intense aura that seemed to radiate pure hate and animosity. Their faces twisted into grotesque expressions, attempting to appear intimidating, but to the onlookers, it was unintentionally comedic.

Ruby and Yang exchanged bemused glances, trying to suppress their laughter. Weiss raised an eyebrow, while Blake couldn't help but smirk. JNPR, equally entertained, watched the spectacle unfold.

The brothers' showdown continued to intensify until Ryota blinked, a tiny twitch in his eye giving him away. Daichi seized the moment, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.

"Hah! I win!" Daichi exclaimed, throwing a swift kick at Ryota's shin.

Ryota yelped, was momentarily caught off guard, and stumbled backward. Daichi wasted no time in celebrating his victory, but before he could fully revel in it, Ryota retaliated with a swift tackle, catching Daichi off balance.

"You thought you could get away with that prank in Glynda's class?" Ryota teased, delivering a playful noogie to his younger brother.

Their brotherly shenanigans were abruptly interrupted when they both noticed something amiss. The forest, once devoid of Grimm, now seemed to teem with them. The creatures were lurking in the shadows, their presence palpable but strangely passive.

Daichi and Ryota exchanged a knowing glance, a silent understanding passing between them. They could sense that something was amiss and that the Grimm's behavior was not natural.

"Someone's watching," Ryota muttered under his breath, his voice laced with suspicion.

Daichi nodded in agreement, his gaze scanning the surroundings. "Salem."

The Grimm horde quickly rushed to the brothers, but the Nakamura siblings were unbothered. They had faced worse enemies before, and they were not afraid of these mindless beasts.

Daichi was the first to engage, decimating the horde with his punches and kicks. He used his cosmic power and martial arts to destroy the Grimm with ease. He moved like a whirlwind, leaving a trail of dust and blood behind him.

Upon reaching the horde, Daichi proceeded to perform his original move, Moonlit Rain. Daichi unleashed a rapid barrage of blows, mimicking the falling raindrops, with each strike aimed at a different weak point. He hit the Grimm's eyes, throats, hearts, and spines, causing them to collapse and die instantly.

However, as soon as he saw more Grimm ready to pounce on him, he performed another original move: the Demonic Cloud Sweep. Daichi used his legs in a sweeping motion, creating a localized vortex that knocked opponents off balance. He sent the Grimm flying in all directions, crashing into trees and rocks.

Finally, Daichi performed his third original move, Abyssal Break. Daichi jumped into the air and delivered a powerful downward strike that created shockwaves upon impact, destabilizing the ground. He cracked the earth and created a crater, burying the Grimm under rubble and debris.

Daichi finished his attack and looked around, seeing no more Grimm standing. He smiled and gave himself a thumbs-up, proud of his performance.

He started to stretch before taking a seat to watch his older brother deal with the other half of the horde. He said, "Your turn, big bro. Show me what you got."

Meanwhile, Ryota decided to show off as well, as he casually evaded and countered every Grimm that attacked him with his demon shadows. He used his goetic power and magic to manipulate and destroy the Grimm with ease. He moved like a shadow, leaving a trail of fire and smoke behind him.

He jumped into the air while tossing his cane, which suddenly multiplied in numbers before Ryota made a finger gun motion and lasers started to shoot out from the canes. He hit the Grimm's wings, heads, chests, and limbs, causing them to explode and burn.

However, before he could land, two Nevermores tried to intercept him, only to be devoured by large worm-like monsters covered with demonic eyes. The monsters quickly vanished as Ryota landed before catching his cane and twirling it around as body parts of the Grimm started raining down.

Ryota finished his attack and looked around, seeing no more Grimm standing. He smirked and gave himself a clap, amused by his performance.

He looked at his younger brother, who was watching him with a mix of awe and envy. He said, "How was that, little bro? Impressed?"

Daichi scoffed before standing up and taunting Ryota as if he were trying to put him to sleep. He said, "Is that all you got, big bro? You're so lame. You should just give up and go home."

The elder brother chuckled before rummaging through his brother's hair, earning Daichi's annoyance. He said, "Don't be jealous, little bro. You're still young and inexperienced. You'll get better someday... maybe."

Unbothered, Ryota proceeded to drag Daichi by the shoulder while laughing. He said, "Come on, let's go find the relic and get this over with. We have more important things to do than play with these Grimm."

Soon more Grimm started approaching them, only to be swallowed by another worm-like demon. Daichi's annoyance continued to grow until he lost his patience and proceeded to slam his fists on the ground, causing a massive earthquake and making the Grimm fly away.

He said, "Get off me!"

Ryota just chuckled and teasingly asked his brother if he got it out of his system. He said, "Are you done throwing a tantrum, little bro? You should just calm down and relax."

He dodged a pebble that Daichi threw at his face and smiled at him.

However, due to Daichi's action, they were able to find the two relics that Ozpin had placed. They were hidden under a pile of rocks that Daichi had cracked open with his earthquake.

They saw chess pieces and quickly took the rook piece, which was their assigned relic, before heading back.

Ryota said, "Let's go, bro. We've passed the test. We're done here."

They ran back to the cliff where they had landed, leaving behind a trail of destruction and chaos.

Meanwhile, back at Beacon Academy, everyone who was watching them on the monitors could only stare at the destruction with shock and awe. They couldn't believe what they had just witnessed.

They saw how the Nakamura brothers had decimated the Grimm horde with their incredible powers and skill. They wondered how they had obtained such powers and abilities, why they had joined Beacon Academy, and what they planned to do next.

Ozpin sipped his coffee and watched them with a calm and composed expression. He was the only one who was not surprised or scared by them. He was the only one who knew more about them than anyone else.

He knew who they were and what they wanted. He knew how they had obtained such powers and abilities. He knew why they had joined Beacon Academy and what they planned to do next.