
Rebirth of the Silent Knight

In a world ravaged by war, the elite warrior Rodrick leads his squad to victory but loses his hand and hope when a blood-soaked, possessed boy massacres a stronghold. Ten years later, Rodrick, now the Silent Knight, is betrayed and murdered, only to awaken in the weak body of Kent Jhonson, a despised noble's son. As Rodrick/Kent trains to regain his lost power, he uncovers dark family secrets and prepares for a showdown with the White Demon, a deadly enemy from his past. With his former skills and a new identity, Kent must confront his past, protect his homeland, and reclaim his destiny. **Rebirth of the Silent Knight** is a pulse-pounding tale of redemption, power, and an unyielding warrior’s quest for vengeance and justice in a fractured world.

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20 Chs

The Clash of Titans

Arrival at the Battlefield

Kent and Reginald approached the battlefield, their divine mounts carrying them swiftly across the terrain. As they neared the scene of the conflict, the sounds of clashing steel and cries of battle grew louder. The defenders of Johnson were fiercely holding their ground, but it was clear that the High Duke's forces were formidable.

Reginald, riding his Divine Tiger, struggled to manage his vision as the oppressive darkness of the High Duke's Void enveloped the battlefield. His eyes strained, trying to see through the suffocating blackness. "Kent, this darkness... I can barely see," he muttered, his voice tense.

Kent, atop Flare, felt the weight of the Void pressing down on them. Yet, he remained composed, his connection with the divine flames of Flare providing him with clarity. "Hold on, Reginald. I will dispel this darkness," he assured, his voice steady and confident.

As they entered the fray, Kent's aura flared to life, a brilliant blue flame that cut through the Void. The High Duke, observing from a distance, noticed the disruption in his passive skill. His eyes widened in shock. "Impossible," he muttered. "No one has ever diminished my Void."

With a surge of determination, Kent spread his aura further, dismantling the oppressive darkness that had enveloped the battlefield. The defenders, feeling the oppressive weight lift, rallied with renewed vigour.

The Challenge

The High Duke, a towering figure in dark armour, stepped forward, his expression a mix of surprise and anger. "Who dares to challenge my power?" he bellowed, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

Kent, his blue flames burning brightly, met the High Duke's gaze without flinching. "I do. Kent Johnson, son of Count Drid Johnson. I challenge you to a head-on battle."

A heavy silence fell over the battlefield as both armies paused, their attention riveted on the two powerful figures standing at its center. The High Duke's lips curled into a sneer before he burst into a deep, mocking laugh. "You? Challenge me?" he scoffed. "I have never faced an opponent worthy enough to force me to use my active skill."

With a dramatic flourish, the High Duke raised his hand, summoning a dark, swirling energy. "Behold my true power," he declared. "Dark Field!"

The Dark Field

A wave of darkness spread from the High Duke, enveloping the battlefield in a pitch-black shroud. The air grew heavy and cold, and an eerie silence descended. The Dark Field covered the field, its oppressive energy palpable. "Within my shadow, all will drown," the High Duke proclaimed. "And their energies will enhance my own."

Kent, still glowing with the light of his blue flames, did not waver. He rode forward on Flare, the divine horse's fiery mane casting a warm glow that pushed back the darkness around them. The High Duke's eyes widened in disbelief. "This is not possible unless you are a divine deity!" he shouted, his voice tinged with frustration.

Kent met his gaze calmly. "Perhaps it is time for you to face a true challenge," he said. Drawing his sword, he prepared to unleash the full power of the Flareion God Sword Technique. "Now, witness the light that can purify even the darkest shadows."

The Battle

With a swift, decisive motion, Kent swung his sword, igniting the darkness with his divine flames. The blue fire surged forth, cutting through the Dark Field like a blade through smoke. The oppressive blackness receded, replaced by a brilliant, purifying light.

The High Duke staggered back, his eyes wide with shock. "No! This cannot be!" he roared, trying to muster his dark energy once more. But Kent's light was relentless, burning away the darkness and weakening the High Duke's grip on the battlefield.

Riding Flare, Kent advanced, his sword glowing with divine energy. "Your reign of darkness ends here," he declared. With a series of swift, powerful strikes, he drove the High Duke back, the flames of his technique searing through the enemy's defences.

The Desperation of the High Duke

The High Duke, sensing his impending defeat, summoned the last reserves of his dark power. His aura, once a suffocating shadow over the battlefield, now concentrated on his sword, turning it into a weapon of pure darkness. He swung it with a desperation born of arrogance and fear, trying to drown Kent in the blackness once more. "You will help me become the divine deity of darkness!" he shouted, his voice echoing with malevolent glee.

Kent, his blue flames flickering but steadfast, met the High Duke's assault with unwavering resolve. Each clash of their swords sent shockwaves through the battlefield, the light of Kent's divine flames battling against the consuming void of the High Duke's darkness. It was a battle of elemental forces, each strike a testament to their contrasting destinies.

The Struggle of Duke Amber

Meanwhile, not far from the epicentre of this titanic clash, Duke Amber was locked in his desperate struggle. Duke Rid, his rival, was on his knees, defeated and broken. Duke Amber, his Lava Sword Technique blazing with molten fury, prepared to deliver the final blow. However, his moment of triumph was short-lived as the High Duke, in a final act of vengeance, focused his entire force on Duke Amber.

A wave of dark energy surged toward Duke Amber, tearing through his defenses. He managed to deflect most of the attack, but not without cost. His arm, caught in the blast, was severed, leaving him wounded and vulnerable. Despite his injury, Duke Amber's resolve did not waver. He knew that his son, now strong under Kent's wing, would carry on his legacy.

Duke Rid, seeing his opportunity, struggled to rise, but his strength was spent. Duke Amber, with a final swing of his lava sword, beheaded Duke Rid, ending their long-standing rivalry. He fell to his knees, exhausted but relieved, knowing that his dukedom would now pass to his son. "I'm happy," he whispered, a faint smile on his lips. "My son is strong, and he has a bright future ahead."

The Fall of Count Dwyne

Count Dwyne, a close ally of the High Duke, had already met his end at the hands of Count Drid. The battlefield was littered with the fallen, but it was clear that the tide had turned. The forces of darkness, once seemingly invincible, were now on the brink of collapse. Count Drid, standing over the lifeless body of Count Dwyne, looked towards his son, Kent, with a mixture of pride and hope. He had done his part, and now it was up to Kent to finish the battle.

The Climax of the Battle

Kent, still locked in combat with the High Duke, could feel the weight of the battle pressing down on him. The High Duke's dark aura was suffocating, threatening to snuff out his divine flames. Each strike was a clash of ideologies, a battle between darkness and light. The ground beneath them cracked and shattered, unable to withstand the sheer force of their conflict.

"You cannot defeat me!" the High Duke roared, his eyes wild with madness. "I am the darkness incarnate!"

Kent, his face set with determination, replied, "Your darkness is not invincible. Light will always prevail."

With a final, desperate swing, the High Duke brought his dark sword crashing down, aiming to cleave Kent in two. But Kent, drawing upon the last reserves of his strength, parried the blow and retaliated with the full power of the Flareion God Sword Technique. His sword, wreathed in blue flames, cut through the darkness, striking the High Duke with a purifying light.

The High Duke screamed in agony as the light consumed him, burning away the shadows that had given him power. His form disintegrated, leaving nothing but ashes in the wind. The Dark Field, once an oppressive presence over the battlefield, dissipated, replaced by the warm, golden glow of Kent's divine flames.