
Reborn as a the Demonic champion of the Goddess'!

Niji is reborn as the goddess of Darkness' champion! He must embark on a journey as a demon of dark and conquer this new world! (Disclaimer): I did not steal this book, I wrote it on Wattpad but it's stuck at 300 views so I decided to repost it here!

Veldori · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The True "Level Two"

I couldn't help but facepalm at the system's bluntness. It was far from having a sense of humor, but there was an odd kind of amusement in its occasional display of sheer stupidity.

Thankfully, the killer maid was within reach when I turned the corner, casually sitting on the body of a decapitated zombie guard.

"Master, I've finished exterminating these zombies!" She exclaimed, jumping up with an almost childlike enthusiasm and moving to pick me up. Defenseless, I had no choice but to go along with it.

She lifted me off the ground and started playfully pinching one of my cheeks. It felt oddly surreal to be treated like a doll by someone who, for all intents and purposes, was a powerful being.

"Ahem, could you please... set me down?" I managed to request, feeling a bit awkward about the situation.

"Your so cute, master!" She responded, ignoring my plea to drop the title. I suppose it wasn't a bad idea to maintain the facade of being an all-powerful person. After all, how difficult could it be to act the part?

While I was being toyed with, I discreetly activated my [Appraisal] skill to get a better understanding of what I was dealing with.

No Name, Demon Hybrid Level 12

HP: 1000/1000 (+2/s)

MP: 2300/2300 (+50/s)

SP: 3000/3000 (+1/s)


- [Demonic Anger]

- [Rage]

- [Sword Arts: Spear]

- [Darkness Magic]

- [Detection]

- [Spatial Awareness]

- [MP Formations]

Unique Skills:

- [Hybrid]

It wasn't surprising that she had no name, considering her origins. Her skills seemed decent, not the best but far from the worst. I wondered if her [MP Formations] skill allowed her to create things using MP—a sort of off-brand creative magic.

"Uh, master? Why are you staring into space?" She tilted her head, breaking me out of my thoughts and gently setting me down.

Right, I realized I must have appeared like a complete idiot just spacing out. Not the impression I was hoping to make.

:Gah... sorry about that! I was thinking about your strength! Yeah, strength would certainly help with getting out of this place, Tsu.

Tsu? Gods, what was I thinking? Tsu is such a basic name and obviously didn't fit her, but...

<Would you like to name this creature, Tsu?>

The system was asking me if I wanted to name her? I mean, how could I say no? It would make calling my subordinate easier, and it would be more convenient if she had a name.

I accepted the naming option, and the maid was now replaced with a bright light. I closed my eyes and waited for it to subside. When it did, I noticed not much had changed, except now she had horns, so that was a plus.

Her face wore a peculiar frown, and she looked down at me.

:You... created me? But why... and who was I before?

Great, now she was questioning me already. How was I supposed to answer?

:If I'm being honest, it was an accident. Your main purpose was to defeat these zombies... not saying that's all you're good for, but, yeah, I'd be happy if you came along.

Damn it, why did that last part sound like a question? Now she's just going to leave, and it would be wrong to try again... right?

"Ah... your apology was so sweet! You did make me for violent purposes, but... fine, I'll become your subordinate!"

Score...? I mean, hooray! I did it! My first step toward becoming strong in this world—having allies.

:Hey, system, do you know why she knows things about the world?

<The subjects that are reformed receive a mixture of memories from the essence makes up most body, meaning original lady's would be dominant, but some guards might leak through.>

Well, that makes sense. And if that's the case, maybe she could tell me about what the guards have to do with being turned into zombies... other than, well, being turned into zombies.

:Alright, first order of business is to go and get my, uh, friend from the cell we shared for a whopping few hours.

"You have a friend? Well then, I'd love to meet her!" Tsu yelled, picking me up and running in a direction that wasn't where the cell even was.

:T-Tsu! Wait, this isn't the wa—

I was cut off short by the image of the girl staring down a few of the zombie guards. A corridor that I hadn't seen... firstly confusing, but then exciting. It meant this prison wasn't actually a spiral but more of a square.

Don't get me wrong, I was still very scared and homesick for the ground, but it was better this way, where I could distract myself with marvels.

The girl dashed forward and stabbed a zombie in the heart with something sharp, causing it to fall down and gasp for breath. She looked down at it with a cold expression on her face and looked back to see me riding on the back of a demon-human hybrid in a maid costume.


"I'm not even going to ask, so you can save the explanation. I would like to know how she got in here, though. She doesn't bear the slave crest," the girl quizzed, wiping off blood from the blade, which was now in better view and revealed to be a dagger.

I—so direct, it was scary. To hear words like that come from a child made me even more frightened about what awaited us in this prison, but mainly me... though I won't lie, I didn't want to leave a fellow reincarnated person in this hell.

"I am his loyal subordinate, Tsu! I was created by my master's all-powerful skills!" Tsu introduced, wagging me around as if she was advertising me or something.

I wagged around, and Tsu seemed to get my message from the dazed expression I had on my face. She set me back on her head and struck a pose to further sell the point.

"Cool. You're welcome to follow me if you want; getting out of the Second Level is almost impossible without an ally."

The Second Level? But I thought the second level was the Vein place or whatever.

"Excuse me, but what do you mean 'Second level'? I thought Vein was the second level..."

The girl paused and looked at my face. Tsu just gave her a puzzled smile, and she turned back around to continue the walk down the suspiciously long corridor.

"No, Vein is a pocket dimension accessible through the huge portal in the hellish dimension. The real 'Level Two' is this prison that shifts around. Vein throws their rejects here so they can traverse the huge level and die in the process. Cruel but effective."

Wait, if what she was saying was correct, then we were nowhere near Vein! I mean, I'm not going to act like I'm too sad that I'm away from the Sigils and the archbishop, but I kind of wish I could have seen more of it and explored more about it... and the ocean? How would anyone explain that?

"So if that's true, how do we get up to the first floor? And how do you know all of this? You're a slave, and I don't imagine the people here are given much information... and how do the cells work? And the guar—"

"Too many questions, I'll answer one," she said, then pausing, causing Tsu to also pause.

From a doorway, a zombie guard stumbled out, and she promptly spilled its guts out and continued walking.

"This part of Level Two is controlled by the Sigils, where they manage slaves. If I could just find the first door, I could bring you to the real Level Two, where the Sigils haven't dared to venture," she said.

So, if all of this was true, which wasn't likely, we would be facing more hardship ahead, and all I wanted to do was get stronger in peace, then relax and do actual fun things. Like having a day off from this mess!

"Miss, if you don't mind me asking... where does this endless supply of these brain-dead guards come from? It's strange," Tsu asked, looking around the corridor as it just got longer... and longer.

The girl didn't answer, so Tsu went to ask the question again, and the girl shushed her promptly.

I raised my head to see what she was shushing her for and was met by the dead end that ended this long corridor.

"Shit, it should have been down this one..."

:Should have? You... uh... do have this under control, right? Like we're not lost, right?

The girl ignored my comment and began feeling around the wall, tapping certain parts as if she was checking if it was hollow. A thud proved that theory.

I watched her work, moving her fingers around the stone wall before she pressed one part with her index finger, and the wall lit up with purple symbols in each corner, then abruptly deconstructed.


"My mother taught me this, the pattern. The Sigils used it to create their own summoning and slave marks," she spoke, not directed toward us but as if she just needed to fill the silence with the fact.

She then walked forward into the room and disappeared.

After a moment to pause and think about how fast things were moving, I instructed Tsu to walk in.

Tsu and I ventured further into the stone room. The change in the environment was striking compared to the dark and confined passage we had previously traversed. The first thing that caught my attention was the sudden spaciousness of the room. Its ceiling had risen significantly higher, so much so that I couldn't even reach it from Tsu's head.

The walls surrounding us were composed of rough-hewn stone, lending an ancient and enigmatic aura to the room. In the center of this stone chamber, there stood a portal, a mesmerizing swirling vortex of shimmering energy that seemed to bridge two worlds. It emitted a soft, rhythmic glow, casting eerie, dancing shadows across the room. Intricate runic symbols were etched into the stone floor, encircling the portal, suggesting that it was not a mere happenstance but a carefully constructed artifact.

Near the portal's entrance, my eyes were drawn to two figures seated on the cold, hard ground. Both appeared to be utterly drained, their gaunt faces and weary expressions testament to the hardships of their journey. Their clothing was in tatters, bearing the signs of prolonged travel.

The first character, tall and lean, had dark, disheveled hair that framed their weathered face. The lines of experience were etched into their features, and their calloused hands spoke of countless challenges overcome.

Beside them, the second character, slightly shorter but no less weary, wore a patchwork of fabrics, evidence of makeshift repairs during their quest. Despite their exhaustion, a glimmer of hope shimmered in their eyes, as if they were on the brink of a significant revelation through the portal.

Scattered about the room were remnants of their journey: battered backpacks, empty canteens, and well-worn maps. It was evident that these two enigmatic travelers had embarked on a journey of profound importance, and now they sat on the precipice of a new world, contemplating their next course of action.

The air in the chamber was pregnant with anticipation and uncertainty, as if the very stones themselves held the secrets of their odyssey. It was a moment suspended in time, a convergence of destinies, and I couldn't help but wonder about the significance of this encounter in the grand tapestry of their journey.


I observed as the girl approached the two individuals, extending her hand towards the taller one. He gazed up at her with a mixture of confusion and fear, likely a result of the constant tension that permeated this place. For someone who hadn't been granted strength in this world, facing the relentless onslaught of zombies must have been an immense struggle, especially without any weapons.

My brief moment of sympathy was abruptly interrupted by a pounding pain in my head, as if a relentless hammer were hollowing out my skull. I strained to hear their conversation, but the words mostly came out as gibberish, and I found myself nodding along without truly comprehending.

The tall man finally rose and assisted the shorter woman to her feet, who I now realized was his wife. Her eyes sparkled with gratitude as they met the child's.

"My name is Yolm, and this is my wife, Beretta. We were sent here to repay the debts of our son. You... you saved us. We haven't been able to open this portal since we arrived, five days ago..."

Yolm struck me as a reserved man, his words carefully chosen and polite, even in the face of such dire circumstances. I could tell he was a good person, judging by his behavior under stress. While one might expect someone to lose their sanity in this situation, Yolm displayed remarkable composure. However, that also meant he might be capable of extreme actions if he deemed them necessary—an unsettling thought.

Yolm and Beretta then turned their attention towards me, their expressions a mix of astonishment and confusion. Admittedly, seeing a dizzy demon perched atop a human with horns might seem unusual, but in a world of magic, it was hardly cause for such amazement.

"Your companion is a Kurayamioni, or used to be one. I apologize for staring," Yolm muttered with a respectful bow.

Now I had two people treating me with undue respect and admiration. While I wanted people to like me, the weight of their expectations felt burdensome. Attention quickly turned into a burden.

Beretta also bowed and then looked at me with inquisitive eyes.

"Is it true that the goddess, Yami, created you and sent you to this w-"

Just as she began speaking, the portal before us suddenly illuminated. The girl glanced at me, then at the couple.

"Well, let's stop fawning over the bigshot and get moving. The golems shouldn't emerge just yet, so we have time," she declared.

Yolm and Beretta, still injured, limped over to her, Yolm providing support to his wife while sharing an affectionate smile with her.

"Tsu, collect their tools and give them to me," I instructed.

Tsu complied without questioning, picking up their bags and placing all the loose maps and materials inside. I then absorbed the two bags into myself, the dark goo spreading over them and swallowing them whole. It abruptly ceased, leaving no trace of the bags.

"Where did you put their things?" Tsu inquired as she approached the others.

:Just in a safe place. I can retrieve them whenever needed. Although, I think these folks would let me walk all over them if it meant pleasing me, I remarked, attempting a joke.

Tsu laughed a bit too loudly, drawing puzzled looks from Yolm and Beretta. I offered a semblance of a smile, and their expressions returned to normal.

"Well then, after you two," the girl said, gesturing for the couple to enter the portal.

Beretta went first, stepping into the swirling purple vortex and disappearing within. Yolm followed suit, casting a final glance around the clearing before vanishing.

:How did you manage to open the portal so quickly? You accomplished it surprisingly fast... 

"It was a simple matter of channeling the right amount of mana into it. Care for another quiz, your highness?" The girl's voice remained innocent in pitch but dripped with mockery in her words.

I let out a huff, or at least the closest approximation my current form allowed, and urged Tsu to follow them into the portal.

:Well, yes, I'll quiz you as much as I w-AAAAAA!

Without warning, she pushed me into the portal, and I found myself tumbling into the unknown, her mischievous laughter echoing in my ears.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also, 1.6k views in like an hour.. whoever clicked on it, thanks!

Veldoricreators' thoughts