
Rebirth of a Tongue Curser

Was not born in jealousy but greedy toward affection made her uneasy. Dwell with a monster they don't know where they come from just adviced to get too close. But one day, she saw her sister talked to one of those things and somehow made her into something else. She is certain. Tinted by those blood only leads to death. Somehow that luck was meant for her sister. Not her. She run away from that place hoping to die with grief. Somehow, she learnt they weren't the only species around thus those things had nit been around since she met a man called Jones. Jones had secrets but he promised to let her know her place and where she belongs. He told her, this place is where humans lived and they are the things they hunt down. Through Jones she learned it's not bad to be envy by so one can overcome their weaknesses. She follow everything he does, stealing, lying, manipulating or disguises for fun. Nevertheless, Jones never teaches her either treason or murder.

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39 Chs

scarlet witch:Rejection (2)

she stares at the gloomy night with no single light within her hand. The villagers had their doubt to lend her some though it was dangerous to be alone in the dark.

That's how things work bere. They feared the people whose tamed by something in the wood. Even she did that once but it was because people told her to act the same way. Technically, those who are bit by Noirs is the outcast that will be send into the woods. They never come back.

Villagers kept distance in case she transform into a noir. She did not blamed them because she cannot forget the fear of being eating alive with no chances of escape left alone a child like her or someone smaller than herself.

How awfull, the night was dark. There wasn't any single stars in the sky To be exact, Arsh had long forgotten and they are the garbages that were put together in a dumpster. That barely alive and decided to stab each other and ended up hating themselves after.

Naekai once had specialty in harvesting plants so most of the daily routine were done by using their magis. But those ability had reached their limits. So many died while searching for food in the woods whether it was from hunting, lost, suicide or banished from the village.

"what is that?" she catches something sparkled in the atmosphere. A giant body with a whithe mantel surrounding his body flew in the sky.

The wind tangled up in a certain place resulted from his enormous wings which was 3 times larger than the noirs when he flapped them in the sky. The boy was shining when his figure touched by the moonlight.

The boy turned his head down and their eyes met. She quicly closed her eyes.

Intentionally or not, but what matters is that she mesmerized by a feather stucked onto her night dress that either carries nor extracting gold pieces.

The dust smeared on her palm and won't fade. She kept it since they cannot be longer found in Arsh- her village.

If you wondered why I tried to leave this place though I know noir will follow me everywhere I go? because I believe the existence of life forces out that and I must see them. I knew the elder lied when they told us that everything was ruined and were the last bit of species left. I will prove that noir is not a bad creature! they tried to save us and tell us something which we never understand.

"I want to see miracle before I die" As usual she will fall asleep before she noticed herself. When it began, she will forced to witness something unfamiliar.

A wind blew into her ear, leaving a sorrowful voice whispering a melancony stories of a woman in a scarlet attire, standing still in a garden full of roses under the sunset by herself. She was grieving.

She is a beauty, shamely her eyes seems dead.

'this is not a blessing, it's a nightmare. I was afraid to leave this world that I refused to close my eyes in case they would never open. Only if I knew this feelings will wreck my soul I'll gladly kill myself before this body retained its immortality'

Lailita felt her agony in every words she uttered. But when she touches her shoulder, mist covered her face when the ground started to shake, she felt into the bottom of the pit as if it knew she hates the darkness.

"SISTER!" Lailita was ticking on her forehead to wake her that morning.

"why are you crying?" Lita wiped her tears.

"I don't know" her heart was suffocating as hell bit she had trouble finding the cause.

"listen, first of all you are healed"

"what?" Laila told her that she killed the noir that was taming her soul that will lift up the curse.

Her sister was right, the mark on her neck disappeared.

"how did you do that?" somehow she felt annoyed.

"where have you been the past 3 days?" apparently she awared where laila could be, but she needed to confirm her thoughts.

"I was in the forest!" she said calmly.

"what!" Lailita check laila's carefully.Yet deep in her heart, she wished her to be dead because noirs told her that they will sucked Laila's magis to be given to her.

"I'm fine!" she jumped from her bed to sit next to lailita.

"I want to tell you something exciting!"

"is it related to how weird you are right now that you are blushing?" Laila nodded while brushing lailita's hand.

"I think I'm in love!" she kicked her legs on the bed.

"what!!?" lailita frowned.

"you see, I met human in the woods, they were cute especially the boy I saved" Lailita was bewildred listening to her story. Why is laila's story definition is different than her?

was it the result of forming a contract with noir that she can stepped outside of the village and met other species? so the world hasn't ended yet.

Is this why you kill the noir that befriended me so that I won't overpower you? she clenched her fist.

''what happen to them? did you manage to saved everyone?'' However Laila excitement was only meant for a couple of minutes.

She said she erased their memories because they were not meant in this dimension. The boys were from a capital and the sons of important people, she feared that humans will blamed them if anything happen.

''But, they lost aren't they? If they died no one knows who kill them? Brian was also a human and he stayed with us?'' Lailita shocked her sister with her review.

The secrets of wishing to exit the barrier and lived in human realm was their dream. The lives out there was just an assumption but today she gets to see another living being.

''human die earlier than us they can't live here'' Laila had a goosebump when the mark appeared on Lailita's neck again.

''we can change that... he learned magis that can prolong his life circle, you said you liked him why let him go?'' Lailita smirked and rolled her eyes.

''lita? are you sure you want to leave this place? when?'' It doesn't matter anymore. She still had no clue why the mark reappeared but right now she senses something dangerous from her sister that she wants her to go far away.


Merliah lit a light near the fences when her daughter hugged her from behind.

''did you miss me?'' Lailita refused to let go of her grip. From the back she can hear her hearts beating.

''of course'' Merliah replied.

''will you miss the way I walked? The way I smile?'' Her mother turned facing her and stroked her hair.

But the real thing was, she was taking a look on her neck.

''yes Lita'' she tilted her head for the lies. She had abandoned her right after Lailita hurt her sister.

'She's lying' -

Lailita blinked her eyes as they got blurry, 7 metres from where she was standing she saw noirs had awaited for her to come.

''I see, unfortunately you still can see me if I die,'' She smiled and tightened up the grip of her hand.

''I hate my face mother, Not for the burn but for I see her whenever I tried to blame my sister of anything I see myself,'' She gulped. Their interaction was seen by Kaali, and the guy was suspicious and curious to their conversation.

''thank you for everything I will leave soon'' She kissed the back of her mother's hand,

Merliah had no reason to despise her girl, the grief she felt as a mother could not be comfort by a simple word. She cried as she saw her loved one walked away just like before.

The burden she carries whenever she looked at her palm, she saw blood of everyone died infront of her.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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