
Restauração, Fuga e Mentira.

After hearing his father he calmed down and remembered that he could bring Hinata back with the rhinnegan, Minato knew this why Sora had already told him about the abilities of Rinnegan.

- Flash back -

One day when the family was all dining together, Sora decided he should tell all of Rinnegan's abilities so they could prepare, for he knew that Nagato would one day attack Konoha, being manipulated by Tobi.

- Dad, I have something to say to all of you. (Sora)

Minato noticing the expression of the son noticed that it was a serious matter, he turned around and said to Naruto.

"Naruto, go brush your teeth and lie down, this is a subject you should not listen to yet. (Minato)

-This is unfair, whenever Sora has to say something serious you never let me hear why he can know and I do not? (Naruto)

Minato could not respond to his son, who was because he always acted like a child and took nothing seriously if he had no relation to ramem, got a little angry and decided that it would be better to threaten him so that it would end quickly.

"Naruto, I swear to God, if you do not obey me, brush my teeth and go to bed, I'll make sure you do not eat for the next year. (Minato)

he said in a tone that guaranteed that he would comply.

After which Naruto afraid of his father actually fulfill the threat ran off to do what he was ordered.

After seeing Naruto leave, Minato looked at Kushina and noticed that she understood and established a sound barrier around the room.

"Sora can talk. (Minato)

"Dad, you know I own the rinnegan, but you do not know the skills these eyes bring me, and this can be dangerous, after all to revive the juubi these eyes are needed. (Sora)

"Then it's time to explain the Abilities that anyone who possesses those eyes will possess. (Sora)

The Rinnegan guarantees a multitude of abilities and does not require knowledge about the chakra to keep the eyes active.

He who possesses a single transplanted Rinnegan itself will have overwhelming power.

Who owns the Rinnegan is able to see the chackra as well as its flow and tenketsu inside the body but can not see through obstructions like smoke bombs.

With Rinnegan, the user can learn any technique as well as all five basic transformations of nature with ease.

A Rinnegan user is able to create black receivers with which he can transmit his chakra through long distances.

They can also control the body or object on which these receivers have been placed installed.

The user can thoroughly read the content of the stone tablets of any clan that would require a lineage to read, as well as the ability to recognize code patterns to decipher unknown languages, and secrets on parchments.

Those who have rhinnegan have access to all elements, and are also able to use a skill set known collectively as the Six Path Technique:

The Deva Path (Tendō): which allows manipulating both gravitational forces, attractive and repulsive.

The Asura Path (Shuradō): which grants the user mechanized members, weapons and armor.

The Human Path (Ningendō): which gives the ability to remove the soul and read the mind of a person.

The Animal Path (Chikushōdō): which allows the user to invoke a wide variety of creatures.

The Black Path (Gakidō): which can absorb all forms of chakra including most ninjutsu.

The Nakara Path (Jigokudō): through which one can invoke and control the King of Hell.

There is a seventh ability that is out of the two Six Paths technique which is the Outward Way, which is said to be able to preside over life and death, and grants the ability to revive the dead, invoke and control the Demon Statue of External Path (Gedō Mazō), in addition to manifest chains of chakra to trap several targets.

- Now that I've explained the abilities and advantages of RN, let me warn you anything anyone who owns a rinnegan and does not possess an overwhelming vitality will die. (Sora)

"Son, does that mean you're going to die?" (Kushina) asked worried about her son's safety.

- No need to worry Mother, my rhinnegan is natural and that is why my body has adapted so that I can use it one hundred percent quietly without any repercussion or excessive use of chackra, however anyone who has the transplanted rinnegan or, have transplanted DN A to wake up without doubt will have to pay a high price to use. (Sora) mixed truths and lies, to explain the reason he could use rhinnegan without side effects.

"How can you be sure?" (Kushina) said getting more and more worried.

-The Sage of the Six Ways, "was the one who assured me that there would be no problem to use, and so far I had no problems using or felt any kind of problem. (Sora)

-We're getting out of the way. (Minato)

That's right, I decided to talk about rinnegan's abilities now, because it's a certainty that sooner or later we'll have to face someone who has the rinnegan, after all Kurama is sealed in Naruto. (Sora)

-I understand, I'll think of ways to combat these skills you can go, brush your teeth and go to sleep too. (Minato) said while thinking of ways to counter the powers of the eyes.

- End of flash back -

Sora turned to Rasa and said in a cold voice.

"Tell me how the technique is used, and if Hinata recovers, I swear I will not kill you or anyone in your villages for that matter." (Sora)

"And what guarantees you did not go back on your words?" (Rasa) having a little hope in his voice.

Sora had already frozen the space completely around Tobi so he could not even speak, after all he did not want Rinnegan's abilities to be leaked.

And Tobi being intelligent already noticed this fact, and was thinking about how to escape from there, he already knows that zetsu had not been able to take him down situation, because Sora froze all the space around with his fuinjutsu.

"It's very simple, I could not care less about any of you, and if you had not attacked Hinata this massacre would not have happened, I would have certainly killed several hundred of them, but I would not have killed them all." (Sora)

"Okay, if you let me go, I can show the stamps and explain how the technique works, Suna has also paid her share of the damages for the destruction caused by this invasion. (Rasa)

"Iwa will also pay the damages. (Onoki) said

Otogakure will pay ... (Orochimaru)

But before he could finish speaking Sarutobi interrupted him.

-Orochimaru do not even think that you will leave alive from here only by paying compensation you are still a traitor ninja, and will be treated as such. (Sarutobi)

"The same goes for the orange masked man, I can leave you alive to avoid the war and bring Hinata back, but he will not let me, he's going to die here too. (Sora)

In the eyes of all hope had been rekindled Orochimaru just as, Tobi was already thinking about how to get out of there, because he knew that even if Onoki, Rasa and the ninjas of the two villages were spared the two would not be.

Sora released the Kazekage who demonstrated the hand signals and explained how the technique worked, which to be honest it did not matter to Sora he just asked only to do a show, after listening to the end Sora used a jutsu and created a stone dome around Hinata and himself.

After that he used the Nakara Path, to restore Hinata's body to how it was before the wound, then he used the Outer Path to bring her back to life, and after a few seconds Hinata's heart beat again and Sora he let out a relieved sigh, for he knew she had returned to the living.

"Welcome back, my princess. (Sora) said with a weak smile.

However there was something that Sora did not expect while he was restoring Hinata, he stayed inside the Dome for ten minutes, and at that time Tobi managed to escape carrying Orochimaru with him.

The Black path that was hidden along with Zetsu approached Tobi and Orochimaru in the basement with Zetsu's abilities, and while Sora was reliving Hinata, he completely absorbed the chackra used to keep the space sealed, as soon as Tobi was free he put the hand in Orochimaru and ran away with Kamui, it was so sudden that no one could stop it.

When Sora undid the jutsu he was carrying Hinata in his arms, with a very pale face, he pretended that he had lost a lot of vitality and that it was only by Rasa's technique that Hinata had been brought back.

As he looked around he did not see Tobi or Orochimaru and when he turned to his parents, he saw Minato shaking his head in regret so he concluded that Tobi had run away

He looked at Rasa and all the others in a weak voice and said.

"You kept your word, and taught me the correct technique with which I was able to save Hinata, I will keep mine, and I will not kill either of you or destroy your villages until you are provoked a second time." (Sora) said before handing Hinata to Kushina and fainting.

Using One for All next to the rinnegan and Hachimom Tonkou placed a tremendous burden on his body and mind, the only thing that was holding him up was the determination to avenge Hinata at all costs, and then to the determination to bring Hinata back from the dead.

-You will have your tenketsu closed and will be under observation, until your villages pay compensation for the destruction caused, after that you can go home. (Minato)

Not one of the Konoha shinobi disagreed with the decision, as Sora's massacre had been etched in their minds, and for them the way all enemy ninjas were killed was already brutally enough for the damage they had caused, beyond what they still they would get compensation for the losses, that was enough.

- A few days later-

Sora was lying on a hospital bed, alone with Hinata who was at his side peeling fruit at him when he said it.

-Hinata you know that if you wish you can end the appointment right? (Sora)

The knife she was using to peel fell to the ground, Hinata had been shocked by what she had heard.

"Why would you tell me that you want to break up with me?" (Hinata) asked with concern in his voice.

"Do not misunderstand Hinata, I do not want to break up with you, I love you and it will not change, however you may have noticed that practically every civilian in this village is calling me a demon or hangman. (Sora) said as he looked into Hinata's eyes.

"Yeah, I noticed, and I also know why they're saying that. (Hinata)

"Exactly, if you stay with me they will treat you the same way, and they will tell you that you are the devil's wife, they cast cold eyes at all times, and they will treat you badly." (Sora)

-That's why I say if you want to end the relationship does not really matter, I'll understand. (Sora) said trying to stay as calm as possible, but Hinata could still see the fear in his eyes.

"Sora-kun, listen to me, I could not care less about what a bunch of ignoramuses thinks about me, I do not care what they feel about me either. (Hinata)

-But ... (Sora)

"I have not finished talking yet. (Hinata) said with a serious tone that stopped Sora at once.

"I do not mind any of this, but Sora if you ever say such a crap again I swear I'll make you regret being born. (Hinata) said threatening Sora.

"I will live with you, and when I die you will be by your side. (Hinata)

Sora was thrilled and tears began to fall from his eyes as he nodded with a smile, promising that he will never again allow Hinata to die yet again while he is alive.

With this I complete the three chapters that I promised.

But is there anything I would like to ask who is the next girl I should add to Sora's Harem?

1. Kurotsuchi.

2. Temari.

3. Samui.

Remember the fact that choosing one does not exclude the others in the story, but also does not guarantee, the next chap leaves in 3 days and I promise at least 3000 words please vote until

danitaiercreators' thoughts