
Reborn as a the Demonic champion of the Goddess'!

Niji is reborn as the goddess of Darkness' champion! He must embark on a journey as a demon of dark and conquer this new world! (Disclaimer): I did not steal this book, I wrote it on Wattpad but it's stuck at 300 views so I decided to repost it here!

Veldori · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The Dragon Village

The dragon riding dragon born dude seemed to leave and go somewhere else. Phew.

I also noticed how large this floor was, like super huge. How did anyone even build this? The floor was like the surface except the ground was red. The trees were blue, or red. Lava lakes, flying lava dinosaurs, and even a volcano. How would life even live in an enclosed area.

I was theorizing that either something divine was going on here, or there were multiple openings that gave this place oxygen. It was just so fantastic.

My state of awe was cut short by a tiny raptor looking thingy, catch is (of course) he breathed fire. I used [Appraisal], as it was just instinct at this point.

Level 21 Raptor : No Name

HP: 1000/1000 (+5/s)

MP: 100/100 (+100/s)

SP: 900/900 +(20/s)

Skills: [Body Blades] [Fear Roar] [Roar] [Poison Blades]

Titles: [Kin Eater] [Your Too Slow] [Sped up + Reverb]

What was with this dude's title? I also peeped at how he basically has infinite MP. Because he basically has no skills, and basic ones at that, he could basically spam to his hearts content. Also I was assuming this dude was fast. I didn't know my new stats, but when I was still a little Kurayamioni, I had about the same health, so I should be good. 

I summoned [Darkness Tendrils] and grabbed the raptors. He let out one of those screams that you would hear in all the dinosaur media. Like those loud roars.

I did like his skills so I was hoping I could take them. I tried choking him out, but he somehow slipped out. Now he was running like the roadrunner, his feet moving cartoonishly fast.

I used [Divine Step] to chase after it. Your life can't be worth that much!

Wait.. Why would I say that? Everyone's life has equal value.. Maybe it was the power getting to my head.

I continued to chase after it, before coming up with something super big brain.

I summoned [Darkness Tendrils] and had them grab me. Then I willed myself to be lifted up and thrown. If I was a human, I would have been way less reckless, but my HP was good at this point so fall damage would be the least of my worries.

When I fell down, I was pretty close to the raptor. I used [Divine Step] once again and tried to catch up but the thing wouldn't slow the hell down! I gave up, since I was getting pretty far from the entrance, and in case I ever got strong enough to kill that mama spider, I would definitely be taking those sweet, juicy skills.

I ran back to the tree to go rest my body. I then checked my stats.

Level 1 Small Demon

HP: 2500/2500 (+13/s)

MP: 1000/1000 (+11/s)

SP: 1000/1000 (+5/s)

Skills: [Body Spikes] [Darkness Magic: Lv 5] [Telepathy] [Divine Step] [Holy Magic Resistance Lv 4] [Holy Magic] [General Magic Resistance Lv 10] [Appraisal Lv 10] [Spatial Awareness] [Clairvoyance] [Regeneration] 

Unique Skills: [Yami's Blessing] [Arcane Darkness Magic] [Humanifacation]

Titls: [Reincarnated: x2 XP] [Otaku: +1/s MP] [Prodigy: x2 Skill XP] [Spider Slayer: x2 Spider XP] [Hero Killer]

Hey system, what is the [Humanification] skill?

Humanification Skill: Unique Skill. Allows user to transform into a human form. Human Souls Required to use: 1000

Souls Needed: 998 

Souls? What do you mean by souls?

To acquire human souls, being must kill a human and absorb its soul ( effectively absorbing all its SP.)

Wait, so thats where I got all that SP from..

I was pretty sure before evolving  I only had 100. Also, it was pretty cool I would be able to become a human. But killing 1000 people? My stats would be super crazy, but that would be a crazy price to pay.

Imagine if they got reincarnated into my old world. Funny, but still sad. I wondered what my parents were doing. And my brother. He probably smashed my PC for his stupid friends. Or better yet, he sold all my items. Then I had another mission!

Get strong enough to go back to my old world! I don't know if the gods would even allow it but maybe they would consider they only killed me for amusement.

But the little kid did say we all wanted to live a new life. So maybe us being here wasn't some punishment or really cruel reality tv show. Maybe it was like a lesson to be careful what you wish for. I wondered what Rin was doing. 

He probably picked humans too, but maybe his option would be more rational. But to be fair, this labyrinth sucks, with all the monsters and weird human knights. 

I got up and decided to explore. I started using my [Darkness Tendrils] method to fast travel, which was very wise. Even  though anybody would be alerted that a 5'5 demon was flying around in the sky, I could most likely defend myself. 

I was just flying around this huge floor, finding berries and eating them. It was kind of sad because I couldn't tell what time it was so it could have been days of human time. Then, I stumbled across the village. The red wood had been used to make sharp logs that were the wall for the village.

Finally, something other than lava lakes and raptors that just run away. I was going to be cautious though because I knew those guys were on some Avatar shit and were flying around on dragons.

The base could easily be ripped apart by simple magic, but I was assuming these guys didn't have visitors much. But, I needed something to do, so I think I'll try my hand. Wait what am I thinking!

I can't go around fighting people or running up to people. Especially Fire Na'vi. Who knows what they would do to me? A cute little demon waltzes up and asks for shelter. If I were them I would totally leave me alone. But something told me just the way I ate that spider (yucky but tasty?) they could do that to me.

I needed to make a plan!

Before I could use my strategic skills to somehow approach these guys, one of them swooped down on the dragon thingies they ride. The dude wasn't a dude. It was a girl. She had a long braid going down her back, her hair was messy in the front.  Geez, they don't have basic stuff like brushes down here?

She was pretty though, I could use [Clairvoyance] to see she had green eyes. However, the red skin was a major turn off. Her body had no scales on it surprisingly, it looked like human flesh except red. I moved a little to get a better view and she snapped her head towards me. She sounded like one of those old timey British ladies. Like Downton Abbey.

Was Downton Abbey even British?

"Movement! Bloody Raptors found the camp?"

Huh? I know I was kinda ugly, but being compared to those raptors? Really hurt my feelings.

I tried hiding back behind the tree but she had already dismounted the dragon. She carefully walked towards me, her spear pointed in my direction. I didn't know what to do. I could see her by using [Spatial Awareness]

She was closing in on me so I had to move fast. Instead, I did the idiot thing.

:I come in peace! (AN: ":" = telapethy. "" = actual speaking with the mouth)

She wrinkled her nose. I think she could tell I wasn't a raptor now, so maybe she wouldn't attack. She continued her slow walk towards me before jumping behind the tree to face me. Her spear was a little too close to my face.

:Woah, woah! Chill with that thing, woman!

She snarled and did that weird roar thingy. I told you she was a Fire Na'vi.

I backed up a bit and raised my hands. I don't want to do anything rash here but I think these people don't like reasoning. I suppose I would gain any skills she had if I killed her and skills would be greatly appreciated right about now.

:If you don't back down I will be forced to use violence.

Her eyes sparked with flame and she charged at me. Luckily, I still had [Spatial Awareness] activated, so I could easily dodge her attack. It was like seeing a couple seconds into the future plus slow mo. I dodged her next attack and used my furry fist to try and attack. She saw me and dodged.

:We can talk this out!

"Out of my head, you insolent beast!"

Woah now buddy. Don't go there. Plus aren't you considered a beast? I did my best roar and charged at her. Using [Darkness Tendrils] I could grab her. She struggled at the binds but she wasn't going anywhere. I really don't wanna hurt her...

I squeezed her head lightly with the tendrils. Her spear fell out of her hand. She yelled something but the tendrils muffled it. I squeezed harder with the tendrils, and waited for her to go silent. Eventually she did. I let her go, and watched her body fall to the ground. She wasn't dead because I didn't hear some crazy ding sound effect like I usually do. I used [Appraisal] on her.

Toa Nora: Dragonborn Lv 29

HP: 9/500 

MP: 100/100 

SP: 100/100

Skills: [Roar] [Leader] [Tame] [Sword Art: Spear, Mastered] [Regeneration] [Advanced Regeneration] [Scale Armor] [Elbow Blades: 5]

Unique Skills: [Dominant]

Titles: [Leader] [Female Leader] [Dragonborn] [Blessed] 

Woah.. she had barely any skills. Maybe I am just lucky because she was way higher than me level wise. She also had barely any HP. 

I also noticed I couldn't see how much of each stat she gets per second or something like that.

<Unconscious lifeforms do not gain any values to their stats unless they have the [???] skill>

So everything in this world is determined by skills. I was also glad I could hear this system voice thing because life would be way harder without it.

I used [Darkness Tendrils] to pick her up so she could return to her village. I walked to the gate. I noticed her dragon was sleeping, thank god. I don't think it would have taken kindly to its owner being dragged by a demon.

I didn't know how to get into the place so I just knocked on it. Nothing happened. I set Toa down and then sat next to her. Wait.. I have a genius idea. 

A minute later, after doing some crazy calculations I found that I could definitely scale the walls. I did a test run without carrying Toa. I got to the very top and got a glimpse of the people inside. The place seemed actually pretty big. This side of the village seemed to only feature a couple of houses. I tried using [Clairvoyance] to see further, but I was stopped.

By what you may ask?

No clue, to be honest. Something hit me in the face, and I knew it was a liquid.

It had no color, but definitely had something in it, because my face began to burn. Like boiling water was being splashed on me constantly. I fell back and landed on the ground with a thud. That is totally going in my cringe compilation.

I got up and decided, screw it. If I could beat their leader or whatever I could take all of them. I blasted through the door with [Divine Step] 

I repeated this process a couple times before lifting Toa up with my tendrils.

The village seemed nice. People frantically screaming as a demon walked in with their leader in his grasp. I also was sure these guys had never seen magic before because they were screaming stuff like 'witchcraft.'

Don't torture pls.

I snickered at my little joke and continued walking. Then, a line of dragon warriors walked up to me. 

:Okay guys! Listen up! I come in peace, and just want a place to stay because believe me, I need it. I know this looks bad-

I was cut off by one of them who started rushing me. I pointed my hand at him and sent out a holy bullet that clocked him right in the dome. He crumpled to the ground. His fellow warriors looked at him fall and then at me. 

:I'm fine with killing you all.

Woah that was not me! I was totally not fine with killing these people. Maybe a side effect of some skill or something.

One of them dropped their spear and started running. The rest did too. Okay then. 

I continued walking through the people. One dude tried prying Toa out of the tendrils and they opened up and swallowed him as well. GG.

I continued walking through farms, town center, some other buildings made out of stone or red wood, and then I approached a house but it was bigger than the others. People were running into it, so I assumed it had some importance. I used [Clairvoyance] to make sure I wasn't going to get ambushed, and it seemed legit. People were hiding in there or something. I set the princess or whatever down.

In an isekai, its really only a matter of days before the MC conquers a nation of some sort. 

I used a Holy Magic Spell, [Divine Shock]

A huge explosion appeared in my hand. It was shining and it felt very hot. I threw it at the buildings roof, hoping to kill minimal amounts of people. Then the dings came in.

<Level Increased to 9< p>

Stats have increased.

Skills Acquired: [Advanced Regeneration] [Sword Arts: Spear] [Greater Appraisal] [Greed]

General Magic Resistance -> Advanced Magic Resistance

Unique Skills Acquired: [Lord of Greed]

Ultimate Skills Acquired: [Mammon: Lord of Greed]