
Reborn as a the Demonic champion of the Goddess'!

Niji is reborn as the goddess of Darkness' champion! He must embark on a journey as a demon of dark and conquer this new world! (Disclaimer): I did not steal this book, I wrote it on Wattpad but it's stuck at 300 views so I decided to repost it here!

Veldori · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Exploration and Questions

So uh what are these elbow spike things?

<New Skill Unlocked - Appraisal< p>

Appraisal: Allows user to look at stats and other details about creatures and other entitys. More information unlocked as skill levels.

Cost: 100 MP>

Huh.... So this is like a video game! It seems crazy that I'm a little white fur ball walking around with skills and magic. Oh right, what I chose to be reincarnated as.

The system thingy said I'm a Kurayamioni?

I wanted to be a demon and the gods made me this thing?! Is this what they meant by amusement?

I tried to appraise myself. I had white fur and big round white eyes. Totally creepy. I turned around and saw I had no tail. I also had horns which weren't too big but still noticable. I stopped looking at myself.

I have to do something or this head start would be for something. Also, I didn't seem to have a mom or father or anything like that. Not to say I'm totally on board with it though. In a new world with minimal knowledge.

I heard footsteps and something that sounded like a gurgle and spit. I whipped my head around and was now facing down a spider. You wouldn't be able to say 'I' as fast as I appraised that thing. 

No Name-Level 13 Small Taratect

HP: 500/500 (+10/s)

MP: 890/1000 (+100/s)

SP: 900/900 (+9/s)

I couldn't see its skills but its stats were enough for me to pick myself up and run. The spider surely wasn't there a second ago... What the hell, gods?!

I found out that my little legs could run pretty fast. I asked to be a demon not a tiny thing that gets preyed on by spiders!

The floor or whatever of what I was on seemed to look like a dungeon from a MMORPG. It was dark but I didn't have a care in the world! That spider was way too intimidating. I turned around thinking I lost it but I looked up and saw its red eyes glaring down at me. 

I said something but it came out as a roar. The spider crawled away a bit. Wait.. this could help me. Fighting it would do nothing since its regen was so insane. Compared to my puny stats this thing was a beast! I roared again hoping to send it back up it found my game and pounced on me. My eyes widened. I thought about the elbow blades. Bad time to not know how to use weapons!

I got my fist ready and I swung at the spider. Something made a shink and when I opened my eyes I saw the spider with a gash in its head. Purple fluid was in the place of blood. 

HP: 499/500 (+10/s)

I did nothing!

I started running again but the spider was on my tail. I wanted to level up! Not get chased by large brown spiders with very scary eyes. My old life seemed pretty favorable here. Wait, I never unlocked Yggdrasil!

The spider jumped up on the roof or ceiling of this place and shot down a web. I could sense it was a skill that allowed them to make sticky webs. I turned around and slashed at the webs with my elbow blades. I was starting to get used to combat which was good but could it be against something a little less strong.

I continued to run, and right in front of me appeared a tiny spider. About the same height as me. I didn't have time to appraise it. I just blindly slashed.

Out of my way! The slash was clean and the spider fell in time for me to give it a good blade to the face. It fell down and I got a popup in front of me.

<Level has increased to 2.  < p>

Stats have increased.

Elbow Spikes Lv 1 -> Elbow Spikes Lv 2>

Woo! I pressed the screen to make it go away. I didn't have time to check my stats but Elbow Spikes leveling was good. I also noticed they had gotten a bit longer, which was always welcome. I turned to face the spider. Time to do something badass! I jumped up like I saw those people do in anime, and I yelled a battle cry.

"For Rias Gremory!" 

It of course came out as a roar, but the spider seemed to catch my drift. The words caught him off gaurd and I had an opening to attack. Right in the face! However, it quickly overcame this and charged me which caught me off gaurd. I stumbled back and lost my momentum. I was now falling about six feet down. The fact I could jump that high was a miracle, if I'm being honest.

I used my elbow spikes to break the fall and stared down the spider. C'mon gods! Give me some overpowered ability so I can kill this thing!

Not time to weep though! I had to kill this thing! I ran after the spider and slashed at its legs. Stopping its movement would be good. The spider dodged and shot another web at me. I slashed this one and charged again.

Stop playing so hard to get! I slammed my elbow blade down into the ground. I've seen this in an anime once, and I'm pretty sure it could work now!

I shifted my weight onto the elbow blade and then sprung myself forward by chipping my elbow blade with the other one. I was now spinning uncontrollably, but just fast enough so that spider could stop stalling.

I twisted my body so my spike would be in front of me, giving me a clear shot. I kinda looked like a furry superman with horns and elbow spikes for weapons.

I kept steady... and then...


A big gash was on the spider, right in between the eyes. It stared at me for a second.

:S...Screw you..


It started speaking but its mouth didn't move! The system voice thingy then called out as the spider went limp and fell to the ground.

<Level Increased to 5< p>

Elbow Spikes Lv 2 -> Elbow Spikes Lv 5

Darkness Magic Lv1 -> Darkness Magic Lv 3

Appraisal Lv1 -> Appraisal Lv3

New Skill Acquired. Telepathy.

Telepathy: Allows User to speak and communicate with other beings who may not understand their language. Also used to allow user to communicate without speech capabilites.

New Title Acquired: Spider Slayer

Spider Slayer: x2 XP from all spiders>

Woah huge upgrade! Already level 5?

Man, this is way too easy. I went to go check my stats, excited to see some huge numbers.

Level 5 Kurayamioni : No Name

HP: 500/500 (+5/s)

MP: 400/400 (+2/s)

SP: 200/200 (+1/s)

Skills: [Elbow Spikes: Lv 5] [Darkness Magic: Lv 3] [Telepathy]

Titles: [Reincarnated: x2 XP] [Otaku: +1/s MP] [Prodigy: x2 Skill XP] [Spider Slayer: x2 Spider XP]

A buttload of HP was very welcomed. Hey.. my SP barely increased. I shrugged it off. My xp boosts were looking pretty good, but I had a long way to go. Cue the spider slaying montage!

Wait.. My stomach just grumbled. What do tiny fur demons eat anyways?

The system didn't respond at all. I looked over at the spider corpse. No way!

Surely, a ramen pack would fall out of the sky, pre cooked. But nothing happened. I bet the gods would be pretty amused right now. I went over to the corpse and pinched my nose. I slowly lowered my mouth and took a bite.

Tears flowed down my eyes.

Delicious! I unpinched my nose and started to devour the corpse. It tasted like some very good fried chicken. Not the kind that Americans eat though. Korean Fried Chicken. I snickered to myself. They call it something totally different in Korea, but in America, they call it KFC? Just funny they have the same acronym. I stopped laughing and looked to find the small spider corpse. I also harvested the skin from the spider, hoping it could keep me warm.

This dungeon thing was pretty cold. I looked for the spider corpse, but there was nothing there. Huh.. what monster stole my spider!

I tried using telapthy, to maybe find someone but it didn't work.

<Skill Acquired: Spatial Awareness.< p>

Spatial Awareness: User uses SP to see around themselves in a third person point of view. HIgher levels enable bigger radius of vision>

Nice skill! Finally something I could use SP for. I turned around and started using the [Spatial Awareness] skill. Sadly, no monster in the vicinity. However, I did hear some talking. Talking? I creeped toward the sound, wrapping my spider skin blanket over me.

"What kind of thing kills a spider this quickly?"

I heard what sounded like a laugh. "Sir, your scared of something that killed a Small Lesser Taratect? Nonesense!"

I used Spatial Awareness again and I could see the people. It was a middle aged man with brown cropped hair and a shaggy beard. The other one was someone in armor, a cool looking sword in their hilt. They had blue hair and no facial hair. They sheepily smiled.

"Gurturd, this is no time for jokes! I sensed a Small Taratect also killed. However the thing that killed it could somehow block me from sensing it with Spatial Awareness!"

So this guy could use that skill too? It made me think of how low I am on the skill food chain. I barely had anything and this guy had a skill I acquired from luck. Something told me he actually worked hard for that skill. I wondered if monsters have more skill and magic capabilities than humans and other humanoids. 

I acquired some decent skills pretty quickly. These guys probably had to work hard for their skills. 

"I sense it!" 

Crap! I ran back but I could hear the creak of armor. The old man held the hero back. "You're seeing things then! Need we go back to the surface?"

The knight pulled his arm away from the man and uncapped his sword. "Lets just investigate."

The old man coughed and then sighed. He followed the hero down the corridor. Shit...

I ran away from there very quickly, hoping the stupid hero would just leave me alone. I promise I'm not a threat at all! However, if I could take your skills that would be super neat.

"The creature is running! Divine Step!"

I could hear the sounds of cracking. Then, I sensed it. The hero was almost right behind me. I could hear sounds coming from him very clearly, the creak of his armor and even his breath. My life splashed before my eyes. The sword was very close to impaling poor old me. I dodged, somehow and got out of the way. 


<Appraisal Failed>

Huh?! Bad time to fail. I summoned my Darkness Magic skill, hoping to do something. A black magic circle appeared in front of me. Then, tendrils of darkness flowed out and grabbed the hero. The gold light underneath his feet was gone. He started screaming. And for some reason I smiled.

I snapped myself out of it quick but that was super weird. I willed the tendrils to move him closer to me. I got my elbow blade ready. I wanted to make this quick. Then, a spear flew at me and hit me right in the leg. 

The magic circle cracked but I held it. I yanked the spear out of my leg and looked at the person who threw it. None other than the old man. More tendrils came out of the circle and grabbed him. I got my elbow blade ready and slashed. Decapitated both of them. The hero had one last stand though. He struggled to raise his hand. He pointed a finger at me and a light beam shot at me. Square in the face. Blood. They were dead and stuff. Can't remember anything. 

Long story short, I passed out. A lot of dings and system voice stuff. Don't know how long I was out for.