
Rebirth journey: A Xianxia world story

well for those who will read this book I will like to tell you in this book rebirth is use not because our protagonist is given another chance in life but for his mental, spiritual and physical rebirth though out his journey in life ***** our story starts from a Xianxia world were a baby panther starts his difficult journey that takes him around the world meeting different types of people some good , some bad, some living a long lasting impression in his life. As he grows in mental, emotional and physical aspects with this journey. for each of his rebirth takes him though a live that changes him, the people around him and the world. from a child panther to the supreme stage of immortal and in the end giving it up for the love one that walk with to the end. so set back a watch a show a life, It will be a tail of sadness, of tragedy,of love ,of passion and of understanding of one self. **** GOOD NIGHT LADIES AND GENTLE CULTURE MANS

Newlink_Addmorfe · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 5 : tension in the air part-2

After ensuring the safety of those in the cave, she stepped out to assess the situation outside.

"I am perplexed. with the arrival of a new fifth-grade lower stage Qi cultivation breast, there should be a balance of power shift that would require the high-ranking breasts to leave their territory."

As the mother panther surveyed the forest, she noticed a group of breasts scouring the area for Driffint keep of treasure fruits. Each carried second or third-grade Qi fruits with them.

She trailed them to the location where they were taking the treasure. Although there was no fourth-grade breast among them, they were all at least third-grade superior stage Qi cultivators.

As the group ventured deeper into the forest, she sensed an extremely terrible aura being released. While there were three to four auras of fourth-grade, there was an evil aura hidden within.

"It appears that the fifth-grade breast's arrival was not beneficial. It seems that we are going to experience a breast tide, judging by the animals' behavior."

She observed all the breasts being suppressed by the fifth-grade breast. When a high-level bloodline breast becomes a high-grade being, they possess the ability to suppress all other animals, making it possible to control lower-grade breasts, although not all animals due to some having a strong bloodline or high grade.

"Judging by the situation, a breast tide with one fifth-grade, some fourth-grade, and hundreds of third and second-grade breasts will put a lot of pressure on humans. But what is the reason for this breast tide?"

As she remained hidden in the shadows, no one saw or felt her presence. She pondered the reason for all this when she overheard one of the fourth-grade breasts say, "Hey, did you find them? Boss will be very angry if we don't find them fast. I don't want to die this time like the last one."

Another breast replied, "Why are you asking me? It has been four days, and we still haven't found a clue of them."

"Ah, well, we shall meet our demise eventually, but before that, I shall eliminate you, you troublesome bastard."

"Oh, come on, you piece of shit, let us determine who possesses the greatest strength."

A deep growl resonated, but before the two could engage in combat, their attention was diverted by the roar of a large orange bear with white stripes and a horn protruding from its head.

"Lord Zen, you have awakened from your slumber," spoke a blue feathered eagle of the fourth grade middle stage, as the group knelt in reverence.

The majestic spiritual horned bear gazed at them intensely and inquired, "Have you located the humans who have stolen my precious treasure?"

Trembling with intensity in their voices, they replied, "Lord, we are still searching, as the forest is vast. It will take some time to locate them."

"I do not have the luxury of time to entertain your excuses. I am at a critical juncture in my breakthrough. Due to those humans pilfering my fifth grade core, I am currently stuck in the middle of my progress. If you do not find them swiftly, I shall not only dispose of all of you, but also turn the human inhabitants of the city into nourishment for my advancement."

(As this is my first attempt at writing, I acknowledge that there may be room for improvement. Nevertheless, I will strive to deliver an engaging story.)

To be continued—good night.