
Rebirth of the Reverse Eyes

In his entire life, Rion had never felt happy. He didn't even remember smiling or laughing. When he decided to end it all, he lost his life. Surprisingly, he didn't feel angry. Instead, he felt free for the first time. Instead of going to the afterlife, Rion woke up in another world full of magic. He even had a new name, Arion. This time he had parents who loved him and siblings who adored him. Finally, he could feel true happiness. However, trouble doesn't leave Arion alone. There was a group that wanted to eliminate magic users, especially those from great kingdoms. His family was one of their targets. Somehow, Arion was connected to the mysterious power of a long-lost kingdom. The power symbolizes the past and the future. That makes him the main target of everyone. Both from his side and from the enemy's side. Because that's how much power he's got. “The greater the power gained, the heavier the burden to be carried.” He is the chosen one. Chosen as a human being loved and protected by the gods. And as the holder of the greatest power, with the fate of the world on his shoulders.

CameliaZ · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

2. Problem

"What should I do now?''

Rion walked lethargic after wandering around looking for a job. Too bad it didn't work out. He let out a long groan, starting to get tired from wandering around for hours.

"No one will accept me for work.''

Not that Rion could blame them. His disheveled and scarred appearance was enough to scare them away. Besides, he was still wearing his school uniform. He now regretted not changing it before leaving the house.

"Do I have to steal?'' Rion muttered in despair. He had managed not to steal for a few years now because he earned money by transporting goods at the market. The shopkeeper is very kind to him and often helps him out.

Unfortunately, he passed away a few days ago and his family moved his business to another city. So he didn't have a job at the moment. Rion didn't even have time to mourn for his good uncle because he was running out of money and his parents kept pressuring him.

Rion sighed tiredly, ''I really don't want to do it.''

''Mommy! Mommy! I want to buy that candy!'' The shout made Rion stop his steps and turn his head to the source of the voice.

There was a mother and daughter standing in front of a candy shop that was quite famous in this area. The child laughed happily and hugged her mother as she got the candy she wanted. The mother also looked happy as she kissed her daughter on the cheek.

''Looks nice...'' Rion muttered, looking at the scene enviously, and walked away again. He had never been like that with his mother. He didn't even remember being hugged by his mother.

Rion continued his steps while daydreaming. He lowered his face and did not look ahead. So he didn't see someone standing in his path.

''My candy!''

The cry brought him out of his reverie. Rion wasn't paying attention to where he was going and accidentally bumped into someone. He looked at the little girl in front of him who was crying over her dropped candy, which made him feel guilty.

Rion stammered before reaching out to help the little girl in front of him, ''I--''

''What are you doing? Stay away from my child!''

Before he could apologize, the child's mother pushed him away and hugged her crying daughter. The incident drew the attention of several pedestrians, but no one came to intervene.

Rion felt guilty that he wasn't bothered by her rude attitude, ''I'm sorry. I bumped into her by mistake.''

She gave him a sharp look as she hugged her daughter tightly, ''Don't lie! You must have wanted to steal it, right? Or were you trying to steal my money?''

Rion winced at the accusation, ''No, I--''

''There's no way a thief would confess! You just look dull and thug-like. Of course you need money!'' That remark hit him hard and made him take a few steps back.

Paying no attention to her surroundings, she continued to insult rudely, ''Can't you work for money? Why do you have to steal? Still young, but lazy.''

Unable to take it anymore, Rion turned to leave without apologizing as originally planned. She didn't deserve an apology.

''Hey wait! I'm not done with you yet!'' The loud call did not make Rion stop. Instead, it made him quicken his pace and hide in a nearby alley.

Rion let out an annoyed sigh, ''Old woman.''

The little girl's cries could still be heard from his hiding place. He tried to look out and saw her whimpering to her mother.

''Oh, don't worry, my dear. Mommy will buy you a new one. Don't mind that madman.'' She coaxed as she carried her daughter back to the candy store.

Rion snorted at his nickname, ''You need to be more creative with your insults. Even my mother is more creative than you.''

He finally left after making sure she was gone. He forgot all about her harsh words and preferred to focus on the main problem.

Rion decided to return to his old work area after traveling around and failing to find a new job. Who knew he would find one this time.

"You're here.'' The voice made him tense up and turn around hesitantly. He recognized this ominous voice.

''Father?'' He called hesitantly. It was unusual to see his father outside the house. It gave him a bad premonition.

His father pulled his hand roughly and dragged him away, ''Shut up and follow me.''

His father's tight grip on his hand made him grimace. He didn't want to upset the man anymore.

''Where are we going?'' Rion asked cautiously, which was met with a sharp look from his father that made him shrink in fear.

''Since you were unable to earn money, I had to step in to find a solution. Now shut up and do as I say.'' His father's order instantly silenced Rion, who dared not ask any more questions.

They arrived in front of a deserted alley at the farthest corner of the market. It was rare for anyone to pass by this place, so there was no one to see them enter. Aside from being far from the main market, this alley has long been used as a garbage dump by all the merchants in the market.

Inside the alley, someone was waiting for them. The man saw his father and waved casually at him.

''This is my friend. You will be working for him tonight.'' His father's words made Rion look at the man in front of him warily.

''What job?''

''Don't ask too many questions. Just obey him and you will get money.'' He said irritably and pushed Rion so hard that he almost fell over.

After nodding to the man in front of him, his father left without saying anything to him. The man smiled kindly, which made Rion even more suspicious. Somehow this man looked suspicious behind his friendly smile.

"All right, Rion. Your job is to deliver this item to the customer.'' He said as he handed a pouch to him. Rion just stared at it without taking the pouch.

''What is this?''

The man continued to smile and forcefully put the pouch into Rion's hand, ''Can't you guess?''

Rion peered at it cautiously and almost dropped it in shock at what was inside. He stared in horror at the pouch in his hand and the man in front of him, who was still smiling as if nothing had happened.

''This is drugs? Real drugs? This is illegal!'' Rion almost shouted.

The man in front of him just waved his hand dismissively, ''I don't care as long as I get money. Neither does your father. Be a good boy and do as I say.''

Rion felt both hesitant and reluctant, ''But...''

The man cut him off by squeezing his shoulder tightly to make him grimace, and said sharply, ''Do you want your father to know that you went against my orders?''

Rion froze when he heard the threat. On the one hand, he was afraid that his father would find out about his refusal and punish him severely. But on the other hand, if the police caught him doing something illegal like this, he would be locked up for years.

Wait, that doesn't sound so bad. Maybe that would be a better option for him.

Before Rion could decide, the man patted his shoulder a few times before pulling his hand back, ''Since it's your first day of work, I'll be watching you from a distance. So do well or your father will hear something bad. You don't want to disappoint him, do you?''

Rion's whole body stiffened. All his thoughts turned to the memory of his father beating him so mercilessly that his hands shook violently. Rion endured it and lowered his face without answering.

The man did not care about the lack of answers and turned to leave, ''Take the pouch and follow me. We'll, go to the designated place.''

Automatically, Rion moved to follow him in a daze. Still half-caught up in his old memories, he did not realize where he was going. His feet stepped automatically.

''Here we are.''

Immediately, Rion snapped out of his reverie and looked around. He had no idea where this was, just another alley that was darker than the previous one.

The man tapped him lightly on the shoulder with a friendly smile, ''Go in there. Wait for the customers to come to you. I'll be watching at the end of the alley.''

He left without waiting for Rion's answer, who finally realized the situation. He walks in with a feeling of panic.

'Do I have to do this? What if I get caught? What if I'm imprisoned? If I don't do it, what about father? What if he beats me again?'

Rion held the pouch tightly. He could feel his hands shaking. The dilemma was written all over his face.

'What if this drug kills someone? Will I become a murderer?'