
The Old Ship

The Cryna Hurna soon left the crystalline structures sheltering them. 

They ran forward as fast as they could, but didn't move in a straight line.

'This might be trouble…' The Paru thought to himself as he prepared to intervene at any moment. 'They're moving closer, but they often turn to the right and to the left. This way, it'll be tough for-'



Two Cryna Hurna fell, their bodies rolling on the ground violently.

'Nine left… But they're quickly closing the distance!'

More of the Cryna Hurna fell. But because Roka took the lines of fire whenever she could, it wasn't always the closest ones that were shot!

Bang! Bang! Bang!


'Only three left… They're too close now! I need to-'

Bang! Bang!

The Paru clenched his fists. 

The Cryna Hurna that Roka had just shot were the two further from her.

The final Cryna Hurna was less than a dozen steps away from her!