
Rebirth of the Silent Knight

In a world ravaged by war, the elite warrior Rodrick leads his squad to victory but loses his hand and hope when a blood-soaked, possessed boy massacres a stronghold. Ten years later, Rodrick, now the Silent Knight, is betrayed and murdered, only to awaken in the weak body of Kent Jhonson, a despised noble's son. As Rodrick/Kent trains to regain his lost power, he uncovers dark family secrets and prepares for a showdown with the White Demon, a deadly enemy from his past. With his former skills and a new identity, Kent must confront his past, protect his homeland, and reclaim his destiny. **Rebirth of the Silent Knight** is a pulse-pounding tale of redemption, power, and an unyielding warrior’s quest for vengeance and justice in a fractured world.

Nagra01 · Action
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20 Chs

The Conspiracy Unveiled

The Briefing

As Kent and Reginald rode swiftly on their divine mounts through the winding paths of the Hidden Mist Forest, they were greeted by TWO, who appeared suddenly and silently from the shadows. His presence, usually reassuring, now carried an urgent weight.

"My lord," TWO began, bowing slightly as he caught up with them. "I have gathered crucial intelligence on the High Duke's plans. He is preparing to launch a full-scale attack on the Johnson estate. His forces are formidable and numerous."

Kent urged Flare to a halt, his eyes narrowing as he turned his attention to TWO. "What is their strategy, TWO?"

TWO unfurled a detailed map he had concealed in his cloak, pointing to various key locations as they continued their brisk pace. "The High Duke's army will converge on the northern gate while creating a diversion in the east. Their main objective is to breach our defences swiftly and overwhelm us before we can fully mobilize."

Reginald, riding beside Kent, glanced over at the map, his expression serious. "And the High Duke himself? What role does he play in this assault?"

"He plans to lead the assault personally," TWO replied, his tone grave. "He is a fearsome warrior, known for his passive skill 'Void,' which can plunge his enemies into complete darkness, rendering them helpless."

Kent's jaw tightened. "We must be prepared. TWO, ride ahead and notify my father, Count Drid Johnson, and Duke Amber. Tell them to be fearless and to prepare for war. We will not be caught off guard."

TWO nodded, his form disappearing into the mist as quickly as he had appeared. Kent and Reginald urged their mounts forward, the urgency of their mission fueling their pace.

The Forces Mobilize

As the week progressed, Count Drid Johnson and Duke Amber received Kent's warning and began their preparations in earnest. The Johnson estate transformed into a hive of strategic planning and fortification. Soldiers trained tirelessly, weapons were sharpened, and defences were reinforced with renewed vigour.

Count Drid Johnson, a seasoned warrior, stood on the battlements, overseeing the preparations. His stern face reflected determination and a hint of pride. "We will show them what it means to challenge the Johnsons," he declared to his commanders.

Duke Amber, equally resolute, coordinated with his troops. "We must be vigilant and ready for anything. The High Duke will not find us unprepared."

TWO swiftly and silently delivered Kent's message to the key allies. The network of spies and informants ensured that every detail of the High Duke's plans was known, allowing the defenders to strategize effectively.

The Battle Begins

As dawn broke, the High Duke's forces began their march. The ground trembled under the weight of the approaching army. Soldiers in gleaming armour, siege weapons, and dark-robed mages advanced, their faces set in grim determination.

Count Drid Johnson and Duke Amber had positioned their troops strategically, ready to counter the impending assault. The tension was palpable as they waited for the first clash of steel.

The northern gate came under heavy attack, as predicted. The High Duke's soldiers surged forward, but the defenders were prepared. Archers rained arrows upon the attackers, and trebuchets hurled massive stones, causing chaos in the enemy ranks.

"Hold the line!" Count Drid shouted, his voice cutting through the din of battle. "We will not let them breach our defences!"

The diversion in the east was met with fierce resistance from Duke Amber's forces. The defenders fought with unparalleled ferocity, their knowledge of the enemy's strategy giving them the upper hand.

Despite the overwhelming numbers, the defenders held their ground, repelling wave after wave of attackers. The battle was fierce, with both sides sustaining heavy casualties.

The High Duke's Dominance

As the battle raged on, a sense of foreboding spread through the Johnson ranks. The High Duke himself had entered the fray. His presence was otherworldly, a dark aura surrounding him. With every step, he seemed to drain the light from the battlefield, casting a shadow of dread over his enemies.

The High Duke unleashed his passive skill, 'Void.' The battlefield was plunged into darkness, an impenetrable void that swallowed the consciousness of his enemies. Soldiers fell to their knees, clutching their heads as they were engulfed in the High Duke's power.

Count Drid Johnson fought bravely, but even he could not withstand the overwhelming force of 'Void.' His vision blurred, and he struggled to maintain his footing.

Duke Amber, too, found himself grappling with the darkness. "We cannot let him win!" he shouted, rallying his troops. "Fight through the darkness! We must hold on!"

The High Duke moved with terrifying grace, his sword a blur of motion. He cut down defenders with ease, his enemies unable to see or react in the suffocating darkness. His dominance on the battlefield was absolute, and it seemed that nothing could stop him.

The Arrival of Kent and Reginald

Meanwhile, Kent and Reginald were racing back to the Johnson estate, their newfound powers driving them forward. Kent, mounted on Flare, and Reginald, riding the Divine Tiger, moved with unprecedented speed and determination.

As they neared the estate, the sounds of battle reached their ears. The sight that greeted them was one of chaos and despair. The defenders were struggling against the High Duke's onslaught, their forces dwindling under the relentless assault.

"We're almost there," Kent urged Flare, the blue flames around him flickering with intensity. "We must hurry!"

Reginald, his divine bond with the tiger enhancing his strength, nodded. "We will make it in time."

They surged forward, cutting through the battlefield with their divine mounts. Kent's blue flames illuminated the darkness, pushing back the void that the High Duke had cast. Reginald, his tiger roaring with divine power, fought alongside him, their combined might a beacon of hope for the beleaguered defenders.