
Rebirth journey: A Xianxia world story

well for those who will read this book I will like to tell you in this book rebirth is use not because our protagonist is given another chance in life but for his mental, spiritual and physical rebirth though out his journey in life ***** our story starts from a Xianxia world were a baby panther starts his difficult journey that takes him around the world meeting different types of people some good , some bad, some living a long lasting impression in his life. As he grows in mental, emotional and physical aspects with this journey. for each of his rebirth takes him though a live that changes him, the people around him and the world. from a child panther to the supreme stage of immortal and in the end giving it up for the love one that walk with to the end. so set back a watch a show a life, It will be a tail of sadness, of tragedy,of love ,of passion and of understanding of one self. **** GOOD NIGHT LADIES AND GENTLE CULTURE MANS

Newlink_Addmorfe · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 : trouble

All the breasts dispersed in search of the thieves, except for the Blue Feather Eagle, which came forward to speak with Lord Zen about the situation.

"What is it, Wang? If it's not something about a solution for this situation, you will be like your brother who dared to defy me."

"My lord, how can I be like that fool? I don't dare to question my lord's strength. But Lord Zen, I have important information for you that might help in the cultivation breakthrough."

"Oh, what is this information that is so helpful for the breakthrough? If it's not worth my time, I will rip out the Qi core from your heart."

With absolute confidence, Wang said, "My lord, you should know that the previous fifth-grade breast lord had a wife, right?"

The lord kept his mouth shut for a few minutes as he was deep in thought. He then answered by shaking his head to confirm that he knew.

Seeing the lord's confirmation, Wang said with more confidence, "My lord, what if I say that the wife had children with the bloodline of a fifth-grade breast?" The Blue Feather Eagle had an evil smile as it said this.

Lord Zen also had an evil smile on his face as he understood what the eagle was talking about.

"Well, well, well. I thought the core was the only thing that bastard left behind, but who would have thought that even in death, he would be like this. Call everyone. I need you to find them fast." Wang rushed out of the place after getting the order to search for the children.

As a higher bloodline is needed for a breast to evolve into a high-grade cultivation, every breast has a bloodline because they hold their Qi in their heart, making their blood flow with Qi. This is where their bloodline comes from. So, to break through to high cultivation, they can use other bloodline Qi, which already has a breath of high-grade Qi, to make it easier to break through.

During the conversation, the mother panther attentively listened to every word spoken. Upon learning that her children were being targeted, she felt a surge of disgust and swiftly departed to ensure their safety.

Upon reaching the Cave, she discovered that her children were peacefully asleep. She urgently awakened them, urging them to quickly relocate to a secure location.

In her mind, she contemplated that heading towards the southern part of the Forest would provide them with safety. Although it was known to be inhabited by dangerous creatures, it would be difficult for Zen, the most formidable among them, to harm her children. With this plan in mind, they began their journey towards the south.

Due to the little panthers' weaker physical condition, they were unable to match their mother's speed. Consequently, she carried them on her back as she sprinted through the Forest.

As they stealthily moved through the shadows, they were suddenly startled by a piercing projectile sounds, emanating from a creature lurking amidst the trees. It was a Night Eyed Stinger, a fearsome beast resembling a wolf with multiple tails capable of launching bone projectiles.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A group of panthers scurrying away in a hurry," the Night Eyed Stinger taunted.

Wang, descending from the sky, interjected, "I had predicted that they would head towards the southern region. Let's not waste time with idle chatter.linger come with us"

Linger, observing the situation with concern, spoke up, "Wang, there must be another way to handle this."