
Rebirth of the Redheaded Tongue curser whose blood was black

Rumored to be the reason of her kind extinction, she was overshadowed by her twin sister who is excellent in many things. Told to be the last kind ever breathing, they were kept in a dark secluded place called Marg(death) land where unknown creature ruled over them. She uses her intelligence discreetly to keep those creature far from Marg but those credit were given to her twin sister. she got bit by the creature and will be a man eater, so she separated herself from her family waiting to be eaten outside Marg Land. Surviving in the woods, she meet a boy from another species and learnt they were lied to. Return home, reality hit her, she was unwanted, She stepped into human civilization and were excited to learn everything that amazed her. Soon, she realized her kind was labelled to be dangerous kind ever lived supposed to be extinct centuries ago. That force extinction was titled as 'Massacre of the red blood' She managed to survive since she looked human with the help of her friend, somehow her ability out of control that she became something else. It was all agenda, her friend was a foe, the blackened eyes turned red as she cried with despair, the wicked blood awakened and she recovers her past memories and began to demand her rights.

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39 Chs

Scarlet witch: Rejection (3)

I've been told to take care of our future tribe leader, as she was the reincarnation of a witch who replendish our kind. My father used to love him a lot because he's the first one to met her when he woke up from a very long rest. He added her touched was so sweet that will soothes pain away. But the consequences, those pain will stay inside her. She healed other, as the pain nor injury was not supposed to cured immediately so she must bear the cost of torture due ro equivalent exchange in life forces.

yes I swore, then I will make her suffered the cost she felt before because I don't think she deserve any happines for all kinds of thing she ever done. If she attain happines, therefore, I will be the one to crush her soul towards doom! to her death!

"They once a respected among others. They even stronger than they could have imagine as they carries a magis of tongue. A power to object and to create a certain situation an individual wanted. But Jealousy is a death forces, they lose their wings which were the sources of incredibles magis. Offered to who knows that to become greater than our kind, it was a lie, those power wasn't taken away.. it was hidden because that thing only wanted to forbid them to fly"

Unlike many other, I did not saw her as our savior, she's the ruin for this madness so I decided to dispose her before she repeats a sorrow story. They told me, once I see her I won't be able to disobey her command.

As Far as I can see, she's the one obeying others words, so will me.- Grinned.

I'm different from my family, I knew she had two bodies, along with a different souls, I will not kill her immediately, If I kill they sooner she will remember the past and I afraid even I cannot restrained the witch.

If you're asking me why didn't I targeted the other one? she's too cunning from how she looks like, I like the dumb one better.

From what I see, they have connection to each souls and body, though it was splitted, the eldest became too much powerful than the youngest.

yet, splitted 4 times for her reincation lf two bodies, then given to the cleansing fairies- noirs, how powerful she can be if I kill all of them leaving only Lailita? I will make sure to kill her before she know I'm the bad guy.

His dimples kept showing as he witnessing the scream of a long awaited master.

'Fascinating to watch' he put his chin on his right knees which he raised into he chest. He was sitting on top of the tallest trees in Qamar- the land of Niran fairies.

Thier tribe eyesight is extrordinary than most magical beast

I will not let a disgrace like you to rule me,

just like how you teaches my father I'll steal your magis cores and make them mine, I will be my own leader.

With you, crawling beneath me. Jones son of Arsh had enough of his responsibility so he join the forces made by his father to change the thoughts in letting an outsider to rule them.

So Arsh took off the ruby bracelet his mother gave him to be hidden away from his sights so that his heart won't be melt.

He believed, Catalina made them stronger so that they can be the ruler of themselves and protect each other,

"We no longer needed her, we can manage by ourselves, and I as your current leader will prove this to you!" unfortunately those without emotions cannot understand him.

Therefore, he tortured his sons and daughter to get on with his mission without realizing, that was the path they choose leading them to their death.

Because the master had forgotten who she was, everything will be just fine if Jones didn't break the portal and let the noirs to tamed lailita.

you know, there's no such thing as love. People only often swayed with it. We cared for someone because we needed someone to depends.

Jones grinned as he monitoring the steady family with no sadness even grief though one of the family member had disappear for months.

Jones saw brian was talking to Jasom and the talk seem important judging on how Brian kept scrathing his neck and always looking around looking for something.

Is he looking for me? Jones smiled displaying the fangs on his front teeth.

Both Brian and Jones agreed to split the magis core from Lailita after her magis awakened because he needed magis to prolong his life. This is because he failed to learn learned any magis to be part of the fairies,

He was afraid that he will be left alone after this or died in the hands of wild animals because noirs aren't interested in human flesh.

even so, from decades ago they started to fed on human.

Brian said it was easier to steal a magis core than learning itself, so he conspire with many demons to gain 'imortality'

Just then he would not even imagine that he will met someone greater than those demons he associated with.

At least the demons give whatever he asked for in exchange for live, but not the cunning boy he just met.

To prove that, Brian did not realized the face of the amber beast he played with, even now he cannot sense the boy were still blinking to see him while yawning.

"stupid" Jones then look for Laila.


"Is it true your daughter disappear?" Kaali came looking worried. Jasom did not have the courage to answer him.

"why did you let her go?" Kaali stand behind Jasom so he can hear him clearly.

"If I were you I will kill her before she started to hunt her people down" Jasom stared at him for his rubbish talk.

"what do you want? can you get lost?" He walked away from Kaali. For him, kaali wanted to torment him for his sin in the past after he kill sin son when he's just 10 years old so that he would not become a demon.

Now, he get the chance to know they have option whether to kill them or not, those mark on the victim's neck only a mee accessory to inspect they still within the joirs grip.

Once it disappear, the original body -master had win the mind game. If Lailita lose the battle, that is when he will kill his daughter.

For years he carried sadness that would nkt repelled after his son death, of only he read Angelo's journal sooner.

He had a doubt first, so he listened disreectly every now and the conversation of the elders,

As he thought, Wilma his grandmother and 20 percents of older generation are demons in disguise. Even his wife began to hang out with Wilma.

"Yeah sure, if our daughter lost the battle, you lost your courage, I will replace you" Jasom dropped the firewoods in his hand.

The looked on Kaali's face was no doubt Angelo told him also. Kaali pulled him into his arm, patted his shoulder to give him the strength Jasom needed right now.

"it's not your fault. I apologize for my bad mouth. You know I can't handle it" Jasom was touched by his talk. The cocky but friendly friend he used to know was not lost.

"just so you know, Angelo is in the woods. He's the one taming your daughter" Speak Jasom.

"what?" Jasom was speechless.

"how did you know?" Jasom asked for explanation.

"I went to look for him after you left him, he still in his sound mind, your brother told me something I cannot brain, he told me to protect your family because the one who will save us from this hell, But I don't know which"

He explained what has troubling him for many years.

"He sacrifice himself for our future in protecting the child Merliah was bearing. I know I should not blame you. I'm sorry"

Kaali patted his shoulder once again, putting his forehead a symbol of greeting and honour to someone and also asking for forgiveness.

Jasom touched the back of Kaali's head noting he had apologize his sworn brother.

"Father?" Called Laila. Kaali left the fire woods store. He glances at Laila bow a little to respect her.

Laila was strange his sudden behaviour. She even curious to what he apologize to her father. But she assumed it was not important and she should not have to ask what are the adults talking about.

I do know some of you might not understand what I try to convey each chapter. So, I hope you can put a comment so that I will explain and elaborate in a simpler way tq!!

KIKI_GERALDcreators' thoughts