
Tragedy, Fury and carnage.

- Namikaze Complex -

Sora was at the training ground along with Naruto the two were sitting talking after intense training.

"How can you be so powerful?" (Naruto)

"Naruto, I'm strong just because I created a style of my own. (Sora)

"Then teach me that style." (Naruto)

-You know that I can not our body is different, if you try to use my fighting style you will certainly only hurt yourself without being able to use it. (Sora)

Naruto wanted the same powers of his brother, because Sora was already so strong that without counting on kenjutsu, fuinjutsu and rinnegan, he could already fight with low level kage level people and win.

-I do not know why you want my style, you already have Kurama and with his help you can already defeat jounin with ease and give an extremely difficult fight to a low level kage. (Sora)

"But, no matter how hard I try, I can not reach you. (Naruto)

"That's because you still can not use the full power of Kurama, if you got it without question you'd have overtaken me. (Sora) said trying to comfort his brother.

The truth was that even if Naruto managed to use 100 percent of Kurama's power he would still have trouble defeating Sora.

Sora can already use eighty-five percent of the power of One for All, this is as strong as Guy on the 7th Gate, however Sora can keep active forever if he wishes, unlike Might Guy.

And that's not to mention rinnegan, kenjutsu and fuinjutsu, if you add all the powers he is stronger than Hashirama using Senjutsu, and he will only continue to grow stronger because One for All will continue to nourish his body along with the immense chakra which also continues to do the same.

However that does not mean that Naruto was weak, using the power of Kurama, Naruto would be able to fight against a weaker kage, and if he used along with all the techniques that he knew he could defeat the kage.

"Well, we've trained enough for today, and it will not hurt to eat at Ichiraku, I'll pay today. (Sora)

This made Naruto smile, and forget about it.

-Sure, let's go. (Naruto)

After eating the twins decided to take Ramem to Kushina who was very happy, and hugged the two and thanked him, but Minato on the other hand was fighting the biggest enemy that all Hokages had to face, but never managed to win against.

The piles of documents from the village, if he could return in the past he would certainly battery in his younger unresolved version to become a Hokage.

And as if it was not bad enough he still had to think of a poem for Kushina that was already getting annoyed by the delay, however there was nothing he could do.

He was not a scholar, creating a poem that surpassed the creation of the twins for him was a challenge of the same level as creating a S-rank jutsu, but he could not give anything inferior, unless he did not want to have more face, and have a long time on the couch.

The situation was so serious that he already considered going to ask his children for help, but he was in a contradiction if he were to ask without question he would lose face.

"My children, you have no idea of ​​the problems you put me in with just a few sentences. (Minato) said while refilling the documents.

~ A few days later ~

Sora, Naruto, Karin and Hinata were talking in the park, when suddenly they heard a big bang.


When they got up they heard the village alarm.

"We're being attacked quickly and follow the procedures." (Shinobi of Konoha) shouted one with a jutsu to amplify the voice.

Everyone was shocked by what was happening, Sora was the one who recovered first as he had experience of his previous life in emergency situations.

"Naruto go with Karin and ensure her mother's safety. Me and Hinata will go to the hospital and help take the people who are there to the shelter. (Sora) said in a tone of command.

Listening to Sora talking, they all left the state of shock and nodded, knowing that he was right, Karin's mother was a civilian and he could not protect himself to take care of her safety was a priority for the group.

And the hospital despite having several ninjas to protect and evacuate wounded civilians and ninjas, would never have enough help in a situation like this.

Then they separated, Sora and Hinata were running to the hospital and when they arrived they saw that the barrier was erected around him, with many ninjas of the Iwa, Suna, and Otogakure around.

Sora and Hinata did not waste time, attacked and annihilated them all to see that everything around was safe he told the hospital members to allow him and Hinata's entrance, after entering he instructed hospital ninjas to use the underground route to withdraw everyone from the hospital, he created shadow clones and kept the barrier in place of the ninjas.

Later he and Hinata created more clones and had them help the wounded civilians and ninjas to evacuate, and soon after they repeated the process with the school, and the markets.

After evacuating all Sora said to Hinata:

"Hinata, you should go to the shelter, too. (Sora)

"No, I know you're going to fight the enemies and I can help you fight them. (Hinata)

-Hinata listens to me, the enemy has managed to break the barrier that my mother and I put around the village, that means they are extremely strong and you are already halfway through your chackra, this is not a fight that you can go without being in its best state. (Sora)

"You've also spent huge amounts of chackra, and it's best not to forget that I'm primarily a taijutsu user, and my Byakugan does not consume as much chackra as a Sharingan."

-You know I have reserves of chackra that leave most of the kages pale in comparison, since I have Uzumaki blood, and you know I'm right about the danger, you saw that there are three villages attacking and two of them are Suna, and Iwa of the great villages. (Sora)

-I do not care, Sora listen carefully I am a leaf village kunoichi and his future wife, if enemies comes to attack our village I possess the duty to defend her as kunoichi, and if you the man I chose to be mine husband will go to war, it is my duty to stand by you and fight. (Hinata) said with unprecedented determination.

-Hinata if something happens to you I go, go crazy, I finally got someone who loves me unconditionally and I do not want to lose. (Sora)

Hinata could see the loneliness and despair in his eyes as he said those words, and it touched his heart and much.

"Do not worry, I'll always be with you. (Hinata) said with a smile.

"Okay, but if you're dangerous, back off immediately, promise me that." (Sora) decided that there would be no problem, after all she had enough strength to get out of almost any problem.

-That's all right, I promise. (Hinata) said still smiling

They had also noticed that Shukaku was in the middle of the village, but as he was already being suppressed by Jiraya and Gamabunta along with Tsunade and Katsuyu, they ignored and moved on.

So the two of them went to the place where the biggest destruction was taking place, as they knew that it was there that the strongest Shinobi were when they arrived. They saw a total of ten people fighting against Minato, Kushina, Sarutobi and Naruto while several others were holding all jounin of the leaf away from them, Karin could not be seen anywhere.

Then Sora concluded that she had stayed in the shelter with her mother since Naruto was still in control and was using Kurama's chackra to restore her father's reserves.

- Minato today I will take revenge for the last war, you killed my son and now I'm going to destroy your village. (Onoki) said next to him were Han and Roushi the two jinchurikis of Iwa

"Now, Minato, if you do, we can spare your other child." (Rasa) said, because he did not want the war to continue.

After all, all sides were losing shinobi, and even if they managed to win by the end of this war they would not leave unharmed.

-Konoha, will not surrender and as for you to save my son, this is just a joke the question will be whether my son will spare you. (Minato) said with resolution.

"Then do not blame me, you had your chance." (Rasa)

-Sarutobi-sensei I said I would come back to annihilate Konoha, now I have come to keep my promise. (Orochimaru) said with a mocking smile on his face

Next to Orochimaru were Hashirama, Tobirama, A the third Raikage, Mito Uzumaki and Gengetsu Hōzuki the second Mizukage, they all had faces, and eyes without any expression that shows they are aware.

-Orochimaru my biggest mistake was to have let you leave Konoha alive, however I will redeem him now, I will kill you even if it's the last thing I do. (Sarutobi) said with determination.

Sarutobi had summoned Emma and converted him into the Adam's staff and had been fighting with Orochimaru for some time.

Sora to see that his loved ones were in danger wasted no time, and activated the One for All, he turned to Hinata and said:

-Hinata I'm going to help my parents, help the Konoha jounin to deal with the enemies and be careful. (Sora)

As soon as he finished speaking he threw himself into the battlefield and all that the Jounin saw was the ninjas of Iwa, Suna and Otogakure who were in the way between him and his parents being turned into corpses without head.

I'm sorry for the delay, but it's okay now I'm here. (Sora) said what caused a shiver to pass through the pimples of all the enemies of Konoha who were on the scene and comfort all the allies.

It was not that they were afraid of his arrival or of force, but when they felt the murderous intent, they had the impression that he was a demon that came out of the depths of hell, and was there to catch the soul of each one of them.

"So you're Minato's older twin, it's great that you came here so it saves me the trouble of having to hunt you down and kill you." (Onoki)

"I know you're old, but I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully to old men. (Sora)

"You have only one chance to get out of Konoha now and pay compensation for the lives and property you destroyed. (Sora)

"And if you reject it, keep in mind that several thousand of your Shinobi will end up losing their minds for your choice. (Sora) said, but thinking that the threat had still been small he resolved to continue.

"Choose carefully, for if you insist on continuing this pointless war, you will be killed along with most of the ninjas who have had the courage to attack my house." (Sora) said with an extremely strong killer intent.

As he spoke Hinata had come to his side, she had run through the path he opened when he killed everyone to get alongside his parents and siblings.


All the enemy ninjas were laughing at what he had said, they were in greater numbers and possessed more firepower so why should they fear the threat of a boy.

"I'm going to make you my experiment. (Orochimaru) said while smiling with derision.

"You paid for your arrogance boy. (Onoki) said furiously

"Since your parents did not raise up talking to their elders, I'll do it for them." (Rasa)

"Then I must accept that you all refuse?" (Sora) said with a bright smile.

Orochimaru and the kages did not respond because when they looked at the smile on Sora's face, they began to doubt if the boy had the power to do what he said, for he was already strong enough to kill all the ninjas who were in the way in the blink of an eye, add that to the smile and they were wondering if they would have the ability to suppress it.

But as soon as Sora was about to start moving Hinata pushed him aside, and as he turned to see she saw a hand crossing her heart, upon seeing it he turned around and saw that it was a man with a mask orange and an Akatsuki cloak that he had attacked, it was not long before he drew his sword and attacked the man with eight cuts in less than a second.

As soon as he attacked the blow he passed inside, and as he noticed the speed of the blow he withdrew to Onoki's side, Rasa and Orochimaru, most of the enemy ninjas who were in the same direction as Hinata were cut in eight pieces simply by pressure two strokes.

All this happened in less than three seconds, and he took Hinata's body in a hug before she even touched the floor.

-Sora-kun sorry, I did not keep my word. (Hinata) said with a weak smile before losing his life. (Hinata) said before losing the light in his eyes.

-HINATA. (Sora) cried with immense regret in his voice as he held her body.

Everyone present there was shocked by the scene, everything happened too fast, which caught everyone off guard, but returned as soon as they heard the cry of regret that the boy who had just threatened three of the villages let loose.

Soon after screaming Sora looked up with the rinnegan shining in his eyes

-I made a mistake, I treated you as human beings. (Sora) said in an extremely cold tone.

"Son, calm down, do not be carried away by your hatred. (Minato)

"I'm calm, father, I've never been calmer in my life, I'm so calm that I finally got to see a very simple fact that I let slip unnoticed before. (Sora) said his voice becoming cooler with every word.

Naruto standing next to them was with a huge hatred of them, but he knew he should not get lost in fury as soon as he heard the cry of his brother, because he knew better than anyone that Sora was almost never angry, the only thing that could irritate it was if someone hurt their precious people.

But once he gets angry, a bloodbath would surely follow soon.

He remembers a time when a council member insulted Kushina and him saying that none of them had education in front of Sora while they were in a restaurant just because they made noise commenting that the food was actually very good.

A second later, Sora had already knocked down the counselor on the floor and stepped on his throat, before saying in a voice to freeze the blood that if he ever dared to dream of insulting his family again he would crush his neck like a cockroach.

"And the fact is very simple, father, I should have slaughtered them all like the animals they are as soon as I got here, because if I had, Hinata would not be dead." (Sora)

"But if I could not protect her, I will avenge her for sure." (Sora) said with a devilish grin on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, he simply disappeared everyone was startled by it, for even though he had been quick before everyone could still see a blur, but now no one has seen what happened.

Good one

It was not long before they heard a loud explosion sound and felt a gigantic gust of wind, then they heard several bodies falling.

As soon as the kages turned they saw all the edo tensei falling to the ground and returning its appearance to the bodies that were used to summon in the first place.

Sora had used his rinnegan to wrest souls from the bodies of those summoned back, and to force them to return to the pure world, and as for speed he simply opened up the fifth gate of Hachimom Tonkou's technique while still using One for All.

The explosion they had heard was the sound barrier breaking as it moved, just as gust of wind was created in the movement of it at high speed.

And without their soul in the body, they returned to their original appearances, however just to see it already scared them all

This frightened them all, because they knew that without the Warriors summoned back by the Edo Tensei, they no longer had the numerical advantage but badly they knew that what they were about to see would be a nightmare that would haunt all the shinobi present by the rest of life.


They heard the explosion again, but when they looked around, everyone felt deep fear and remorse, every ninja who was with the protectors of Iwa, Suna, or Oto was dead, as far as their sight was dead no one was no matter if it was genin, chunin or jounin, the only exceptions were: Baki Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Onoki, Rasa, Han, Roushi, Orochimaru, and Tobi.

All the others had their heads plucked, more than ten thousand dead ninja with their heads pulled out was a grotesque scene to see, because the blood still gushed from the dead bodies, that was the day that would be remembered in history as: The Rise of the Carrasco of Konoha.

It was at this moment that they all remembered the chance that Sora had given them and also of when Minato said that it would be Sora who would have to decide if he would spare them or not and they regretted not to have heard, since they knew that Sora definitely he was going to kill each of them without letting anyone escape, and the only reason they were alive was that he wanted to let them feel endless fear and despair.

And it was when Sora showed up again, he had already closed the gates, but the rinnegan was still active just like the One for ALL, and at the same time they noticed that they could not move a single millimeter and his chackra was completely sealed the only thing they could do was move their mouths.

-I have sealed all the space around you, with fuinjutsu then you can give up escape. (Sora)

"I gave all of you a chance to think that you were at least human, and I was reciprocated with the death of what I loved, I have to thank each and every one of you. (Sora) said still in an icy tone

"After all you taught me two very valuable lessons, the first was despair and the second was never to show pity to anyone. (Sora)

"I will return the favor, and I will show you all what the word despair means, for I want you to know that as soon as I have finished dealing with you all I will go to each of your villages or organizations and kill everyone. (Sora)

"I am not going to deny that I am to blame for her death, and I will not ask for forgiveness for myself, but I ask you to show mercy to Iwa, for they are innocent. (Onoki)

"After you have killed Hinata, there is not a single person close to you that I consider innocent. (Sora)

"How can you be so cruel you are a demon by chance?" (Rasa) cried out in fear, not for himself, but for his village.

"How cruel can you be a demon?" (Rasa) cried out in fear, not for himself, but for his village.

-Demon? HAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAH. (Sora) said and began to laugh

-You could say yes, after all I killed over ten thousand people without feeling any remorse, and you irritated that demon, when you killed one of the most important people in your life, now you will deal with the consequences. (Sora)

"Sora, stop it, please, this is not you." Kushina cried with tears in her eyes as she ran and hugged her son.

She already understood that the son does not plan to spare either of the enemies or people they love, being innocent or not, and also realized that he is being eroded by hatred and guilt over Hinata's death, and if she does not stop him now she will Doubts will see his son become a heartless monster.

Sora got rid of his arm, turned to Kushina and shouted,

-How can you tell me to stop they killed Hinata, I lost the only girl I loved just because they decided to attack, and now you dare tell me to spare them, or what do they love? (Sora)

Kushina was shocked by his son's explosion, for he never raised his voice to her, and would only respond in extremely rare cases, and involve Naruto taking a punishment he did not deserve, but she still spoke.

"Yes, I beg you to show mercy, for I am sure Hinata would not wish for it, you said on her birthday she was good and pure, she did not want innocents to be killed, let alone on her behalf. (Kushina)

Minato also approached he put his hand on the son's shoulder and said:

-Sora I understand your hate and the pain you have in losing Hinata, I ask you to stop by now and calm down we will arrest them and seal your tenketsu, if you still can not let them live, after a week, I I will deliver them to you so that you can kill them with your own hands. (Minato)

"How can you even think of asking me something so absurd?" (Sora) said getting more and more angry.

"Simple, because their death will start a war, and that's how Mother uses it," Hinata was not going to wish something like that happened, because she sacrificed her life for you. (Minato)

-In addition, you are so hateful that you do not even realize that you do not even realize, that there is a way for you to have her back after all. Suna has a technique that changes one life for another. All we have to do is find someone who know to use and make you use it after all you have more vitality than any other (Minato) said as he blinked, hoping that the son understood the tip.

Before you say that he is too strong, I want you to remember that the idea of desires was that he could go through life with ease and he had experience of killing from his previous life.

And if possible commemorate writing.


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