
Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Out of countless Souls, ten were chosen to be reborn as Monsters into the Higher World. A World much different than ours, filled with Demons, Devils, and Mythical Creatures. Ten Chosen Souls, Ten Chosen Candidates. For what they are Candidates, remains a mystery. "Weaklings shouldn't worry about such things." Indeed, only the strong can survive, which is why, for ten Candidates, ten Dungeons were built. Raise your strength, get used to how things operate in a World of Monsters, and perhaps you, then, will be worthy of the answers you seek. One of those Candidates had been given, in his previous life, the name Mark. But such a name doesn't mean much. After all, he is, in this Higher World, better known by his Titles. The Devourer & The Evolving Monster. -------------------------------- More info in the pinned review below!

Adam_K47xx · Kỳ huyễn
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438 Chs

Monstruous Pride

'Get back inside.'

The Underlings, that had been on the desert's edge, obeyed right away.

More blood dripped down Mark's back.

From one moment to the other, the darkness he had been plunged into faded.

His sight was back.

The first thing his gaze fell upon was the Moonlit Feline below him.

The white pelt, covered in red stains, was shaking convulsively.

Mark quickly and roughly grabbed the Moonlit Feline with one hand, before launching himself back on the other side of the doors that separated the Fourth Floor from the stairway.

He threw the Moonlit Feline inside dismissively before closing the doors behind him.

A heavy silence ruled one side of those doors.

Mark turned around.

'I told you... To stay behind.'

His veins and blood vessels thickened, as if they were about to pop.

The Moonlit Feline climbed up the two stairs it had fallen down, before lying on the ground.

Its ears lowered and its eyes glued to the ground.

'What was that?'

Red aura started oozing out of Mark's body.

'What were you trying to do?' He asked.

Coldly, menacingly.

Mark took a heavy step towards the Moonlit Feline.

'If you can't follow orders, then...'

Mark took a second step towards the Underling.


While the Moonlit Feline's actions caused endless irritation to swell up inside him, Mark was also annoyed by his own self.

His weakness.

Once his most proficient sense was taken from him, all Mark could rely on was his hearing.

A sense that wasn't sharpened by any Passive Skill.

The situation was dangerous.

It could have been life-threatening, had Mark's scales been any less protective.

And yet, in such a disadvantageous position, Mark ended up taking additional risks to protect an Underling.

He was used to seeing his Underlings as shields.

Shields and spears that could be discarded at any time.

For the first time, it was not an Underling that took risks to protect its Master.

But the opposite.

'Why the hell did I protect you? I could have died... What the fuck was I thinking?'

Was his body able to do so, Mark would have been shouting.

'I should have ignored you. I should have just left you. You're MY Underling. You're the one supposed to bleed for me! You got that??'

Mark stared down the Moonlit Feline with contempt.

'Why did you charge forward? Why, when I ordered you to stay behind?? What kind of-'

His thoughts were interrupted, as the Moonlit Feline let out a weak pleading cry.

Mark was reminded of the cries he had heard outside.

'Why did you enter that fog of sand?' He asked coldly.

All the Aura that engulfed his body suddenly disappeared.

'Were you trying to protect me?'

As Mark asked that, the Moonlit Feline raised its gaze.

Their eyes finally met.

'You... Were trying... To protect me...?'

A heavy stillness fell on the area.


The next second, an incredible amount of Aura surged outward from Mark's body.

Fierce and untamable flames engulfed his body.

Feeling great amounts of pressure, the Moonlit Feline was forced to lower its gaze once again.

'You thought YOU could protect ME?'

The anger.

The pain that stemmed from his injured back.

Added to those, now, even his pride was hurt.

'You thought I needed your help??'

A tiny creature, weak and vulnerable.

Dared to think itself as one capable of protecting Mark.

How could it have such arrogance?

How could it have such ignorance?

How could it underestimate Mark's strength so much, that it believed itself capable of acting as his protector, his savior?

Mark tightened his fist.

All the Aura gathered around his body engulfed that fist.

Channeling that Aura, anger, and pain, Mark punched the ground with all his strength.


The sand around him fled, as if it was running away from Mark's fist.

Cracks appeared all over the ground.

The Moonlit Feline's body started trembling.

Mark stepped forward.

The Underling closed its eyes, afraid of what was about to happen.

'You were trying... To protect me...?'

Mark took a deep breath.

An additional step.

A third.

The closer Mark got to the Moonlit Feline, the more intense and uncontrollable the Underling's trembling became.

Mark crouched down, extending a hand towards the Moonlit Feline.

Once that hand was centimeters above the Underling's head, it stopped.



The hand was lowered.

With great care.

Time started flowing at a slower pace.

Mark placed his palm on the Moonlit Feline's head.

Its body started shaking even more.

After all, it knew very well how strong Mark was.

It knew that Mark could squish its head with very little effort, if he was so inclined.

A gentle touch.

Mark stroked the Moonlit Feline's blood-stained fur.

'You were trying to protect me.'

The Moonlit Feline's trembling ceased.

'You must have been worried, huh? Seeing me disappear in that cloud of sand?'

The Underling opened its eyes ever so slightly.

'Thank you. It's a first really. My Underlings are usually no more than puppets, wired to protect me. But you... It's different, isn't it? You chose to enter that cloud of sand.'

The Moonlit Feline's body shook.

Its eyes opened wide.

Cries echoed all throughout the stairway.

And Mark gently caressed the Underling, as if to comfort it.

'Mm. There's a better way of doing things than rushing in there with no plan.'

The Moonlit Feline raised its gaze.

Its Master's face looked absolutely monstrous.

Two dark lines stretched from below the Monster's eyes.

Scales covered that face.

Extremely sharp horns.

Numerous fangs.

But the Underling wasn't scared.

It stared tenderly at its Master.

The Moonlit Feline lowered its head, before raising it back up, as if to nod.


With a flick of his finger, Mark launched the Underling away.

'That's it for the lecture. Do the same thing again, and it'll be a flick of my tail instead.'

Hurriedly and repeatedly, the Moonlit Feline raised and lowered its head.

'Mm. Good.' Mark nodded.

He stood up and walked towards a wall.

'Now, it's my turn.'

With all his strength, Mark hit the wall with his forehead.

The surprised Moonlit Feline quickly stood up, but remained silent.

A drop of blood appeared on Mark's forehead.

'There were three of them. And yet, I let them make the first move. I've gotten used to reacting to my opponents, instead attacking first. All of this, could have been avoided.'

He turned to face the shut doors.

'Just when I told the System not to call me that, huh?'

Mark chuckled inwardly.

'I've truly gotten... Arrogant.'

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