
Rebirth of the Reverse Eyes

In his entire life, Rion had never felt happy. He didn't even remember smiling or laughing. When he decided to end it all, he lost his life. Surprisingly, he didn't feel angry. Instead, he felt free for the first time. Instead of going to the afterlife, Rion woke up in another world full of magic. He even had a new name, Arion. This time he had parents who loved him and siblings who adored him. Finally, he could feel true happiness. However, trouble doesn't leave Arion alone. There was a group that wanted to eliminate magic users, especially those from great kingdoms. His family was one of their targets. Somehow, Arion was connected to the mysterious power of a long-lost kingdom. The power symbolizes the past and the future. That makes him the main target of everyone. Both from his side and from the enemy's side. Because that's how much power he's got. “The greater the power gained, the heavier the burden to be carried.” He is the chosen one. Chosen as a human being loved and protected by the gods. And as the holder of the greatest power, with the fate of the world on his shoulders.

CameliaZ · Fantasy
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74 Chs

3. Chief

The sound of footsteps made Rion turn around. Someone who looked a few years older than him, wearing a jacket with a hat covering his head, was walking over.

''Are you the one?'' The man asked while looking around anxiously. Rion didn't answer, but the man didn't need an answer. He looked at the pouch in Rion's hand and knew what it contained.

The man took out a brown envelope that looked quite thick and handed it to Rion, ''Hurry up and give me the goods.''

'But..' Rion closed his eyes and made a decision. He held the pouch in his hand out of reach the man in front of him as he slowly stepped back.

This action made the man even more anxious and he began to say angrily, ''Hey! Stop wasting time and give me the goods! I don't want to get caught!''

Rion swallowed nervously, but he gripped the pouch in his hand even tighter, 'Still, just this once, I want to make a decision for myself.'

Rion looked at the person in front of him seriously, ''Sorry, I--''

''The police are here! Don't move and raise your hands!''

The voice cut off Rion's words. The two stared at the entrance to the alley. Many police officers had gathered and were pointing their guns.


The man ran away while cursing. Rion remained silent and motionless as several policemen passed by him and chased after the man. He dropped the pouch and raised both hands in surrender.

''There are other people running away!''

''Split up!''

That was the brief conversation he heard before one of the policemen came over and looked at him in shock. Maybe because the policeman saw his school uniform. Rion didn't care.

''Chief, one of them is a teenager! Probably a student!'' The policeman said loudly, but didn't take his eyes off Rion.

A stern voice immediately replied, ''Take him to the office. Don't miss anyone.''

The policeman in front of him immediately cuffed his hands and pushed him away. As Rion exited the alley, it appeared that several police cars had surrounded the entire place. He hoped that the two escapees wouldn't get away.

Another policeman, who looked like the leader, approached him. He looked at him intently as Rion looked back fearlessly.

''What about the goods?''

The policeman holding him immediately saluted with his other hand, which was still holding his handcuffed hand, ''Report, Chief! We've found and secured it. This kid was holding it when we arrived.''

The chief nodded in understanding and turned to leave, ''Take him away and keep a close eye on him.''

''Yes, Chief!'' He replied and put him in one of the cars with other colleagues. The car immediately drove away, leaving the whole mess behind.

The policeman warned him seriously, ''Don't try to run away if you don't want to get into more trouble, kid. I'll watch you closely.''

Rion snorted, but nodded in understanding. It's not like he has any other choice.

Arriving at the police station, Rion was immediately taken to a room and ordered to sit still. He complied without much trouble.

Not waiting long, the person who was called the Chief entered the room and sat down in front of Rion. The man's face was so serious that it made him look sinister.

''Why are you involved in the drug trade?'' The chief asked matter-of-factly. His sharp eyes watched Rion intently.

''I didn't know that what I was holding was drugs. They just said if I helped deliver the goods, they'd give me money.'' Rion answered half-truthfully. He didn't feel the need to explain his father's involvement.

''Who are they? There was only one other person arrested.'' He asked seriously.

When Rion was silent, the chief looked at him suspiciously, ''You're still young. Aren't you worried about your future?''

''I have no future.'' Rion replied unconcernedly.

The chief frowned, ''Of course you do. Why do you think you have no future?''

Rion remained silent without answering. But this time it wasn't that he didn't want to answer, he just didn't know the answer. That was what was always on his mind.

The chief continued as if Rion's silence didn't bother him, ''Do you need money? Where are your parents?''

''At home.'' Rion whispered. He didn't want to explain any further. But if he kept silent, he would be suspected even more.

''Are you in danger?'' His question surprised Rion this time. He bit his lip and clenched his hands tighter before returning to normal.

Rion calmly replied, ''No, if the problem with the police doesn't count.''

But his behavior was noticed by the chief, who looked at him with a different suspicion than before. He took a small piece of paper from his desk and wrote something on it.

The chief placed it in Rion's hand who was still handcuffed, ''Here. If you need help, call me.''

Rion gave him a look of incomprehension, ''Why are you giving it to me?''

The chief ignored his question, ''I'm going to ask you a few more questions. Make sure you answer honestly.''

For an hour, Rion continued to be asked questions by the person in front of him. Rion answered everything honestly. But he didn't mention that his father was involved until the end of the interrogation.

Then a policeman entered the room and handed a folder to the chief. He read it seriously before nodding and pointing at Rion.

''Uncuff him.'' The policeman immediately obeyed the chief's order and removed the handcuffs.

''And you, fill this out. Make sure you fill it out correctly.'' The chief said, placing the paper in front of Rion.

Rion rubbed his hands and read the paper. He was only asked to fill in his data, so he started writing correctly, even his home address.

When Rion finished, he handed it to the chief, ''Just this?''

The chief glanced at Rion for a moment before going back to reading the paper in his hand, ''Escort him to the exit.''

Rion was dissatisfied, ''What about the other two?''

"They were successfully arrested. Due to the testimony of the original drug dealer, you were found not guilty and released.'' The chief calmly explained without looking at him, was still busy reading the document in his hand.

Rion breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded to the chief and left the room with the police escorting him.

''My offer still stands, Rion.''

Rion stopped and turned to see that the chief had put down the paper he was reading. The chief looked at him seriously. But Rion knew he meant what he said.

Silent for a moment, Rion decided to ask, ''May I ask you something?''


After being acquitted, Rion rushed home. He knew what to expect, and he was ready. He patted his pants pocket to make sure.

As Rion opened the door, a chair flew up and hit the wall right next to him. He froze as the sound of the impact rang loudly in his ears. He stepped inside and slowly closed the door. Rion stared ahead, where the scene was no less frightening.

There was his father staring at him, his face flushed with anger. Not feel guilty about almost killing his son.

Even his mother was there. Just standing at the end of the room, watching them with a straight face. Not stopping or caring about her husband's actions.

Rion looked down when his father approached him. He almost choked when his father pulled hard on the collar of his uniform.

''Damn son! I've gone out of my way to help you find a job and you ruin everything!'' His father shouted in his face without pausing.

Swallowing, Rion replied to his words, ''That's illegal! I don't want to do it!''

This made his father even angrier and he pushed him until Rion fell down, ''How dare you talk back to me! You should obey me!''

Rion sat up and glared back at his father, ''I am not your dog! Even if I had to die at your hands, I wouldn't do it!''

His father stared at him for a moment before turning to the table in the room. He picked up something that was there. Rion could not see it from where he was. He looked at his father warily.

Rion could hear his father muttering, ''You dare me.. That son of a bitch dared me..''


Finally, Rion couldn't take it anymore and shouted back. A shout that contained all the fear and anger he felt for his father, as well as for his mother.

But because he shouted, he was caught off guard. He didn't expect something to hit his head so hard that his ears rang and his vision went white for a moment. Once again, Rion fell to the ground.

But this time he didn't have the energy to move, let alone get up. His body feels weak. All his energy seemed to be drained from his body.

Rion didn't understand what was happening.

Warning from the author! Next chapter contains violence.

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