
Queen Of The Castle

"So, to answer your question. Yes, you can shower here." Raya smirked. "Rea isn't here, so you're safe."

"Rea? Why is that?" He asked.

"She's kind of a predator." Raya shrugged.

"Hm…" Liz pressed her lips together. "You shouldn't badmouth people when they're not here to defend themselves."

"She would have only proven me right." 

'Yeah…' The Paru thought to himself. 'I think she would have.'

Rea had done some slightly predatorial things after all… Not that he minded.

"Alright, uhh… Lith?" Liz called out, and the female Granilith turned towards her right away. "Can you sit again? Please?"

"Ha!" Raya chuckled. "Good luck getting her to sit again."

"Shut up, will you?" Liz muttered under her breath, visibly irritated.


Wanting to make sure that everything went perfectly, Raya had gone into the bathroom right after the Paru had left the laboratory.